Chapter 6

"Tu'er is indeed talented in military affairs. This "Military Training Manual" is very well written, and the content is also very comprehensive. Even I, I am afraid I can't write it so well. It is clear and clear, and the priorities are clear." Lin Chong tut tut Surprised, he kept praising Chao Qing.Read this booklet over and over again.

Both Chao Gai and Wu Yong were a little confused. After all, in their opinion, Chao Qing had never been in contact with military affairs, and the military book he wrote was praised by Lin Chong, which was a bit beyond their cognition.

Lin Chong handed the pamphlet to Chao Gai and said, "Heavenly King, please take a look. This book is divided into several parts, including selection of troops, training of troops, appointment as generals, rewards and punishments, weapons, and battle formations. The language is clear and easy to understand, even people with limited literacy can understand it.”

Chao Gai flipped through it for a while, he was not interested in reading, and if he read any more, he might fall asleep.He hurriedly closed the book, and said, "Since Coach Lin said it was good, then this booklet is naturally not bad."

Wu Yong seemed to have realized something, and said: "So, as long as you follow this book, you can train good soldiers?"

"Exactly." Lin Chong was full of confidence.

Chao Qing hurriedly said: "Master is too famous. In the end, this booklet is just an auxiliary function. The key is to rely on the master to train. I just thought that in the future, there will be more people in the cottage. It will be much more convenient and efficient for them to lead their soldiers according to this booklet."

Chao Gai was also very happy, and said: "My son has put his heart into it, and now he can think about the future of the cottage."

Wu Yong also said with a smile: "My nephew has grown up, and he can work with the king of heaven to make a career. The future of Liangshan can be said to be bright."

Chao Gai nodded in relief, feeling that his painstaking training for so many years was not in vain.

"Let's give this handbook to Brother Xiao Rang, let him organize a few brothers who can read and write, and copy a few more copies, so that every leader of the cottage will have a copy in the future." Chao Gai ordered.

"I'll make arrangements now." Wu Yong replied.

Soon after, every leader of the army got a brand new "Military Training Manual".

Chao Qing continued: "Father, in my opinion, it is inevitable that these soldiers will be lazy and slippery. Therefore, in order to reward the advanced and warn the laggards, an assessment should be conducted every month. Those who are good in the assessment will be rewarded, and those who fail will also be rewarded." There should be some punishment, so that everyone can compete for the first place. In addition, there should be military exercises and competitions between the battalions every six months to stimulate their fighting spirit."

"My son's method is very good." Chao Gai was happy in his heart. These days, Chao Qing came up with many good ideas for the cottage, and the whole cottage has a new look.With such a good assistant, Chao Gai, the village owner, feels more at ease.

Lin Chong also felt more and more that his apprentice was a very thoughtful person, and he valued him more and more.

On this day, Chao Gai, Chao Qing, Wu Yong, Lin Chong and others were discussing military training.Wu Yong suddenly said: "Brother Gongming has been down the mountain for several days, why hasn't he come back?"

Chao Gai was also puzzled and said, "Yeah, Yuncheng is not far from Liangshan, so we should have come back a long time ago. Even if Mrs. Song is old and can't walk more every day, he should arrive by ox cart. Nothing will happen. Surprise."

Something must have happened to Song Jiang, Chao Qing thought in his heart, but his face remained silent.

According to the plot of the original book, not long after Song Jiang went down the mountain, Chao Gai, Liu Tang and others led people down the mountain to meet him, and only then did they rescue Song Jiang who was surrounded by Zhao Neng and Zhao De.But now he is dragging Chao Gai to organize the military training, and no one goes down the mountain. In all likelihood, Song Jiang was captured by Zhao Neng and Zhao De.

"Let's send Dean Dai to investigate!" Chao Qing suggested.

Chao Gai nodded, then called Dai Zong and asked him to go down the mountain to find out the situation.Dai Zong's divine movement skills are really powerful, within a day, he ran back and forth.

"When I went to Gongming's elder brother's village, I heard from Brother Song Qing that on the day Gongming's elder brother came back, he was arrested by the two newly promoted leaders of the county, named Zhao Neng and Zhao De, and put in prison. Brother Song Qing originally wanted to come to Liangshan for help, but there were many yamen guards outside his village, so he couldn't move. I also killed several yamen guards before I came back."

Chao Qing thought in his heart, it seems that because of his time travel, the story line has begun to change, and Song Jiang was jailed one more time for no reason because of himself.I'm sorry Song Jiang, I didn't expect this to happen.

Chao Gai was already furious when he heard this, and jumped up against the case, cursing: "The dog official is so bold, how is he better than the prefect of Cai Jiu, he dared to oppose my Liangshan and arrest my good brother Gongming. Pity my good brother Gongming. Qingfengzhai is in jail, and just finished being in prison in Jiangzhou. He was rescued from Shangshan with great difficulty, but now he is thrown into the prison in Yuncheng. My brother is out of luck, why is he always in jail. Please come to coach Lin, I want to do my best Soldiers, rescue Gongming Xiandi."

Chao Qing persuaded: "Father calm down, this matter has to be discussed in the long term."

"What's the point of discussing it in detail! It's too late, I'm afraid Brother Gongming's life is in danger!"

Chao Qing was a little speechless, this Chao Gai was indeed very loyal, but he was too impulsive and lacked consideration in doing things.As a leader, the most taboo thing is to issue orders indiscriminately when the head is hot.

"Even if you want to send troops, you have to understand the current situation in Yuncheng. If you send troops rashly, not only will you not be able to save Uncle, but you will kill him instead."

Chao Qing continued to persuade, then turned to ask Dai Zongdao: "Are you sure that uncle is being imprisoned in Yuncheng Prison? What will they do next? Is there any change in the soldiers and horses in the direction of Jeju City?"

As a result, Dai Zong didn't know anything when he asked.

"Brother Gongming should be in the prison in Yuncheng. I heard from Brother Song Qing. I haven't found any other information yet. I am worried about the safety of Brother Gongming, so I hurried back to report."

Chao Qing was speechless for a while, and ran back without finding any valuable news.Dai Zong is just a man who knows how to run fast, and he still lacks the ability to inquire about news. In the original plot, Song Jiang sent Dai Zong and Shi Qian to inquire about the news at the same time. As a result, Dai Zong did not inquire about anything, but Shi Qian did not. Even the deployment of the enemy's troops has been inquired into clearly.This shows the gap between the two.

Fortunately, according to the original plot, Shi Qian is about to go up the mountain, and we must win him over by then.

Wu Yong also persuaded from the side: "If you want to send a large army down the mountain, it will take a lot of time just to prepare. Besides, a small Yuncheng County, why bother to labor so many troops and waste food and grass."

Only then did Chao Gai calm down a bit: "Then what do you two think?"

Chao Qing said: "Father, I think it's better than this. I will lead Uncle Seven, Hua Zhizhai, Dean Dai, Lu Fang, Guo Sheng and more than 100 strong men to Song Taigong Village first. While inquiring about the details, we are preparing to attack The prison in the county seat. Father, take the rest of the leaders in the cottage and prepare. If there is a real need for the army to go down the mountain, it will not be too late for me to ask Dean Dai to come back and let me know."

Wu Yongdao: "The idea of ​​the young leader is relatively safe. I think we should follow the idea of ​​the young leader."

Chao Gai thought for a while and said, "Forget it, just do as my son wants. But there is one thing, I will take the lead down the mountain in person, and you and the military division will stay on the mountain, my son."

"Father is the lord of a village, how can he move lightly." Chao Qing said this sentence almost without thinking.No way, who impressed him with this line, at this moment, he said it naturally, almost without thinking.

"Song Gongming is my virtuous younger brother, why don't I go and rescue him myself!"

"Father, you have been active in Yuncheng County for a long time, and there are many people who know you. If you go, it will be more troublesome if you are recognized by those officials. So let me go on your behalf, county magistrate Few people know me. Besides, now that the child is grown up, Dad should let me practice more. This time is just a chance. "

After hearing this, Chao Gai stopped insisting.

"It doesn't matter, you can take me down the mountain this time, baby. But once you rescue your uncle, you must notify me as soon as possible, so that I can feel at ease. Also tell your uncle, I am very worried."

"Daddy will wait for the good news in the cottage."

Chao Qing immediately ordered Ruan Xiaoqi, Hua Rong, Dai Zong, Lu Fang, Guo Sheng and more than 100 heroes to go down the mountain.These heroes are naturally in the camp led by these leaders. More than 100 people were killed in a mighty manner towards Yuncheng County.

On the other hand, Chao Gai, together with Wu Yong and Lin Chong, summoned the remaining leaders of the cottage, told them the news of Song Jiang's imprisonment, and asked them to be ready to go out at any time.

Upon hearing the news of Song Jiang's imprisonment, everyone was in an uproar.Some leaders, such as Yanshun and others, began clamoring to go down the mountain to save Song Jiang.

Chao Gai explained that Chao Qing had already taken people down the mountain, which calmed everyone down.

Wu Yong sighed, "Fortunately, Li Kui is not on the mountain, otherwise he would have heard the news that Gongming's brother was in prison, and he wouldn't know how to make a fuss!"

After hearing this, Chao Gai and others felt that this was really a blessing in misfortune.

In fact, the county magistrate of Yuncheng at this time is also in a state of desperation. The original county magistrate Shi Wenbin lost his black hat because of Chao Gai's robbery of the birth certificate. Offending Liangshan, the small county of Yuncheng couldn't stop Liangshan's attack at all, but the task assigned by the superior to help capture Liangshan's heroes had to be completed.So he sent Zhao Neng and Zhao De to follow up at Song Taigong Village, but it was just a show.Who knew that these two idiots actually captured Song Jiang for him.This is a sweet potato that is too hot to touch.

Zhao Wen also made a decisive decision, immediately loaded Song Jiang into a prison van, and swaggered to Jeju Prefecture.The reason why you want to swagger is to tell Liangshan's spies that if you want to save Song Jiang, go to Jeju Prefecture and don't come to Yuncheng County again.It's a pity that Liangshan's spy Dai Zong didn't find out this news at all.

(End of this chapter)

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