Chapter 7
The weather in July is very hot, and even the vegetation is sunburned, and the farmers working in the fields are still enduring the heat.

Fortunately, Chao Qing and other Liangshan heroes are all from the bottom of the society, and they have experienced in Liangshan, so they can endure hardships.Although the journey was exhausting and their faces were already covered with a mixture of sweat and dust, everyone ignored them and kept walking.It was as if there was an invisible whip whipping and urging them behind.

After all, the anxiety in their hearts was more scorching than the sun, and they were afraid that Song Jiang's life would be lost if he went one step too late.

After walking for a while, a fork appeared in front of them. Chao Qing recognized that one led to the county town and the other led to Songjiazhuang.

Chao Qing said to Hua Rong and the others: "Hua Zhizhai, Xiao Qishu and I will go to the county to find out the news first, please take your brothers to Song Taigong Village and wait for me. What do you think?"

Huarong also maintained enough respect for this young leader who was nearly ten years younger than himself.

"Alright, as the saying goes, make a decision before moving. We will plan the next action plan after you find out the news, young leader. However, there must be many eyes and ears of the court in the county, so the young leader must be careful."

"Don't worry, I have been to Yuncheng County countless times since I was a child, and I am very familiar with it, and there are not many people in the city who know me. By the way, you need to remove all the officers and soldiers who were watching in front of Song Taigong Village." Chao Qing urged.

"It's a small matter, and I will never let it go." After all, Hua Rong was also a military officer in the imperial court, and this matter was not difficult for him.

So the people parted ways.

Huarong and other more than 100 men have Dai Zong leading the way, so they are not afraid of going wrong.

Chao Qing and Ruan Xiaoqi also kept walking. When they were thirsty, they took a sip of the water they brought with them, and they continued on their way with a bloated stomach.

Ruan Xiaoqi asked as he walked, "Young Chief, I have something to ask you."

"Uncle Qi, you don't have to be polite between us, if you have any confusion, just ask."

"Okay! May I ask if the young leader is actively volunteering this time, is he really focused on saving brother Gongming, or does he have other ideas?" Ruan Xiaoqi was straight to the point and straight to the point.

Chao Qing stopped and looked at Ruan Xiaoqi in confusion.

"Any other idea?"

Ruan Xiaoqi didn't answer, just stared at Chao Qing.

Chao Qing said: "Of course I want to rescue my uncle. What other ideas can I have?"


"Of course it's true, and the world can learn from it." Chao Qing said it so solemnly that he almost swore by the sky, as if he wasn't going to lie.

Ruan Xiaoqi laughed, and said, "That's good. Earlier, the young leader reminded us to be careful that Brother Gongming would be unfavorable to the position of Lord Chao Tianwang. This time, Brother Gongming was arrested, and you took the initiative to ask for your order to go down the mountain. I thought you were I want to take this opportunity to eradicate the grass. It turns out that I, Ruan Xiaoqi, made a mistake."

As he spoke, he knelt down to Chao Qing with a plop.

"It's me, Ruan Xiaoqi, who treats the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Please forgive the young leader, and ask the young leader to punish me."

Chao Qing hurriedly helped Ruan Xiaoqi up, and said, "Why is Uncle Xiaoqi doing this!"

Ruan Xiaoqi said seriously: "I, Ruan Xiaoqi, am an upright and good man, and I can act upright and sit upright. I will never do such insidious means to harm my own people. Although I wholeheartedly assist Chao Tianwang, it doesn't mean that I will So I lost my principles. I was worried that the young leader would use some means to harm Brother Gongming this time, so I asked this question. Since there is no young leader, it is because I, Ruan Xiaoqi, misunderstood the young leader, so please punish the young leader. .”

It turned out that this is the case, this Ruan Xiaoqi is really an upright hero, and Chao Qing also admires it very much.

Chao Qing also laughed, and said: "Uncle Seven speaks and does things upright, and he deserves the title of a hero. He is a role model for my generation. But you are a hero, and I, Chao Qing, are not such a villain. Don't worry, I Chao Qing is not the kind of person who has no bottom line in his behavior and will not attack his own people."

Ruan Xiaoqi still felt guilty for her reckless behavior.

Chao Qing said: "I'm really worried that my uncle will threaten my father's position as the village head, but this is only out of consideration of the analysis of the actual situation, not any personal grudge against my uncle. As long as my uncle doesn't do anything wrong to my father, I will How could I do something wrong to him. In my heart, Chao Qing, I also hope that our heroes on Liangshan can be as close as brothers. If we do that brother-in-law thing, it will only make the world laugh at us."

"It's the best. This is a Liangshan hero with a magnanimous heart." Ruan Xiaoqi said straightforwardly.

After the two exchanged their hearts, Ruan Xiaoqi finally recognized Chao Qing from the bottom of his heart.Along the way, the friendship between the two has also improved a lot.

By dusk, the two had already entered the county seat.

"Young leader, where do we start to inquire about this news?"

Chao Qing said: "In the city, both Zhu Dongdutou and Lei Hengdutou have a close relationship with my father, and also have a close relationship with my uncle. They are also members of the government. Naturally, I should ask them first to ask about the situation."

So the two came to Zhu's mansion all the way.Zhu Ting is a wealthy local family, and the house is also built quite luxuriously.

As for why he came to Zhu Dian first instead of Lei Heng, it was because in Chao Qing's mind, Zhu Dian was much more reliable than Lei Heng.In the whole "Water Margin", Zhu Ting can be regarded as a representative of loyalty. When he heard that Song Jiang was arrested, he would definitely not stand idly by.As for Lei Heng, he is narrow-minded, greedy for money, and too cunning, so he may not be completely trustworthy.

So although both of them came from the same background, after they got to Liangshan, one of them got the No. 12 position, and the asterisk was Tian Man Xing, while the other only ranked in the 20s.In a group like Liangshan where loyalty comes first, such a ranking more or less shows that Lei Heng is a little lacking in brotherhood.

Chao Qing knocked on the door of Zhu Mansion, and a young man opened the door and asked, "Who are you?"

"You just said that an old friend came to visit." Chao Qing was not stupid enough to leak his information like that.

The gatekeeper looked at the two of them very much, and then went in to report.

Soon, Zhu Ting appeared at the door, his big beard was really eye-catching.If it wasn't too rude, Chao Qing really wanted to go up and touch her.

When Zhu Dian saw Chao Qing, he was both surprised and happy, but he didn't show his face.

"Menzi said that there are two vicious people who don't look like good people at first glance. They claim to be my old friends and want to see me. I don't know who it is. It turns out that it is a good nephew."

Are you vicious?Chao Qing felt that his face had always been that of a gentleman.Maybe it's because Ruan Xiaoqi is next to him, and his appearance is affected by him. After all, his nickname is Huo Yanluo, and he looks like an expert in doing bad things.

Of course, you can't judge a book by its cover.

Zhu Dian calmly led them to the study, and turned around.

"Nephew, why did you come here? I heard that you fell grass in Liangshan with Chao Tianwang. How is Tian Wang doing?"

"I'm sorry, Zhu is worried. My father is all right, and he lives at ease on Mount Liang every day." Chao Qing said, and introduced Ruan Xiaoqi to Zhu Dian.

Zhu Dian recalled the night when he released Chao Gai privately, they were as panic-stricken as a bereaved dog. They did not expect that Liangshan has managed to flourish and become a leader in Shandong's green forests. The world is really changing.

"Don't call me Dutou anymore, I'm now a commoner, and I don't have half a job." Zhu Dian sighed.

Chao Qing didn't expect Zhu Dian to have been dismissed, which is different from the plot of the original novel.It seems that many details of the Water Margin world that I traveled through have changed.

"Dutou, you have done your duty all these years to protect the safety of one side, and you have a good reputation among the people. Why don't you do it?" Ruan Xiaoqi asked curiously.

"Speaking of it, it was because of the matter of the birthday guide. The county magistrate at that time, Shi Wenbin, was implicated in this matter and was dismissed from office. The new county magistrate, Zhao Wen, heard that I had a deep personal relationship with Chao Tianwang, and he was very jealous of me, so he He dismissed me from my position. Now his relatives Zhao De and Zhao Neng are in charge of the capital in the county."

Chao Qing said: "So, Lei Heng has his head against him..."

"That's right, Lei Hengdu was also dismissed. Later, He Taiping, the new magistrate of Jeju Prefecture, heard about me from nowhere, and wanted to transfer me to Jeju Prefecture to be the deputy general of his regiment. I thought about how the officialdom is dark now. It's not very interesting to be an official, it's better to be a rich man at home and have a good time, so I refused."

He Taiping?This name sounds familiar, Chao Qing recalled where he had heard this name in his mind.He suddenly remembered, isn't this the character in "Dang Kou Zhi"!

His thinking was a little confused for a while.

Now that He Taiping appeared, according to this, what I traveled through was not the original "Water Margin" with pure blood, but the Water Margin world with the characters from "Dang Kou Zhi" messing in.

Chao Qing wanted to swear at that time, but fortunately his civilized quality prevented him from doing so, so he wanted to be a quality person.

If people like Chen Xizhen and Yun Tianbiao really exist, then I have to be more cautious, and I have to readjust the development plan I made before.After all, these mortal enemies of Liangshan are not so easy to deal with.

It seems that my trip down the mountain is still worth it, and I have obtained such an important piece of information. The appearance of the characters in "Dang Kou Zhi" directly changed the worldview setting of this world.Fortunately, everything has just begun, and Chao Qing can make preparations.

As the saying goes, people without long-term concerns must have near-term worries, but now Chao Qing has both near-term worries and long-term worries.For example, Song Jiang is threatening Chao Gai's position as the village leader at any time; for example, the problem of recruiting security in Liangshan will be faced in the future, and for a little further (if he can survive until then), he still has to face the southward movement of Jinren from the north. .

Song Jiang, the imperial court, Tian Hu, Wang Qing, Fang La, and the Jin people in the north, this chaotic world is already chaotic enough, even more chaotic than a ball of wool, but these characters from "Dang Kou Zhi" came to intervene, which really added to the chaos!
(End of this chapter)

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