Water Margin set the country

Chapter 8 One step late

Chapter 8

I just heard Zhu Ting continue to say: "Lei Heng's family still has an old mother who needs to support him, but he himself is addicted to gambling, and the money he got is gone in a blink of an eye, and the family has no money left. The source of income, life is a bit difficult for a while, and these days it has all depended on my relief. But as the saying goes, it is not an option to go on like this, so I recommended Lei Heng to Governor He. A few months ago, he had He went to Jeju City and served as a deputy training envoy. His old mother is still in the county, so I paid someone to take care of him."

Chao Qing was a little surprised, he didn't expect Lei Heng to have such an encounter in life, it's an interesting thing, I don't know what his fate will be in the future.By the way, Zhu Ting is indeed a good friend.

In this way, Lei Heng beat Bai Xiuying, went to jail, was sentenced to exile, and finally Zhu Dian let Lei Heng go, and Zhu Dian's assassin met Xiao Ya Nei, etc. It seems that a series of incidents will not happen.In other words, that poor little Ya Nei should be able to escape the black whirlwind's ax and grow up safely, which is also a good thing.

"Zhu Dutou." Although the other party is now a commoner, Chao Qing still addresses him as Dutou to show respect. "I came to Yuncheng County this time because I really have an important matter."

Zhu Ting stroked his long beard, squinted at Chao Qing, and said with an expression that I knew everything, "If what I expected is correct, the two of you are here because of Brother Gongming!"

"Exactly. Zhu Dutou, is my uncle still safe in prison?" Chao Qing was very concerned in his words.

Ruan Xiaoqi also fixed his eyes on Zhu Dian's mouth, hoping that happy words such as all right, safe, all right, etc. would come out of his mouth.

"Hey, you two are one step late!" Zhu Tong sighed.

What?Has Song Jiang been killed?Does the magistrate really dare to kill Song Jiang just like that, and is he not afraid of Liang Shan's revenge? Or does he have any backing to dare to fight against Liang Shan?
"The two of you don't know. On the night when Brother Gongming was arrested, he was sent to Jeju Prefecture by the county magistrate. Now he has been imprisoned in the prison of Jeju Prefecture. It has been three or four days."

Chao Qing kept rolling his eyes at Zhu Dian in his heart, and he was most taboo to speak such a big panting. If his heart couldn't bear it, he could pass out on the spot.

"This county magistrate is clever and wants to divert this disaster to the Jizhou government. Does he think that I, Liangshan, can let him go!" Chao Qing was indignant.

Ruan Xiaoqi also said: "When brother Gongming is rescued, I will come to settle accounts with this county magistrate!"

"Then how does the Jeju government plan to deal with this matter?"

Zhu Ting shook his head and said, "I don't know about that. I only heard that He Taiping is an official with some skills. Even if Brother Gongming is not in danger of his life for the time being, I'm afraid he will suffer a lot."

Ruan Xiaoqi said: "Isn't Lei Hengdu right in Jeju? He should take care of him."

"Even so, suffering is inevitable." Zhu Tong has worked in the government for many years, and he knows very well what kind of treatment the prisoners in the prison will enjoy, whether they are locked up in the county or in the state.

Chao Qing said: "Thank you, Zhu Dutou, for the news! Uncle Qi, it's not too late. Let's go to Jeju Mansion immediately."

"it is good!"

"Wait a minute, both of you," Zhu Dian shouted.

Both Chao Qing and Ruan Xiaoqi paused as they were about to step out the door, to see if Zhu Dian had anything else to say.

Zhu Dian said: "Since I was dismissed from office, I have been living at home with nothing to do. I often go to Bieye in the countryside to drink and hunt. I only returned to the county town yesterday, and only then did I hear about Brother Gongming being arrested. I was sent to Jeju Prefecture. I just packed my luggage and money, and I was going to go to Jeju Prefecture to rescue Brother Gongming, and you happened to be here, so let’s go together.”

This Zhu Ting is really the most loyal and heroic man in Liangshan. It is not ordinary to be able to do this for a friend.There are many people in Vanity Fair in this world, intriguing, cheating, cheating, and scheming and taking advantage of each other.People with ancient flavors like Zhu Tie make people feel extra warm.They are like a warm wind in the cold winter.

Chao Qing respected this man even more.

"Zhu Dutou, thank you for your kindness. But you are an innocent citizen. If you were with us, wouldn't it hurt you? I will definitely convey your thoughts to my uncle, but this trip to Jeju, Uncle Seven and I You can also go to the Liangshan brothers. You can rest at home and wait for our news."

He doesn't want to be a person like Song Jiang. Others live a peaceful life, but in order to pull them to Liangshan, they use all kinds of schemes to ruin their families.Zhu Ting is a well-known rich man in the local area. The other party insists on loyalty, and he also needs to show loyalty. How can he pull the other party into the water.

Anyway, I am a grassroots bandit in Liangshan, and I am not afraid of committing crimes, but Zhu Dian is still a law-abiding citizen.

"What are you two talking about. Life is nothing more than loyalty. I, Zhu Ting, am not the kind of person who doesn't care about the life and death of friends for the sake of my own safety. If I really wait for your news in the county seat and do nothing, I will What face is there to live in this world?"

Zhu Tong's words were impassioned and impassioned.Chao Qing felt that if he tried to dissuade him again, he would ruin the other party's reputation of loyalty.

"In that case, I would like to thank Zhu Dutou. It is not too late. Let's set off immediately and go to Song Taigong Village to meet Huazhizhai and the others."

So the three of them rushed to Song Taigong Village again. On the way, Chao Qing and Ruan Xiaoqi told Zhu Dian about the situation in Liangshan. Zhu Dian was relieved to hear that Chao Gai and other old friends were living well on the mountain.When we arrived at Song Taigong's village, a crescent moon had already hung up.

At this time, the people who were watching Zhuangqian had already been caught by Hua Rong and others, and they were all still awake, enjoying the cool in the courtyard, waiting for news from Chao Qing.The old lady Song and Song Qing both looked worried and haggard. It seemed that they had been worrying a lot about Song Jiang these days.

When everyone saw Chao Qing and Ruan Xiaoqi coming back, they immediately gathered around to ask about the situation.

"How is brother Gongming?"

"Are we going to rob the prison in the city now, the guys have everything ready!"

"This time, the dog magistrate's head will be taken!"

Everyone asked me a sentence, asking non-stop.

Chao Qing signaled everyone to be quiet, and briefly introduced the current situation.He also introduced Zhu Dian to everyone.

When Mrs. Song heard that her son had been arrested and taken to the prison in Jeju, she didn't catch up and fainted on the spot.Everyone was busy helping Song Taigong back to the house to rest, and they were in a hurry.

Hua Rong asked: "Should we go back to Liangshan, raise troops to attack Jeju Prefecture, and rescue Brother Gongming?"

Chao Qing shook his head and said: "Jezhou City is strong, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to take it for a while. And once we mobilize troops, maybe the magistrate will use his uncle's knife to sacrifice the priest first, which will actually hurt my uncle."

Everyone felt that Chao Qing's analysis made sense.

"Then what should we do?" Lu Fang asked.

Chao Qing looked confident, and said: "This matter can only be taken out of your wits. Please don't be afraid of hard work, brothers, and follow me to Jeju City."

All the heroes expressed their willingness to go in unison.

Hua Rong said: "I've had enough rest here, I don't think it's too late, how about setting off tonight?"

Zhu Ting thought about it in his mind and said: "Jeju is not far from here. Let's rush to Jeju City overnight. When we get there, it should be the time when the city gates are open."

Chao Qing nodded in agreement.

Hua Rong asked again: "What should we do when we arrive in Jeju City? We have to make a plan first."

Chao Qing said: "There is no need to worry about Huazhi Village, I have already thought about it."

Then Chao Qing gave orders.First of all, Dai Zong was asked to return to Liangshan to deliver the news. First, to report the news of Song Jiang, and second, to ask Chao Gai to send some leaders down to take Song Taigong and Song Qing up the mountain first.

These more than 100 men were divided into more than a dozen waves and entered the city one after another to avoid being discovered by the officers and soldiers. After entering the city, they went to the Chunyang Taoist Temple and Lingfei Temple in the city to ambush and wait for news.

After Lu Fang and Guo Sheng entered the city, they went to the city to find out the various roads, the location of the city gate, etc., so that they could quickly formulate a retreat route after Song Jiang was rescued.Hua Rong and Ruan Xiaoqi went to find out the residence of Prefect He and the deployment of the defenders in the city.Chao Qing and Zhu Dian went to find Lei Heng in the city and asked him about Song Jiang's situation.Everyone agreed that they would gather together at Chunyang Taoist Temple the next night.

The distribution has been decided, and everyone split up to act, and the brigade headed towards Jeju.When the sun rose in the east and the vicious sun ravaged the world again, these more than 100 Liangshan heroes all entered the city safely and faithfully carried out their tasks.

Chao Qing found Lei Heng's residence all the way under the leadership of Zhu Dian.

Lei Heng had a drink with some friends in the military camp the night before, and was woken up by the butler not long after he fell asleep. He was going to have a good fit, but when he heard that Zhu Dian was coming, he packed up his mood and came out to meet him.

After all, I can have such a happy life now, but it is all thanks to Zhu Dian's recommendation. In a sense, Zhu Dian is my benefactor.I thought that when I was in Yuncheng County, I was just a blacksmith, because I knew some martial arts and made friends with Zhu Dian. Later, I also got Zhu Dian's recommendation and became the infantry capital of Yuncheng County.This is really a noble person in my life.

"Brother Zhu, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much, but the military is busy with affairs, so I haven't been able to go back to see you. Please don't blame me."

Sitting in the living room, Chao Qing and Zhu Dian heard Lei Heng's voice before they saw him.

When Lei Heng entered the room, he saw Zhu Dian first, and then he saw the young man beside Zhu Dian. He was stunned for a moment, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Isn't this nephew Chao Qingxian! I haven't seen you for several years, and I almost didn't recognize him. What wind brought you here?"

Then Lei Heng ran to the door again, yelling at the top of his voice, calling the butler over, asking him to prepare wine and dishes, and to treat the distinguished guests well.

(End of this chapter)

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