Just when the officials of Chengdu Prefecture were arguing about the case investigated by Jinyiwei.Zhang Fan was not at all idle here.He has already started to move.The so-called action.It's actually quite simple.It was also within the expectations of these people.

On the day when the incident came out.Zhang Fan made a move.It was he himself who led the people.I went directly to find Zeng Xingwu.only.Zhang Fan's expression.He looked extremely angry.Very upset.It seemed that something offended him.

And today.It was also at Zeng Xingwu's home.Once again many people gathered.These people are not the same as they were yesterday.There was a lot more angry expression on his face.After all yesterday.What Zhang Fan asked Jin Yiwei to do.Although it makes them feel uncomfortable.But no real harm has happened yet.But today.What Zhang Fan's subordinates did.But there is already a fundamental difference.Already it can be said that the case will be the responsibility.Pointing to Zeng Xingwu.So these people are here today.In fact, it is still not helping Zeng Xingwu to solve the problem.Instead, he vented his resentment again.

And wait until Zhang Fan arrives.This look of him.Let many people present have a look in their hearts.Sure enough, such a sigh.And after sighing.Just more angry.Everyone thought of the possibility of this happening.But not everyone is convinced this is bound to happen.In fact.Among these people.Only a small number of people think that the situation may become like this.

Although the rest of the people also thought of this possibility.But they don't think so.In the eyes of these people.It is normal for Zhang Fan to have such thoughts.But they don't think so.Why did Zhang Fan have to do this.Even before.There were some unpleasant things between him and Zeng Xingwu.But that's not the reason to do it.and.Didn't Zhang Fan reconcile with Zeng Xingwu before?

Even if it is said.Zhang Fan is even more arrogant than Zeng Xingwu.No matter how small his mind is.But thinking about it, he wouldn't offend Zeng Xingwu indiscriminately.After all, although Zeng Xingwu's official position is not as high as his.But this does not mean that Zeng Xingwu has no influence.Plus.The relationship between Zeng Xingwu and Zhang Juzheng.If it is said that Zhang Fan acted recklessly.He must have run into some trouble too.

so.Even thought of this possibility.But not many people think that Zhang Fan will really do this.so.When Zhang Fan appeared in front of these people with such an expression.Only a small number of people showed anger immediately.And there is another group of people.Show a burst of surprise.In turn, like everyone else.There was anger on his face.Only compared to those who thought so earlier.The anger of these people was more violent.

And these people don't mention it.But it is the rightful master this time.I have saved myself.He didn't react too aggressively to this.It's just that the expression on his face is even more lonely.Zeng Shengwu is not stupid at all.we can even say.He was among those who gathered in his house to complain for him.One of the smartest.It doesn't look too much either.so.Things that these people can imagine.How could he not think of it.

But now.But he didn't think about whether Zhang Fan would do what he thought before.After all, Zhang Fan has already done so now.Zeng Xingwu is not indifferent to this matter.But he couldn't say anything at all.Why.The reason is very simple.Because he has long realized the wrong thing he did in this matter.Say nothing now.It's not that he can make Zhang Fan flatten and round at will.It was his guilt.Let him say nothing.

only.Zeng Shengwu's guilt.Just guilt for what I did wrong.It's not about guilt towards Ding Guangyou.It can be seen from this.How guilty Zeng Xingwu is.Even at this point.Still so annoying to people he doesn't like.He only feels guilty for what he did wrong.But he doesn't feel any sympathy towards the victim.

perhaps.God must have deliberately done this in the dark.Zhang Fan came here to punish Zeng Xingwu who had such thoughts.

"Master Zhang, why are you visiting the humble house today?" Although he clearly knew what Zhang Fan was here for.But Zeng Xingwu still asked such a polite question.

And following what Zeng Xingwu said.Zhang Fan also changed his expression accordingly.Turned into a smiling face.It's just that the smile looks a little distorted.It's completely an angry smile: "Master Zeng. It's up to now. I don't believe you don't know what I'm here for this time."

"Alas..." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Zeng Shengwu didn't say anything.Just let out a long sigh.Obviously.He has already admitted it.It's just that there are some things that can't be said.

For Zhang Fan.Although Zeng Xingwu admitted it.But the smile on Zhang Fan's face.But it has become more contemptuous.That's just saying it. "It's all done by myself. Now it's so hidden. What's the point?"

And aside.People who saw Zhang Fan's appearance.All became more angry.They naturally understood the meaning in Zhang Fan's expression.But even if he understood what Zhang Fan meant.But no one said anything.reason.Even Zeng Shengwu himself.They all look like they are unreasonable.He accepted Zhang Fan's words.But he didn't say anything.

If Zeng Xingwu just opened his mouth to defend something.Even if it's just saying something that doesn't make sense.But in this way.The people next to him will naturally chime in.But now.Zeng Xingwu didn't say a word.No matter how anxious the people on the side are.They couldn't say anything either.

"Since Mr. Zeng doesn't speak, then I have to speak." Zhang Fan said.That bad tone.There is no hiding at all. "Early this morning. My people went to Kang Er's house. I wanted to bring him back for questioning. The result. After opening the door, I couldn't even find anyone. It was just an empty and messy kennel. At home Nothing is missing. Even some of the previous accessories are still there. But only the silver and some clothes are missing. This is not a mistake by a thief. It just looks like he left in a hurry.

"Also. Kang Er's home has some medicinal materials for treating typhoid fever. My subordinates went to ask. But I bought it just the day before yesterday. If I remember correctly, I was the one who accepted Ding Guangyou's complaint the day before yesterday. The person who wants to investigate this case Time. Don't say that this Kang Er suddenly disappeared because of some disaster in the past two days. If that is the case, doesn't it make people feel too coincidental?

"So. Mr. Zeng. You should know what I think. That's right. It's absconding in fear of crime. This Kang Er must have done something. There was no one to control him. He was carefree. Now I heard that I came to investigate this The case is over. Panic. This is what I want to run away immediately.

"Although it is very possible to say so. However, I don't think so. I asked my subordinates to inquire about this Kang Er. This is indeed a cowardly and timid rascal. However, if this person encounters a big problem But he is very timid. I don’t know what the hell is going on. But according to my subordinates, those who know him told me. This Kang Er’s courage is so small that he can’t even do things like escape. the point.

"So now. Mr. Zeng must be able to imagine what I was thinking. Not bad. In my opinion, this Kang Er will disappear for no reason at such a time. It is not a coincidence. It is not this time that he thinks he has committed a crime." The matter was too big. So I ran away. It seems to me. It’s more like being instigated by someone. This is the one who escaped. I just don’t know. Who is the person who instigated him.” Speaking of here .Zhang Fan looked at Zeng Xingwu even more contemptuously.

everyone.All the people present.Including Zeng Shengwu.Everyone understood what Zhang Fan's eyes meant.But Zeng Xing myself.Just more lonely.He didn't even bother to speak.And the other people on the side.But also became more angry.Zhang Fan said so.Although he didn't say who it was.But the meaning of his words.And that contemptuous look that has been staring at Zeng Xingwu.All of them are saying "I'm just doubting you".

And now.Obviously didn't do this.Zeng Xingwu, who was clearly able to defend himself, didn't say anything.Why not.Not because of previous guilt.Guilt doesn't make people like Zeng Xingwu admit to things they didn't do.

The reason why Zeng Xingwu doesn't justify now.Because he knows.The situation today.If he opened his mouth to defend himself.It just makes his words sound more like a sophistry.at this time.If he said so.Naturally, it will be even more unfavorable to him.

only.Say nothing.It may allow Zeng Xingwu to come out of an unfavorable situation.But at the same time, it will also let him into another unfavorable situation.

nowadays.Under Zhang Fan's persecution.It can even be said that he was the one who let Kang Er escape by name.But Zeng Xingwu didn't say anything.This gives the feeling.Simply.By default.

Zeng Xingwu now.A dilemma looms.Say no.Do not say it is not.

but.Zeng Shengwu's dilemma.For Zhang Fan.But it is greatly beneficial.

but.The so-called some people are happy and some people are worried.That's how things are in the world.Some people are proud.Some people will be frustrated.

Although I feel like doing this in my heart.I am indeed a little sorry for Zeng Xingwu.But Zhang Fan is now for his own plan.This is the only way to do it.

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