Jin Yiwei sent people to search Kang Er's home, but no one was found. It didn't take long for this incident to spread throughout Chengdu's shouting alleys. After all, now the entire Chengdu, whether it's officials or people, are all paying attention to this matter. As long as there is a little bit of news about this matter, it will immediately become known to passers-by after being passed on by several people.

This time is the same as the case of Zhang Fan going to trial Ding Guangyou that was reported last time, and it is not good news. However, the difference is that although the last time was not good, it was still a matter of nothing, so even if It's just worrying, and it won't make people feel that there is any problem. What's more, at that time, there were still many people who were lucky in their hearts, thinking that nothing would happen to this matter.

But this time it was completely different. Although Jin Yiwei went to arrest people, although these officials in Chengdu felt angry, but because the situation was stronger than others, they couldn't say anything, but this time they went to arrest people, but returned empty-handed Well, speaking of it, it wasn't Jin Yiwei's problem, but the person who was to be arrested had simply disappeared.

At this moment, all the people in the officialdom in Chengdu became confused.

If it is said that Jin Yiwei went to arrest people and caught them on the spot, that would be fine. At that time, even if Kang Er couldn't stand the torture of Jin Yiwei and told everything he had done, it would be his own fault. It has nothing to do with Zeng Xingwu, although almost everyone in the official circles in Chengdu can guess that there is indeed something wrong with Zeng Xingwu, but when Kang Er did this, there was absolutely no Inform Zeng Xingwu, if that is the case, needless to say, no matter how much Zeng Xingwu hates Ding Guangyou, it is absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing of framing his relatives. There is an essential difference in this.

Well, now that this incident happened, it means that Kang Er did not tell Zeng Xingwu about the incident before the incident happened. The so-called one who does not know is not guilty. At most, he would be charged with the crime of unknown employment and lax discipline. Although it had a great impact on Zeng Xingwu's reputation, in the final analysis it did not cause any substantial harm.

But now, this Kang Er person is gone, which makes people think of many bad things.

One possibility is that at that time, Zhang Fan accepted Ding Guangyou's case. This incident was very sensational. Almost all the people in Chengdu knew about it that day. In that case, Kang Er would be no exception. In addition, The time of Kang Er's disappearance can now be seen to be on that day. Therefore, it is very likely that Kang Er heard that the case was re-tried by the imperial envoy from the capital, and he was also a member of Jin Yiwei. , Anyone who changed would be afraid, and under fear, it is very possible to escape.

In this way, Kang Er will be accused of absconding in fear of crime, and the subsequent things, as before, have not changed much, except that Zeng Xingwu's charges of unknown employment and lax discipline have become more serious, but Still no real harm.

However, apart from this possibility, there is another possibility, that is, Zeng Xingwu was indeed involved in the matter of framing Ding Guangyou from the beginning. He came up with such an idea, let this Kang Er hurry up and run away alone, if no one can be found at that time, and there will be no proof of death, then Zhang Fan will not be able to make a decision, and in the end he can only push all the crimes on Kang Er's head.

If you think about it this way, there can be a reasonable explanation for Kang Er's disappearance, but almost everyone knows that this possibility is completely impossible, because of what, because of this kind of thing, Zeng Xingwu is definitely not able to explain it. Can do it.

It is true that Zeng Xingwu has various flaws, such as high self-esteem, contempt for others, and all kinds of things, but he is not a person who will evade responsibility. If he really did something wrong, he will also take responsibility. , and the so-called responsibility does not mean laughing at things. Zeng Xingwu even said this more than once. If you do something wrong, it also means that you have gained something. If you make a big mistake, you will naturally gain more, so the punishment must be heavier.

Regardless of this point, for these officials in the Chengdu government, from the source, it is impossible for this matter to have anything to do with Zeng Xingwu. It is absolutely impossible for Zeng Xingwu to do such a thing, so, Everything that follows, needless to say, is all false.

However, the local officials of Chengdu Prefecture knew about these things, and the local Jinyiwei of Chengdu Prefecture knew about them. The Jin Yiwei sent by Zhang Fan to investigate this matter also came from the capital with him, and they didn't know this either.

And now, these people happen to be the judges of this case, which seems to have brought this matter into a deadlock. People who know Zeng Xingwu know what he will do, what he will not do, especially what he will not do. Now, all of them have become outsiders in this case. Even though they understand many things, they can't say anything, and it doesn't work.

People who don't know Zeng Xingwu, who don't know what Zeng Xingwu usually does, and what he would do when he encounters such a thing, are now the judges of this case.

This situation sounds unfair, but it just so happens that this is the most fair way. If a group of people related to the plaintiff and the defendant are allowed to try the case, I am afraid that when the final result comes out, no matter how Some people will be dissatisfied, and this dissatisfaction will explode.

But it would be different if a group of people who had nothing to do with the plaintiff or the defendant tried the case. Some people will still be dissatisfied, but this kind of dissatisfaction is absolutely impossible to erupt.

For those who are related, it can also be said that he is using the excuse of public seeking and protecting the other party, but for those who have nothing to do with both parties, this kind of reason is completely impossible to say, and it may not even be possible. Find the reason for the duty judge.

Well, since there is no interest relationship with both parties, then there is no unfairness in it. Only in this way, the result of the trial can be made fair, isn't it?

However, now in Chengdu Mansion, none of the officials would think this way. These people are all thinking about things in a bad way. As for why these people think this way, it is not for no reason. There is a big reason for this.

Why do you say that? Didn't you see what Zhang Fan encountered after he arrived in Sichuan? At that time, although he didn't want to say that, he could use the word "miserable" to describe it.

After entering Sichuan, apart from ordinary people who don't know why, as long as they are officials who hang out in the officialdom, regardless of their official positions, Zhang Fan and his party are not welcome by anyone.

They don't know how Zhang Fan himself will look at this matter, but if they are allowed to guess, it will definitely not be a good thing. Just think about Zhang Fan's identity, he is an imperial envoy sent by the imperial court. The title of minister does not have any actual power. It is just a title given by the court to a minister for a period of time, and to represent the court.

However, this name is not so simple. First of all, the imperial envoys all represent the imperial court, and they are the face of the imperial court outside. Regardless of how this person is, whether he will deliberately find fault or something, but he Since it represents the face of the imperial court, no one is allowed to insult it, which is tantamount to insulting the imperial court.

Therefore, when Zhang Fan first came here, the people here in Sichuan just didn't like Zhang Fan, but they didn't take the initiative to attack him.

However, Zhang Fan turned a blind eye to this situation, as if he didn't care about it. From the perspective of these people, it might be because Zhang Fan didn't care about it.

However, don’t forget Zhang Fan’s other identity. He is the Grand Tutor of the dynasty, and he is also the Commander of Jinyiwei. Maybe the title of Grand Tutor is because of Zhu Yijun, but this Jinyiwei’s Commander , that is a real person with real power.

How can a person like this, who controls the life and death of others and applause, be without arrogance, and how can a person with arrogance turn a blind eye to this kind of thing? Moreover, even if he came this time just to Because there are people in the court who are behind the scenes and fueling the flames, it is not what he originally meant, but he received this kind of cold reception when he arrived here. Whoever it is, he will not feel good psychologically.

Therefore, even before Zhang Fan had reconciled with Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian, no one would think that a person like Zhang Fan would simply forget everything that happened before After that, no more questions.

Therefore, from the present point of view, Zhang Fan seems to have nothing to do with the plaintiff and the defendant, but with a dozen or so, it is not an appropriate choice for an interrogator who hates the defendant more to try this case. However, the situation At this point, it can't be changed anymore.

Therefore, in the eyes of the officials of Chengdu Mansion, Zhang Fan is a person with uneasy and kind intentions.

But now, it seems to have given him a reason to be uneasy, and Jin Yiwei's reputation for framing is second only to Dongchang. In short, everyone is now guessing what Zhang Fan will do next. And it's all bad guesswork.

Regarding this point, I have to say that these people really guessed right, Zhang Fan is about to do the last thing they want to see,

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