The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1003 The So-Called Strategies

What is a strategy.What is strategy.How to think what people dare not think.Counting people can't count.How can it be done by surprise.

about these things.In fact, there is no distinction between Chinese and Western.No matter ancient or modern.It seems that they all have their own unique way of cognition.certainly.It seems that except for this magical land.And no one in any country would summarize this kind of thing into a book.out a book.certainly.Similar books in this land.And not just one book.

but.Today is not to discuss "Sun Tzu's Art of War".Or a general strategy like "36 Strategies".after all.What happened in front of me.Impossible is always in the books.Or so to speak.Most of the things you encounter.It's something you can't see in books.More or less there will be some to give you a general direction.Let you know when something like this comes across.Where should start.But what exactly should be done.It still depends on what you do.

now.In front of him was such a matter with a very strong smell of conspiracy.obviously.Now Kang Er is nowhere to be found.As a result, Zhang Fan's trial of Ding Guangyou's case was greatly I first heard about it.People who don't know it will think so.It is very likely that Zeng Xingwu did this.It was he who made Kang Er disappear.

but.It's just kind of uninformed.People who don't understand what's going on here will think so.For those who know a little bit about the inside story.These people all understand.If Kang Er disappeared.It would indeed bring resistance to Zhang Fan's investigation.But Jin Yiwei's momentum.It is still unstoppable by ordinary people.By the time.Things are bound to come to light.some of.All that is needed is just a matter of time.

But judging from the current state of affairs.Wait until then.Everything came to light.If you can't find Kang Er to take the blame.All the responsibilities for this should be placed on Zeng Xingwu's head.If so.Originally, it was Zeng Xingwu who was exhausted by this incident.But he still has to bear a big crime.In this way.It is really a big disadvantage to him.

so.If you think about it that way.In the eyes of ordinary people.Kang Er disappeared.It will definitely not have anything to do with Zeng Xingwu.After all, if he did.Wouldn't it be putting yourself in danger?

If that's the way you think about it.After Zhang Fan knew about this situation.It is very likely that Zeng Xingwu will be exonerated.after all.some things.Even if no scapegoat can be found.But it cannot be counted on the head of an insignificant person.Especially when the other party is still a second-rank official of the imperial court.Governor of a province.Now it has made great achievements.A future is infinitely good.And someone who has a good relationship with Zhang Fan's teacher Zhang Juzheng.these conditions.No matter which one.They will make Zhang Fan turn a blind eye.Don't judge Zeng Xingwu as a crime.

even.Originally, if Kang Er was there.Zeng Xingwu still has to bear certain responsibilities.And when such a situation comes out.It is very likely that Zeng Xingwu will not be charged with any crime.Regardless of whether it is the court or the government.He will also devote all his energy to hunting down that Kang Er.In this way.It's a happy situation for all.

even though.if so.I feel sorry for Ding Guangyou.After all, this case involved two lives.All are relatives of Ding Guangyou.If it ends like this.No enemies were found.It seems to make Ding Guangyou feel bad.but.After all, it is the snow that has been wronged.Whether you can catch someone or not is one thing.At least the reputation is preserved.He is Ding Guangyou.It can be considered to be able to settle down.

But these.After all.It's not even a conspiracy theory.It doesn't even touch the edge of plots and schemes.And if you think about it a little deeper.Think of more things.Things will be different again.

This case above.It is a matter of course.If so.Then the situation above is what should happen next.Although it may be due to human operation in the end.It's a little different than imagined.But it can't change the general direction of things.

But if say.Someone thought of this step early.What would happen then?above things.Anyone with a little brain can figure it out.But the people involved in this matter.Which one has no brains?

Can they think of such a situation.The answer is yes.people here.Either way.Everything can be imagined.then.Can things be considered in reverse?The reason why I thought of this situation.And thus use that guesswork to do something in advance.

For example, today.Ding Guangyou broke into Zeng Xingwu's home again.Pointing to Zeng Xingwu and saying that he is the mastermind.perhaps.All this is really as Ding Guangyou said.Zeng Xingwu did it behind his back.

Zeng Shengwu knew it clearly.This matter now has Zhang Fan's intervention.It will only be a matter of time before the truth comes to light.And once things are clear.Someone has to come forward and confess.

If Kang Er is here.At that time, it is only necessary to put all the charges on him.And he once saved me.Although it will also be subject to lax discipline.Improper employment and other charges.But it doesn't matter at all.None of these things have been committed in the DPRK.Not that they want to.It's just a heart-to-heart.Who knows what is going on in the hearts of his subordinates.Will you do anything that is not good for you?These are all forgivable.

But if Kang Er can't find it.Then Zeng Xingwu will have to bear all the charges.

And it was precisely because Zeng Xingwu thought of this.Understand yourself no matter from any aspect.It is impossible to make Kang Er disappear.He did the opposite.Deliberately took Kang Er away.Wait until no one can be found here.Come to question.Zeng Xingwu is completely free to ask three questions.And he didn't have any reason to let Kang Er leave.

If it looks like this.Zeng Xingwu has nothing to do with these things.even.Zhang Fan would still feel guilty for what he came to question today.Wait until the facts of the case come to light.Do not let Zeng Xingwu bear any guilt.

if it is like this.So there are so many people present.The person most related to Kang Er's disappearance.Then it must be Zeng Xingwu.

Ding Guangyou was in front of so many people.He said those words with excitement.It really shocked everyone present.Perhaps it was because of what Ding Guangyou said.It was too unexpected for them.But the next moment.Beyond Zeng Xingwu.Others began to accuse and abuse Ding Guangyou.These people are quite excited.He didn't even hesitate to utter dirty words.There is still a little bit of the elegance of a scholar in it.

only.These people are even denouncing Ding Guangyou.But in their hearts.Is it true that there is no mentality to agree with Ding Guangyou's words?not necessarily.There must even be.Ding Guangyou's point of view.Not without reason.I can't find Kang Er's words at that time.Zhang Fan may not let Zeng Xingwu take the blame.If so.Zeng Xingwu won't even suffer any damage to his reputation.If people in front of you.Although he was scolding Ding Guangyou with his mouth.But there is such an idea in my that.This thought made them scold even more intensely.It's not so much a denunciation of Ding Guangyou.It might as well be telling Zhang Fan.It made Zhang Fan think that there was no such thing at all.Actually.They were still helping Zeng Xingwu.

However.Zeng Xingwu was concerned about this matter.But did not make any comments.his own business.He himself knows best.Ever since Zhang Fan said that the case would be retried.Zeng Xingwu knew that Kang Er was the key.But he never said anything to Kang Er.No one has ever done that.Today I heard the news that Kang Er disappeared.Zeng Xingwu was naturally taken aback.I also feel that something bad is going to happen in my heart.

But after.Wait until Zhang Fan arrives here.After reprimanding him.He also suddenly felt in his heart.It might not be a bad thing for him.Kang Er disappeared.Maybe it can save him from any negative influence.

so.nowadays.Ding Guangyou pointed to Zeng Xingwu's nose and said.All this is done by him.It was precisely because Zeng Xingwu thought of this.Knowing that Zhang Fan will feel that it is impossible for him to do things that are not good for him.So he did the opposite.did.

And Zhang Fan will think so when the time comes.It is impossible for Zeng Xingwu to do that.There is something different about what happened.And thus to the end.The punishment for Zeng Xingwu was reduced.In this way.Zeng Xingwu's goal has been achieved.

Do you think so?That's right.And the possibilities are enormous.

Zeng Xingwu took advantage of Zhang Fan's do what is good for you.

And the reason why Zeng Shengwu didn't speak now.It is because.inside of his heart.Also thought of this possibility.even.He is thinking about it.If it is said that the previous self was not so excited because of this matter.I'm afraid he'll consider that as well.

but.If you don't do it, you don't do it.Zeng Shengwu understands in my heart.I have never done such a thing myself.

and.Zeng Xingwu also thought of another possibility.

this matter.If you think about it a little deeper.There is another explanation.Someone thought of this situation.I feel that he once saved me and would do this to get rid of the crime.Thereby take advantage of this.Kang Er was taken away.And at such a time.Stand up and say such a truth.

If so.He once absolved me of my guilt.It's just a step up.

If so.Then that person...

Thought of this.Zeng Xingwu looked at Ding Guangyou.

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