"If you think about things this way, then no matter who did this kind of thing, they just want to know me to death." Although the scene was really a little chaotic.But Zeng Xingwu still thought about things clearly. "When everyone feels that I have nothing to do with this matter, I will stand up and say so. In this way, I will not be able to escape the responsibility. And when the time comes, the crime will be heavier than before."

good.Zeng Xingwu even in this situation.Still thought of such a possibility.This is calculated layer by layer.It doesn't matter who this person is.It really is "well-intentioned".And I want to kill Zeng Xingwu with one move.And after Zeng Xingwu thought of this.Also reconsider.Who on earth would do such a thing against him.

After much deliberation.no one else.Zeng Xingwu did not live long in Sichuan.Even because of being in the officialdom.It is impossible not to offend anyone at all.But he's still very good at what he's done.He knew very well that he had never done anything that would make people feel so hard on him.

only one.That is Ding Guangyou.And even the matter of Ding Guangyou.In fact, it was not Zeng Xingwu's own fault.But the people under him.Watched something behind his back.

only.Thinking about it now.That's all there is to it.and.The matter of Ding Guangyou.Although Zeng Xingwu can say it openly.He has the responsibility.But it's not all about him.But now Ding Guangyou put all the responsibility on his head.This is also true.How do you look at this matter now.Only Ding Guangyou would do such a thing.

so.Just for a while.Zeng Xingwu looked at Ding Guangyou.That's right.In that look.Not [-]% sure though.But definitely with more than half of the doubts.Why has it come to this point.Even the most doubtful person stands in front of him.But Zeng Xingwu was still not sure right away.

Zeng Xingwu looked at Ding Guangyou's eyes.Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou also saw it.Zhang Fan is fine.Although my heart trembled.But fortunately at this time.Neither Zeng Xingwu nor anyone else in the room paid attention to him.All were staring at Ding Guangyou.But Ding Guangyou was able to hold his breath.Although he was seen by Zeng Xingwu in this way.There was also a thump in my heart.But there was no look of fear on his face.He knows what time it is.If it is said that he showed any fear at this time.Zeng Xingwu would notice it immediately.If so.things that have been done before.It was all in vain.

But Zeng Shengwu looked at it this way.It still surprised Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou.The reason why the two of them thought of such a way.In fact, Zhang Fan wasn't the only one who came up with the idea.Actually this matter.Ding Guangyou also had a suggestion.

only.This method of two people.It's not something hard to come up with.Anyone with a little brain.Everything can be imagined.but.The two did it anyway.The reason was after seeing Zeng Xingwu's appearance after hearing that Zhang Fan was going to retry the case.That's what I planned.

The situation that the two of them had thought of before.About the same as now.Here in Zeng Xingwu.There must be many people there.These people are all here to complain about Zeng Xingwu.but.Even with so many people there.Nor were they afraid that the idea would falter.after all.Since these people will be here.That's it.No matter what they think.At least the mood will be very exciting.

And the mood is excited.most of the time.It is difficult to hold the correct attitude to think about things.Look now.It is indeed the case.After the news of Kang Er's disappearance came out.These people are more than excited.It looked like someone moved their ancestral grave at the same time.A look of immortality.

And after Ding Guangyou broke in and said something like this.Obvious.Once again the men were excited.Even more than before.In this way.It is even more impossible to maintain a normal heart.In this case.It affects their thinking even more.It is even more impossible to see such an obvious flaw in it.

As for after today.Will these people come up with this question when they go back and calm down?This is not within Zhang Fan's concern.At that time, even if these people figured it out, so what.Things are settled.I can't change it even if I want to.

but.As for Zeng Xingwu himself, what would happen?Others are easier to manipulate.But what about Zeng Xingwu himself?Although not directly proportional.But Zeng Xingwu has the highest official position in this land.But it is also an explanation in disguise.He was indeed one of the wisest of men.If he comes to see it.This problem must be seen through.

But in Zhang Fan's plan.Zeng Xingwu is the one who needs to worry the least.Why.Because of this matter.It is related to Zeng Xingwu himself.Not anyone else.It was him.And as a party.Heard such news.I heard Ding Guangyou say that he is the manipulator behind all this.Even if he knew he hadn't done it.But the mood is bound to be very exciting.under this mood.Zhang Fan didn't believe that Zeng Xingwu could still keep calm.

but.Now.Zeng Xingwu looked at Ding Guangyou's appearance.But it greatly exceeded Zhang Fan's expectations.Although Zeng Xingwu hasn't said anything yet.But Zhang Fan is almost certain.Zeng Xingwu must have already thought of the flaw.

This made Zhang Fan feel caught off guard for a moment.Everything was originally planned.But never thought of it.Zeng Xingwu was able to generate completely unexpected variables in it.Fortunately, this is not the first time Zhang Fan has seen such a scene.Otherwise, you really have to show your flaws.

And Ding Guangyou.This time it may be because it is related to whether his grievances can be avenged.So now his mind is quite firm.Even if it is obvious that someone has seen through his lies.Even at this moment, his heart is extremely anxious.But there was no flaw on his face.Looking at Zeng Xingwu's aggressive eyes.It has not weakened in the slightest.

If you use one sentence to describe Ding Guangyou at this time.There is only one sentence "he has already risked it".visible.Ding Guangyou's resentment is so great.An honest person.Even something happened to the family.A person who has been wronged and thrown into a prison without committing any wrongdoing.But now he can pretend to be righteous and confident to deceive people.

but.There is no way for the two of them to do this.

Although the two of them don't know why Zeng Xingwu doesn't expose their words now.Even Zeng Xingwu has no evidence to say that Ding Guangyou planted it on him.But he shouldn't have no argument at all.

But the two felt it.If you are here at this time.Even if it's just a little soft.It is possible for Zeng Xingwu to say those words.

Nonsense.Zhang Fan is not afraid.This isn't the first time he's had a gossip.Even he himself participated in countless.But now is not the time to quibble.And wrangling over this matter.It is extremely unfavorable for Zhang Fan.

so.Zhang Fan could only pray in secret.Ding Guangyou must not soften up.

But Zeng Xingwu.He was exactly as Zhang Fan thought in his heart.He was observing Ding Guangyou.He had already thought of that possibility.Although it may not necessarily be Ding Guangyou who did this.But he also understands.At this moment, Ding Guangyou is the most suspicious.So he looked at Ding Guangyou like this.Just to see if he will feel guilty.Once Ding Guangyou looked at him with any flicker in his eyes.There is no expression of guilt or guilty conscience on the face.Zeng Xingwu would definitely speak up.

but.Ding Guangyou withstood Zeng Xingwu's test.He really acted very "brave".There was no hint of dodging or guilt.This also made Zeng Xingwu.Although the suspicion did not go away.But he was already not ready to speak.

As for saying.Why Zeng Xingwu didn't say it at the beginning.Why is it that he has already thought of such a possibility.Obviously Ding Guangyou's suspicion is the biggest.Obviously he just needs to say it.Even if Zhang Fan didn't believe it.But gossip.But it can also give yourself a lot of opportunities.

The so-called unfathomable.Although Zeng Xingwu still looks down on Ding Guangyou until now.But he still feels guilty towards Ding Guangyou.and.Zeng Xingwu once had great expectations for Ding Guangyou.Now seeing him with such a tough look.Zeng Xingwu felt an indescribable sense of intimacy in his heart.

This kind of contradictory mind is at work.In the end he didn't say anything.

"Everyone, please be quiet." At this time.Zhang Fan spoke.Although the current situation is very good.But he knew that this was not the time to continue like this.In order to prevent any changes.He spoke. "What is going on now. There is no conclusion yet. You all speculate wildly here. Not only is the case unfavorable, but it also embarrasses Mr. Zeng."

Although Zhang Fan has now become a very annoying part of these people.But what he said.But they listened.Can't help it.The men fell silent.Although there is still dissatisfaction in their eyes.But they fell silent.

"Master Zeng." Seeing that no one spoke.Zhang Fan turned his head to look at Zeng Xingwu.asked. "Now this matter will become like this. I didn't expect it. But since it has happened, it is impossible to avoid it. However, I still want to ask. What Ding Guangyou said. I don't know Master Zeng How do you look at it?"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Zeng Xingwu also stopped staring at Ding Guangyou.Instead, they turned to Zhang Fan.

This also made Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou.At the same time, he let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

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