sometimes.A lot of things are between wearing bands and being close to wearing bands.As for whether it will be worn or not.After all.One is to look at how well prepared in advance.Are you ready.Right and wrong are prepared to deal with the situation that may be worn out.Just in case something goes wrong.There can be a solution.

Second.In fact, it is a kind of illusory thing.After all.Just depends on luck.Speaking up.Such a thing as luck.Really illusory.After all what luck would you have.You can't see or touch it.You can't predict when your luck will come.But you never know when luck will leave you.perhaps.When you don't need luck.It has come.This can only be said to be icing on the cake; and when you need luck very much.Even when there is a fear of life.You long for luck.But luck is not with you.In short.this kind of thing.It can't be counted on to do anything.But people from ancient times to the present have long understood.Luck is not something that can be prepared.But absolutely indispensable.many things.You still can't do it without luck.

As it is now.No matter how perfect Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou thought about things in advance.But it's coming to an end.It is natural for such things to happen and change.but.How to deal with this change.This change can even be used in reverse.That's the most important thing.

And now.Change happens.Zeng Xingwu was indeed shocked by what Ding Guangyou said when he suddenly appeared.after all.Obviously something he hadn't done.In addition, Zeng Xingwu firmly believes in his own character.So when he first heard the news.Naturally, I was shocked.

Originally, it was according to what Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou thought.By the time.Under such a shock.Zeng Xingwu's mind must have been this case.Lost the ability to think calmly.It doesn't matter how talented you are.It doesn't matter how smart you are.It is impossible to figure out the reason for it.

so.When Zeng Xingwu looked at Ding Guangyou with calm eyes.Both Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou understood.Zeng Xingwu has come to his senses.And also thought of the almost impossible possibility.This really surprised the two of them.Even if Zeng Shengwu thought of it.There are also two possibilities to say or not to say.But he can think of it.It's already making things very difficult. this time.What Zeng Xingwu paid attention to was not Zhang Fan.So even if there was some strange expression on Zhang Fan's face.Zeng Xingwu would not notice either.And better yet.At this time, Ding Guangyou withstood the pressure.Even under the gaze of Zeng Xingwu.The expression on his face didn't change much either.Still looking so angry.

This is why Zeng Xingwu, who discovered something, did not say anything.Otherwise.Zeng Shengwu said it out.He's fine on his own.Zhang Fan could even say that it was a temporary idea.He even said that he had planned these lines long ago.but.After all, Zeng Shengwu is not the only one here.There are so many people on the side.And so many people are all on Zeng Xingwu's side.

so.Once Zeng Xingwu said something to refute.The people on the side will definitely follow along with the conversation.Then depend on it.Zhang Fan is in trouble here.He may be able to negate one person, two persons.But so many people talking together.Even Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou are preparing for it.It's beyond debate.There is no way to retaliate at all.

And now.Looking at Zeng Xingwu's situation.Obviously he didn't intend to say anything more.

but.This does not mean that Zhang Fan can rest the face of this situation.Instead of waiting for a miracle to happen.Or pray that Zeng Xingwu will not open his mouth.It's better to mention it in advance.Let him speak first.

so.Zhang Fan threw this question to Zeng Xingwu.Be the first to ask him how he feels.

really.Facing Zhang Fan's question.Zeng Xingwu was no longer obsessed with what he had thought before.Instead, he began to think about Zhang Fan's words.Not long.It seems to have figured it out.He opened his mouth and said to Zhang Fan: "Master Zhang, what Ding Guangyou said really makes sense."

As soon as Zeng Xingwu said these words.The people present were in an uproar.everyone.No one would have imagined that Zeng Xingwu would say such a sentence.obviously.He did nothing.obviously.It is very likely that Ding Guangyou came out to slander him.But he did not refute.On the contrary, he still said something that was very detrimental to him.

Those on the sidelines will be amazed.It's normal.After all, they all believed in Zeng Xingwu.And they will gather here now.That is to save me from complaining.but.If it is said that even Zeng Xingwu, the person involved, cannot firmly believe that he is innocent.No matter how much effort these others make, it is useless.And now Zeng Xingwu said these words.It's almost like giving up on something.

Not to mention Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou.They never thought of it.These words actually came from Zeng Xingwu's mouth.If another person said these words.It doesn't make people feel that there is anything inappropriate.But Zeng Xingwu said it out.It's simply too inconsistent.In terms of feeling.Zeng Xingwu should not have said such a thing anyway.

"What does Master Zeng mean by saying that?" Zhang Fan asked hesitantly.As if not sure. "Why would Mr. Zeng say that? Could it be that Mr. Zeng has already admitted it. He admitted this matter. This matter of Kang Er's disappearance. Mr. Zeng, you... did it."

original.If Zhang Fan said these words.It is absolutely impossible for those people on the side to ignore it.It is bound to be strongly denied.Even abuse is possible.after all.That's pretty much it.Offended the place they were least willing to mention.

but.Now.Perhaps it was because Zeng Xingwu actually said such a thing before.In short.Even Zhang Fan said so now.But the people next to him didn't have a little bit.I want to defend Zeng Xingwu.They all froze there.Obviously they haven't recovered from the shock of what Zeng Xingwu said just now.

"No. Mr. Zhang must have misunderstood." And facing the shocked person in front of him.Whether it is Zhang Fan or Ding Guangyou.Or those around you.Zeng Xingwu has now fully recovered.Even the preoccupied look before has disappeared.It was completely as if nothing had happened.

This look of him.It made Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou feel that it was not a good thing.If a person calms very scary.He can analyze a lot of things reasonably.And for a person they're dealing with.If the person calms down.Then you may panic on your own side.And in this way.The more panicked.The more calm the other party is able to see more things.

Now.Facing Zeng Xingwu like this.Zhang Fan couldn't do anything else at all.I can only say more things that confuse the public.Expectations rattled Fan just said that.Has he already admitted it.

but.Obviously Zeng Xingwu now.It's not so easy to fool.Even in the face of Zhang Fan's words.Zeng Xingwu, who was supposed to be confused.But he didn't move at all.This made it even more difficult for the two of them.

"Such a thing. It doesn't matter whether you have done it or not. If you think about it, no matter who it is. As long as it is not a lifeless person, it will not admit it." And now.Zeng Xingwu intensified even more.Not only did he not say he didn't do it or anything.Such a complete negative.Instead, it became more rational.Say such words.

"That is to say. Mr. Zeng can't tell me for sure. Have you done it?" Zhang Fan's reaction speed is naturally not bad.Zeng Xingwu had just finished speaking.He spoke.Now.Zhang Fan understood very well in his heart.Never give Zeng Xingwu any time to react.It is best to use a series of words.Confused him.That's good.

but.Zhang Fan's plan can only be said to fail again.Zeng Xingwu now.Maybe there is not much time to think about how to deal with Zhang Fan.But not everything has to be considered clearly before it can be done.most of the time.It doesn't even need to be considered at all.As long as you persist in such a truth in your heart.No matter what the situation is.But they are all manageable.

so.Now Zeng Xingwu...

"Sure enough. Master Zhang sees it that way." Zeng Xingwu looked as if it really was.Said. "Now. I speak from this standpoint. No matter what I say. As long as I say that I didn't do it. That is to call for injustice for myself. Mr. Zhang is the presiding judge of this case. Facing a prisoner like me. No matter what I say Mr. Zhang shouldn't believe it. What's more, it's just like what Ding Guangyou said. This matter looks like this. It is indeed more likely that I did it. Therefore, I will not say anything anymore. .

"How this case should end in the end. It's not up to me. It's not Ding Guangyou. It's you, Mr. Zhang. When the time comes, the people under Mr. Zhang will find out the facts of the case. How it is. Then naturally it should be how to go." Do it. Now. Talking like this here. But there is no way. Let's wait until the truth comes out. That will naturally come to a conclusion."

"Master Zeng's words are true." Zhang Fan calmed down at this time. "However, Zhang Fan is not as calm as Mr. Zeng. Now I am the chief judge. When the truth is not known, anyone is suspicious. Although Ding Guangyou's statement is groundless, it seems to be the most likely now. If I If it is found out that Mr. Zeng has anything to do with this matter..."

"Then please Master Zhang deal with it as you like." Zeng Xingwu said these words with a smile on his face.

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