"Father." With such a sound.Liu Xian frowned slightly.next moment.The military tent was set off.No one else walked in.It was his son.Liu Ting.

Liu Ting did not see his father's helplessness.On the contrary, he still looked excited.walk in.He kept yelling "Daddy, Daddy" in his mouth.This involuntarily made Liu Xian's frown deepen.

And Liu Ting has not found anything wrong until now.Go to father's desk.This is Liu Ting.Only 13 years old now.It is the time of youth.but.He is worthy of the name of Liu Xian's son.young age.Even if it doesn't look big.There is nothing out of the ordinary.But he is very interested in things like fighting.

And for the son of this.Liu Xian did not object.after all.The son inherits the mantle of Lao Tzu.That's the way it should be.He, Liu Xian, fought all his life.Even if he can't be known as a famous general in the world.But it is not weak.That being the case.If his son is worthless in the future.Could it be that I am sorry for myself.Although it stands out.You don't have to be a martial artist.It's not bad being a civil servant.even though.Liu Ting's head is also extremely smart.But compared to reading.He prefers to stay in the army.

That being the case.Liu Xian made up his mind.Let the son grow up to join the army in the future.Compared with blooming everywhere.Liu Xian felt that it would be better to specialize in one field.This also has something to do with Liu Xian's daily personality.Even in war.As long as you are not forced to.He likes to attack from the front.Do not spread your forces.

anyway.Although Liu Ting was still young at this time.But the way of acting is different from that of ordinary children.Even more bold temperament.This is also related to Liu Xian's education.Although he only had a son like Liu Ting at the age of 45.Also love very much.But Liu Xian didn't consider him a treasure.In his opinion.Since it is a boy.Will always be a man in the future.Can't behave like the children of those aristocratic families.Wen Zou Zou said nothing.He also bullies the soft and fears the hard.so.Liu Ting's normal life.Since I was a child, I have been treated equally.Even the people below.He can also play hot.only.Only with his father.He dare not do anything.

like now...

"Ji'er. What are you doing yelling?" Sure enough.Liu Xian became impatient.shouted loudly. "This is in the army. Don't shout about dad, dad. Although you are only in your teens now. Since you have decided to join the army in the future, then from now on you must give me the appearance of a deputy soldier. From now on. Stop calling me 'Daddy' in the military."

"Yes. Father...this. Lord Chief Soldier." Liu Ting seemed to be used to being scolded by his father.Although that moment.He still didn't respond.There was a slip of the tongue.But it was corrected immediately.

Hearing what my son said.Liu Xian didn't get angry anymore.smiled.Said: "Well. Tell me. Come here in such a hurry. What is it?"

"Oh." I heard my father ask about this matter.Liu Xian straightened his posture immediately.Said. "Someone is coming for you."

"Look for me. Who is it?" Liu Xian heard his son say this.Can't help but feel a little strange.If it is an official.There is no need for Liu Ting to come over and inform him.The following has its own order to report back.but……

"I heard it's from Jinyiwei." Liu Ting said. "He is a man in his 20s. He is also extremely well-dressed. However, the boy is somewhat interested in the two guards beside him. Especially the older one. It looks like that. There is absolutely no less killing. And the man breathes Steady. He is definitely a trainer. His skills are not weak either. Father... Master Chief Soldier. The child wants to..."

Liu Xian let his son speak.There was no intention of interrupting at all.Actually.Liu Xian already knew who was coming.Definitely Zhang Fan.Don't think about it.so.next moment.Liu Xian immediately began to think.Why did Zhang Fan come to him?Could it be because of Zeng Xingwu's failure.Liu Xian was thinking about this.There is some confusion in my heart.Didn't even notice.The son used the wrong name for himself again.

"Ji'er." He interrupted his son's long speech.Liu Xian said. "Go and invite Master Zhang to come in."

"Master Zhang. The surname of the person who came here is Zhang." Liu Ting asked casually.Said immediately. "Yes. I'll go right away." After speaking, she turned around.He opened the curtain and went out.

But Liu Xian was still sitting in his seat.Nothing moves.In my heart, I kept thinking about it.

Naturally, he didn't know what Zhang Fan was looking for him here for.If you insist on him guessing.He felt most likely.Naturally, it was about Zeng Xingwu.But that thing.Liu Xian didn't want to get involved at all.Both sides are wrong.Zeng Xingwu was wrong.And Zhang Fan did too much.And now Zhang Fan came looking for him again.

Here.Liu Xian has made up his mind.If Zhang Fan came here to talk about Zeng Xingwu.Then he will keep silent.

Outside.Because this is a military camp.Although Jin Yiwei is very powerful.But Zhang Fan and the others also knew.Liu Xian's control over the army.That's pretty harsh.Regardless of the people inside.Or foreigners.so.Even if it is possible.But in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.Zhang Fan still didn't bring other guards in.He just brought Wang Meng and Liang Chao into the barracks.

here.It is a place outside Chengdu.Because the southwest side is mostly hilly.Large stretches of flat terrain are rare.There can be such a place here.Really not easy.But now.There are only [-] troops under the jurisdiction of Liu Xian stationed here.Others are not here.

but.Even if there are only 1 people.The scale is still not small.but.In this barracks.Everything seems to be in order.Whether it is terracotta warriors or military officers.All doing what they should do.and.Zhang Fan and the others didn't feel any overly depressing atmosphere.Obviously, this was not the result of Liu Xian's coercion.

See here.Not only Zhang Fan and Liang Chao.Even Wang Meng, who has been in the army for many years.There was a look of admiration in their eyes.Although Liu Xian is well-known.But at most they only met Liu Xian himself.But I have never seen him governing the army.I see it now.There was a feeling of admiration in my heart.

"Is it Mr. Zhang from Jinyiwei?"

Just as Zhang Fan and the three were looking at the personnel matters in the barracks.A voice came.Everyone followed the reputation.I saw a teenager who looked about fifteen years old running over.

"That's right. I am." Zhang Fan was polite.It is not pressured by status and age.Said. "Dare to ask this little brother..."

"My name is Liu Ting. It's Dad... this... Lord Chief Soldier asked me to call you over." It seems that it was because I was more excited.Liu Xian once again forgot what his father taught him just now.He slipped up again.

But Zhang Fan and the others didn't know this.Zhang Fan looked at Liu Ting.He smiled and said: "It turns out to be General Liu's son. I heard the name of General Liu's son a long time ago. Now I see it. It really lives up to the name." Since the other party is Liu Xian's son.So politeness and some words are naturally to be said.Zhang Fan didn't know it.When he spoke, he brought the breath of officialdom.

"Well." However.Zhang Fan's words.But it kept Liu Ting silent for a while.Then he looked at Zhang Fan and said. "Your official is very big."

"Why do you say that?" Zhang Fan was confused by Liu Ting's words.

"Because what you said. It's the same as what those people said in the past. Even the tone is the same." Liu Chen said. "And I. I hate that kind of person. But...you are a little different. How should I put it. Although you say such things. But I don't think you have any bad ideas in your heart."

Liu Ting's words.The three of Zhang Fan were immediately speechless.honest person.They have seen too much.But honest people.Often some do not see the facts clearly.It's not easy to say.It's just that my brain doesn't work very well.Although straight.But words that come out.Either not.Or offend others.

But this Liu Chen in front of him is different.Of course he is an honest man.He speaks very straight.and.in what he said.There are no errors either.Completely correct.but.The difference is.his words.Straight to the root of the problem.That's right.Zhang Fan said exactly the same words as those court officials.But Zhang Fan is not the same as those people.

more importantly.Liu Ting's words.It doesn't sound good.But Zhang Fan had no reason to be angry.No.Not so much a reason to be angry.It's better to say yes.These words did not mean to make Zhang Fan feel angry at all.

"I'm here to see your father." However.Zhang Fan didn't plan to say anything to him now.He directly expressed his intention.

"Yeah. The commander-in-chief is waiting in the big tent. Please follow me." Liu Ting was not too wordy.He turned around and led the three of Zhang Fan forward.

along the way.Zhang Fan and the three looked at each other in blank dismay.Even Wang Meng.It's all about Liu Ting.There is a feeling of incomprehension.

Go to the big tent.Liu Ting turned around and said to Zhang Fan, "Here we are. The commander-in-chief is inside."

"Thank you." Zhang Fan thanked.Just going to go in.

"Wait." At this time.Liu Ting called out to stop Zhang Fan.Said. "Master Zhang. I have a request."

"Oh. What is your request?" Zhang Fan was interested.

"I..." Liu Ting spoke.Turned his gaze to Wang Meng.Said. "This is the guard of the adults. I want to have a fight with him."

"This..." Zhang Fan suddenly became embarrassed.Looked at Wang Meng.

"My lord, don't worry." Liu Ting misunderstood Zhang Fan.Said. "This is a military camp. There will definitely be no villains coming to commit murder."

"No, young master. That's not what I meant. It's just..." Zhang Fan looked at Liu Chen.He looked at Wang Meng again.He was worried whether Wang Meng would hurt him.However, he saw Wang Meng and nodded.Then he said with a smile. "In that case, Wang Meng. You go. I will go in alone to see General Liu. Liang Chao. You can go with me."

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