"Master Zhang," Liu Xian called Zhang Fan when he opened the big tent and walked in. Obviously, since he heard the news of Zhang Fan's arrival, Liu Xian put down what he was doing and put down He thought about other things in his mind, and waited for Zhang Fan to come in, "Master Zhang is here, and he is not far away to welcome you, but he is not treating you well." In the blink of an eye, Liu Xian, who was a soldier, was actually polite to Zhang Fan. Woke up.

The reason why Liu Xian did this was entirely because he did not understand the reason for Zhang Fan's arrival. Normally, he would never have said such kind words.

"General Liu is fine," but Zhang Fan didn't have too many thoughts about Liu Xian's reaction, but said with a smile on his face, "I just met Mr. Ling in the barracks."

"Oh, it was I who asked Chen'er to meet the adults." Speaking of his son, Liu Xian also had a lot of smiles on his face, "That kid has been very active since he was a child. , I still need to be disciplined." Although Liu Xian was saying such words, how could Zhang Fan not see that there was a lot of pride on his face.

"Where, Mr. Ling is not rude," Zhang Fan laughed, obviously to shorten the distance between Liu Xian and Liu Xian, "It's just that Mr. Ling brought me to the general's tent just now, but he pulled me away. My guards went to the competition, this..." Having said this, Zhang Fan showed a lot of worried expression on his face.

"This bastard..." Hearing this incident, Liu Xian's smile towards his son just now turned into anger. Obviously, this is definitely not the first time Liu Ting has done this kind of thing, Liu Ting It has been like this since he was a child, not only is he extremely intelligent, but also physically strong, and because of Liu Xian, he almost grew up in his father's military camp since he was a child.

Therefore, Liu Ting is no stranger to such things as dancing guns and sticks. Moreover, Liu Ting is also quite talented in this area. Although he is only young now, his strength is definitely not inferior to Adults, moreover, their skills are also remarkable. In the past, when they competed with the people in the army, apart from those Lianjiazi, there were few people who could defeat Liu Ting. It's because of the obvious face, but now, although Liu Ting is only 13 years old, even if those people show their real skills, they may not be able to defeat Liu Ting.

And just now, the angry expression on Liu Xian's face was because of this incident. After all, he chose the guards brought by Zhang Fan. However, what Liu Xian was worried about was not that his son would lose, but the exact opposite. The situation, although there are all kinds of talents in Jinyiwei, and good skills are even more important, but he understands that his son, if the guards brought by Zhang Fan lose, Zhang Fan will lose face. Wouldn't it be hard to make it through.

But just as this idea came up, Liu Xian thought of another possibility. He looked up at Zhang Fan and asked, "My lord, the guard you are going to compete with, could it be..." Liu Xian suddenly Suddenly thought of a possibility, it was a rumor that came over a few days ago, "...It is the king's guard who was appointed by His Majesty a while ago," the title of "the court's number one master".

"General Liu laughed, it's him," Zhang Fan didn't intend to hide this point at all.

"That's it, that's good," Liu Xian felt relieved when he heard Zhang Fan's answer. First of all, there are too many deceitful things in court, but the so-called "Wen Wu No. [-], Wu Wu No. [-]" "This statement is applicable no matter when and where it is placed. Therefore, even if Wang Meng's title of "No. It is definitely not for nothing, so if Liu Ting fights against such a person, if the opponent does not let go, he has no chance of winning at all. This is one of the reasons why Liu Xian is not worried.

Another reason is that Liu Chen has recently grown older and stronger, his skills have become more mature, and his psychology has become a little arrogant. Although he clearly knows this, Liu Xian understands that this kind of Things, if he doesn't know it himself, no matter how extravagant others say, it's useless to let him be like this, it's better to let him fight someone who is not an opponent at all, let him experience complete setbacks, and realize " A strong man has a strong man, and every mountain is as high as a mountain.” This can be regarded as an encouragement.

It's just that Liu Xian at this time has obviously fallen into this kind of thinking, and he doesn't even care that Zhang Fan is right in front of him, and Zhang Fan looks at Liu Xian with a look of confusion, and he can hear it in his ears. Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel a little cold sweat streaming down from the soft voice, "Look at how arrogant that kid is", and so on. It seems that every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite.

Then, this made Zhang Fan naturally think of his son, Yan Yi. Will Yan Yi become like this in the future? Thinking of this, Zhang Fan also murmured in his heart. Well, although he dotes on his son, he doesn't dote on him. It's just that his mother, Mrs. Zhao, treats her grandson with more than just the word "doting". Thinking of this, Zhang Fan felt the cold sweat on his back, coming down even more.

Now, there was silence in the big tent for a long time, and after waiting for a long time, Zhang Fan came to his senses and said first: "By the way, General Liu, I heard that the aftermath of the Boren War is all taken care of by the general. ,"

"That's right." Liu Xian also recovered from Zhang Fan's words, and said, "These Bo people have occupied this place for too long. From the time of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the present, it has been almost 500 years. Such a long time. Time, but now it has been wiped out, leaving many problems, even those few places, are extremely troublesome now, and people have to watch them to prevent accidents."

"By the way, Master Liu, I have always had a question," Zhang Fan asked suddenly, "Master Liu was famous for his meritorious service in fighting the Japanese before, and later he was promoted to the general army of Langshan and ruled the north and south of the river. These achievements really make people look up. But, this time, please forgive me for not being able to understand. Why did General Liu come to the southwest to take this muddy water? It's not that I doubt the power of General Liu in commanding troops, but the Bo people are indeed a hard nut to crack. ,just in case……"

"Master Zhang, you don't need to say any more, I understand it in my heart," Liu Xian interrupted Zhang Fan, but he said without any embarrassment on his face, "I want to come here because of some personal reasons.

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhang doesn't understand some things. Originally, my surname was not Liu, but Gong. Now that I think about it, I feel a little embarrassed. When I was young, although my family had some family background, when it was passed on to my father, it was already a shortfall. Yes, the family was very poor. After my father passed away, my mother also passed away because of this matter.

"I am the only child in my family. At that time, my family owed a lot of debts outside. In order to avoid the debts, I wandered around. I came to Sichuan. When I was in Sichuan, I met a kind man. He was Ye Meng. Heihu's envoy, his family name is Liu, and his single name is Min. He took me well, invited me into his home as a guest of honor, and cared about me very much. In order to repay his kindness, I will He treats him like a father, so he changed his surname to Liu now.

"After many years, I suppressed the Japanese in the southeast. Until the year before last, when I suddenly heard about the incident here, I was worried about the consolation of my adoptive father, but it was a pity that I couldn't leave without authorization because of my duties. Now that I have such an opportunity, I naturally came here ,"

"So that's how it is," Zhang Fan nodded after hearing Liu Xian's words, and said, "So there's such a story behind it."

"Well," Liu Xian also sighed, and said, "Things in the world are like this, making people elusive, but now that this place has been calmed down, it is really a good thing that the foster father and the old man can enjoy their old age in peace."

"By the way," Liu Xian suddenly looked at Zhang Fan again, and said, "I don't know why Mr. Zhang came here today. Maybe it's because of Zeng Xingwu's matter, but if Mr. Zhang is for that matter, Please forgive me for being powerless, I do have a good relationship with Sansheng, but I don’t know much about him, if Master Zhang wants to know something, please forgive me for being helpless.”

"No, no, that matter has nothing to do with the general," Zhang Fan said, "Although the case is still being investigated, I won't ask the general about Mr. Zeng's affairs."

"I don't know why Mr. Zhang came here this time..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liu Xian was also a little confused.

"Actually, I came here for the matter of the Bo people," Zhang Fan replied.

Hearing Zhang Fan mention the word "Bo people", Liu Xian immediately straightened his face. Although the Bo people have been destroyed by him now, the image left by the Bo people in Liu Xian's heart has not weakened. Now, Zhang Fan The commander of Jinyiwei said that he came to him about the Bo people, and told Liu Xian intuitively that this matter would definitely not be a trivial matter: "Master Zhang, please tell me."

"Actually, this matter, I said, is a bit over the top," Zhang Fan said, "But I came this time, and I said it was for the aftermath of the Boren War, so I don't think I'm nosy , Just today, my subordinates sent news that they were robbed by a group of people in the southwest of Sichuan, that is, from Wumeng Mansion to Huichuanwei. According to the report of my subordinates, those people are said to be Bo people , I think it should be the so-called remnants of the Bo people who have not been wiped out in the previous war.

"Originally, I wasn't supposed to intervene in this matter, but after much deliberation, I should come to speak with General Zhi."

At this moment, Liu Xian didn't speak, he just started to think, and his face became more serious,

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