Before Zhang Fan came here.In fact, it is already certain.When Liu Xian heard that the Bo people hadn't been wiped out, hurry up.Now it is even after the news that some people dare to come out to make trouble.It is absolutely impossible for him to sit idly by.They will definitely send troops out to destroy them immediately.

But after Zhang Fan heard the past between Liu Xian and Sichuan.After knowing Liu Xian's story.Zhang Fan was even more sure of this in his heart.perhaps.Liu Xian was originally from Nanchang, Jiangxi.But this Sichuan gave him a chance.Let him be a man again.It can even be's what made him what he is today.

For Liu Xian.This place can be said to be his second hometown.and.For Liu Xian.The meaning of this second home is not so simple.Maybe at home.There are memories of the parents who gave birth to him and raised him.But there are bad things there too.But here.This is for Liu Xian.That's exactly where hope is.

so.After listening to Liu Xian's words.Zhang Fan is more sure.He heard that there were still remnants of the Bo people alive.And after the news of making waves.Absolutely will not tolerate sit idly by.And now.The situation was just as Zhang Fan thought.After he told Liu Xian about the matter.He didn't do anything right away.But he was thinking about it.

Even Zhang Fan is not too familiar with Liu Xian.But the way he is thinking now.It doesn't take much understanding to see it.Liu Xian at this moment.Very calm.but.Such coolness.But it's scary.No.Can't say it's terrible.Liu Xian at this time.Compared to the situation when I heard that my hometown was attacked by gangsters.More like thinking about it.The master of how to fight.

How to fight.How can we quickly and powerfully defeat these Bo people who are still making trouble.Annihilate them all.How can we wipe out these Bo people's remnants at the same time.It can prevent this place from being further destroyed.These.This is what Liu Xian needs to consider now.

so.After Zhang Fan saw Liu Xian's appearance.He didn't say anything right away.Instead, wait patiently.he knows.The longer he waits.Things will be easier to handle.

As for those people.Those robbery plots directed by the Five Poisons School.Zhang Fan wasn't too worried.When Yu'er came to talk to him about it before.Zhang Fan thought of this.But he never asked.This is also one of the reasons why Yu'er was most upset when she left.

In fact, things are very simple.Just try it out.It is easy to answer.The mind of the Five Poisons.It has been accurately conveyed to Zhang Fan through Yu'er's mouth.Zhang Fan also fully understood what they meant.but.Since you want to direct such a play.Then someone has to play it.And these people.Naturally, it is impossible to use outsiders.Otherwise, it's time to wear clothes.Words that are off the hook.Then all previous efforts will be wasted.

Not just for naught.It will also cause endless troubles for the Five Poison Sect.Hunted by two sides.One side is the imperial court.One side is the two people over there.And even more than that.Fang Zhenqian will also suffer greatly because of this.Even lost his life.It is absolutely impossible for Fang Yueling to risk her father.

That is.The news that came back this time.It is said that there are still remnants of the Bo people over there.Now come out and rob.These people are without exception.They are definitely all pretended by the people of the Five Poisons.

And after that.If Liu Xian sent troops there.Also judging from the current situation.Liu Xian would really do this.In this way.At that time, these people will have to come out.Let the imperial army kill.Otherwise.It's time for the army to pass.But no one can see it.Isn't it ineffective?

so.Those who were sent by the Five Poisons Sect to act.In fact, all of them are dead.Is a mortal person.If they don't die.There is absolutely no way to convince the court that there are still Bo people left in that area.And if the court doesn't believe it.That place will not be taken back.If you don't take it back.The Five Poisons Sect is still for those two people.with other groups.Even the Miao people went to war by themselves.

Although it sounds.There is really too much helplessness in it.For righteousness.Many lives had to be sacrificed.this kind of thing.After all.Although heartbreaking.But it is unavoidable thing.

And at the end of the day.this kind of thing.Fang Yueling should have a headache.It's how she should persuade these people.Let them die willingly.Should we also use the principle of righteousness to persuade us; or should we still use the old method of the Five Poisons Sect.Threatening these people with the incomparable "Five Immortals Honeydew"; or a combination of both.Let these people have no choice.

But these.None of this was something Zhang Fan should worry about.even.Zhang Fan somewhat hoped to see this kind of thing happen.Although this gloating mentality.Honestly.Not very healthy.Zhang Fan also understood.You shouldn't be happy because someone on the other side is about to die.but.He just couldn't help it.This is indeed a good thing for him.

Think about Xian also came back to his senses.

"How does the general think about this?" Zhang Fan came to his senses when he saw Liu Xian.Can't help but ask. "This matter. General Jin Yiwei is aware of it. If there is such a military situation, naturally he will not hide it. But what should be done. It is up to the general."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Liu Xian felt a little helpless.What Zhang Fan said was right.But Jin Yiwei.He Zeng took the initiative to tell the general what he heard about the military situation.Unless it is in a war.Or maybe the emperor has ordered something.but now.It was after the war.Not in wartime.And Liu Xian is also very sure.The emperor would never give him such an order.That is.Zhang Fan came to tell him about it this time.He came by himself.

but.Liu Xian was naturally not naive.He doesn't think so naively.Zhang Fan came here to tell him that this matter was his own decision.I don't think Zhang Fan felt it all of a sudden.The absurd reason that the righteousness of the country trumps everything.All in all.There must be a story behind Zhang Fan.

But Liu Xian didn't care about that.Because no matter what happened behind Zhang Fan.It doesn't matter why he came to tell him about it.But none of this affected what was at front of you.Remnants of the Bo people did appear.about this point.Liu Xian still believed in Jin Yiwei's judgment.

Now that it has appeared.Then it should be...

Figured out these things.Liu Xian didn't intend to dwell on the hidden secrets anymore.He opened his mouth and said, "Master Zhang. Since this is the case..."

Just as Liu Xian was halfway through his words.The curtain of the military tent was lifted.A man dressed as a messenger walked in.He bowed to Liu Xian.Said: "Lord Chief Soldier. There are people outside who want to see you."

"Who is it?" Hearing the words of his own people.Liu Xian frowned.He didn't blame anyone for interrupting him.Instead, it felt troublesome.After all, this is a military camp.Since it is in the barracks.Then not everyone can come in.But now that the order from his subordinates has come to report.That is to say.people who come.Not a small name.But for Liu Xian.Not a small name.In fact, it is equivalent to the word "trouble".

"It's from Prince Duan's Mansion." The messenger didn't know what Liu Xian was thinking.Just answered truthfully. "The person here is a guard of Duan Wangfu. He is holding a letter from the prince. He said that he has something to see the general."

"Prince Duan's Mansion." Hearing that the person who came was from Prince Duan's Mansion.Liu Xian suddenly became puzzled.This king.Honestly.Liu Xian has also seen it.It was when he was just ordered to arrive in Sichuan.King Duan met him once.But that was just a courtesy treat.There was no deep friendship between the two.and.For Liu Xian.Although he is not proficient in officialdom.But he still sees people.Zhu Xuanqi didn't feel good to him.After all.Just a clever one though.But a very arrogant young afterwards.Liu Xian didn't have any contact with Prince Duan's Mansion anymore.

And now.Prince Duan's mansion actually sent someone to look for him.If you send someone to invite him to the palace.That's okay to say.Perhaps Zhu Xuanqi wanted to win him over or something.But if someone is sent over.But it is very likely that it is what you want him to do.But either way.It was not a good thing for Liu Xian.

And beside.Although Zhang Fan didn't change much on the surface.But actually.The shock in his heart.I don't know how to describe it anymore.

What is Zhang Fan doing in Sichuan this time?Isn't it just for Prince Duan?Originally, he had always wanted to find a chance to get close to him.It's just that there is no good way to do it.And what he's doing now.Isn't it for this purpose?

But now.Zhang Fan has not completed what he should do.There are already people from Duan Wang's mansion.He doesn't believe it.Duan Wangfu will not know.He is here with Liu Xian now.And even so.They sent someone over without hesitation.Zhang Fan didn't believe it.It has nothing to do with him.

If it is about Zeng Xingwu.Although Zhang Fan did very well.But he didn't feel it yet.What he has done now can make the other side interested in him.

What the hell is going on.

"In that case, go and attract people." Liu Xian thought for a while.I didn't even figure out what was going on.That's how it was ordered.

Not long.The curtain was lifted again.It's still the order just now.However, a young man followed behind him.He looked dressed in regular clothes.In his early twenties.

"I don't know this one..." Liu Xian spoke first.

"My surname is Zhao. I am the prince's guard." The visitor said first. "I've seen the general." But he didn't greet Zhang Fan who was beside him.

"Guard Zhao." Liu Xian said. "I don't know if the prince asked you to come to this general. What's the matter?"

"Actually. This matter. It's about the Bo people." The guard surnamed Zhao.Said.

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