The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1013 Still a Boren

Zhang Fan is still preparing how to lure Duan Wangfu to make the first move.Send someone to meet him.In this way.Only Zhang Fan can take the initiative here.only.Zhang Fan also understood.This thing is not so easy to do.To grasp the degree.too little.It is not easy to attract the attention of that side; but if it is too much.But it is also suspicious.

so.Now Zhang Fan didn't worry about what to do when someone came over there.It's about thinking about what to do now.It is precisely because of this.All of a sudden, he heard that someone had come to Duan Wang's mansion.Such news.Zhang Fan couldn't react for a while.

even though.He is currently in Liu Xian's camp.At this time, people from Duanwang's mansion came over.This looks.It doesn't seem like it was intentional.On the contrary, it was unintentional.The two people collided.But Zhang Fan will not naively only have such a view.He is here with Liu Xian.And did not hide.Prince Duan's Mansion definitely knew about it.

And even knowing.They still sent people over there.In Zhang Fan's opinion.The other party should want to take this opportunity.Get in touch with Zhang Fan.Check out his tone of voice or something.

but.No matter how.Since come here.There has to be a reason.It's definitely not that it's been too long since I haven't seen Liu Xian.Want to exchange letters, such news that even a three-year-old can't fool.There must be some plausible reason for this.

but.Wait for someone to tell the reason.Not only Liu Xian.Even Zhang Fan was stunned.Bo people.It was actually about the Bo people.Not only Liu Xian.Including Zhang Fan.The two of them couldn't think of anything.Duan Wangfu sent people here.It was actually about the Bo people.

In Liu Xian's opinion.He was indeed surprised.But the surprise didn't last long.He thought of a possibility.perhaps.Maybe this time the Bo people made a fuss.It's just too big.Even Duan Wangfu noticed.Or rather.This time the Bo people made trouble.Is it somewhere.Offended Prince Duan's Mansion.That's why this happens.

certainly.Liu Xian was just a soldier.Although some resourcefulness.But most of them are used in war.Not too just thought about it.and.he thought so.Nothing seems wrong either.think carefully.this kind of thing.Prince Duan's Mansion didn't need to interfere at all.Although the whole of Sichuan.As a local vassal.He, Zhu Xuanqi, is naturally the biggest.But he wasn't old enough to manage even such a thing.

That is.It must be because of the remnants of these Bo people.among the things you do.Someone or something in Prince Duan's Mansion was involved.after all.The entire Sichuan territory.There are many things related to Duan Wangfu.Such things are naturally inevitable.

Liu Xian would think so.Of course there is nothing wrong with it.It can even be said that he is very reasonable to think so.but.What Zhang Fan thought was not these.Zhang Fan thought a lot.

"Bo people." Facing the visitor's words.Liu Xian pretended to be puzzled.Said. "The Bo people have been exterminated by me personally. What are you talking about now?"

Talking here.But Zhang Fan was still thinking.

perhaps.It's on the side of Prince Duan's Mansion.Not as calm as he had imagined before.It seemed that there was no movement at first.In fact, it has long been impatient.It's just that they haven't found a suitable opportunity to get close to Zhang Fan.Take advantage of this opportunity now.Come touch touch.

Or maybe.This time it was really like the kind of situation anyone could have imagined.Hard to say.The Bo people incident pretended by the Five Poison Sect.It really offended someone or something related to Prince Duan's mansion.Now Prince Duan's Mansion is also looking for Liu Xian.But I heard that I was here too.So I decided to kill two birds with one stone.That is to do their own things.He also had a face-to-face meeting with himself.Got a lot of news.

Or.There is another possibility.Does it have anything to do with the appearance of the "remnants of the Bo people" this time?Others may not know.But Zhang Fan knew all about this matter.this time.Where are the remnants of the Bo people haunting?It's just a matter of self-directed and self-acted by the Five Poisons.

And Zhang Fan came here today.It is also helping the Five Poisons Sect.But what Zhang Fan thought was not about these.Instead, he thought of the terms of exchange between Yu'er and him.Their Five Poisons Sect has people in Duan Wang's Mansion.

Hard to say.This time it was because of the Five Poisons Sect.It's what the people in Duanwang's mansion did.This is what made Duan Wangfu take action.Someone was sent out.finally.The two sides met at this time.

This possibility sounds like a it possible.Zhang Fan didn't think for too long before reaching a conclusion.This is most likely what happened.

And here.Liu Xian was still talking with the visitor.

"General Liu. That's what happened." The visitor said. "It's also today. I heard that Wumeng was attacked by someone. When the news came, it turned out to be Bo people. The prince was worried. That's why he sent a villain to find the general."

"My lord is worried." Liu Xian was not very satisfied with this reason.But he didn't get too tangled up.continue to ask. "I've never heard of this incident. However, it's not that I don't believe in the palace. It's just that this incident happened yesterday from what you said just now. Wumeng is a little far away from here. It can only be achieved by working hard for a day and a night. Who sent the news to the palace. Don't misunderstand. I'm just afraid that the prince will be deceived by the villains. And. This matter seems to have nothing to do with the palace."

"This..." Liu Xian said.Make this person look embarrassed.But he made a look of weighing.This is what he said. "General, I will tell you the truth. This matter has indeed something to do with the prince." At this point.But the man kept silent.He turned to look at Zhang Fan.

"Oh. Don't worry." Liu Xian naturally knew what he meant.Open your mouth and say. "This is the commander of Jinyiwei. Master Zhang Fan. Jinyiwei is here. If you want to come up with these things, you'd better tell them face to face." The implication is.Or something Jin Yiwei already knew.It doesn't matter if you say it; or they just don't know.But you hide it like this.Instead, it will make them curious.At that time, Jin Yiwei took the initiative to investigate.Don't find out anything else.That's not good.

Hear what Liu Xian said.The man immediately made a look of sudden realization.He clasped his fists and bowed to Zhang Fan: "I don't know that Mr. Zhang is here. The villain is negligent. I hope that Mr. Zhang will make amends."

"No problem." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "I'm also interested to hear. What is it?"

"Let's talk about this matter. I, the guard, should bring it up. It really shouldn't be." The man looked speechless.Said. "Actually, it's the prince's family business."

"My lord's family affairs." The two people present heard what he said.All were a little stunned.How could this matter be involved in Zhu Xuanqi's family affairs?

"My lord has a... this... concubine. It's from Wumeng Mansion." The man explained the reason. "The third wife was only married by the prince the year before last. The prince also loves the third wife very much. He has not accepted another concubine for three years. But this is not the reason. This time. It is a letter from the third wife's family. Tell the third wife Madam Wumeng had a Bo people plunder.

"The third lady who heard about this incident was worried that her parents would be affected by it, so she went to find the prince. Originally, the prince thought that the third lady's family members were all in the Wumeng mansion. There should be no danger. But the three The madam is very worried. The prince has no choice. Originally, he planned to take the family of the third madam. But he was afraid of any dangers on the way. So he had to give up.

"So. The prince sent a villain here today. One is to report the matter to the general. The general can send troops to judge. But I hope the general can let someone escort the third wife's family to live in Chengdu for a period of time. Wait until everything is stable. Come down and go back. The lord said that this matter is really not easy to talk about. That's why he let the villain come. If you are negligent, please invite the general Haihan. After bringing the third wife's family, the lord will personally entertain the general in the palace. To show his gratitude. "

"Oh, the prince is too polite." Liu Xian waved his hand.Said. "The Bo people were not completely wiped out. Now the remnants are out to make trouble. This is the general's fault. It is the general's fault to put the third concubine's family in crisis. At this time, the general is duty-bound. Please return the guard Zhao Afterwards, tell the prince. This general will send troops to go there. Put down the remnants of the Bo people who caused chaos there."

"It's so good." This guard Zhao also showed the appearance of being rescued from a catastrophe.He patted his chest.Said. "Originally, the villain was still worried. It would be great if he couldn't fulfill the prince's order. The villain doesn't care. But if the third lady's family is hurt in any way, the villain will die."

"Oh. Where is it?" Liu Xian smiled.Said. "This is the general's duty. Please Zhao Huwei tell the prince. Your Highness, please wait for a few days. Liu Xian will definitely send the family of the third princess to the palace safely."

"That's it. Thank you, General." Guard Zhao bowed and saluted.Said. "In this case, the villain will leave."

"Guard Zhao wait a minute." Zhang Fan said at this moment.He turned to Liu Xian and said. "General. I will take my leave today."

"Oh. Master Zhang is leaving too." Liu Xian asked casually.

"Yeah. Weizhong still has something to do now. We can't ignore it." Zhang Fan said. "In that case, I will go out with Zhao Huwei. Now General Liu also has something to do. He has to send troops to Wumeng. There is no delay. I will not bother you anymore."

"In that case, Mr. Zhang, please." Liu Xian said. "Please forgive me for not being able to send it away."

"Master Liu is polite." Zhang Fan said.The curtain was lifted.Said to Zhao Huwei on the side. "Guard Zhao. Please."

Zhao Huwei looked sincere and fearful.Quickly said: "The villain is terrified. Please, Mr. Zhang."

Looking at the backs of the two going out.Liu Xian sat back in his seat.I was silent for a long time.

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