"Master Zhang got the news when he arrived in Chengdu. The palace also knows about it." After the guard surnamed Zhao left Liu Xian's tent with Zhang Fan.That is to say. "It's just that things in the palace are a bit busy recently. The prince wanted to see the lord, but he couldn't get away. I hope the lord will forgive me."

"What is Zhao Huwei talking about? Don't make Zhang Fan angry." Zhang Fan also replied very politely. "I came to Chengdu. It's for business. And. Even if the prince wants to see him, I should be the one to see him. It's just that this business is difficult. I just arrived here. If you want to come to the palace, you can hear some news." .Now I am also at a loss here. I can’t go to the palace to meet the prince. I hope that Zhao Huwei will bring a message to the prince for me. Let the prince Haihan. The matter brought here is over. Zhang Fan must personally go to the palace to plead guilty. "

"Master Zhang, you are being polite." The guard surnamed Zhao said with a smile. "Master Zhang is also busy with official duties. You can't be free. You have heard about Mr. Zhang's matter at the palace. Regarding this matter, let alone the prince. Even us people are quite critical. Then Zeng Xingwu came here When Sichuan took office, the prince had seen him. He looked like a good person. But he didn’t expect it. He looked like this. Let’s not talk about the murder. Now that the incident happened, he still wants to hide.”

Facing the other party with such kind words.Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "There is still no conclusion on this matter. It is too early to make a rash decision. Master Zeng is a man. Although I am not familiar with him, I have heard of it. Think about it. This time Master Zeng must have been The people below are blinded. That's all. But now, the matter has not yet come to light. It is just saying this here. It is of no use. Wait until the truth is found out. Everything will naturally come to a conclusion."

"What Master Zhang said is very true." Zhao Huwei smiled.Suddenly changed faces.A very curious look.asked. "Forgive me for being curious. I don't know if Mr. Zhang has found anything now."

Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out for a while.He didn't know why someone surnamed Zhao asked this question.It was really just his own curiosity.Or.Someone asked him to ask.After much deliberation.Zhang Fan felt a little satisfied with this matter.If it was really just what he wanted to ask.He is a little guard.There is no official position.At most, it was relying on Zhu Xuanqi's favor.But Zhu Xuanqi's favor.It is useless in front of Jin Yiwei.He was really that curious.How dare he challenge Jin Yiwei.Moreover, it was Zhang Fan, the Commander of Jinyiwei, who failed to inquire about the matter.

but.I can't figure out this idea.But it does not mean that another idea can be established.If it is not the surname Zhao, I would like to ask.That's what someone asked him to inquire about.Is it Zhu Xuanqi himself?Zhang Fan didn't think so.After all this matter.It has nothing to do with Zhu Xuanqi's money.He wanted to know whether Zeng Xingwu had committed a crime or not.

Or.They want to use this as an opportunity.No more questions.

here.Zhang Fan was silent for a long time.And the guard surnamed Zhao said quickly: "Master Zhang, don't be embarrassed. The villain is talking too much. This matter is currently being investigated. The villain is just curious. I just want to ask. If Master Zhang Can’t tell. The villain won’t ask. Please forgive the villain for overstepping.”

"Sigh. Guard Zhao is being polite." Zhang Fan waved his hand.Said. "There is nothing that cannot be said about this matter. It's just that I have thought about it for a long time. There is nothing to say about this matter. In fact, the things I have found out here are very different from the things that have been circulated outside. There is no difference. If I say so, then Zhao Huwei will still think that I am fooling people with things that I know. This is really embarrassing."

"I see." The guard surnamed Zhao.I don't know if it's too naive.Still say what you just said.It's just small talk.Zhang Fan said so.He actually believed that. "Since that's the case, the villain won't ask any more questions."

The two stopped talking.just walk.Until I saw the gate of the barracks.Zhang Fan did not go there.Instead, it turned in a different direction.Go to the other side.

"Master Zhang, won't you go back?" Zhao Huwei asked.

"No. The two guards I brought were dragged to a martial arts competition by General Liu's son." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "Look there are so many people over there. It seems that they are competing. I'll go over and have a look."

"Young master of General Liu. Young master Liu Ting." Guard Zhao was a little surprised.Said. "I have heard of Mr. Liu's name. Although I have never seen it with my own eyes. But I heard that there are very few people in this army who can fight against him. It has been so long. My lord's guard. I think it is also very skilled. man."

Face his words.Zhang Fan didn't say anything.

But right now.The guard surnamed Zhao changed his face.Can't help asking: "I heard that there are thousands of households in Jinyiwei. When the Holy Majesty was assassinated this year, several guards in the palace were no match for the assassin. It made the Holy Majesty lose face a lot. Fortunately, thanks to the lord, this Qianhu. Captured the assassin. He was also named the "No. [-] Master of the Imperial Court" by the Holy One. Could it be possible. This Lord Qianhu also came here with him. Now he is..." Speaking of this.Zhao Huwei's eyes couldn't help looking at the crowded place over there.

"You said Wang Meng." Zhang Fan didn't make a fuss.Nor did it hide it.His face was full of pride. "Exactly. He also came with me. Now. It's over there." I can't blame Zhang Fan for his attitude.It's really because Wang Meng is too good.If you can't be confident about it.That is too much to say.

"This..." Suddenly.Zhao Huwei was a little twitchy. "My lord. I don't know if I can go there together. See Wang Qianhu's demeanor."

Looking at the sudden appearance of this person in front of him.Zhang Fan didn't have any other ideas.Although he is not a martial artist.But the martial arts practitioners he has seen are definitely not in the minority.so.the minds of these people.Zhang Fan could guess it.sometimes.Meet someone with a higher skill.I can't help but want to go up and compare.But if you encounter something too powerful.But I also want to look up.

"Naturally." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "That's it. Please guard Zhao to go with me." Zhang Fan said.

The two walked over there.On the way, Zhao Huwei asked: "The story of Wang Qianhu has been passed on. We are all fascinated by it. I heard that the assassin's envoy is the Qingcheng School's Songfeng swordsmanship. This Qingcheng School is far away. It's not far away. So all martial arts practitioners in Sichuan know something about it. Although I haven't seen the Songfeng sword technique before, I heard that it is really powerful. Wang Qianhu was able to take down the assassin based on it. It is really powerful .

"Oh. It's a pity that I wasn't there at the time. I couldn't admire the demeanor of a person with high martial arts. By the way, Mr. Zhang. I have a merciless request. I wonder if Mr. Zhang can tell me what happened at that time."

"Guard Zhao is being polite." Zhang Fan said with a smile.

At this time, the two of them had come to the side of the military training ground.field.Wang Meng was still confronting Liu Ting.only.Even Zhang Fan, who has no knowledge of martial arts, can see it.Wang Meng was still able to handle it with ease.But Liu Ting is at the end of his battle.The two just stood there.Wang Meng was still the same as before.Except for some wrinkles in the clothes.Not a speck of dust.His face was neither red nor out of breath.

And opposite.Liu Ting stood there.His whole body was already covered with sand from the field.Even the appearance that Zhang Fan had seen before.That neatly combed hair.It is now scattered.and.And that's not all.Liu Ting looked out of breath.Obviously it took a lot of effort.but.He looked into Wang Meng's eyes.But full of fighting spirit.And there is excitement.

It seemed that the two had indeed competed.Wang Meng should have kept his hand.Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for Liu Ting to survive until now.But even so.Liu Ting didn't know if he didn't realize it.Or is it really an unyielding temperament.That's all.He still never gave up.

It looks like now.It will take some time for the two of them.

"Those things. It's not a secret now. It's okay to tell Zhao Huwei." Zhang Fan looked at the field.While talking about what happened that day to Zhao Huwei who was standing beside him.only.Zhang Fan said this.But he was thinking about other things in his heart.

original.Zhang Fan thought so.What happened today was really a coincidence.Or maybe it was done by the Five Poisons.but.What this person said just now.Zhang Fan just mentioned the martial arts competition.He thought of Wang Meng.Then it reminded me of the assassination from Wang Meng.Finally, let Zhang Fan talk about it.What the hell happened that day.

If you change someone.Such a tandem comes first.Really flawless.It's just chatting casually.Just mentioned this by accident.

but.Zhang Fan was no one else.His brain is very clever.Things are more firmly remembered.He will never forget what he is going to do here this time.That is.From the first time this guard surnamed Zhao appeared in front of Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan was already wary of him.Now he doesn't mention anything about the assassination.Zhang Fan will immediately become alert.

Now.He actually asked Zhang Fan to tell him what happened on the day of the assassination.And Zhang Fan did not intend to refuse at all.Straightforward.only.Zhang Fan just said what he saw in front of his eyes.As for those things behind the scenes.Zhang Fan didn't mention a word.

But even so.The guard surnamed Zhao seemed to be listening with gusto.Even when what Zhang Fan said was not true.He didn't mean to interrupt at all.

this.Zhang Fan had a sneer in his heart.

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