The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1017 The so-called precursor

"The matter is over, let's go back," Zhang Fan said to Wang Meng and Liang Chao who had returned to him, and then he saw the smile on Wang Meng's face. He was a little surprised, and Zhang Fan couldn't help asking, "Wang Meng, you What's the matter, could it be that something happy happened to me?" I don't blame Zhang Fan for being surprised, it is true that Wang Meng seldom smiles on weekdays, and now this kind of smile appears on his face, it is really a bit thought-provoking. Do not understand.

"Your Excellency, General Liu's son, you are really good," Wang Meng replied, "At such a young age, you are able to have such skill just by practicing the moves in the army. You are really talented."

Once again, to Zhang Fan's surprise, Wang Meng actually took the initiative to praise a person, and it was easy to see that this was what he thought from the bottom of his heart, something that Zhang Fan had never seen before. How could he not be surprised by the scene.

Perhaps it was because of the great impact that Zhang Fan was unable to recover for a while. He did not continue to question Wang Meng, but looked at Liang Chao, who was at the side, and asked wonderingly, "What the hell is going on?" What's going on,"

"My lord is not a martial artist, so I naturally don't understand," Liang Chao said with a smile all over his face, "Wang Meng is now interested in accepting disciples. General Liu's son is really very powerful. "Liang Chao explained for Zhang Fan.

"So that's how it is." Hearing what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan understood. Just like what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan was not a martial artist, so he didn't know how big it was. Zhang Fan also watched the competition between Liu Ting and Wang Meng in the martial arts arena just now, but he didn't see how talented and capable Liu Tin was, but it didn't matter, after all, this was Wang Meng Since he has taken a fancy to Liu Ting and wants to accept him as his disciple, then it is not a good thing.

Moreover, Liu Ting is Liu Xian's son, and as he is doing now, he will definitely achieve great things in the future, not to mention who Liu Xian is, if Wang Meng can make Liu Ting his disciple, it will only be good for Zhang Fan.

"However, I'm afraid it's not that simple," Zhang Fan said. "After all, if Liu Xian doesn't agree to such a thing as a teacher, it's not allowed."

"No way," Wang Meng didn't say anything, but Liang Chao spoke up, "Even if Liu Xian doesn't know about Brother Wang's ability, if his son asks for such a request, there is no reason for him not to agree."

"No, it's not that simple," Zhang Fan said, "If he is under Wang Meng's sect, he can only practice martial arts. Do you think Liu Xian will let his son become a martial artist or a general in the future? Wu's words, I'm afraid it's not enough, well, this matter is not something that can be done in such a short time, so let's put this matter aside for now, and after a while, I will go and talk to Liu Xian personally ,"

"That's it, thank you sir." Apparently there was something more rare today, Wang Meng thanked Zhang Fan, and Wang Meng thanked Zhang Fan. It happened, but those were all business affairs, but this time it was completely different. This was Wang Meng thanking Zhang Fan for his own affairs, which was very rare in the past.

"Why do you have to do this," Zhang Fan said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, my lord," Liang Chao said at this time, "I just saw my lord talking to someone on the sidelines, and who is that person?"

"Xiaozhi also saw that person," Wang Meng followed suit.

"That person has a lot of background," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "He may not have much status, but he has a lot of background. He is the guard of the Duan Palace, and this time, Zhu Xuanqi personally sent him. He came,"

"What?" Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liang Chao shouted in surprise, while Wang Meng next to him, although he didn't speak, looked at Zhang Fan with wide eyes. Obviously, he was also very surprised by this matter. .

Thinking about it, the reason why they came to Sichuan this time was for this Prince Duan's Mansion. Before, they didn't know how much they thought about and prepared for this matter. Now they are all prepared, and things are going according to what they have prepared. It developed step by step, but it has not reached that time yet, who would have thought that someone from Duan Wang's mansion would come first, which really surprised the two of them.

"Honestly speaking, when I first heard that someone was coming to Duanwang's Mansion, I was also taken aback," Zhang Fan said.

"My lord, what's going on?" Liang Chao couldn't hold back the surprise in his heart, and couldn't help asking, "Could it be that Prince Duan's Mansion discovered our intentions and sent people over to test it out first? "

And following Liang Chao's questioning, Wang Meng on the side also looked at Zhang Fan attentively, waiting for his reply.

"No, I don't think so, we are not so unlucky," Zhang Fan shook his head, and said, "This time, it is a guard from Duanwang's mansion, and this person is not pretending, although I am not accustomed to A man of martial arts, but his eyesight is pretty good. I can still see the cocoons that he wears out from practicing martial arts with a sword. Although we are not familiar with the people who can rank high in Duan Wang's mansion, we all know it. There is no such number one person.

"That's why I said that they probably didn't see anything. Otherwise, the person who came this time would definitely not be as simple as a guard. If they saw something, with Zhu Xuanqi's temperament, absolutely I won’t do these troublesome things, and it’s very likely that someone will ‘invite’ me to question me,”

"Your Excellency is right," Liang Chao nodded after listening to Zhang Fan's words, and said, "However, this is too coincidental. Could it be that they have been watching us all the time, or else... this time, Your Excellency Coming here, although we said we had plans in advance, only the three of us knew about it, but at this time today, the people from Duanwang's Mansion and your lord have arrived at the same place, which is really suspicious, "

"I don't know if they're monitoring us or not," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "However, it was definitely arranged for us to meet people from Duanwang's Mansion here today."

"My lord, what's going on here," even Wang Meng couldn't help but ask now.

"Actually, this person was sent by Zhu Xuanqi to look for Liu Xian," Zhang Fan said, "and the matter, in fact, is the same as what we came here for, it's all for the Bo people."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wang Meng and Liang Chao showed more surprise on their faces.

But Zhang Fan didn't care, and continued, "They also got the news that the remnants of the Bo people came out to rob Wumeng Mansion, but, this kind of matter is not something that a prince needs to ask about, so all of them He will send someone here, but it is because his woman lives in Wumeng Mansion, "

Wang Meng and Liang Chao are not stupid, if Zhang Fan's words come to this point, if they can't figure out the reason, then all these years of Jinyiwei will be considered as useless.

"Your Excellency means..." Liang Chao immediately opened his mouth to confirm, "That woman of Lord Duan, could it be that...the 'Five Poison Sect' sect's eyeliner in the Palace of Prince Duan is not enough," even if the three of them were next to each other. No one else eavesdropped, but when Liang Chao said the words "Five Poisons", he deliberately lowered his voice.

"I don't dare to confirm it. I can't see through this matter now," Zhang Fan said, "However, I also think this may be very big. No, it's not that big, I can only say that there is only this kind of thing now." Explained, except for the lack of evidence, no matter how you think about it, this matter is all caused by the people of the Five Poisons Sect, "

"The people of the Five Poisons Sect are quite capable," Liang Chao said with a smile when he heard what Zhang Fan said, "I think, no matter what, they are a Jianghu gang, and they can set up their own eyeliner in the palace. It is already very difficult, if this person is really the woman of Prince Duan, then the Five Poisons Sect will put even more effort.

"Before the adults talked about their conditions, as long as we help the court to send troops, they will give us this eyeliner. Now it seems that that place has really become their confidant's trouble. Now the adults have not done anything yet. If it is done, they want to show their favor to the adults, "

"If you look at it this way, I don't think so," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Yes, I agree with you on one point. The Five Poisons Sect is indeed at a critical juncture. If that area is not resolved quickly If it happens, no matter whether it is the Five Poison Sect or Fang Zhenqian, the other two will definitely be in bad luck. However, they seem to be showing favor to us by doing this, but in fact they just want to make this matter a little more sure. , in case I can't understand Liu Xian's words, and Duan Wangfu, I will speak, plus Zhu Xuanqi's words, no matter how hard Liu Xian is, this time he has to soften up, "

"The Five Poison Sect... It seems that they are in serious trouble this time," Liang Chao said bitterly.

"However, this may not be a bad thing," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "It's not because of the Five Poisons Sect, but because of Zhang Yong and Wang Xin. People have been hiding for such a long time without any movement, even if our people are inserted in, there is no movement during this period of time, but now, they are so eager to get that place, and even forced the Five Poison Sect to this field , Come to think of it, they are probably going to make some big moves.

"Liang Chao, you arrange it. During the recent period, pay more attention to the southwest. Also, pay attention to whether our people will come during this period. If they come, they must be handed over to me immediately." just go up,"

"I understand, my lord, don't worry," Liang Chao replied,

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