The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1018 Prepare to end

The next day, the news came from the Chengdu mansion. As soon as the news came out, it even compared the fact that the imperial envoy from the capital was investigating Zeng Xingwu, which is what everyone cares about now, and there were people everywhere. Discussing this matter, moreover, the atmosphere is even more tense than before.

But this is no wonder to these people. After all, this year has not yet passed, and the Bo people were expropriated. Didn’t it just happen this year? The people who came down came out to rob when the year was approaching. This news naturally made people feel nervous.

Even if you know that no matter how powerful the Bo people are, even in their heyday, it is impossible to attack Chengdu, but the people who live here have often heard various topics about the Bo people since they were young. This made them unable to rest assured at all. Now that they heard that there were still Bo people who had not been killed, they would naturally look like this.

In addition to this incident, it was said that there was no sound, and it was extremely sudden. That morning, Liu Xian asked his generals to lead more than 2000 people to the southwest. Although Liu Xian's camp was stationed outside the city, And the army has never entered the city, but there are still outsiders who saw the march.

So, this incident spread to the Chengdu Mansion. Many people were ignorant at first, but when they inquired, they found out that it was because of the Bo people, saying that there were Bo people from Wumeng Mansion who came out to plunder. , I was really taken aback, so I can imagine what happened afterwards. When I heard such news suddenly, other people would be surprised and worried, let alone the people in the Chengdu government. What about the terrifying Bo people?

Therefore, the atmosphere in Chengdu Mansion today is really unusual. If you take a walk on the street, you can hear people talking about this matter everywhere, and all of them have uneasy expressions on their faces.

For the common people, what they are most worried about is not the righteousness of the country, nor the influence of the Bo people on the Han people. They just care about their own interests. , Liu Xian has already sent someone there, logically speaking, these people don't have to pay too much attention to it.

But this is not the case. Ordinary people may not have much knowledge, but ordinary people are not stupid, especially when they gather in twos and threes to discuss this matter. There is a saying that "three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang". But it's not just three people, so the problem will come out.

That's right, the Bo people reappeared now, and it's even more true that Liu Xian immediately sent people there. In this way, there shouldn't be any problems with this group of people, and they will be wiped out immediately.

However, this is just a group of people. Who knows how many groups of Bo people were left behind during the war. Now there are already a group of people. If there is one, there will be two, and then there will be three. Four, dealing with one or two groups of people is naturally no problem for Liu Xian and his army, but if the opponents appear one after another, it will be here today and there tomorrow.

Now, the war is over, and the army gathered here has dispersed. Even Liu Xian has elite soldiers and strong generals, but only 5 to 2000 people. Today, 5000 people will be sent here, and [-] people will be sent there tomorrow. People, waiting until the end, will be exhausted sooner or later, and it will be too late to rescue.

Moreover, this is not the original intention of the problem. The main reason is that although there is no news, judging from this incident, the common people naturally think that these remaining Bo people are hiding in twos and threes in various places. Know when it will come out and hurt people.

Even if the imperial court can respond in time, and even Liu Xian's method of dispatching troops is clever, and he can send troops there immediately after the accident, but when these Bo people appear, someone will definitely be injured. This time, I don't know which one That's unlucky, but next time, it may be their turn. What the common people are really worried about is this, their own safety. Although it sounds selfish, it is very practical.

In this way, although nothing happened, this invisible panic was actually the most worrying thing.

However, this is only a private matter. As for the officialdom, although it was also because of the news of the sudden appearance of the Bo people, it suddenly became quiet, but the silence is quiet. In fact, in the hearts of these people, they are still more concerned about Zeng Xingwu's affairs. After all, the matter of the Bo people has nothing to do with them in the final analysis. Although there are constant troubles, it actually has no effect on these officials.

Compared with these things, the things that belong to the officialdom are what they need to worry about.

Therefore, even though the news of the Bo people's haunting came, the "hate" towards Zhang Fan among the officials in the Chengdu Mansion did not decrease in any way.

And finally, even Joanna noticed it, no, in fact, it was wrong for her to notice it. Although she was a woman, she was born in a noble family and served as an officer in Portugal. The intrigue between sergeants and non-commissioned officers is not much less than that of civilian officials, not to mention that it is not uncommon for the military to control political affairs in Europe, so it is not surprising that Joanna will notice it.

In fact, Joanna has already noticed it. Originally, Zhang Fan did not tell his family what Zhang Fan did in Sichuan. She didn't know about the assassination at all, it was just that she knew such a thing through the narration of her family later, and Joanna didn't take this matter to heart, after all, in her hometown and the countries around Portugal It is not surprising that things like assassinating the emperor happen everywhere.

But Joanna felt that Zhang Fan was planning something all the time when she came to Sichuan, but based on what she learned from Ru Xue and the others, Joanna never asked about these things.

And after they arrived in Sichuan, Joanna also discovered something unusual. Joanna knew a lot about the Ming Dynasty, and she knew what Zhang Fan's identity meant. Zhang Fan's status, as long as he is within the territory of the Ming Dynasty, no matter where he goes, the local officials must respect him.

However, this is not the case in Sichuan. Almost all the officials of the Sichuan border they met along the way held a lot of hostility towards them. For Joanna, this was something that surprised her something happened.

It doesn't matter if you talk about that kind of cold resistance, but this kind of large-scale, all the officials of the whole province are against Zhang Fan, this is not an ordinary thing at all.

However, Joanna still didn't tell Zhang Fan about it.

But she didn't say it, but those people outside will not give up. During this period of time, there have been figures of those officials everywhere outside the post house, and these people seem to be bored. Whenever they go out, they will see One or two, as long as someone appears here, these people will all stare at them, extending to extremely unfriendly, even Joanna will not let go.

Finally, Joanna couldn't bear it any longer, she found Zhang Fan and asked about it.

And Zhang Fan really didn't expect that even Joanna would be alarmed, but fortunately, Zhang Fan also understands what Joanna is thinking. If it is replaced by Zhao Xue, it is very likely that Zhang Fan only needs to fool a few words. , but Joanna was different. Before she asked, she definitely had an idea. If she fooled around, there might be some misunderstanding.

Therefore, Zhang Fan also told the truth, but what he called telling the truth was actually not saying anything at all. He just told Joanna frankly that this matter is very complicated now, and it is not convenient to tell her.

But Joanna was also obedient. After hearing what Zhang Fan said, she didn't ask any more questions.

However, Joanna's questioning was not useless. In fact, it was precisely because of her questioning that Zhang Fan made up his mind. It's time to end.

The reason why he did this was to prevent the other party from being suspicious when he was in contact with Duan Wangfu. Now that the two sides have met, Zhang Fan's goal has been achieved, so let's continue There is no point in continuing this farce.

Therefore, he immediately called for Wang Meng and Liang Chao.

"How's that Kang Er?" Zhang Fan asked about it immediately after the two arrived.

"My lord, everything is ready," Wang Meng said, "Now that Kang Er is also very obedient, he can say whatever he says, for this matter, he has suffered a lot, and he will never make mistakes. , Your Excellency is now asking about this matter, but are you ready to understand it?"

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "Originally, the purpose of our doing this was to meet the people in Duan Wang's Mansion without being suspected. Now, this purpose has been fulfilled, and there is no need to continue. up,"

"But my lord," Liang Chao asked worriedly, "if it was a coincidence that the other party helped the other party last time, no matter whether it was the people from the Five Poison Sect or not, what should I do now? If my lord goes to see them again now, Wouldn't it make them suspicious?"

"That's not true," Zhang Fan shook his head, and said, "Since we have already spoken, there will be no such problems, and, I think, our current situation is much better than expected. ,"

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