How much hatred can change a person.For Ding Guangyou.He was originally.It's just a little official of the sixth grade.Although at the time of the imperial examination.His ranking can be said to be among the best.It's been ten years now.If it is normal.Anyway.Even if he didn't become a Beijing official.But he is also a member of the first and second grades in the local area.

but.Ding Guangyou was out of luck.Those things will not be repeated.Anyway, that's him now.He has been in officialdom for ten years.But he is only a sixth-rank petty official.

Maybe say.That's how things are in the world.Not fair.Those who are capable do not necessarily have status.A person of status may not necessarily have the ability.but.Ding Guangyou's temperament is easy-going.Even if you don't get the corresponding status.But he doesn't care.It was never noisy either.It's still the same.but.It is also his temperament.It brought him such a big tragedy.

now.Finally, someone willing to help him came.Even Ding Guangyou himself understood.The reason why Zhang Fan helped him.In fact, it is also to use his affairs to do something.but.Ding Guangyou arrived at this time.I don't care anymore.He just wanted revenge.

It can be seen from this.Hate is for a person.It is really powerful.It can even change a person's mind.

But Ding Guangyou did not completely lose himself.Although he is now bent on revenge.But he was still calm.Although this matter has reached such a point.But he also understands.Zeng Xingwu is not the culprit.If I just blindly seek revenge from him.It's really unreasonable.So this time.Although Zhang Fan pushed Zeng Xingwu very tightly.It is also the appearance of wanting to help him avenge.But Ding Guangyou didn't feel too comfortable in his heart.

so now.Ding Guangyou fell into an embarrassing situation.Although he is thanking Zhang Fan.Thank him for being able to stand up and help him uphold justice.He also desperately wants revenge.For the one who framed his wife and brother.The Kang Er who finally led to the series of tragedies he encountered today.Even if Ding Guangyou personally cut him into pieces.He can also do it.

But for others.For example, Zeng Xingwu who was involved in this matter.Even Zeng Xingwu is responsible.But let Ding Guangyou do it.Neither will he.In short.Ding Guangyou is such a person.

Only now.Ding Guangyou also understood.Zhang Fan was deliberately dealing with Zeng Xingwu.As for what is the reason.Ding Guangyou is not stupid.Also have vision.Naturally, one can guess a little bit.but.Although Ding Guangyou didn't like to do this.But it didn't stop Zhang Fan.After all.It was because Zhang Fan helped him.Even if Zhang Fan helped him for some other reason.But after all, Zhang Fan helped him.It was impossible for him to dictate to Zhang Fan.

but.Going on like this.To be honest, Ding Guangyou himself couldn't stand it anymore.

but.In addition to facing the enemy.His weak nature has not changed much.It is precisely because of this.Don't know how many times though.Ding Guangyou wanted to talk to Zhang Fan about it.Hope he can end this matter soon.But every time.He couldn't even make up his mind.Haven't left the house yet.He had already given up.Needless to say.When he saw Zhang Fan.I can't even say anything.

but.Although Ding Guangyou is weak.But he is not a person who gives up have been thinking for a long time.And after countless struggles in my heart.He finally mustered up his courage.I want to talk to Zhang Fan about this the very least.Stop chasing Zeng Xingwu so hard.

but.When Ding Guangyou found Zhang Fan.Haven't spoken yet.But I heard a terrible news.

"My lord. What did you say?" Ding Guangyou couldn't quite believe what he had just heard. "Kang Er found it."

"Not bad." Zhang Fan didn't care about his surprise.said with a smile. "Speaking of which, this Kang Er is really good at running. Just after I heard the news, I sent someone to find you. But that Kang Er was found in Baoning Mansion yesterday. It was hard for him. He ran so far way."

"My lord... now... where is Kang Er now?" Ding Guangyou didn't know whether he was excited or what.Speech is also intermittent. "Have you arrived in Chengdu yet?"

"Let me tell you. Just be quiet for a while. Things have come to this point. You shouldn't be so excited." Zhang Fan looked at him with a look of unbearable.Said. "But having said that, what are you going to do? Although this is already a case. There will naturally be a public trial at that time. But if you have any requests, I can agree to you. Don't worry. Don't worry. At that time, Kang Er was definitely trapped firmly. Let you slaughter him. How about it. Are you interested?"

"This..." Ding Guangyou couldn't react for a while.I was stunned for a to say.Perhaps in his imagination.I don't know how many times I have thought about this scene.And that Kang Er was in his dream.I don't know how many times I have been killed by him in various strange ways.

but.When it really came to this step in reality.But Ding Guangyou couldn't recover.Maybe it's this long dream.It can even be said that it was a dream that was considered impossible before.Suddenly one day it came true.This sudden.Gives a feeling of unreality.And after that.When you realize that something really happened.But it made people feel overwhelmed again.Although in a dream.I don't know how many times I have made plans on what to do.But wait until it's in sight.But I don't know what to do.

Ding Guangyou is now facing such a problem.Although this kind of thing.The word "dream" is really out of line.But the truth is the same.Ding Guangyou did not know how many times he met Kang Er in his dreams.Then how will I deal with an opportunity was right in front of him.But he didn't know what to do.

"What. You don't know what to do." Ding Guangyou's thoughts were seen.Zhang Fan couldn't help but speak. "This is your enemy. Not to mention. Because of him, your brother-in-law and your wife have all passed away. Although this Kang Er has never done it himself. But the death of the two of them. He is absolutely inseparable. It has already reached this stage. Could it be that you still dare not. Or are you unwilling to do it. "

"No, my lord. I don't mean to be an official." Ding Guangyou said frankly. "What your lord said. The official has indeed considered it a long time ago. The official has even thought about it. If possible. The official is even willing to kill Kouji. But... It's not that the official can't do it. This person has already killed him. Two lives. Moreover. Judging from what Kang Er did, there are definitely more than just two lives. Think about it. Even the lower officials can say they are willing now. But the lower officials understand. If it is really at hand, the lower officials can’t do it.”

"You are a nice guy." Zhang Fan said helplessly. "Although there is nothing wrong with being a good old man in the officialdom. At the very least, you don't provoke others. Others will not provoke you. But sometimes. To people like you. Even if you do nothing You will also be hated by others. Isn’t that what happened this time? If it wasn’t for your temperament that made Zeng Xingwu look down on it, it is absolutely impossible for him not to ask about your affairs. In this way, he won’t What happened now. But. What's the use of saying this now. Since you don't want to, I won't force it. "

"My lord." Who knows.At this time, Ding Guangyou spoke again. "I have something to ask my lord. Although I have said it, I am not going to go to Kang Er to ask for something. But I still want to know. What is the lord going to do. Then Kang Er, what will happen in the end."

"Just as you said." Zhang Fan said. "Although Kang Er has never done anything himself, there are already many people who lost their lives because of him. Now I have someone investigate. These things have also been investigated. The truth is revealed. It is a trial. Kang Er will definitely be beheaded for public display."

Hearing that Kang Er's ending has already been decided.Ding Guangyou sighed.That's right.Although he can't do it himself.But he also absolutely wanted to see Kang Er's decapitated body.Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be relieved.

"What about Master Zeng?" Ding Guangyou asked again. "That day, the Xiaguan listened to what your lord said. He went to his house and said something. I don't know what happened. Kang Er will run away now. Could it be because of Master Zeng?"

"Not really." Zhang Fan also told Ding Guangyou the truth. "Actually. I didn't think about it that way from the beginning. Zeng Xingwu. Although I am not familiar with it, I do know something. It is absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing. Now. Kang Er has been found. The result is a Ask. Sure enough, there is no such thing. In short, this time, Mr. Zeng does not need to take any responsibility. At most, it is a fault of lax control. It's no big deal."

"That's good." Ding Guangyou heard Zhang Fan say this.Also rest assured.

Zhang Fan didn't say why he was asked to say that in the first place.Ding Guangyou was also very cooperative and didn't ask.

"This matter is over," Zhang Fan said. "You don't need to be discouraged. After all, you are not too old. You can't say it. Just this time, you will never live the rest of your life. However, you have to change your temper in the future. Otherwise, you won't I know when it will happen again in the future.”

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