The breath of hot summer came a little early in the south.But for tourists.In this not sultry weather or take a stroll in the courtyard.Or go boating on the lake.Feel the occasional breeze.This is simply supreme enjoyment.

Now Zhang Fan is also enjoying this beautiful scenery.A small flower shop goes boating on the lake.Beside her is Yingyue, a beauty who is affectionate towards her.The end is the bliss of the world.

"Brother Fan. Is what you said true?" Yingyue put a peeled grape in Zhang Fan's mouth.A pair of elf-like eyes looked at Zhang Fan curiously.With a bit of cuteness. "The boats in the future will really be made of iron horses. Wouldn't they sink into the water?"

"Hehe. Of course not." Zhang Fan now also enjoys the feeling of showing his majesty with the knowledge of later generations. "I think when the Han Chinese were in the Tang Dynasty, someone made a thin layer of iron and attached it to the hull. Why not?"

"Brother Fan. After all, it's just a thin layer of iron." Yingyue still couldn't understand.continue to ask curiously. "Yingyue just heard what Brother Fan said. It seems that the entire hull is made of refined iron. Iron is much heavier than water. Can it really float?"

"Don't worry, Yue'er." Zhang Fan said confidently. "Wait for the things here. I will build a ship made entirely of fine iron. By then Yue'er will know what I said is true."

"That's good. Brother Fan is not allowed to break his promise. Yingyue is still waiting to see." Yingyue said mischievously.The body attached to Zhang Fan moved closer to Zhang Fan again.

Zhang Fan didn't care.She seems to be used to Yingyue being so tired of herself.Now the two of them are in the attic on the second floor of Huafang.But it is surrounded by silk curtains.There is no need to worry about outsiders prying.Zhang Fan hugged Yingyue's delicate body into his arms.He took a sip of Yingyue's refreshing and pleasant hair fragrance very comfortably.Yingyue is also very happy that Zhang Fan can be so obsessed with herself.After all, she is still a virgin now.But the previous experience made her feel inferior.But Zhang Fan could still treat her like this after knowing all this.For her, this is no different from finding a lover who cares most about her.Although the elder sister who loves her the most is dead.But Yingyue seems to have found hope of living again with Zhang Fan.Even now, the poison of the "Five Immortals Honeydew" in her body.It still made her full of expectations for the future life.

"I heard from those businessmen who returned from overseas. The world is several times larger than our Ming Dynasty." Zhang Fan didn't notice Yingyue's small thoughts.Still talking to himself. "At that time. I will take you with me. Let's go see the world together. See exotic customs."

"Liar." Yingyue heard Zhang Fan's words.But suddenly she became coquettish.

"Why did Yue'er say that?" Zhang Fan looked at her inexplicably.I don't know why she said she was lying.

"Yingyue doesn't believe it. Brother Fan will abandon sister Ruxue. And sister Zhaoxue. Take Yingyue alone." Yingyue had a mischievous expression on her face.Said. "Brother Mo Feifei wants Yingyue to be the coquettish girl who breaks up her lover. Yingyue will write to sister Ruxue so that she won't misunderstand me." Finished.Yingyue made a gesture to get up.

"Okay, Yue'er. Sit down quickly." Zhang Fan really didn't expect Yingyue to have such a reaction.Originally, he just wanted to flirt with her.I didn't expect this girl to be like this.Think here.Zhang Fan couldn't help pulling Yingyue into his arms.A heavy slap hit Yingyue's buttocks.He also said in his mouth: "Well, you little girl. You dare to play tricks on me behind my back. It seems that my master is going to fix the family style."

Yingyue felt a little pain from Zhang Fan's slap.Can't help exclaiming.But she blushed immediately.Although in front of Zhang Fan, she can indulge herself freely.But I don't want others to see it.fine.There is no one here.The factory guards guarding Zhang Fan are all on the lower floor.This made Yingyue slightly better.But she was not willing to let Zhang Fan go so easily.The jade hand grabbed Zhang Fan's arm and kept shaking it.The mouth is charming: "Brother Fan. You are necrotic. Why do you bully Yingyue like this. Now Yingyue has only Brother Fan to rely on. If Brother Fan also hates Yingyue, then Yingyue has no choice but to..."

Zhang Fan felt like crying when he saw her words.I don't know if it's true or not.But he was really frightened by her.They couldn't help but immediately persuaded each other with kind words: "Good moon. How could I hate you." The two were tender for a while.Zhang Fan's perverted hands gradually climbed up Yingyue's buttocks.Gently massage the place that has just been "punished" by yourself.As if to eliminate the pain that didn't really exist.

Yingyue was tossed about by Zhang Fan.His face flushed even more.But she didn't stop it.Although Zhang Fan said it repeatedly.You have to wait until the Ming media is marrying the bridal chamber before taking yourself.It's just that Zhang Fan is now in the prime of his life and full of vigor.These days are troubled by many things again.Think here.Yingyue couldn't help thinking in her heart: "Brother Ruofan, he really thought about it. It doesn't matter if I give it to him. How about tonight..."

"Your Excellency, I have something to report from my humble position." Liang Chao's voice came from outside the attic.The eclectic scene inside was interrupted.

The atmosphere was suddenly destroyed.Zhang Fan was furious.But she also knew how to control herself; but Yingyue was almost pissed off by Liang Chao.If you don't come early, you can't play.It happened at this time.Ruined her good deeds.

Zhang Fan sat up.Drink a cup of tea to suppress the desire in the body.She opened her mouth and said, "Liang Chao. Come in and talk." Yingyue saw that there was nothing she could do.She had no choice but to pretend to be her maid again.

"Your Excellency, Miss Yue." Liang Chao saluted the two after entering.He didn't seem to know that he had interrupted a good thing.I just wonder why Zhang Fan looks a little embarrassed.But Yingyue glared at herself somewhat.

"Liang Chao. Sit down. Tell me something." Zhang Fan coughed lightly.He straightened his clothes and said.

"Thank you for your seat," Liang Chao thanked.sat down and said. "Beizhi also just received news from Songjiang."

"Oh. There is something wrong with Mr. Ge." Zhang Fan heard about it.Quickly asked.

"My brothers escorted Mr. Ge and his three sons back to Songjiang. We settled the property in private," Liang Chao said. "Hai Rui's people have now thoroughly investigated. And it was announced in court that Ge's hometown did not occupy as much land as the powerful. Now Hai Rui's people have responded to the sky."

"Oh. This is a good thing." Zhang Fan heard the news.Also very happy.It's finally been these days.He heard a piece of news that made him feel comfortable.

But the sky does not follow people's wishes.really.Liang Chao's next words brought trouble again.

"But. Has your lord forgotten that there is still a group of people watching Ge Lao's family?" Liang Chao reminded.

He said so.Zhang Fan also thought of it.Quickly asked: "How is it? Is there any movement from Gao Gong's men and horses?"

"There is no movement against Ge's hometown. It's just..." Liang Chao thought for a while.Said. "It's just that the humble subordinates found out. After hearing that Hai Rui couldn't find out the troubles of Mr. Ge, Gao Gong's men wandered around the fields where the former Ge's hometown hired farmers. The lowly subordinates went to inquire. Those people are rushed They asked the farm laborers to say bad things about Ge’s hometown. It’s just that Ge Lao has always been kind to those farm laborers. They don’t want to frame Ge Lao. They didn’t say anything against Ge Lao. However, Gao Gong’s people saw that they couldn’t find anything. As a result, they secretly used coercion and lure to force those farmers to give false testimony."

"There is such a thing." Zhang Fan was really surprised when he heard that. "That old man Gao Gong really did such a lowly thing."

"Your Excellency, there is absolutely no falsehood in a humble position. This matter has become a fact. I can't help but not believe it." Liang Chao replied very positively.

After listening to Liang Chao's words.Zhang Fan's mood fell into a trough just now.His brows frowned again: "This high arch. Is it really not a way out?"

"My lord, Gao Gong's move is definitely to collect evidence and report it to the Holy Majesty." Liang Chao continued. "At that time. Not only can we investigate the elders who are engaging in malpractice for personal gain, but also get away with the crime of deceiving the emperor. I'm afraid even Hai Rui will not be able to escape this calamity."

"How could I not know that?" Zhang Fan sighed.

"Brother Fan. Now the matter is a foregone conclusion. It is not an option to sigh here." Yingyue persuaded from the side. "For now, we still have to come up with a solution."

"Yue'er, what you said is true." Zhang Fan listened to her. "Now that things have happened, there is no way to lament here."

"My lord, I have thought of a way." Liang Chao said.

"Oh. Tell me quickly." Zhang Fan looked at him in surprise.

"I think it's a humble job. Gao Gong got the approval of the cabinet this time. He issued this decree to thoroughly investigate the land occupation by the tyrants in the south of the Yangtze River. It also passed all the officials and scholar-bureaucrats in the court. It also passed the approval of the Holy One." Liang Chao analyzed. road. "However, I also heard about it. The reason why the Holy Majesty agreed to this decree was not because the tyrants occupied the land to escape the court tax. It was for the common people to avoid being oppressed. Gelao's family acted for the common people. If..."

"You mean to let those peasants submit the papers to His Majesty together." Zhang Fan said without waiting for him to finish speaking.

"Humble post is exactly what it means." Liang Chao said. "In this way, there must be a turning point for the old man's affairs. And if Gao Gong's intimidation of the peasants is revealed, he can also be punished for the crime of deceiving the emperor. Even if it is not enough to shake his current position, it will also make him in the eyes of His Majesty. status has been lowered.”

"I don't care about Gao Gong's status now. The matter of elders is what matters now." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Said. "It's just. How can I pass those farmers' papers to the heavens? If I come forward, I'm afraid..."

"Brother Fan, why did you forget?" Yingyue said from the side. "This is Jiangnan. Isn't there a governor who is very clear here?"

"Hai Rui." Zhang Fan was reminded by Yingyue's words.He immediately cheered up. "My dear Yue'er. Your mind is turning quickly. Liang Chao. Hurry up and ask the people in Songjiang to collect the statements of the farmers. I'll figure out a way for Hai Rui."

"I obey the orders." Liang Chao said.Turn around and leave.

"That's great, Yue'er. Now things have turned around again. Thanks to you." Zhang Fan said happily to Yingyue.

"Then. Brother Fan, how are you going to thank Yingyue?" Yingyue asked coquettishly.

"What does Yue'er want? Just ask." Zhang Fan was very happy.

"Yingyue is very happy now. She doesn't lack anything." Yingyue said. "If you really want something. I want Brother Fan to accompany me tonight."

Hearing Yingyue's words.Zhang Fan was a little embarrassed.Said: "Yue'er. I have mentioned this to you many times. Could it be that you want me to break my promise."

Unexpectedly, Yingyue blushed when she heard this.She said softly: "Yingyue will never let Brother Fan break his promise. It's just... Brother Fan will know when the time comes."

Yingyue finished speaking.Under Zhang Fan's curious gaze.Quickly left.

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