The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 103 Guarding Liu Shan

early morning.Zhang Fan, who was exhausted all night, woke up.To say it was tiring would be an understatement.If it can be like this every night.Zhang Fan was overjoyed.Yingyue was still falling asleep in his arms.Look at that gorgeous face.Think of the beautiful scene last night.Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling a little crazy.

A morning breeze blew through the slightly open window.Interrupted Zhang Fan's fantasies about last night.He didn't want to disturb Yingyue.Instead, he got up and dressed himself.

June is approaching.The weather changes.Just like this Jiangnan is about to usher in the busiest time of the year.Many things have also changed.Zhang Fan, the imperial envoy, has been in the south of the Yangtze River for a long time.But he has lived in Yangzhou for a long time.The officials below couldn't help but speculate.

At the beginning, it was found out that Zhang Fan only recognized his ancestors and returned to his clan and lived in Yangzhou for a long time.The officials didn't pay much attention either.However, since so many days.The people in the shipping department and customs were a little restless.

Since the switch of the year before last.Nearly a thousand merchants in mainland China can see the huge profits of overseas trade.They have invested in the construction of sea-going ships to go to sea for business.Earnings in the first year can be described as impressive.The Ming Dynasty's taxation alone added several million taels to the court.But how could those officials miss this opportunity to make money.Some skimping on the goods.Make some moves on the tax bank.Make it a little bigger.At that time, the so-called [-] snowflake silver of the magistrate of the three-year Qing Dynasty was scarce.

Zhang Fan came here to thoroughly investigate the taxation of switching on and entering the ship, but it gave these people a vigilance.After all, the imperial court sent an imperial envoy to investigate thoroughly.Who can not be nervous.But they were not terribly frightened.After all, there are very few people in the world who don't love money like Hai Rui.Zhang Fan is no exception.At that time, the big deal is to spend money on Zhang Fan to avoid disaster.But they didn't know the promise Long Qing made to Zhang Fan before he went south.Forty percent of the tax money investigated and dealt with does not need to go into the treasury of the household department, nor does it need to be shown to the emperor.Zhang Fan can directly pull him into his residence.This is much faster than Zhang Fan reaching out to these officials to ask for bribes.

However, Zhang Fan also had calculations in his heart.He made up his mind.The decision is open to all comers.Send as much as you want.Zhang Fan always accepted it.By the time.who sent the most.The factory guard under Zhang Fan was going to ask who to ask first.It's just that it was the first time that Zhang Fan's factory guards did such a thorough investigation of corruption.I feel that I am a little "overqualified".A lot of money is promised.These factory guards will definitely not work as hard as they do now.

This is not.Those who are close to the water first get the moon.Liu Shan, the guarding eunuch of Yangzhou Prefecture, has also received a lot of benefits from those tax officials.The first one found Zhang Fan.To say that Liu Shan also has some background.Mu Zong ascended the throne that year.Feng Bao is the admiral of the East Factory and also in charge of the Imperial Horse Supervisor.At that time, there was a vacancy in the post of eunuch in charge of ceremonies.According to qualifications, Feng Bao should be in charge.But Gao Gong elected Chen Hong, the imperial supervisor.This made Feng Bao very angry.But Chen Hong was not lucky.It didn't take long to leave.Feng Bao felt that this was his chance.Unexpectedly, Gao Gong was responsible for it again.The dashing successor of Shangshan supervisor was elected.In this way.It can be said that Feng Bao has made a deal with Gao Gong.

And this Liu Shan is the one who rushed.I heard that it has something to do with Gao Gong.When Zhang Fan came to Jiangnan.Feng Bao also implicitly asked Zhang Fan to help suppress this person many times.It's also good to rub the spirit of rushing to the high arch.I can also be happy.

Zhang Fan was still a little hesitant.But now he is not afraid of these.Firstly, it was because of Xu Jie.I believe that there has long been a gap between Gao Gong and himself; secondly.After all, Zhang Fan came here for a thorough tax investigation under the order of Long Qing.There is also Shang Fang's sword in hand.If this Liu Shan is really so lucky.Zhang Fan will not show mercy either.

"Your Excellency, I, Liu Shan, the eunuch guarding Yangzhou. Please refer to the Imperial Envoy, Uncle Zhong Yong." Liu Shan entered Zhang's residence.He saluted Zhang Fan very respectfully.

"Why does the father-in-law need such a big gift? Hurry up and invite him." Zhang Fan also politely let Liu Shan take his seat.A lot of Liu Shan in front of him.Zhang Fan suddenly found out.It's a pity that the eunuch who is only in his 30s has a good skin.This Liu Shanduan looks like a handsome man.Zhang Fan was more than ten years younger than him.They are all a little ashamed.Although he is a clean eunuch.However, Liu Shan, who is dressed in ordinary clothes, is now dressed as a literati.The eyebrows are full of spring, and the corners of the mouth are crisp.It makes people feel a little coquettish.Zhang Fan even secretly thought viciously.Maybe this Liu Shan climbed into someone else's bed.So years ago, he sat in the position of guarding the eunuch.After all, there was a Ming Dynasty when men were in full bloom.Plus it looks like this.Zhang Fan had no choice but to think about it.

"My lord has been in Yangzhou for a long time. I heard that your lord is busy with business. I dare not come to disturb you." Liu Shan's voice was also very nice.Coupled with flattery and flattery.It made Zhang Fan shudder even more. "I didn't come to disturb you until today. I have done something wrong. I hope my lord will forgive me."

"My father-in-law is very polite. This time, I am also on behalf of His Majesty to patrol the south of the Yangtze River. I didn't want to disturb officials from all over the place." Zhang Fan said.

"Your Majesty's words are wrong. Since Your Majesty is visiting Jiangnan on behalf of His Majesty, we local officials naturally need to contact Your Majesty. It's better to let Your Majesty know some local things." Liu Shan said.immediately.He ordered many objects to be brought in.

Zhang Fan took a look.Here comes the topic.He didn't stop either.Liu Shan still asked people to carry the things in.Liu Shan saw that Zhang Fan had no intention of refusing.The smile from the heart on the face is even worse.

"Your Excellency came out of Jiangnan. I don't have any good things." Liu Shan pushed the servant.Open things up yourself.Presented in front of Zhang Fan.Said. "There are some local products here. I hope adults will accept them."

Zhang Fan heard what he said.Take a look.What Liu Shan brought was nothing else.But some expensive supplements.But the value space of this thing is much larger.Cordyceps sinensis and velvet seahorses seem normal.Although Liu Shan brought these things.But Zhang Fan, who was used to the rewards from the palace, couldn't recognize that these things were much better than what Long Qing rewarded him.

"Hehe. I'm sorry for your father-in-law's kindness." Zhang Fan's face remained unchanged.said with a smile. "It's just these things. I don't think I can use them all by myself. Or... that's right. My father-in-law must also know that my family is in the jade business. It's just that good stones are hard to find recently. I don't know my father-in-law..." Zhang Fan did not refuse the meaning of.Instead, he showed a greedy expression.

Liu Shan became even happier when he saw it.Immediately said with a smile: "It's really time for your lord to ask."Liu Shan opened a mouthful of the box.Carefully take out a stone sculpture the size of a pumpkin.

Zhang Fan took a look.Suddenly there is an urge to vomit blood.Not to mention that this stone sculpture was carved into the appearance of a lady.Not to mention how exquisite the carving is.It's just that a piece of good Tianhuang of this size was carved into this appearance... "Stormly grabbing the heavenly objects. Shockingly grabbing the heavenly objects." Zhang Fan couldn't help but lamented in his heart.The Ming and Qing generations.Tianhuang is used as an imperial product in the tribute palace.Most of them are used as imperial seals.A piece of Tianhuang of this size.In addition, the color is bright yellow.It is also an excellent texture that integrates coagulation, fat, transparency, purity and fineness.Now it has been carved into this romantic scene.Zhang Fan couldn't help but lament the literati's thoughts in his bones.And Zhang Fan's disgust towards Liu Shan suddenly increased a bit.

"My lord, this thing was purchased from our old home in Fujian." Liu Shan didn't see what Zhang Fan meant at all.Instead, they offered treasures. "Our family spent a lot of effort. We found the best craftsmen. That's how we got this thing. It's just that our family is not a romantic person. We don't know how to appreciate it. It's just gorgeous. It's still dedicated to adults. This It just seems to complement each other.”

"That's it. Father-in-law." Zhang Fan said with a wry smile.

"Brother Fan, why don't you wake Yingyue up?" Yingyue came out from the inner hall at this moment.But he saw that Zhang Fan had a visitor.He hurriedly changed his address and came forward to greet him. "Yingyue didn't know that the master had a guest. My lord, the little girl Yingyue is so polite."

"How dare, how dare. This time our family came to pay a visit to the lord. We know that the lord is beautiful and blessed. There is such a beautiful wife by his side." Liu Shan didn't see anyone to say anything. "Our family specially brought some small objects for my wife to enjoy."

It was the first time that Yingyue was called Madam.His face was slightly red.But I don't want to break it.He smiled and said, "Thank you for your honor."

"My lord, this is a good thing." Waiting for Yingyue to leave.Liu Shan held out a square brocade box mysteriously.said with a smile.

"Oh. What is this? Look at the father-in-law's appearance. It must not be ordinary." Zhang Fan also showed a very curious expression.

Liu Shan opened the brocade box with a smile.A long black strip lay in bright yellow satin.Liu Shan saw Zhang Fan's suspicious eyes.He smiled and said: "My lord. This is an excellent Northern Deer Whip. This is a great tonic." He said.Liu Shan became a little frustrated. "People like our family have no blessings. Now I dedicate it to the adults. It's also a token of my heart."

Zhang Fan listened to his words.I almost lost my breath.Think of a eunuch.What is not good to send.Just send some aphrodisiac tonics.This is really...

It's not too early for Liu Shan to see.Said to Zhang Fan: "Your Excellency has come to Yangzhou now. It is because of the busy business a few days ago. I didn't have time to observe the people's sentiments. Now Your Excellency finally has a moment of leisure. Our family also prepared good wine at home to entertain Your Excellency. I also hope that the adults will give you a face or two."

"It's easy to talk about," Zhang Fan said.

The two are talking.But Zhang Yufang walked in: "Fan'er. It's almost noon. You..." He suddenly saw Liu Shan.He also came forward to greet him: "Isn't this Eunuch Liu? Why is he so elegant today?"

Liu Shan served as the eunuch guarding Yangzhou.Of course he knew Zhang Yufang.He said very politely: "Zhang Yuanwai. Unexpectedly, your lord is Yuanwai's nephew. This is really a close relationship."

"It's easy to talk. Don't Mr. Liu stay after lunch before leaving." Zhang Yufang invited him warmly.

"It can't be done. I'm sorry for delaying my lord and Yuanwai's family." Liu Shan refused.Said. "My lord, you must come to our house. Our house has prepared wine and food and is waiting for you."

"Definitely." Zhang Fan said.

"Zhang Yuanwai. Zhang Yuanwai." Liu Shan wanted to say goodbye to Zhang Yufang.Unexpectedly, Zhang Yufang ignored him.Just staring at the carving of a lady made of Tianhuang.trembling.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan hurriedly said: "Uncle, he also likes these things. I hope my father-in-law will forgive me. In a few days, Zhang will definitely go to the father-in-law's mansion to bother me."

Finally Liu Shan was sent out of the house.Zhang Fan returned to the living room only to see his uncle trembling more and more standing in front of the sculpture.He couldn't help but stepped forward to support him.

"Uncle, what's the matter?" Zhang Fan asked with concern.

"This... Which prodigal son is this." Zhang Yufang pointed to the carving.Said out of breath. "Excessive collection of natural things."

After listening to this sentence.Zhang Fan couldn't help but sighed.

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