This kind of invitation, how can you say that when the other party first speaks, you have to be polite. Otherwise, it seems too tasteless for you to immediately agree to the invitation, but it also depends on the situation. The most important point is to see the identity of the other party.

Just like what Zhang Fan has encountered now, if the other party is about the same status as him, this kind of politeness can be used, but in this situation, the other party is from the prince, even the prince who has some troubles with the court now , he is still a prince, the prince has already spoken, as long as you are not, then you have to listen obediently, otherwise the legal system will be messed up.

What's more, the invitation from the other party is something that Zhang Fan can't wait for. If it is just to meet Zhu Xuanqi, it is useless to Zhang Fan's goal. Only a long-term contact can be achieved. Grasp the other party's news, and Zhang Fan thinks so, but the other party will think the same way. After all, the other party, like him, has a lot of things to know, and it is definitely not something that can be dismissed in one or two strokes.

Since both parties are willing, why bother to push back and forth so hypocritically, since the other party has proposed, simply agree to it, and there is no question of face here.

Therefore, after Zhang Fan ordered the people below to pack their things, he called Joanna and followed the Zhao guard who came to the palace. Prepared, when Zhang Fan walked out of the gate of the post house, he saw the two gorgeous carriages parked in front of the gate. Obviously, Zhu Xuanqi had already made preparations.

Now that everything has been prepared, Zhang Fan has no intention of refusing, otherwise, it would not be a good thing to refute the prince's face.

The post house is not far from the Shu Palace. In fact, after Zhang Fan and the others got on the carriage, they had already entered the boundary of the Shu Palace before half a stick of incense passed. It is far from enough, and it will take a long time to arrive. The reason is that the Shu Palace is really too big.

This Shu palace has a long history. In the 11th year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang named his seven-year-old son Zhu Chun as the king of Shu, and guarded the southwest. Three years later, in the 14th year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang sent Jing Chuan Hou Cao Zhen and others rushed to Chengdu to preside over the construction of this magnificent Shu Palace.

Nine years later, that is, the 23rd year of Hongwu, this magnificent palace was not completed, and this Shu palace, from the date of its completion, until now, even in Zhang Fan's original era, until now. After the fall of the Ming Dynasty, and more than 200 years after the Qing Dynasty, the feudal system disappeared completely. It is also the most magnificent one among all the palaces. This is why, in Chengdu, the people do not call it the palace or the city. , but directly called it the "Imperial City".

In the mansion of Chengdu, the Mansion of the King of Shu mourns Yuhe from east to west, Hongzhaobi from Hongzhaobi, Donghua Gate to the east, and Xihua Gate to the west, with a total length of nearly five miles and an area of ​​38 hectares. With its huge size, the buildings in it have been continuously remodeled after several generations of Shu kings enjoying the affluent life in this southwestern land, and they are even comparable to the imperial city in the capital.

It can be said that the person who can be the king of Shangshu and enjoy the royal city originally shows how powerful his subordinates are, although Zhang Fan has already seen the magnificence of the Forbidden City, and even Even if he has never seen this Shu Palace, he still has a lot of understanding, but when he entered this place in person, and saw these things, and with the explanation from the guard Zhao beside him, he still knew it. Can't help being shocked.

This is not a palace, it is not too much to use it as an imperial city.

As for Joanna on the side, she was stunned at all, and she also gave Zhang Fan a look. When she came to Daming, she was the envoy of Flangji, so she had seen the Forbidden City, although she was also very surprised at that time , but after all, the territory of the Ming Dynasty is so vast, so in Joanna's view, it is understandable that the emperor who commands such a large country can influence such a huge imperial city as the Forbidden City.

However, what is in front of Joanna now is a royal city. If it is changed to Europe, it can be said to be a castle of a certain prince of a country. Although the name is different, the meaning is exactly the same.

But the meaning is the same, but the things presented in front of her eyes are completely different. For Joanna, after being surprised, the Forbidden City will also produce a certain feeling, but the one in front of her, let alone The prince or something, even in Europe, the emperor of any country cannot have such a palace complex.

As for how many fiefdoms the King of Shu had under his rule, although those were big, they were beyond imagination, but the one in front of her was actually presented in front of her eyes.

"Master Zhang, I have to apologize for taking a long detour," Zhao Weiwei explained to Zhang Fan from the side, "My lord specially told me to let Master Zhang look at the Shu Palace. There is no other way. Go in, after all, this is not an imperial city, so there is no rule that you can’t ride a horse or drive a car, but it’s a lot more convenient. Just resign, you go to the Chengyun Gate, and then you go to the Chengyun Palace, and then...

"Originally, the prince wanted to meet Mr. Zhang in the Chengyun Hall. After all, it is the place where the prince manages his daily affairs, but it is a bit too solemn. What's more, the prince, the third wife, and the third wife's family all want to thank Mr. Zhang in person. , so I changed to meet Mr. Zhang in Zhaoming Hall, which is the residence of the prince, and the scenery is unique, don’t look at it is the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, but there are strange flowers blooming in it, it is really elegant, the prince wants to meet you there, "

"This... the lord is taking a lot of trouble, Zhang Fan is really ashamed," Zhang Fan also said along the way.

But even though he said such words, Zhang Fan was still thinking about what Zhu Xuanqi meant by doing this. If it was just to get closer, this move was indeed a good one. If it were a different person, suddenly being treated like this by the King of Shu, and even invited him into his residence to meet each other, I really felt flattered. Perhaps under such a feeling, I couldn't think of any unusual things in it, and I was taken by others all of a sudden. Thoughts.

However, this is not the case with Zhang Fan. After all, he came this time to set Zhu Xuanqi up. Although Zhu Xuanqi can guess this point, there are some things that Zhu Xuanqi doesn't know, that is, in Queen Mother Li When planning this whole thing, Zhang Fan didn't join in at a later stage, he was planning this thing with Queen Mother Li from the very beginning.

As far as Zhang Fan is concerned, if he can't set Zhu Xuanqi up successfully, then Zhang Fan himself will be in trouble, and this trouble is not the kind of being scolded or demoted two levels. It's not itchy, after all, Zhang Fan can be said to be the one who planned to assassinate Zhu Yijun, and Queen Mother Li has evidence in hand. If Zhang Fan can't complete what Queen Mother Li told him, it's hard to guarantee that Queen Mother Li won't bite him back .

At that time, the crime of assassinating the emperor will be counted on Zhang Fan's head. In that case, Zhang Fan can't even imagine it. Therefore, for Zhang Fan now, such things as shock are completely outrageous. Don't let Zhang Fan feel any trance, the current Zhang Fan will always be sober.

To put it bluntly, if one is not careful, the one who moves will be his head. In comparison, nothing can compare with his own head.

Arriving in front of the Zhaoming Palace, Zhao Huwei took Zhang Fan and others out of the car and walked in. The place is indeed as what Zhao Huwei said before, extremely gorgeous. Just entering is a cemetery, although the scale is not as large as the royal cemetery in the capital. But the climate here, coupled with the fact that there are many exotic flowers and plants in the garden that are rare even in the capital, really makes people feel like they are in a fairyland. It has been covered by heavy snow, how can there be such a scene.

There are small bridges and flowing water beside it. Although there are no birds and the fragrance of flowers is wafting, the climate is not like the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month. It is really enjoyable.

Although the purpose of Zhang Fan's coming here is very clear, but even so, the scenery in front of him is really admirable, not to mention Joanna, even The few Beijing officials who came with Zhang Fan were also shocked by the scenery in front of them, not to mention Joanna, a European who had never seen such a scene before.

Although it has not yet reached the exaggerated state of enjoying hundreds of flowers in winter, it is already amazing to be able to see flowers in the deep winter.

And Zhao Huwei at the side, seeing Zhang Fan and others like this, did not show any sarcasm, but also showed pride on his face. After all, if he is not surprised by the appearance here, then there is a problem.

"Master Zhang, my lords, this way please," Zhao Huwei said after waiting for a while, "The prince is already waiting for your lords."

"I'm sorry," Zhang Fan replied, "The scenery here really opened our eyes, and we couldn't help being stunned, and looked at Haihan, since we are here, we can't let the prince wait, it's too much It's rude, please ask the guard Zhao to lead the way."

"So, this way please," Zhao Huwei led Zhang Fan and the others to a palace ahead.

And Zhang Fan understood that now, finally, he was about to meet the rightful owner.

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