The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1024 Not a Confrontation

"Commander of Jinyiwei. Zhongyong Bo Zhang Fan. Please refer to His Royal Highness King Shuduan." Zhang Fan and others entered the hall after being notified by others.It was led to Zhu Xuanqi.And Zhang Fan.He also reported his title implicitly.After all, this kind of scene.This is also a necessary etiquette.

And beside.Wang Xilie and others who came with Zhang Fan also saluted.

"Alas. Your lords don't need to be too polite. This is not above the main hall. You don't need to be too polite. Please sit down quickly. The king has already ordered someone to make tea." Zhu Xuanqi saw everyone.It's very polite.Said immediately. "My lords have come from afar. As a vassal of this place, I should do my best as a landlord. It is good to entertain you lords. It is just that I heard that your lords came here for an order. I have been entangled in many things. After arriving here, I have been very busy. Not only To do business for you adults. This king did not send anyone to disturb. The former Japanese king sent people to Liu Xian’s camp. There are some things. But I saw Mr. Zhang. When I came back, this king heard about it. Knowing that the adults are here The matter is almost over. Today is to invite you here.

"No. The New Year is approaching. If you think about it, you will not be able to return to the capital to celebrate the New Year. Instead of celebrating the New Year at home, you have to travel all night. It's better to stay here. In the palace of the king. Just spend this year with the king. That's all Come on. Your lords can rest and rest, but this king can also have a good time."

In this way.Everyone finally saw the long-awaited King of Shuduan.Zhu Xuanqi is gone.This king of Shu.Now it's only [-] years old.But it looks on the face.But it is very young.No.Can't say young.But it can be said that his face looks very handsome.

That's fine.After all, he was a child who grew up in the Wang family.Even if it is a concubine.On looks.Naturally, there is no need to say more.This is not a third-rate story.Among the powerful children.As long as you have a bad heart.They all look vicious.It was two hundred years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.Royal descendants.After 200 years of precipitation.up to now.I want to give birth to some crooked melons and cracked dates.That's the difficult thing.

and.This Zhu Xuanqi looks more than just the appearance.He succeeded to the throne in 40 years from Jiajing.It has been more than ten years now.No matter what kind of person he is.Sitting in such a seat for so many years.Anyway.That all-for-one aura was also cultivated.

about this point.In fact it is.It's like meeting someone important for the first time.I feel that the other party is full of momentum.Seems like where he is.It was simply made for him.But it was ignored.What would he have looked like when he had just come to this step.What momentum is commensurate with status.It's better to say that the status gives a person's aura.

Moreover.people present.Outside of Joanna.And who doesn't know what life the King of Shu in front of him lived in those years.Even the elder brother who was born in the first place is dead.But Zhu Chengyu, king of Shukang in the previous generation, didn't take him as the only heir seriously.Now Zhu Xuanqi can have such an "achievement".It is really thanks to the position of the prince that he is created.

"The prince is really polite." As the leader of this group of people.Zhang Fan spoke first. "I'm waiting for a group of people. It's His Majesty's order. I came to Chengdu to investigate the details of this battle. Although it's an excuse, I'm really busy. I don't have time to visit the prince. I hope the prince will forgive me for a while."

"Sigh. The court's political affairs are more important." Zhu Xuanqi said. "After all, the emperor's nephew wants to rule the world. But he has to pay attention to the affairs of the world. Even with the help of the emperor's wife and a few ministers, it is still a lot of work. I have to bother you. If you adults come to Chengdu, you will not do business. I came to this king to play the autumn wind. Then the king is not happy."

This is what I said.It is really level.It's not just about Zhu Xuanqi's recognition of Zhu Yijun's regime.It also shows an affinity for those present.Although the people present.Everyone knew that this King of Shu would definitely not be someone easy to get along with.But if it is not a strong-willed person.After listening to his words.There will definitely be other ideas.all in all.Just one sentence.This king of Shu is definitely not a simple character.

"My lord's praise." Zhang Fan said.

"By the way. I don't know how your Majesty and the Queen Mother are doing now." Zhu Xuanqi asked. "The last time this king saw His Majesty and the Empress Dowager. It was the time when the late emperor's brother was mourning. But he was extremely sad. He didn't say a few words. Now he wants to meet, but it is not easy. So this king wants to ask everyone My lord, how are your majesty and the queen mother doing?"

"My lord, don't worry." Zhang Fan replied. "The queen mother is in good health now. Now the queen mother has handed over all the political affairs to the cabinet. She is dedicated to taking care of the fourth highness. Your majesty is also very good. On weekdays, there are several cabinet scholars. There are also ministers who personally teach your majesty. Sometimes. Some political affairs in the court are also handled by His Majesty personally. This is what the Empress Dowager meant. After all, His Majesty is still young. But in this way, once the government is in charge in the future, he will not be in a hurry.

"Oh, by the way. Your Majesty prefers going to the martial arts arena in the palace rather than studying. The matter of keeping fit. The Queen Mother has never objected. This year, the autumn hunt was held."

As soon as Zhang Fan's words came out.Everyone present was stunned.

What he said in the first half of the sentence is naturally no problem.Although it is true.Nor did he hide Zhu Yijun's playful personality.But words that come out.But there is no problem.It's very comfortable to listen to.But finally.Zhang Fan ended with the word "Autumn Hunting".

Hear these two words.Is there anyone present who can speak.Since the death of Emperor Zhengde.Emperor Jiajing's ascension to the throne began.There is no such thing as Qiushou again.Until now.Now the Wanli Emperor.Arrived this year.This autumn hunting just started again.

And this year's autumn hunting.It's really wonderful.Even if you're not there to see it.Just listen to other people's narrative.It is already known.What a thrilling scene it was.

and.The murder incident.The court had no intention of concealing it at all.Basically.what's the matter.First let the ministers in the court know.Wait until something comes out.Let the people outside know about the previous incident.

Wait until things get to this point.I dare not say it elsewhere.Just say it is the capital.No matter which one is asked.Even if it's just a commoner.All know.The assassination of the emperor.It has an indispensable relationship with Zhu Xuanqi, king of Shuduan.

And now.Zhang Fan actually said this in front of Zhu Xuanqi.After all, he was too courageous.Or what purpose does he have.Or maybe he's just plain heartless.

stupid.People who are short-hearted can get to where Zhang Fan is now.Do not make jokes.

brave.The one opposite is the prince.It's from the Zhu family.So what if Zhang Fan is high and powerful.This world is always surnamed Zhu.He is dying.

That is purposeful.I don't know what the purpose is.Absolutely with purpose.

or.There is another possibility.It's just a casual word at all.There is no purpose at all.

"Hahaha. I heard that His Majesty is so. The king is also relieved." Although there was a short pause.But it was the king of Shu who spoke first. "However, Mr. Zhang just mentioned Qiushou. This king has also heard about it. I heard that this time is really dangerous. Your Majesty is almost... But it's okay. It's all right now. I don't know who is so bold. How dare you do something like assassinate the emperor."

Actually.It is very normal for Zhu Xuanqi to say such a thing.after all.Whether true or not.Zhu Xuanqi has never done this.According to his position.No matter what he wanted to learn from Zhang Fan.Or is it just an exclamation.There is nothing wrong with saying that.

Zhang Fan naturally understood this.So Zhu Xuanqi's words seemed to him to be perfectly fine.but.The other ministers around Zhang Fan didn't think so.They are about this matter.I think I understand it well.But in fact, it's just a fur.But as far as they know.The king of Shuduan, who was talking and laughing in front of their eyes, was the mastermind behind the whole thing.

certainly.It's no wonder these people.After all those things.that evidence.The unmistakable news that came out.All pointed the finger at the prince.How can these people be identified?

so.Now Zhu Xuanqi said something like this.Stop in these people's ears.But it was as if he was deliberately testing them.Give them a feel.It is obvious that he has admitted that he did it.But they are still shouting and catching the thief.So bold.But unfortunately.They are helpless.

"My lord is right." Zhang Fan was very calm.Said. "The person who did such a thing. I don't know who it is. I don't know what I want to do. But it caused a lot of trouble for Weichen. The Queen Mother handed over this matter to Weichen. But except for the assassin Outside. I have found nothing. It has been such a long time. Nothing can be found. The queen mother is also very angry with Weichen because of this. She took this matter away and handed it over to Dongchang. Sigh..."

Zhang Fan's words.Surprised the people around him again.That's what he said.The first half is right.Queen Mother Li indeed handed over this matter to Zhang Fan.And Zhang Fan did not come up with a result for a long time.But they have never heard of when this matter was handed over to Feng Bao.Zhang Fan is simply talking nonsense.

"Forget it. Stop talking about these disappointing things." Zhu Xuanqi said suddenly. "My lords are here today. Oh. There are also female relatives. They don't seem to be from this dynasty. It's just right. This king has ordered a banquet. Moreover, this king has to thank Mr. Zhang."

Zhu Xuanqi's words.Not really a surprise.But it makes these people can't figure it out.

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