The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1025 Three thoughts

Several people present.All feel.It will not be so easy to come to Shu Palace this time.Whether it is Zhang Fan.Or Wang Xilie and others who followed.Zhu Yijun was assassinated.It's no longer a secret.In the capital, it can be said that almost everyone knows about it.And there is more to know.Behind this matter seems to be inseparable from the Shuduan king in front of him.

so.original.Everyone thinks.After getting here.The most difficult thing.It is how to deal with Zhu Xuanqi.Although the capital is thousands of miles away from Sichuan.but.It has been more than half a year since Zhu Yijun was assassinated.It is certain that the news will come here.Even if not.Everyone present.No one believed it.The king of Shu did not arrange his own eyeliner in the capital.At the very least.If there is any major movement in the capital.He is absolutely able to know.

That is.It is now certain.It was finally investigated by the imperial court.The news about Zhu Yijun's assassination was that Zhu Xuanqi was behind the scenes.It has definitely been passed on.Regardless of whether he did it or not.Or being framed by others.We meet now.If you don't ask at all.On the contrary, it is a bit strange.

No.Not that it feels weird.Zhu Xuanqi didn't ask any questions.Zhang Fan can understand this point.After all, Zhang Fan knew what kind of story was going on here.if that happened.Zhu Xuanqi didn't take the initiative to ask.It also makes sense.

But.for others.Just like Wang Xilie who is only manipulated by others.Just for people who know something that others let them know.There is also a big problem in this.Although they also felt that this matter was a bit strange at first.But they don't know the truth.So no conclusions can be drawn.

And after arriving here.If Zhu Xuanqi made it clear.Ask them about this matter from the very beginning.It seems quite normal.But if Zhu Xuanqi stopped asking.Give people the feeling.Simply.It's clear that he did it.Since he did it.Then he naturally didn't need to ask.

That is.Now Zhu Xuanqi met them face to face.But he didn't say anything.It simply made him feel that Zhu Xuanqi did that.

Only Zhang Fan knew the reason.Zhu Xuanqi didn't ask.If asked.It can also be said here that he asked the question knowingly.Just trying to deceive others.

And now.Zhu Xuanqi was very calm.Very calm.Obviously.He wanted to hear what Zhang Fan knew first.Then make plans.all in all.Zhu Xuanqi.Definitely not an easy opponent to deal with.

but.This is for Zhang Fan.Also good news.When we didn't meet.Perhaps Zhang Fan didn't have too many thoughts about Zhu Xuanqi himself.The reason is that he is difficult to deal with.It's all because of his status as a prince.Status is there.But also great wealth and power.And there are many counselors under his to advise him.But for Zhu Xuanqi himself.Zhang Fan didn't have too many worries.even.Judging from the previous things.Zhu Xuanqi is also an impulsive and strong person.Such a person will not be difficult to deal with.

But now this time we meet like this.Zhang Fan's thoughts changed.Zhu Xuanqi.Definitely not an easy guy to deal with.Very calm.Even for things that are eager to know.He can also hold his breath.Say it positively.This is indeed the quality that a successful person should possess.But it's the opposite.opponent's advantage.It became Zhang Fan's disadvantage.Zhu Xuanqi made Zhang Fan feel.Very, very difficult to deal with.

and.This is just the first confrontation.but.Not to mention the depth of the other party.Zhang Fan didn't even notice anything.

but.Here Zhang Fan thought so.Zhu Xuanqi over there.In fact, why not have such an idea in my the first half.His son is in the capital.But that was a complete coincidence.Later, because of some things in the palace.He just wrote the letter.Let the son come back.But who would have thought that.Such a letter with no intention at all.Instead, he became the most suspicious target for the court to assassinate Zhu Yijun.

And after that.It is exactly as said before.He is the king of Shu.As today under the rule of Ming Dynasty.The most powerful prince.How could there be no eyeliner in the capital?Although it can't be said that everything in the capital can be known in advance.But some messages that carry among the majority.He could still know right away.certainly.The so-called right away.It was already seven or eight days later.But in this day and age.In seven or eight days, I learned what happened in the capital from Sichuan.It's already pretty amazing.

In short.After he learned that Zhu Yijun had been assassinated.Write immediately.Let his eyeliner in the capital carefully inquire about this matter.Don't miss a single clue.And as the news from the imperial court came out one by one.What Zhu Xuanqi knew.It is also becoming more and more unfavorable to oneself.

Zhu Xuanqi at that time.How angry that is.Although he also has such an ambition.But he also understands.Even if there are people making trouble in the world today.But the big picture is solid.It is simply impossible to sit on the throne by relying on some turmoil.

but.If the royal family really provoked someone to assassinate Zhu Yijun.And if it succeeds.Maybe he, the King of Shu, could really seize an opportunity.But the last news is that.Zhu Yijun had nothing to do at all.

And the last news came.Not sure though.But this time the assassination.Almost all the clues point to him, Zhu Xuanqi.He tensed up immediately.

That's right.In today's Ming Dynasty.He, the king of Shu, is the most powerful.but.That is why.The imperial court has never relaxed its surveillance on him.Long Qing would be fine.Although there are.But not very tight.And wait until Zhu Zaihou died.Empress Dowager Li came to power.Everything is different.

After Empress Dowager Li came to power.I didn't notice him at first.But who told him that he was a little hot and dizzy at that time.Actually found a few people.On such a "family letter".result.Not only did it not bring him any benefits.And let him be watched by Queen Mother Li.It can be said.He really regretted this matter.

And since then.The imperial court also began to monitor him.and.Surveillance is not a secret organization like Jinyiwei or Dongchang.Almost all of them are those who put it in the open.This posture.It made him feel a little out of breath.

Also delayed for this reason.He cannot develop any influence.Naturally, there is no problem with domineering as a prince.But if it is said to do something that the emperor is very taboo to the vassal.Even if you didn't do it.Just some movement.Then the Shu Palace will come to people for several days in a row.It also brought many greetings from Queen Mother Li.certainly.A greeting is really a greeting.Ask how you've been doing lately.How is your body?How are you at home.but.this kind of thing.What is behind it.Everyone can understand it.

so.After he knew.The first thing is not panic.but thoughtful.Although he sometimes acts very impulsively.But he is not a fool.As soon as this matter comes out.He just thought of something.The news came from the court.What the hell is it for.Obviously, Queen Mother Li was behind this.Purpose.Of course it was to deal with him, Zhu Xuanqi.

Now it is meaningless to think about who assassinated Zhu Yijun.The most urgent task for Zhu Xuanqi is to figure out what the Queen Mother Li's purpose is to let him be released as the mastermind behind the scenes.Obviously.It is not intended to put him to death.If so.Needless to say so many confusing things.Just speak out.He said that the mastermind behind it was him.Then just send troops over.

Although it is indeed absurd to do so.But this kind of thing.In the final analysis, it is also an internal matter of the royal family.Nothing to do with anyone else.No matter how those ministers obstructed it.If Empress Dowager Li is determined to do this.Also useless.

And now.Empress Dowager Li did not do this.That's it.Empress Dowager Li didn't want to be so extreme.It is not necessary to put him to death.Probably.Queen Mother Li wanted to take this opportunity.Let him know how great it is.Let him restrain himself a little later.

but.Even so.Zhu Xuanqi also couldn't let go of his heart.convergence.How to restrain yourself.What will be the consequences.It was he who was taken to the capital and placed under house arrest.Or he is from the lineage of King Shu.All future heirs will be under house arrest in the capital.Wait until the previous generation is dead.Only then can he come back and inherit the throne.

No.this kind of thing.Zhu Xuanqi would never be willing.He still wants to go on happily.And not just himself.Even his offspring.He didn't want to see them suffer this kind of thing either.

But what exactly should be done.Zhu Xuanqi had no idea.He also discussed the matter with his confidants.But there is still no better way.

then.This matter was on the way he was so worried.It dragged on for half a year.Until a month and a half ago.He suddenly heard that someone from Beijing would come to Sichuan.The purpose is to have something to do with the Bo people.

but.No matter what.Zhu Xuanqi will not simply think that he has nothing to do with it.

But he also thought of it.Maybe he could use this in reverse.Even if it can't be done.At the very least, it is necessary to figure out what Queen Mother Li means.

now.That's why we met today.but.Zhu Xuanqi didn't expect it either.The young man in his 20s in front of him.But he is not an easy master to deal with.It made him feel.Quite troublesome.

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