"But my lord," Liang Chao panicked after hearing Zhang Fan's words, "Although I don't know what those two people want to do now, it is clear that the matter will definitely not be small. If that is the case, we If you don’t send someone over there to find out, if something happens, it won’t be a big deal for them to win the first place.”

"I also know about this matter," Zhang Fan naturally understood, "Liang Chao, you go now, find ten people from below, rush to Yongning Mansion, and find out what is going on for me."

"Yes, my lord." Hearing Zhang Fan's order, Liang Chao immediately stood up and was about to leave, but stopped after taking two steps, "My lord, ten people, we don't even know where those two people are now!" Where, and if we start from the bottom, we don’t know what year and month it will be until we go up layer by layer. I’m afraid we haven’t heard any news by then, and I’m afraid they have already started working there,” Jane In short, Liang Chao felt that too few people were sent there.

"I know what you mean," Zhang Fan said, "but this matter cannot be done in a big way at all. I said just now that if the people over there know something, then we will be in trouble, so , we have to do this matter, but we have to do it very secretly. Ten people is already the limit. If the opportunity is discovered by them, they will either launch an attack early or hide it again. I don't want to see both of these.

"Also, regardless of whether it's good or bad if they hide again, but if they attack early because they find out that we have been aware of it, then it will not be worth the loss if we send someone,"

"But my lord," Liang Chao said even though he had heard what Zhang Fan said, "If we say that we sent so many people there, but in the end we found nothing, let the other party... In that case, wouldn't it be the same?" ,"

"Of course I understand this," Zhang Fan said with a look of helplessness, "but now, there is no other way to do this matter, by the way, Liang Chao, when you send people down, remember to find a way to inform the Five Poison Sect Make a sound over there, and let them help to check, what's going on,"

"Five Poison Sect," Wang Meng who was at the side spoke first when Zhang Fan mentioned these three words, "My lord, are you planning to..."

"That's right," Zhang Fan interjected before Wang Meng finished speaking, "At the beginning, we put so much thought into getting such a good thing. Now, isn't this the right time to use it? , Needless to say, if the matter can be resolved smoothly this time, then we won’t need it anymore, right?”

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Wang Meng agreed and nodded.

"Liang Chao, do you understand?" Zhang Fan finally said to Liang Chao, "Although the Five Poison Sect is considered to be on the same side with us today, you must not be careless about this matter. Let them know, who knows what will change, you have to keep this matter secret, otherwise, we may be in big trouble, "

"Don't worry, my lord, I understand," Liang Chao nodded, turned and left without asking any more questions.

Wang Meng waited until Liang Chao left, and then he spoke: "My lord, what do you think this matter has reached now?"

"It's really hard for me to say that," Zhang Fan shook his head, shaking the letter in his hand, and said, "Judging from this letter alone, it's definitely not good news. Twenty or thirty thousand people, Taking advantage of the opportunity of the imperial court to pay tribute to the Bo people, to start training, there is absolutely no reason for idleness, there must be some intention in it, "

"Could it be that those two people still want to rebel," Wang Meng asked.

"It's very possible," Zhang Fan said with a gloomy face, "Besides, the rebellion at this time is really a good time. The current situation in the Northeast is well known to the world, even if there is no connection between the two sides. , but they also understand that if there is a fight in the northeast, the court's eyes will inevitably turn to that side. At that time, no one will pay attention to the southwest, and it is the best time for them to rebel.

"Besides, the Southwest is also very empty now. In this year's battle, yes, Liu Xian led an army of 14, but this 14 army has been gathered here since last year. Whether it is training on weekdays, It was food, grass, supplies, all well-prepared, plus Liu Xian's pre-emptive strike this time, which is why he won this big victory.

"But now, the war is over, and those brigades were mobilized from various places last year because of Gao Gong. Now that the battle is over, these people have gone back, and the only ones left are those from Sichuan. The soldiers and horses of the land, as well as the troops brought by Liu Xian himself, add up to 5 to [-] people.

"Although 1 to [-] people are used to defend Sichuan and mediate the conflicts between the tribes here, it is completely enough, but because of this, these troops of Liu Xian are now distributed all over Sichuan, and, At this time, because of the Bo people, the tribes all over Sichuan are in a panic. Even if the court will not use force against them, it is necessary to monitor them, but because of this, Liu Xian's troops are divided There are [-] people here and [-] people there, and there are only [-] people left in Chengdu Mansion.

"Now, according to the news we got, those two people are now hiding near Yongning Mansion. Although under the rule of Yongning Mansion, no matter Sichuan or Yunnan, both provinces occupy territory, but Yongning Mansion is in Yunnan. Even if it is the imperial court here, it is not easy for Liu Xian to send troops to monitor it.

"Now, Sichuan is at the time when its troops are scattered, but for those two people, it is a great opportunity. If they take advantage of the time when Sichuan's troops are scattered and the Northeast War is about to break out, they will rebel at this time If so, do you think this Sichuan can be defended?"

"These two people have a good plan," Wang Meng said after hearing Zhang Fan's words, "Just like what your lord said, Sichuan seems to be very stable today, but in fact, it is full of dangers. The news is all made by the Five Poisons themselves, but other ethnic groups, even the Han people, are also very nervous because of this. Now that the troops are scattered, it is actually the most empty time at this time. If they really choose such a If the time comes, it will be difficult to stop here.

"My lord, it's hard to say that they chose this time not by accident, but on purpose,"

"Deliberately." Hearing Wang Meng's words, Zhang Fan immediately wanted to understand what he meant, and his face immediately became extremely ugly, but Zhang Fan also recovered immediately, "No, it's impossible, if it's as you said If that is the case, doesn't it mean that the Five Poison Sect is in collusion with them, and we have fallen into the trap of the other party, but it is impossible. If this is the case, we should have received the news early right,"

Wang Meng listened to Zhang Fan's words, thought for a long time, and said: "Your Excellency is right, it seems that he is humble and careless, but now in Sichuan, the place with the most troops is the Chengdu Mansion, but even so, it is only 1 Thousands of people? If 3 or [-] people gather in one place and attack together, it will be difficult to defend after all.

"However, I feel that even if Sichuan can't be defended, it can't be attacked there. After all, they only have 3 or 5 people. Even if there are more, [-] people, it's the same. They attack very quickly. , no one can defend, but when the time comes, this side will not be easy to deal with. Once the delay is delayed, when General Liu's army is mobilized, they will definitely be finished.

"Unless they drive straight in without stopping, but if you go out of Sichuan, you will have Huguang in the east and Shaanxi in the north, both of which are heavily guarded by soldiers, so you don't need to be afraid at all, and if you go south, you will be in Yunnan and Guizhou, but, then The situation here is even more complicated than that in Sichuan, and there is absolutely nothing to fish for there.

"Although Zhang Yong and Wang Xin belong to Wei Yinbao's old department, their natures are quite different from Wei Yinbao's. To be honest, Wei Yinbao has some admiration for his humble position, but these two people are completely himself. It’s all for money, I don’t think they will do such a worthless thing, and it may take their lives, so it’s even more impossible.”

"You're right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "These two people have such natures that they would never do that kind of thing, so we don't have to think too much about it. Now even if the other party doesn't move, I can also roughly understand what they want to do. These two people have entangled so many people, and I don’t know how many despicable methods they used, but I’m afraid there is only one purpose. The two want to take this opportunity to make a fortune. When they see that the situation is not going well, the two of them may have to pack up and flee, "

"Then we now have to do everything possible to prevent them from doing it," Wang Meng said, "but this matter is not easy to handle. In the current situation, even if this side sends troops, the other side will say it is to prevent it from happening. , now all the tribes in Sichuan are like this, there is no way to find this reason, if we insist on stopping those tribes here, I am afraid that the trouble will be even bigger, "

"Therefore, there is no way to take the initiative in this matter," Zhang Fan said, "It is better for our side to take the initiative to meet the enemy. If we are lucky, I am afraid that the other party will retreat without fighting when they see this situation. It's just bad luck, if there is a real fight, it's better to be prepared than to be attacked by the other party."

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