The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1031 Another Method

Things seem to be getting serious. Although it looks like there is still no movement at all, Zhang Fan, who has received a lot of news, understands that things are really getting serious. Now, the so-called seriousness is not only It's just because I know the plan over there, and more importantly, after knowing it, I don't know what to do.

"Since your lord has already made such a plan," Wang Meng thought for a while and said, "Should we tell this matter? After all, we originally inquired about the news there because we were afraid of what they would do. The matter hasn't been settled yet, but it's basically confirmed. There's nothing we can do now just relying on our Jinyiwei. Why don't we just tell General Liu the news, so that General Liu will definitely ask to send troops, maybe , if the imperial court is notified, it is also possible to transfer troops from the neighboring provinces, so this way, don’t you need to be so nervous here?”

"That's the truth of what you said." Zhang Fan thought for a while, "But I'm afraid things are not that simple. If someone else is guarding this place, you don't need to mention this matter at all. I planned to do this, but now that Liu Xian is here, the situation is different. I won’t say anything about Liu Xian’s temper. I’m afraid you know it better than me. If we tell him the news, what do you think? what will happen to him?"

"This..." Wang Meng stopped for a while when he heard Zhang Fan's words. It's not that he was thinking about something, but because of Zhang Fan's words, he didn't know what to say for a while. The reason is very simple. , the answer has already been in his mind, "If it is General Liu... I'm afraid... I'm afraid after knowing the news..."

"That's right," Jiang Wang Meng looked uncomfortable, and Zhang Fan didn't mean to embarrass him, and said directly for him, "If Liu Xian knows about this matter, he doesn't have to think about anything else at all. Immediately let the people guarding all over Sichuan come back immediately, and then gather soldiers and horses to kill the generals, now we only know the news of Yongning Mansion, when the time comes, he must leave Yongning and search everywhere, "

"If this is the case, it will be troublesome." Wang Meng followed Zhang Fan's words, "The other party is still planning and there is no movement yet, but if there is any movement from General Liu here, he must know it over there. Well, as soon as there is a movement of the wind here, it will be understood there. If they move, our side must be served by a large army.

"Now, we finally found a way to annihilate the opponent in one fell swoop. As long as we can lure the opponent out and let them show up, we can find them. If we let them hear some rumors and hide them again, we don't know. How long will it take to lure them out again,"

"My lord said that," Wang Meng said, "it's just that, although that's what we said, if we don't prepare, when the other party's army arrives, although those two people will indeed show up, but if we don't If you don’t prepare, people will see it when the time comes, but we don’t have enough troops to catch the opponent, isn’t this putting the cart before the horse,”

"Well, you're right." Zhang Fan thought for a while and said, "If we don't move here, we can lure the other party out, but it's not good if we can't catch them. However, there may be other ways. "

"Otherwise..." Wang Meng thought for a while and said, "We can transfer the troops from the nearby provinces and put them on the edge of Sichuan. Once they come, the people waiting on the side will immediately come and suppress them." , adults think, how about this?"

"Hmm... this way..." Zhang Fan touched his chin and thought for a while, finally shook his head and said, "Not too good, those two people are very shrewd, no, it's not so much shrewd as they are I'm very timid, I'm afraid, even if the soldiers and horses from the neighboring provinces are mobilized near Sichuan, they will be alerted, if this is really the case, it will be bad."

"This... my lord, it can't be like this." Wang Meng was a little surprised by Zhang Fan's words, "Those two guys are cowardly, and the humble job naturally understands this, otherwise it wouldn't have taken such a long time, but it was almost They haven't shown their faces before, and this time is indeed a good opportunity to catch them, but these two people are not so timid, right? These two people, no matter what, they also followed Wei Yinbao back then. Those who have never lived before, and are able to achieve this level now are also because these two people were deeply trusted by Wei Yinbao back then, since they are such people, they will not be so timid and afraid of getting into trouble, right?"

"I also hope it's not the case," Zhang Fan said with some helplessness when talking about this matter, "But after all, we have never met these two people, and we don't know what kind of temperament these two people have. The people who followed Wei Yinbao were also very appreciated by Wei Yinbao. Back then, Wei Yinbao almost handed over all the work under his command to them. From this point of view, these two people would definitely not be cowards.

"But when Wei Yinbao was defeated and captured in Guangxi, and was finally killed, these two people were not there. In fact, the court knew about these two people before, but when Wei Yinbao was caught, they were not there. People, it was finally found out that when Wei Yinbao was not defeated, the two people saw that the situation was not good, so they packed up their bags and fled. How could such two people not be timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

"Wei Yinbao surrendered once in the 45th year of Jiajing, and at that time, these two people did not escape, but at that time, although these two people had some weight beside Wei Yinbao, they were not reused. It was not a long-term solution to recruit Wei Yinbao, it was just because he was making too much noise and wanted to appease him. These two people didn't pay much attention to it. Can't remember.

"In short, when Wei Yinbao was recruited by the imperial court, the two probably knew that they would not lose their lives, so they did not run away. But the last time, when Wei Yinbao was suppressed by governor Yin Zhengmao in Guangxi, almost everyone at that time knew about it. Well, Wei Yinbao was sure to die this time, and just like that, the two of them ran away.

"Although it is a deadly situation, but as a subordinate to such an extent, I don't know whether to say that Wei Yinbao is ignorant of people's eyes, or whether to say that these two people are really 'formidable',"

"If this is the case, then what should we do," Wang Meng asked, "If this is the case now, it's neither advancing nor retreating. Isn't there no way to go?"

"No, it's not that there is no way," Zhang Fan said, "From the very beginning, we shouldn't put our ideas on other people. We don't know what the two of them will do, so we will try to break it here." There is nothing we can do about the scalp, what we have to do now should be to think of a way right now, where we can touch it, "

"A place that can be touched." Wang Meng seemed to have thought of something. "My lord means, let's go to General Liu."

"That's right, it's Liu Xian," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "No matter what happens now, we don't know what's going on over there, but here Liu Xian, even if he has a stubborn temper, he is always in front of me. , Moreover, although Liu Xian has a stubborn temper, he is not a reckless man who doesn't know anything. I don't quite believe it, but it's different now, especially after he agreed to let Wang Meng accept Liu Ting as his disciple, I'm even more convinced of this. If you tell him well, he may not be able to explain everything people,"

"Since my lord has made up my mind, there is still a problem with my humble position," Wang Meng said, "Even though General Liu agreed to my lord, he doesn't know how to do this matter.

"After all, there are 3 to 5 people over there. Although I don't know the exact number, it will only be more or less. Here, although General Liu has received [-] troops, they are scattered all over the place. According to General Liu's words, when General Liu gathers the [-] people and guards the east of Yongning Mansion, wouldn't it be exposed again? Be suspicious again,"

"I've thought about it too," Zhang Fan said, "But now, the reason why Liu Xian disperses his troops is because he is afraid that other tribes will cause trouble, but now there is no such thing, even if it is the incident a few days ago, you and I will I know, in fact, it was all made by the Five Poisons, otherwise there would be no such thing, so the soldiers and horses in other places do not need to be stationed at all. Of course, how to convince Liu Xian of this is my responsibility. something to worry about."

"By the way, my lord," Wang Meng said suddenly, "When I mentioned the Five Poisons Sect, I suddenly had an idea. Didn't I ask Liang Chao to contact me before? If I ask him to help us, can we hurry up? "

"This is a way." Hearing Wang Meng's words, Zhang Fan's eyes lit up. "If he is willing to help, I'm afraid it won't be such a trouble. This matter can be solved directly. If so, then That's great, but, if this happens, I'm afraid the Five Poison Sect will be in big trouble, but in comparison, what does their trouble have to do with us?"

Suddenly, Wang Meng felt that there was a sinister smile on Zhang Fan's face, but when he took a closer look, he couldn't see anything, which made Wang Meng a little strange.

"My lord, it seems that someone is coming," Wang Meng said suddenly.

Hearing Wang Meng's words, Zhang Fan immediately stopped. He naturally believed in Wang Meng, and there were almost none in this Shu Palace who had better skills than Wang Meng.

"Master Zhang, you are here, the prince asked the villain to come to you," said the guard Zhao standing at the door,

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