"Master Zhang is right to say that." Liu Xian listened carefully to Zhang Fan's words.I thought about it for a while.Said. "I know. If it is done according to Master Zhang's method, it will not only lead the snake out of the hole, but also lead those two people out. After that, they can be caught in one go. There will be no future troubles. And if this is the case, they are the ones who rebelled first Even if we kill them all, the other clansmen in the southwest have nothing to say."

"It's not just that." Zhang Fan also added a sentence for Liu Xian. "If this happens, it's not just that people of other ethnic groups have no excuses. It's even more impossible for anyone to rebel. Even. At that time, the general will beat those rebels harder. Here The more obedient people will be. If it is as the general said just now, all the rebels will be killed. Although the other clansmen will complain, but they are wrong. It makes them even more afraid. In this way. I am afraid that the Southwest will be able to calm down for a long time."

"Master Zhang is right." Liu Xian nodded.Just put on a very serious expression.Said. "However. How should this matter be done? Mr. Zhang said it before. Although the two people don't know where they are now. But it should be near Yongning Mansion. Yongning Mansion is surrounded by rivers on three sides. And go to other places There is no place in the area. Therefore, once these two people rebel, they must come to the east. If this is the case, they will naturally have to go through Sichuan Xingdusi. Come straight here. In other words, they want Rebellion. But there is only one way to go.

"However. Because of this. Master Zhang's method. I don't know what to do. Those two are so timid. If they see me hoarding an army in front of them, it is naturally impossible to say anything about rebellion or not. I'm afraid I just hid it. If this is the case, wouldn't it be impossible to catch them?"

"This question. General Liu. To be honest, I thought about it before I came here." Zhang Fan said. "It's just that I was thinking about it. But I didn't come up with any good solution. So, I came to discuss with General Liu. After all, this is also a matter of forming troops. I don't quite understand .We still have to rely on General Liu. After all, General is an expert in this field."

"I dare not be an expert." Liu Xian waved his hand.Said. "However. This is worth thinking about. See if it can be done. But. This matter is really troublesome."

Speaking of which.Liu Xian stood up.He walked to the back of his desk.Pull a curtain aside.Inside is the map of the Southwest.From Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and even the southern corner of Duogandusi.It's all about meeting.And Zhang Fan watched.The above is very detailed.Obviously a map that took a lot of effort to make.Not just big enough.Even the mountains, rivers and creeks in some places are clearly marked.Obviously.This is definitely the sharp weapon Liu Xian used when marching here.

"I always say. As long as you think about it, there will be a solution. So now you should think about what to do." Liu Xian stared at the map in front of him.As if muttering to himself.It was as if he was talking to Zhang Fan.Said. "It's just that. Judging from the current appearance, I am a little embarrassed. It is necessary to let the other party rebel without any doubt. At the same time, the other party must be wiped out. Moreover, the troops cannot be stationed beforehand. Otherwise, the other party will find out again .This is really too harsh. It’s not easy to handle.”

Hear Liu Xian's words.Zhang Fan didn't say anything.He didn't want to disturb Liu Xian's thinking.But what Liu Xian said was similar to talking to himself.It was in Zhang Fan's ears.But it made him feel uncomfortable.Actually.Zhang Fan is also a bit too egotistical.After all this kind of thing.There was no need to come to Liu Xian at all.He only needs to be able to understand it himself.This matter is definitely not so easy to handle.but.He always felt that if it was Liu Xian.There might be some way to do it.

But now.After hearing what Liu Xian said.Zhang Fan understood.This matter is really not easy.Although Zhang Fan has not given up.But always feel.Now under Liu Xian's whisper.the things you wish for.It's becoming more and more impossible.This feeling.I don't think anyone would like it.

Waited for a while.Seeing Liu Xian, Zhang Fan didn't even say a word this time.Just moaned there.Zhang Fan couldn't sit still this time either.He couldn't help asking: "General, it's hard to say. Is there really no way to have the best of both worlds?"

"This matter. It's almost impossible to have the best of both worlds." Liu Xian listened to Zhang Fan's words.And didn't look back.replied.only.He answered so fast.It was simply said without second thought.Obviously Zhang Fan's problem.In his opinion, he already had the answer.

And that's why.Zhang Fan at this moment.Feel extremely lost.Originally, I didn't expect much from this.But did not get a definite answer.So Zhang Fan did not say that he would give up.But now.As soon as Liu Xian said these words.It was almost the end of all Zhang Fan's hopes.

To know.What Zhang Fan thought was how to wipe out Zhang Yong and Wang Xin in one go, so as to prevent future troubles forever.so.That's what he needs to do.make things so difficult.But now.Get Liu Xian's affirmation again.Say it's impossible.Zhang Fan had only one choice.Now that those two people can't be caught.But it is impossible to sit back and watch another rebellion here.

That is.Zhang Fan was about to give up the idea of ​​arresting those two people.All he wanted was to minimize the harm of this rebellion.It is best for Liu Xian to gather the army.Set up troops there.The other party saw that there was no way.Had to give up the rebellion.Although it will make those two people escape again.There will still be threats in the future.But now there is nothing that can be done.

Liu Xian heard Zhang Fan sighing.He couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhang Fan.He looked puzzled.Asked: "Master Zhang, what's the matter? Why are you sighing so much?"

Hear what Liu Xian said.Zhang Fan raised his head and looked at him.But he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.Obviously such a moment.Liu Xian's words made him puzzled: "General, why do you still ask this question? Naturally, it's because you can't have the best of both worlds at this time. Now there is no way. You can't make a distinction between the serious and the serious. We have to let those two go for the time being. Just suppress the rebellion."

"..." Zhang Fan's words.Let Liu Xian show a strange look.But then.He then understood what Zhang Fan meant.Can't help but speak. "Master Zhang misunderstood me. Although I said that this matter can't have the best of both worlds. But I didn't say that this matter can't be done. I think Master Zhang is too sad because of this matter. The best of both worlds. It's the same as doing it." No. It doesn't matter."

Hearing what Liu Xian said.Zhang Fan immediately raised his head and looked at him.Obviously, he also understood what Liu Xian meant.indeed.Just like Liu Xian said.Whether it can be done or not is one thing.If it can't be done, it can't be done at all.But it can be done.But it also scores whether it is done well or not.good words.Maybe it can be called the best of both worlds; not so good.Even if it can't be the best of both worlds.But it is still successful.

"General Liu means..."

"Not bad." Liu Xian didn't wait for Zhang Fan to finish speaking.Just opened his mouth and said. "This matter. It is possible to say that it can be done. But there is absolutely no way to do it seamlessly. There must be something missing. And if you want to accomplish this matter, you need excellent luck. Otherwise No matter how well prepared we are, it won’t work if the other party doesn’t take the bait.”

"That's good... that's good. That's good." Zhang Fan finished listening to Liu Xian's words.Also heaved a sigh of relief.Said. "General, don't blame me for talking too much. It's just what the general plans to do. I don't suspect that the general is talking big. It's just that I'm really curious about this matter."

"Hey. Master Zhang doesn't have to be like this." Liu Xian waved his hand.Said. "Master Zhang came to discuss this matter with me. It doesn't matter if you tell Master Zhang. What's more, I think about it now. I just have a rough idea in my heart. I need Master Zhang to help me with this kind of thing." Think about it. After all, making suggestions is not my strong point. Moreover, this matter is not easy to handle. It is a good thing for one more person to think about it. "

Liu Xian's words.If it is normal.I'm afraid it will be considered that he is beating around the bush and scolding people.What does it mean to make suggestions is not a strong point.That is to say, he is not strong.Then Zhang Fan is an expert in this field.sound.This sentence sounds like a compliment.But in other words.It means that Zhang Fan is more skilled in this kind of conspiracy.

certainly.at this time.Zhang Fan didn't take it to heart either.Now is not the time to think about these things.It is still necessary to focus on the overall situation at hand; secondly, Liu Xian is such a person.That's what it always says.If you want to be honest with him in this regard.That would be endless.so.Zhang Fan decided to ignore what he said.Just concentrate on the problem at hand.

"In such a short period of time, it's unrealistic for Mr. Liu to come up with a complete solution." Although Zhang Fan replied softly to Liu Xian.Said. "But the general idea is there. It's just that there are some details. I'm afraid I can't figure it out on my own. And this matter. Speaking of it, if Master Zhang's idea is to be realized, it must be kept secret from others. All right. It’s best that as few people know about this matter, the better.”

"Master Liu is right." Zhang Fan said. "Since that's the case, let Master Liu talk about it. I'll give Master Liu some advice from the sidelines."

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