The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1050 is too rough

After coming out of Liu Xian's camp, Zhang Fan hadn't spoken a word, and seeing Zhang Fan's appearance, Liang Chao and Wang Meng, who followed him all the way, didn't take the initiative to ask anything. No wonder these two people are really bothered by too many recent incidents, plus this incident before them, no matter how you think about it, it is not so easy to solve.

Although they came here this time to solve the problem, the two of them were very clear in their hearts. It was easy to say but difficult to do. Whether it can be solved or not is still a problem. Come to Liu Xian to face it. Two big questions, first of all, will Liu Xian agree with Zhang Fan's decision, if he doesn't care about Zhang Fan's plan, if he just hears that the two men are about to rebel, and immediately wants to gather troops to kill them, he will not listen at all Zhang Fan's explanation, in this case, will not solve the problem.

And even if Liu Xian agreed to Zhang Fan and wanted to catch those two people, if the two of them couldn't think of a way, it would be empty talk. The only solution is to gather soldiers and horses to kill them, which is almost the same as the previous method, and no matter which one it is, it is not what they want to see.

All in all, coming here this time is difficult in one word.

But now, seeing Zhang Fan come out of Liu Xian's big tent, until they rode the horse with Zhang Fan, and on the way back, Zhang Fan also remained silent. Well, this matter probably fell through, but in this way, it was difficult for them to talk, even if they wanted to say something to comfort Zhang Fan, they felt that it was not very easy to speak.

"Finally, something has been done." Unexpectedly, before they opened their mouths this time, Zhang Fan spoke first, "Although it can't be called beautiful, it's not bad to be able to do this. easy,"

"My lord, don't be discouraged." At this moment, even Wang Meng didn't hear Zhang Fan's words clearly, or he didn't think about it at all. After Zhang Fan finished speaking, he said directly, "Even if It’s because we can’t think of a way here, so let’s think about it after we go back, besides, it’s not like there’s going to be a fight over there, it’s okay to delay some time...” But halfway through the words, Wang Meng gradually stopped , obviously, at this time, Wang Meng will also be concerned about what Zhang Fan said just now.

Moreover, not only Wang Meng, but even Liang Chao, both of them are looking at Zhang Fan now, but the look in their eyes is really strong.

"Yeah, it's finally done." Zhang Fan naturally knew what they were thinking, but he didn't mean to laugh at them at all. After all, this matter was really difficult. However, it is really not very good, but no matter how bad it is, it is better than it cannot be done. In short, although this matter is not over yet, it can finally give people a lot of peace of mind now. Now After we go back, we have to start thinking about how we should deal with our prince, "

"My lord said it was done," Liang Chao said, with doubts in his surprise, "My lord, how did it work? I know it. Although it is not easy to convince General Liu, it is by no means impossible. It's possible, not to mention, now that Brother Wang has accepted Yuan'er as his apprentice, it's much more convenient for him to talk.

"However, even if General Liu is understood, we have thought about this matter for a long time, but we have not come up with a definite solution. Could it be that General Liu really has a good idea? No way,"

"Speaking of it..." Zhang Fan paused at this point, showing a helpless smile, "Although it is said that I have thought of a solution, it is not a perfect solution. Anyone can figure out what to do, but if it is actually done, it is really difficult, "

"Then...what did your lord and the general think of in the end?" Wang Meng was obviously very curious about this matter, so he asked proactively.

"There is no way, it's too much to make a big deal out of a molehill," Zhang Fan said, "Actually, the difficulty of this matter is that we need to be prepared. If the other party makes any moves, we will This side will be able to meet the attack immediately. In this case, the problem is, how can we prevent the other party from seeing that we are prepared, so that the two people can take it lightly and not hide because of it. However, we You can't gather the troops immediately, or the other party will still find out.

"Looking at it this way, this matter is indeed difficult, but it is not impossible. This will delay the conquest of the Bo people this time, because of this matter, and the current situation in the southwest, I think you are the same. You know, people of all ethnic groups in the southwest are restless, always feel that we are going to attack them next, and everyone is in danger. No, how many tribes are training their troops now, isn't it just for the sake of Guard against us?

"However, this is not bad. Although General Liu also sent his soldiers to patrol around, he never used force. This made those tribes a lot nervous at first, but after so long, they Seeing that we didn't do anything, they felt relieved. This gave us a chance. After all, if there is any movement here, such as the transfer of people and horses, in their eyes, they will only think it is us There is no change in the previous method, so it will be able to avoid their eyes and ears, "

"If the same people as now are mobilized, it is true that they will not attract their attention," Wang Meng thought for a while, and said, "But my lord, if this is the case, won't it be the same as now, without any changes? At that time, the other party came to kill, but the people here are scattered, even if there is an order to announce, but under the panic, it may be too late, right?"

"I thought so too," Zhang Fan said, "but General Liu has thought of a good way. Although it seems that there is no change, the difference is quite big. The main reason is that General Liu plans to Let the men and horses who were patrolling in various places, although they can't come back, they don't have to pay too much attention to the local situation, and, there is another point, which is the most important, the places these people want to patrol are not the original places. "

"My lord means..." After Zhang Fan's words reached this point, even Liang Chao understood what he meant.

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "In Sichuan, there are a total of 5 troops under General Liu's command. Except for the 1 people who have to stay here for show, The other 4 people will be divided into teams of 5000 to [-] people, all of whom will be sent out, and most of the inspection places will be near Yongning Mansion.

"Once those two people want to rebel, as long as things come together, then Feige will send letters to each team. At that time, it will take less than a day for these 4 people to gather in the east of Ning Yongfu. If that's the case, it doesn't matter, after all, that side has been stared to death by our people now, as long as there is any movement, this side will know immediately, and once there is a gathering of people over there, it will take at least two days for them to come over , In two days, one day is used here to assemble the troops, and another day is for General Liu to rush over from Chengdu.

"It's a pity that the 3 soldiers in Chengdu can't move, or the opponent will definitely notice it, but it seems unnecessary now, after all, the opponent only has [-] or [-] soldiers, even if it is [-], [-] against three Wan, is also more than enough, plus the practice there is only one year, and it is still divided among the various tribes, there must be some friction.

"Of course, General Liu himself can't go there. It's really a pity, but General Liu can't move either. After all, preparations have already begun over there, so he must be keeping a close eye on the situation here. Once General Liu's people It's gone, they will definitely be aware of it, but fortunately, although Chengdu is a long way from Yongning, General Liu will be the only one at that time, if you drive overnight, you should be able to get there in two days ,"

"This method..." Wang Meng didn't know what to say for a while. Obviously, when Zhang Fan said that he and Liu Xian had thought of a solution, he was really surprised. Even after Zhang Fan said, The solution he came up with is not very good, but it can solve the problem anyway, but for Wang Meng, it is already very powerful to be able to come up with a solution for this kind of thing. Similarly, in his opinion, this solution must be unique The place is right.

Unexpectedly, after Zhang Fan said it, he found that the matter was not like this at all. This method, how should I put it, can solve the problem, but there are relatively large mistakes and omissions, and it is very easy. The opponent caught the loophole and saw the problem inside.

However, thinking this way, Wang Meng suddenly stopped talking, because he found that the method Zhang Fan mentioned was actually the best method at the moment, and it could even be said that there was nothing better than this.

"I also know," Zhang Fan said with a helpless wry smile, "this method is indeed too rough, but right now, there is no other way at all, and now we can only do this, otherwise, it is difficult to Sit and wait for those two people to escape."

"That's true," Wang Meng most importantly agreed with Zhang Fan's words.

"By the way, although there is a solution, we can't just sit idle," Zhang Fan said, "Speaking of this matter, we can also help,"

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