The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1081 Amazing guess

In the yamen, Wang Meng and Liang Chao were both sitting there facing each other, but neither of them said a word. Last night, many things happened, and things generally developed according to their hoped direction, but in the end There was still a problem, there was a mystery that they could not explain, no matter how hard they thought, they couldn't figure out why this group of people went to such great lengths to steal a book of genealogy from the Shu Palace.

In the end, they didn't come up with anything, and they decided to hand over the question to the captured man, and he would answer it. Wang Meng and Liang Chao, last night, said goodbye to Zhang Fan and came out of the palace. After that, they didn't go back to the post house to rest, but went directly to the yamen. They were also very sad about this matter and hoped that it could be resolved sooner.

Coincidentally, the two had just returned to the yamen, and the person who was knocked out by Wang Meng woke up, but speaking of it, Wang Meng's subordinates were really heavy. After that, after listening to Wang Meng's previous explanation, he wanted to wake him up for interrogation, but who knows, after trying many methods, he just couldn't wake up. Just in time, when Wang Meng and Liang Chao came back, the last The bucket of water woke him up.

But these are all indifferent. Now that I have woken up, there is no need to say anything else. Hurry up and interrogate. Originally, both Wang Meng and Liang Chao felt that even if this person's mouth is very hard, but always There is a way to pry his mouth open, who knows, something went wrong this time, this person is really stubborn, no matter what methods other people use, he will not say anything.

And Wang Meng and the others are also very helpless, after all, they still have something to ask about this person now, and they can't be heavy handed. I know when I have to wait, so I want to know what's going on quickly and plan how to deal with Zhao Zijie earlier.

So, just like that, the night passed. This man stood up all night without saying anything. Although Wang Meng and Liang Chao, who were opposite him, were his interrogators, this night was probably much more difficult than him.

However, this situation also made Wang Meng aware of one thing, but anyone who was arrested would not say anything when interrogated. There are no more than two situations. There are many kinds of things in it, for example, if there is any interest, or if you are really stubborn and refuse to speak.

The second type, of course, is that he knows that if he speaks out, he may not only be in trouble, or even lose his life, but other people will also be implicated, and this implication is definitely not his alone A small life can offset it.

But no matter what the situation is, in a word, this person can't speak because of a certain county. Even if he can save him from suffering, he still can't speak, and Wang Meng's first response to this The reaction is that the organization or person behind this person is huge and powerful.

On the one hand, this man is really a tough guy, but on the other hand, the people behind him can only be said to be more clever if they can make such a man completely at their mercy.

And if this is the case, with such a group of people behind them, then what they want to plan must be a very important matter, but Wang Meng can't figure out why it seems that there is a major conspiracy. A group of people wanted to steal a genealogy of the royal family, and no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of any connection.

But now, after spending the whole night like this, they didn't ask anything. This made both Wang Meng and Liang Chao a little disappointed, but apart from the disappointment, they couldn't do anything. I can only sit face to face like this and think of a way, but in fact, I'm in a daze. I can think of a way all night, but I just can't think of it.

At this moment, the door of the room they were in was opened, and it was Zhang Fan who walked in.

When the two saw Zhang Fan coming, they naturally thought that he was concerned about what was going on with this matter, and whether he had asked anything. At such a moment, the two felt a little guilty in their hearts. After all, Zhang Fan was very serious about this matter. Very anxious, but the two of them didn't ask anything.

"How is it?" Zhang Fan was in a good mood, and he didn't care about Wang Meng and Liang Chao's ugly faces. He asked after entering the room, "I heard that the man woke up after he was brought back last night. You have also asked all night, but what progress has been made?"

"This..." The two were a little hard to say, and finally Wang Meng said, "My lord, I'm really sorry, I'm so humble and incompetent, so I can't ask anything."

"Oh, it seems that this person's mouth is really hard." After Zhang Fan heard Wang Meng's words, he was naturally a little disappointed, but it was just a little bit, "But this is a good thing, after all, he can bear Not to mention, it also shows that what they are going to do must be a big event, "

"I also know about the humble job," Liang Chao said, "but no matter how we think about it, we can't figure out how this matter can be related to the genealogy of the King of Shu."

"You don't understand, but I might understand," Zhang Fan said with a smile.

"What, my lord understands what's going on." Hearing Zhang Fan's words, both Wang Meng and Liang Chao were all surprised. They thought and asked all night, but they got nothing. Zhang Fan was fine, he woke up at night and understood what was going on.

"That's right, although I'm not sure yet, but thinking about it, I'm afraid that's the case," Zhang Fan said, "But I didn't come up with this matter, and I will thank you, Mr. Wang."

"Master Wang," the two of them couldn't figure it out again, Liang Chao asked, "My lord, which Lord Wang is it?"

"Oh, didn't you just come with us, Mr. Wang from the Ministry of Rites," Zhang Fan said, "I was relaxing in the palace this morning, and when I ran into him, we started chatting, chatting, but I went to the genealogy, and as a result, I heard some things from Mr. Wang, which may tell us what's going on.

"As I said before, although this genealogy is worthless, there are only two copies of the same thing in the world. But today, Mr. Wang told me that these two books are not exactly the same. Really, but the one kept by the imperial court is not as complete as the one in the royal family, "

"The imperial court has not kept enough." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wang Meng immediately asked, "My lord, isn't this genealogy just to record the birth of a series of people, and there are records of side branches and so on. Isn't it supposed to be all Remember, could it be that the ones kept in the imperial court are different from those kept in the palace?"

"It's really different," Zhang Fan told Wang Meng and Liang Chao what Wang Xilie told him, "That is to say, for example, if a new child is born in the Shu Palace, All the genealogy books in the palace will naturally be recorded immediately, but those in the court will not, sometimes the court does not know about them, and sometimes, even if they know, they will not record them. The Ministry of Rites will order the clan mansion to record it when the palace reports the new additions, but if they don't report it all the time, they will naturally not remember it.

"Besides, according to Mr. Wang, some things happened in the past, so if a new person is born in the palace, it will not be reported immediately. Sometimes, if the child is born and dies within a few years, it will be reported. Put this matter down and don't bring it up again,"

"Unexpectedly, there is such a thing in it," Liang Chao said after hearing Zhang Fan's words.

"My lord, if you put it this way..." Wang Meng immediately figured out that there is a possible connection, "Is it possible to say that in the genealogy of the Shu Palace, there are people who are unknown to the court?" It won't work,"

"That's right, I thought so too," Zhang Fan said, "Besides, this person must have a great relationship with Zhu Xuanqi, otherwise, stealing this genealogy wouldn't be for the reason of getting Zhu Xuanqi." up,"

"But, what reason should there be to overthrow the majestic prince?" Liang Chao asked, "The prince's throne is justified, and there is no doubt about it whether it is in the royal family or the court. , and, although the prince is a concubine, but the son of King Kang's son has died, this is something everyone knows, as a son of a concubine, the prince will inherit the throne of the king of Shu, and there will be no objection at all."

"However, if this is the case," Zhang Fan raised a possibility, a possibility that he thought of on the way here, "If Zhu Xuanqi is not a concubine, or what is the descendant of King Kang? People have not recorded it in the family tree of the imperial court.

"If this is the case, wouldn't there be some problems with Zhu Xuanqi's throne? Although it is said that those who were not reported to the court were either dead or could not be found, but the genealogy in the palace must be It is recorded, I suspect that these people just know about this, so they plan to steal this genealogy, and they want to do something."

"But my lord..." Liang Chao continued to ask questions, "Outsiders will not know this genealogy, and they will not see it if they think about it. Moreover, if the prince wants to hide it deliberately, I am afraid that he knew that there are other people on it. People can't even open their mouths now, so how do these people know about this?"

"Perhaps someone who knew survived," Zhang Fan said. "Of course, there is another possibility. Perhaps the person recorded in the genealogy did not die, but was found now."

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