The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1082 Feeling So

Zhang Fan's words made both Wang Meng and Liang Chao stunned. That's right, what Zhang Fan said before did raise a possibility, that is, it is possible that Zhu Xuanqi's throne did not come rightly, no However, there is no problem with Zhu Xuanqi getting the throne, the problem is that he may not be the best candidate.

And this point, it is very likely that it has been recorded in the family tree of the Wangfu itself, and there may be someone who is in front of Zhu Xuanqi.

But the problem now is that if this is the case, then the person who may know about this matter has already been cleaned up by Zhu Xuanqi, and that person is either dead or missing. .

If this is the case, then there are probably only a handful of people in the world who know about this matter. It is very likely that Zhu Xuanqi is the only one. Until now, some people have been eyeing this genealogy, and even want to use it to overthrow Zhu Xuanqi, in this way, Zhu Xuanqi is not the only one who knows about this matter, there are more people now.

What's more, even though Zhang Fan, Wang Meng and Liang Chao don't know much about it, and even this possibility is only their guesswork and has not been confirmed, but they already know this matter.

And the problem also came with it, those people must have known about this before they came to steal this genealogy, but in the final analysis, how did they know about this.

If this is the case, Zhu Xuanqi will definitely clean up those who know the matter. Of course, if someone is born in the palace, no matter how inconspicuous, no matter how unpopular his mother is, the matter will never be hidden The truth is, even if everyone doesn't mention this matter, there are absolutely no fewer people who know about it.

Perhaps, after Zhu Xuanqi sat on the throne, he wanted to finish this matter, and secretly silenced a lot of people, but with so many people, there might be one or two fish who slipped through the net. In this case, the people behind Zhao Zijie It is not surprising to be able to know this.

But if this is the case, it is not enough to let these people do this. If the person is dead, it is meaningless to look for some genealogy. Even if they get it, it is absolutely impossible for Zhu Xuanqi. Regardless of any influence, he doesn't have to quarrel with a dead man at all.

And those people will naturally not be fools, if that person is dead, or disappeared, in short, if those people only know some unreliable information, it would not be easy for anyone to make a mistake. This kind of decision.

On the other hand, now that they have done this, that is, they have already obtained certain news, and here, the so-called certain news, there is only one possibility, that is, those people have already found Even if he found that person, or even if he didn't find it, he knew clearly that that person should still be alive.

Only in this way, those people have the value of taking such risks, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of work in the end, at most it would only make Zhu Xuanqi unhappy for a while, but they themselves would not get any benefits.

If you think about it in this way, things can make sense, and although Zhang Fan doesn't know who he is, one thing is certain, that person must be more qualified to inherit the throne than Zhu Xuanqi .

And if the identity of this person is confirmed, Zhu Xuanqi will be in big trouble. Although it is very difficult, it is not unheard of for such a prince to be replaced by someone. Moreover, with Zhu Xuanqi's current status Empress Dowager Li was extremely displeased with his situation. If this person's identity was recognized, I'm afraid the imperial court would take the initiative to do something.

Of course, those people probably don't know about the Empress Dowager Li, but this will not prevent them from doing so. Perhaps they are just betting, but Zhang Fan has to say that they are betting big, although it is very dangerous. But the chances of winning are also great, and once successful, it will definitely be a huge profit.

For Zhang Fan, this matter may also be a matter that can help him. If this matter is verified by them, and if they even find that person and control it in their hands, by that time, Li What the Empress Dowager wants to do to Zhu Xuanqi is not to let her flatten and round him, and do whatever she wants, although she will not kill him, after all, he is a descendant of the Zhu family, but the Empress Dowager Li can definitely make Zhu Xuanqi very, very uncomfortable, and regrets talking to her right.

However, all of this is just a speculation by Zhang Fan and the others. Before it is confirmed, although they have great hopes, they may not put all their thoughts on it. In the final analysis, this matter only gave Zhang Fan and the others an extra path to go, and whether they can reach the place depends on future events.

"But my lord, if we think about it this way, we have to check it out," Wang Meng said, "Now we are all guessing, which is useless, and Queen Mother Li will never use this kind of method." Not sure news to deal with the prince, we have to find out if this matter is true, "

"You're right. Now we're just guessing," Zhang Fan said, "But I don't think this matter is fake, otherwise the people behind Zhao Zijie wouldn't be so desperate. Go and investigate, if it turns out to be true, we can't stop, we have to have real evidence, the best is to find that person, find him, and hand him over to Queen Mother Li, we will also It'll be fine,"

"But my lord, how should we investigate this matter," Liang Chao asked. "It goes without saying that this kind of thing is expected. If it is true, those who know about this matter may have been silenced. One or two probably disappeared long ago. Moreover, even if we find such people, they may not open their mouths. After all, this is a matter of wealth and life, and it can be easily blurted out.

"Besides, we can't be rude when we ask this matter. If we find out what kind of methods we used to tell people about it, I'm afraid people will think that we are the ones who deliberately spread rumors. In this way, Isn't it bad for us?"

"You're right, let's be more cautious about this matter," Zhang Fan said, "This person has to ask him what's going on, but now that we've guessed the possibility, when we ask him, Just reveal a little bit, and see if I can get him to speak.

"Also, not only here, but we also have to look for it ourselves. I'm afraid people in the Shu Palace can't count on it now. You can check it from the yamen, and then ask people, specifically to find the kind of 20 People who were in the palace many years ago, ask them if there is such a thing, remember, this matter must be kept secret, and it must not be made public. If Zhu Xuanqi knows that we are investigating this matter, then Oh no,"

"Don't worry, my lord. Of course I understand the humble position, but..." Wang Meng was still puzzled, and asked, "Why did my lord go to someone 20 years ago to ask about this matter? The prince succeeded to the throne for 40 years in Jiajing. It is only 12 years now, even if you count Kang Wangxie and the three years of filial piety by the prince, it is also the 37th year of Jiajing, and it is only 15 years now. If this is the case, why? Adults should be humbled to ask people from 20 years ago, "

"I'm not too sure," Zhang Fan said, "It's just that I have some thoughts in my heart. I feel that this matter is really inseparable from a person. It is very likely that this matter has a lot to do with him. maybe,"

"Your Excellency, could it be that..." Liang Chao's reaction was quick this time, just after Zhang Fan finished speaking, Liang Chao had already thought of it, "Could it be that this matter has something to do with him?"

"Zhao Zijie," Zhang Fan said the name, "Although I don't know anything now, I always feel that this matter may have something to do with him. Although he is only 20 years old, when he mentioned that It made me feel a little bit different when it happened.

"I was there at the time, but I didn't feel that way. Now that I'm talking about this incident, I suddenly feel that there may be something in it. When Zhao Zijie talked about that incident, now that I think about it, his expression is really not very good, and , obviously happened more than 20 years ago, but I always feel that when he talks, there is a feeling of being there, as if he saw it with his own eyes, "

"My lord, this is impossible," Liang Chao said incredulously, "That incident happened more than 20 years ago, and Zhao Zijie is only 20 years old this year, and he was not born at that time. How could he have seen what happened before he was born?" ,"

"This sounds really unbelievable, but now I have this kind of thought in my heart," Zhang Fan said, "Now you ask me to explain why, and I can't explain it, but I feel in my heart that this is probably the case Of course, Zhao Zijie has never seen what happened at that time, but I always feel that he is absolutely inseparable from this matter, but I don't know what it is, but I am so It’s not right, you have to check it out to find out if this is the case.”

"Don't worry, my lord, I will investigate," Liang Chao volunteered to take over the job, "I will definitely investigate whether there is anything wrong,"

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