"Don't talk about it," Zhang Fan also said to Zhao Zijie with a smile, "It's fine for Zijie to know about these things. If you want to do this, no one will care about it, but Zijie must never say it, especially don't talk about it." Say I told you, otherwise, if the prince blames me, I can't bear it, "

"Master Zhang is just joking, how could I betray you?" Zhao Zijie couldn't help laughing.

"But speaking of it," Zhang Fan suddenly changed his face, and said, "Such a thing happened that night, and someone dared to sneak into the palace. It is really audacious. By the way, I was injured that day. It's still good, have the injuries healed?"

"Thank you for your concern, my lord. My injuries are nothing." Zhao Zijie's expression changed when he heard Zhang Fan mentioning this matter, and he said, "Although there were quite a few injuries, most of them were skin injuries. People who practice martial arts Since I practiced martial arts since I was a child, how could I get less minor injuries like this, just apply some medicine, and it will be over in one night."

"That's good," Zhang Fan said, but Zhang Fan's words ended here, even if he wanted to test, but he couldn't say the following words, if it was said by him, it would make people feel very strange, but Since this topic had already been brought up by Zhang Fan, Zhao Zijie would not let go of such an opportunity.

"By the way, my lord, do you have any explanation for the person you found that day?" Zhao Zijie pretended to be curious, and asked, "I heard from Wang Qianhu that this person has good skills, and I don't know if his mouth is hard or not." , but thinking about it, Jin Yiwei should be able to capture it with his hands, let him start the next generation, "

Sure enough, Zhao Zijie lived up to Zhang Fan's expectations and asked such a question.

"This..." But Zhang Fan is good at acting. After hearing Zhao Zijie's words, Zhang Fan showed a very embarrassed look, as if he had something difficult to say about this matter.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Zhao Zijie couldn't help tightening his heart when he saw Zhang Fan's appearance, and asked, "Did I ask some questions that shouldn't be asked?"

"No, no, there's nothing to say about this matter," Zhang Fan shook his hand, and said, "Really... Really speaking of this matter, I'm a little embarrassed to say it. I originally thought that this person was just a It's just a little thief, even if he is a martial artist, since he is caught now, he is still at our disposal. Who knows, this person is very stubborn. After a few days, the people in the yamen can be regarded as useless. I tried my best, but I just couldn't get him to say a word. If someone else found out about this kind of thing, it would really ruin my reputation as Jin Yiwei. Just imagine that the dignified Jin Yiwei can't even deal with a small thief. Going out, how decent is it?"

"So that's what happened," Zhao Zijie felt a lot more at ease after listening to Zhang Fan's words, "Don't worry, my lord, I have a very strict mouth, and I will never speak of this matter, and this matter, I will I feel that there is no need to be so concerned, after all, no matter what, he is just a little thief, there is no reason for adults to be so anxious to get angry because of such a person, there is probably nothing wrong, so we can just lock him up, "

"Of course I believe Zijie's words," Zhang Fan said, "It's just that this matter may not be that simple."

"What does your lord mean by saying that?" Zhao Zijie's heart tightened suddenly when he heard Zhang Fan's words, and he asked, "Could it be that there are other stories in this, isn't this person a generation ago?" , how did your lord know that there is something else going on here?"

"It's because he doesn't speak," Zhang Fan said, "Zijie, think about it, if this person is just an ordinary little thief, no matter whether he was arrested by the yamen or my people and interrogated, he would not be displeased." The reason for the confession is just to steal something. No matter how valuable the stolen thing is, it is not worth your own life. Instead of desperately not speaking, it is better to confess it earlier and suffer less pain. But this man just doesn't open his mouth, so it can be seen that he and his accomplices came here not to steal any money, but probably have other plans."

"There are other plans, what could it be?" Zhang Fan's words made Zhao Zijie more and more surprised. He really didn't expect that even if he didn't say anything, he could make others see a lot. thing, "And they came in that night to steal something,"

"That's true," Zhang Fan said, "However, these two people were caught before they stole anything, and we don't know what they were trying to steal, whether it was money or something else. , now that he doesn't open the code, I can't confirm it, "

"This...it's true..." Zhao Zijie didn't know how to answer Zhang Fan's words. In fact, from that night until now, Zhao Zijie has always had a question in his heart.

When he was chasing another person to the north wall of the palace that day, he talked to that person and knew that they had already got their things, but after that, he told Zhu Xuanqi that no one had stolen anything. Of course, for that, Zhao Zijie was always a little uneasy, but fortunately, the person he was chasing did not have anything on him, so he was not afraid of causing trouble when he said so.

However, they have already stolen the item, and it is on the body of the youngest Nu who has been captured by Wang Meng. Wang Meng is not familiar with him, but no matter if he is familiar with him or not, he has captured the thief, so go search him. This kind of thing will be done no matter who is changed.

Logically speaking, Wang Meng must have seen that thing, but Zhao Zijie heard later that Wang Meng also told Zhu Xuanqi after he came back that the two people who came in did not steal anything, which made Zhao Zijie a little strange.

How important that genealogy is to Zhu Xuanqi, I am afraid that Zhu Xuanqi himself does not know. Although he does not know the threat of that genealogy to him, even if he hides it now, it is not because he is afraid of being stolen by others. But if someone follows this genealogy after him, he will definitely panic.

But now, let’s not talk about Zhu Xuanqi first, let’s talk about Zhang Fan and the others. Why didn’t Wang Meng say that he found the genealogy? Was it because Wang Meng really didn’t find anything from Nu Lao San, or did he say that Wang Meng had already found the genealogy? But for some reason I didn't say it.

If it is the first type, Zhao Zijie thinks it is unlikely, that person will not lie to him, since he said that they have got the family tree, it must be true, and will not be fake, the family tree is really angry at the third child body.

Of course, it is also possible that Nu Lao San sees that the situation is not good and hides it, but no matter where Nu Lao San hides things, he will never put them in the same place, that is to say, if this is the case, Zhu Xuanqi You will find that things are missing. If this happens, Zhu Xuanqi will definitely become furious, but Zhao Zijie hasn't noticed anything unusual about Zhu Xuanqi in the past few days.

But now, Zhu Xuanqi did not show this kind of performance, which means that the thing is still in the original place, which makes Zhao Zijie puzzled. Who put it back? People who know the place don't know There are many, and there are only three people in the palace, who could it be?

As for the second possibility, Zhao Zijie couldn't figure out why Wang Meng didn't report what he saw. Wang Meng had no reason to do so, and in Zhao Zijie's opinion, Wang Meng probably didn't know the importance of this genealogy. Yes, since he didn't know, why didn't he say it, or he already knew it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zijie was even more astonished. Looking at Zhang Fan aside, there was a lot of doubt in his eyes. If Wang Meng knew the importance of that genealogy, that means Zhang Fan would also know it.

This possibility is very small, but it is possible, and Zhao Zijie thinks about it, and now there is only this possibility, which makes people feel more right.

If Zhang Fan and the others knew, then Wang Meng and Liang Chao would appear in the palace that night, it was absolutely impossible to be accidental, they had planned it long ago, Zhao Zijie didn't know what happened that night When was it exposed? After all, it was less than a day since he got the news and told those people that the operation started. Where exactly did Zhang Fan and the others get the news.

Also, if Zhang Fan already knew, how much did they know? This question is also suspected by Zhao Zijie. It also has a huge impact.

But in an instant, Zhao Zijie felt relieved. Zhang Fan is now talking to him here, instead of pulling him to a secluded place for a private chat. For Zhao Zijie, this has already given him an answer. Just for this point, Zhao Zijie understood that Zhang Fan might know something, and even had some doubts, but Zhang Fan didn't know the most important part of the whole thing.

In this way, Zhao Zijie was indeed relieved a lot. Although there is danger now, it is not imminent for him. Moreover, as long as Nu Lao San can hold on, keep his mouth shut and don't say anything, Zhao Zijie believes in himself Nothing will happen.

"What's wrong with Zijie?" Zhang Fan asked, "You always don't speak, why when I looked over, I saw that Zijie's face is not very good, maybe it's because of the pain."

"No, it's not," Zhao Zijie quickly explained, "It's nothing, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night, and I'm a little sleepy."

"Then you have to be careful, you don't have time to rest tonight," Zhang Fan looked very concerned, "If there is any problem, just tell me, I will go and intercede with the prince,"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your kindness," Zhao Zijie said, cupping his fists.

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