The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1086 Found the news

Let's talk about this year's Shu Palace.The New Year's weather is really different from the past.It was the first time for Zhang Fan and the others this year.I am afraid there will be no second time.Chinese New Year here.Of course I don't know.But people who have spent Chinese New Year here in the past.But it can be clearly seen.

Speaking up.This is a bit of a surprise.The reason actually.All because of one person.Wang Xilie.

It sounds a bit unbelievable.A Wang Xilie.So what if he is the Minister of Rites.This is the palace.How much influence can he have alone.not to mention.This time Wang Xilie only came to Sichuan with Zhang Fan.Not the main one.

But this year's Shu Palace is different.It is also because of him.The reason is actually a bit weird.That was still yesterday.That is the day on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month.Zhu Xuanqi went to find him.What to do with him.find him.Let him arrange various matters of Shu Palace today.

I heard that the Shu Palace was in the past.Although it is also in accordance with the rules in the palace to hold various festivals.But always a bit crude.Or so to speak.people here.Some are not too serious about taking a festival too seriously.

But this year is different.After all, it's Chinese New Year this year.It's not just people from the King of Shu family.There were also old guests like Zhang Fan.And Wang Xilie is the Minister of Rites.For these things.Nature is familiar with the way.So Zhu Xuanqi came here to get rid of Wang Xilie.Let him preside over today's affairs.What should I do in the palace.What to do.They all listened to Wang Xilie's arrangement.

As for Zhu Xuanqi's request.Naturally, Wang Xilie did not have any objections.Although it is said that he still has to arrange these things in such a leisure time.It's really unsatisfactory.But in fact, Wang Xilie is very concerned about this kind of thing.On the contrary, I feel a little happy in my heart.Just like what he said to Zhang Fan a few days ago.this time.Leisure is leisure.But also a little too leisurely.So many days with nothing to do.Also really feel uncomfortable all over the panic.There are things to do now.Used for distraction.It's a good thing.

only.This matter seems to be really interesting to others.After all, the reason why Zhu Xuanqi would do this.Make a Chinese New Year so formal.Speaking of it, it was just for the arrival of Zhang Fan and his party.But now.But he made Wang Xilie the honored make arrangements.Then come and treat himself.Speaking up.It is indeed a little funny.

But funny is funny.But since it's all done, it's nothing.And such a formal ceremony.Everything is available.Wang Fuzhong hadn't seen it for a long time.Start with the home table.To pick up gods, step on evil spirits and so on.Although it was done during the Chinese New Year in the palace before.But it was not as detailed as Wang Xilie's arrangement now.

And these etiquettes.Although cumbersome.But this is not the palace after all.There's no need to be so prim.The people below didn't even dare to breathe.Wouldn't the excitement of the New Year be lost in this way?So Zhu Xuanqi also explained.These things today.There is no need to observe so many etiquettes.Everyone can do whatever they want.Don't be too restrictive.

But let's not talk about the adults.Those children were very happy.Although the Wang family celebrates the New Year.Naturally, it will not be like ordinary people.Red envelopes or something.But every Chinese New Year.Even grown-ups put their heads down.Have a good time and relax.And now that even the adults have relaxed.So, of course, are the children.

After all, they are descendants of the Wang family.Even branches.But the blood is there.Even if life is not going well.But you must not embarrass the surname Zhu.So on weekdays.The children were not happy either.Pay attention to various rules.There is no freedom at all.But today.Can let it all go.The children were naturally very happy.

From morning to afternoon.In the garden of the palace.They are all children chasing and playing.It's not interesting.

After Zhang Fan talked with Zhao Zijie.The possibility that I thought in my heart became more and more firm.He thought so.That matter has nothing to do with Zhao Zijie.And the relationship is very deep.Now I'm testing Zhao Zijie.After seeing the change in his expression.Zhang Fan was also able to confirm it.My guess is not wrong.Zhao Zijie definitely has a lot to do with this matter.But what is it.Now only Zhao Zijie's troubles have not come to him.They won't be able to find out.

original.After noon.Joanna planned to take Zhang Fan out together.Although there are many people in the palace.And there are quite a few people looking for her to talk to.But Joanna found the eyes of those people looking at her.Always with a curious mood.This feeling made her feel very bad.It was as if everyone was looking at her as an outlier.In order to escape this kind of thing.Joanna is going to go out.Although the people on the street looked at her the same way.But he wouldn't look at her like that all day.But she was bored by herself.So I want to pull Zhang Fan together.

But Zhang Fan originally planned to agree.After all, he had nothing to do.Even if you have to wait for Zhao Zijie to do something.But what to think.Those people wouldn't be so stupid as to come out in broad daylight.That being the case.Even going out with Joanna is not bad.Although it is New Year's Eve.Every family is reunited at home.But the street is still very lively.Look at it and don't have a flavor.

only.Zhang Fan's plan.was interrupted again.Just as the two walked out of the gate of the palace.But it happened to see Liang Chao's figure.Obviously, he came to Zhang Fan for something.

I saw Liang Chao coming.Joanna couldn't hide the disappointment on her face.Zhang Fan saw it clearly.But it was impossible for him to leave things over there.Regardless.So he had no choice but to show a helpless and sorry look to Joanna.original.Zhang Fan still wanted to explain something.But Joanna seemed to understand.A man went to the street.

This made Zhang Fan feel even more sorry.But now he has no choice.

Liang Chao did not enter the palace.Instead, they returned to the Yamen with Zhang Fan.After all, there are people everywhere in the palace today.And they are all from the lineage of King Shu.And what Zhang Fan and the others wanted to talk about.It is precisely related to the throne of the king of Shu.If the partition wall has ears.Someone inside heard it.I'm afraid there will be a big mess.So Zhang Fan chose to be more cautious.Let's go back to Yamen.

Although today is New Year's Eve.Even Jin Yiwei.As long as it is not someone who has something else on him.There will also be a half day off.Let them go home for the New Year.But now the yamen is not empty.There are still many people.

And after Zhang Fan went in.Wang Meng was also sitting inside.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?" Zhang Fan entered the room.Haven't had time to sit down yet.He started to ask.

"My lord, I have found something from my humble position." Wang Meng said to Zhang Fan. "It's just that I really don't understand the humble job. That's why it's at this time. Let Liang Chao go to the adults."

"It doesn't matter. Now the palace is full of people from the lineage of King Shu. I don't have anything to do." Zhang Fan said. "Since we have found something, let's talk about it. See if there is anything that is beneficial to us."

"The humble job is according to the orders of the adults. Go and find out what happened in the Shu Palace 20 years ago." Wang Meng said. "Although there are some records in our yamen, most of them record some important events. Moreover, the power of the Shu Palace is not small. It is difficult for us adults to get in. So even if there are records in the yamen, it is not exhaustive.

"So I had no choice but to find someone directly. See who was in the palace 20 years ago. Ask if something happened to them. In the palace today, there are almost no older people. I think it was because they were A batch has been changed. Even some of them are over [-] or [-] years old. But most of them were recruited when the prince just succeeded to the throne more than ten years ago. So I don't know what happened before.

"And some others. Humble job asked where. But got there. Either couldn't find anyone. Moved; He was originally in the kitchen of the palace. I heard that he was in the 20th year of Jiajing, and continued to the fifth year of Longqing. It took a total of 30 years. However, because this person is a clerk in the kitchen, I am afraid that he is not concerned about the affairs of the palace. I don't know much about it. But now I can't find anyone else in my humble job. I have to go see him.

"After I met him, I asked him about 20 years ago. Did any major events happen in the palace. But this person said no. Listen to what he said. When King Kang was in power, the palace was very stable. Nothing. What happened. And this person is now 60 years old. But his body is very strong. He is not deaf and his eyes are not blurry. It doesn’t look like that kind of appearance that he can’t remember. He is sure. There was no such thing in the palace 20 years ago. Something big happened.

"At first, I thought this was another way of thinking. Later, I thought about it. My lord wanted me to find out about Zhao Zijie. So I asked that person. There is no guard named Zhao in the palace. What happened.

"Now. This person immediately remembered. It seems that Zhao Zijie's father is quite famous in the palace. Even if this person has never met him, he has heard about him. And it is just like what Zhao Zijie said That's what he said. This his father was expelled from the palace because of some things. It's just that this person doesn't know what it is for. He only knows that there is this thing."

"In this way, what Zhao Zijie said is true." Zhang Fan said.

"No, my lord. Not necessarily." Wang Meng interrupted Zhang Fan's words. "This person said. This incident. It happened 18 years ago. This year. It's been 18 years. It's the New Year's Eve."

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