The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1087 Bold Guess

"What did you say?" Wang Meng said.Zhang Fan's eyes widened immediately. "You said that a guard surnamed Zhao was expelled from the palace. It was 20 years ago." It doesn't matter if it's New Year's Eve or not.But Wang Meng said that this year is only 20 years old.This made Zhang Fan a little puzzled.after all.What Zhao Zijie told him.Anyway, it should be 22 years ago.

"That's right. It's been 20 years since today." Wang Meng said. "Moreover, there are some things that are different from what the adults said." Wang Meng obviously could foresee Zhang Fan's surprise after hearing his words.Don't care at all.continued. "The guard surnamed Zhao. That is Zhao Zijie's father. Actually, he was not expelled from the palace. More precisely, he disappeared. After hearing that something happened, he didn't come back to the palace."

"That is to say. After Zhao Zijie's father took Zhu Xuanqi out to play, only Zhu Xuanqi returned to the palace alone. But his whereabouts are unknown." Zhang Fan said.

"That's right. That's exactly what happened." Wang Meng nodded.Said. "However. Now it seems that Zhao Zijie is probably not the child of this person. Or he lied about his age. If he is the son of this person, he should be less than 20 years old now. If he lied about his age, he can think about it Find out. The palace is looking for guards. Although there are not too many rules, as long as the skills are good. But it also needs to be eighteen years old. If he wants to enter the palace, there is nothing wrong with false reporting for two years.

"However. If Zhao Zijie did not falsely report his age, then he is not the son of that guard surnamed Zhao. According to what this person said, the guard surnamed Zhao at that time did not have a wife. Not to mention a son."

"If Zhao Zijie is not his son, then what is his identity..." Now.Zhang Fan was a little confused again. "By the way, Wang Meng. Did that person say anything else? What happened at that time?"

"What happened at that time. This person doesn't know much." Wang Meng said. "After all, he is a clerk in the kitchen. He seldom walks around the palace on weekdays. Most of the news he knows is from what other people say. What's more, that day is New Year's Eve. It is the busiest day in the kitchen. .He was not free all day. Even this matter. He only heard about it at night. He didn't know much about other situations. He didn't even know that the prince was out at that time. He only knew The guard surnamed Zhao disappeared. It seems that something happened in the mansion. King Kang was very angry and fell ill."

"Kang Kang actually fell ill. It seems that what happened is really serious." Zhang Fan said. "Now we have to find out. What happened at that time. Although we already know. Zhu Xuanqi went out at the time. What happened. But these are all Zhao Zijie's hearsay. And Zhu Xuanqi himself would not tell What happened to us at that time. Now. If we want to find out, we have to continue to investigate. Wang Meng. This news can be found out. It really helped a lot. But we need to continue to investigate. See if there is anything else Someone who was there. Someone who knew what happened. Better to figure it out."

"My lord, don't worry. The humble official has been investigating." Wang Meng said. "However, these are found out now. Although we still don't know what happened at that time. But there must be something wrong with this Zhao Zijie."

"You're right. Zhao Zijie's problem is indeed serious," Zhang Fan said. "If he is really the son of the guard surnamed Zhao, he is doing this now. I'm afraid it was because of what Zhu Xuanqi did at that time that caused what happened to his father later. It is understandable that he came to revenge. But If Zhao Zijie is not that person's son, he just came to seek revenge from Zhu Xuanqi now. What's going on? What reason does he have to seek revenge from Zhu Xuanqi."

"If you say so..." Wang Meng proposed a possibility. "Zhao Zijie is really not the biological son of the guard surnamed Zhao. But it is a child he adopted later. If you think about it this way, it doesn't matter whether it is Zhao Zijie's current age or the reason why he wants to seek revenge from the prince. Isn't it all there? .”

"Well. If things are considered in this way, it will work." Zhang Fan said. "Although I don't know what happened at that time. But the guard surnamed Zhao. Even if he disappeared, he should not have died. If this is the case, if he adopts a child. It is Zhao Zijie today. Teach him martial arts. Treat him well. After Zhao Zijie grows up, it is only natural to want to avenge his father. It seems that no matter what happened at the time, Zhu Xuanqi did something too much. But Then again, Zhu Xuanqi was only ten years old at the time. What can he do to make people hate him so much?"

"My lord." Liang Chao who was beside him remained silent.Now he spoke. "Humble job has thought of another possibility."

"Oh. Tell me." Zhang Fan heard that Liang Chao had something to say.asked.Liang Chao had never spoken before.Obviously thinking about something.Now that I have spoken.I'm afraid I also thought of something.Anyway, although now I know a lot of things.But in general.Still confused.It doesn't hurt to listen to what Liang Chao has to say.

"Your Excellency, you may have forgotten. What did this group of people come to the Shu Palace that night?" Liang Chao said. "Stealing the genealogy. Naturally, there is something to do. Although we are still guessing now. But if we guess right. Those people discovered the current prince. There are some problems with ascending the throne. There are others who should be more serious than the prince. If he is qualified to inherit the throne, then Zhao Zijie's identity can be guessed."

Hearing Liang Chao's words.Whether it's Zhang Fan or Wang Meng.All were stunned.It took a long time.Zhang Fancai said, " mean...Zhao Zijie is...Zhao Zijie is..."

"That's right. That's exactly what I guessed." The two were surprised.Liang Chao was not surprised.After all, he himself had just thought of this possibility.Also was taken aback.Now I saw the surprised expressions of the two of them when they heard his words.Liang Chao didn't think there was anything wrong. "Since it's all guesswork, then it's possible that what Lai Beizhi guessed is also possible."

"This...of course..." Zhang Fan said. "But if you think about it that way, wouldn't Zhao Zijie's age be a bit confusing? If he was 20 years old, that incident would have happened 20 years ago. If so, I'm afraid Zhu Xuanqi went out with him at that time. Yes. In this way, it is somewhat confusing. Whether it is a palace or an ordinary family, it will definitely not let a baby who was born not long ago go out.

"Even if he lied about his age. Two years. At that time, he was only two years old at most. Two years old. Even if his mother and concubine didn't take him with him, other people would accompany him. But I still think Unlikely."

"Suppose he is already four years old." Liang Chao said. "If he was four years old at that time, even if he was young, he could already walk. And, the prince said, although he was not loved by Kang Wang, but it would not be the case if he thought about it. Let him get in touch with other brothers No way.

"If he was already four years old at the time, he is only 24 years old now. If there is a difference of four years, it may not be able to be seen by others. What's more, if it has been so many years, I am afraid that no one You can recognize him."

"My lord, I feel that Liang Chao's words are reasonable." Wang Meng said. "It's just that there is one thing. I don't understand the humble job. If Zhao Zijie is that person. In this way, he lied about his age no matter how he did it. At most, it would be terrible if he was five years old. And even if he lied Five years. He is only 25 years old now. At 25 years old, he is not as old as the prince. If this is the case, how can he be more qualified to inherit the throne than the prince. "

"This..." was asked by Wang Meng.Liang Chao for a while.Some don't know how to answer.

"About this point. I can explain it clearly." Zhang Fan said at this time. "That's right. If Zhao Zijie is that person, it is absolutely impossible for him to be older than Zhu Xuanqi. But, have you ever thought about it. Zhu Xuanqi is a concubine. Although there is an old saying, it is not easy to be young. The ones who inherit are all older children. But the difference between a direct descendant and a concubine is a big one. Regardless of the concubine's children, no matter how old they are, they are not as good as the direct descendants.

"If you say that Zhao Zijie is the son of King Kang, you can understand all this. It is recorded in the genealogy of the king of Shu in the court. King Kang had two sons, both of whom died young. If Zhao Zijie is the third son of the king Then he is indeed more qualified to inherit the throne than Zhu Xuanqi.

"And if things are considered this way, I am afraid that no matter what Zhu Xuanqi did back then, it was done on purpose. Because as long as Zhao Zijie is excluded, he is the biggest under King Kang's knees. The throne of King Shu must belong to him. Ten years old. It is not uncommon to have such thoughts.

"And if that's the case, I'm afraid Zhao Zijie came to seek revenge on Zhu Xuanqi. It's not for some guard surnamed Zhao. It's for his own."

"My lord. Is this really the case?" Although Liang Chao raised this possibility.But now he is still a little uncertain.

"We're all guessing now. Who knows what's going on." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "But I guess. Zhao Zijie's troubles won't last long. Starting from today. The person monitoring him is adding one more. I think it won't be long before we know the truth."

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