"You said that. I'm really happy." Zhang Fan said to Zhu Xuanluo. "I have to confess to you too. We came to Chengdu this time. We came here to find evidence against Zhu Xuanqi. We didn't want us to deal with him. And it is indeed as you said. You are indeed what we are looking for Evidence. It can be said. Now that we have come to Chengdu, it has been considered completed. All that is left is to get the genealogy. Prove your identity. "

To Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Xuanluo didn't say anything.Instead, he nodded in agreement.

"But. Have you considered it? If you do this, what will happen?" Zhang Fan asked. "If we take you back to the capital, then you become something else. A tool specially used to deal with Zhu Xuanqi. You're not even a human being anymore. Does it matter?"

The reason why Zhang Fan said these words.It's not because of sympathy for Zhu Xuanluo.Not for any other reason.Rather.Zhang Fan knew.sometimes.People are impulsive.Besides.It's like the situation Zhu Xuanluo is encountering now.To be honest, he would sit here and say these things to Zhang Fan now.Also because there is no way.The situation outside forced him to do so.This is the only way he can go now.If so.If he would agree to Zhang Fan, there was nothing to say.

but.If this is the result of impulse.Zhang Fan will be afraid.He will regret it halfway.If so.That would be troublesome.so.Zhang Fan wants to take advantage of the present.Tell him all these things clearly.If so.At that time, even Zhu Xuanluo will still regret it.But Zhang Fan and the others are easy to handle.

And sure enough.What Zhu Xuanluo said to Zhang Fan.There was silence.Although he said what he just said.It does have its own meaning in it.But it has to be said.There is indeed an impulsive element in it.Now Zhang Fan has pointed this out.Zhu Xuanluo also had to think about it.

"Moreover. It's not just like this." Zhang Fan saw him thinking.continued. "At that time. What will happen in the end. It depends on how the Empress Dowager Li will deal with it. Although the Empress Dowager hates Zhu Xuanqi very much. Even before I came to Sichuan, she didn't say it clearly. But I can Feel it. The Queen Mother wants to put Zhu Xuanqi to death.

"However. The so-called unfathomable power of the sky. Perhaps at that time. The queen mother really hated Zhu Xuanqi to the extreme. She wished to kill him. If this is the case, then after his death. Plus your identity can prove it. Succession The person who is on the throne of King Shu. It must be you.

"However. It has already been two months. When we bring you back to the capital, it will take another month. Such a long time. But it is hard to guarantee that the Queen Mother will change her mind. If the Queen Mother is concerned about Zhu Xuanqi's identity And influence. And the thoughts of other vassals. Maybe she will not let Zhu Xuanqi die. But if this happens, even Zhu Xuanqi will have a very difficult life in the future. But you will not get the throne.

"In this way, not only will you not be able to avenge yourself, but you will also be unable to get back what originally belonged to you. You will only be placed by the court. Watch you. Let you live the rest of your life in peace. You are now 22 years old. There are still decades to come. Are you willing to live this kind of life?"

When Zhang Fan started talking.Zhu Xuanluo fell silent.Until Zhang Fan finished speaking.He didn't speak either.Still thinking about something.Obviously.What is he thinking about.

But it wasn't his fault.After all, what Zhang Fan said.It doesn't matter if anyone is changed.You have to think about it carefully.

If Zhu Xuanluo agreed to Zhang Fan.If you follow him to the capital.Then he faces two possibilities.Or he could follow the Queen Mother Li's hand to help him avenge himself.And be able to allow himself to get back what originally belonged to him.But it is also possible.He was just a tool used by Empress Dowager Li to warn and punish Zhu Xuanqi.That's how they were placed.But it is placement.In fact, he was locked up.

And it was just like what Zhang Fan said.He is still young.Could it be that he could live like this for the rest of the decades.If so.Zhu Xuanluo didn't even know if he could stand this kind of treatment.


"There is indeed a risk here. I would like to thank Mr. Zhang for not deceiving me. I told the truth." Zhu Xuanluo thought for a long time.Finally he spoke. "But. I thought about it. It seems that I have no other way to go except this way. I have reached this point. Even if I understand. The road in front of me is probably a road of no return. But I But I can’t fly away. There is no way out now. Even if I stand still, there is still no way out.”

Zhao Zijie's words.Although he said it in a very ordinary tone.Even when he said this.His expression didn't change at all.Very calm.but.All three who heard him speak could hear it.His words.It is very reluctant to say.Maybe he didn't show it.But he was definitely very reluctant in his heart.After all, change to anyone.Faced with this situation.And when he had to make a choice that was actually very undesirable for him.Anyone can force it.

"I understand how you feel now." Zhang Fan said. "Although I dare not say I understand. After all, I have never experienced such a thing. But I can understand. You are very reluctant in your heart now. There is only one difficult road in front of you. But I have to say my ugly words first. .If you have gone this way, then there is really no turning back. Even if you regret it at that time, you can't turn around and leave. This point. Do you understand it. "

"Of course I understand this." Zhu Xuanluo said. "And. It's still as I said before. I'm free now. As for whether I will regret it at that time. It's too early to say these things now. However. Unless there is really no other way. I am not A person who will regret it. If you think about it, Mr. Zhang understands it."

"In that case, that's the best." Seeing Zhu Xuanluo, Zhang Fan agreed.There is no more to say.Anyway.His words meant that Zhu Xuanluo could listen to them.As for whether he listened or not.After listening to it, will it be implemented?That's not Zhang Fan's business.

By the time.If Zhu Xuanluo really wanted to go back on his word.That is beyond his control.Zhang Fan and the others will force him to submit.As for what method to use.But we have to wait until the time.The specific situation is treated in detail.

"Then what should we do now." Zhu Xuanluo asked.Now that they are planning to cooperate with Zhang Fan and the others.So.Naturally, it is necessary to plan for the future.

"Of course we can't return to the capital right now," Zhang Fan said. "It's not about anything else. At the very least. Zhu Xuanqi can't see anything wrong. It's best when we leave. He thinks we haven't found anything. That's the best. Don't Make him suspicious.

"And. That genealogy. Of course we have to get it. But Zhu Xuanqi can't find it. Although I don't know the situation very well, but it's impossible for him to read it every day. I'm afraid it's because The wrong things he did to you back then. Even if he doesn’t take it seriously in his heart, he will definitely feel guilty. This is human nature. There is nothing to think about. So. I’m afraid he is normal. I seldom go back to see this thing.

"However. These are unreliable things. Youdao is not afraid of [-]. Just in case. In case he suddenly has a whim. He wants to see it. But he can't find it. Then he will reveal his secret. When the time comes. If he thought about it. He was prepared. He didn't know what could go wrong. We can't take that risk."

"Then what should we do." Hearing Zhang Fan say this.Zhao Zijie also frowned. "If I go back to the capital at that time, I will naturally have to take the genealogy back. Otherwise, I won't be able to prove my identity. But in this way, there will be fewer places here. Just like Mr. Zhang said. Wan Zhu Xuanqi wants to see it, but if he can’t find it, then it will be revealed.”

"So. We have to come up with a plan." Zhang Fan said. "Like this genealogy. There must be something special to show its authenticity. However, this kind of thing. I'm afraid no one will think that they want to fake it. Moreover, Zhu Xuanqi will not doubt it even if he looks at it. Is it real or fake. So. After we steal it, make a copy immediately. Put it back. That's it.

"Liang Chao. We are in Chengdu. Are there any experts in this field?"

"My lord, I can't call it a good player. But this kind of thing doesn't need to be too delicate. If you don't look carefully, you shouldn't be able to see it." Liang Chao said. "As for the question of time. The King of Shu has been here for so many years. There are quite a few people. But if you find a few more people to do it, it shouldn't take long. If you want to come for a day and a night, it's almost the same."

"Well. Okay. That's it. Then there's the other thing. Since we want to make sure that everything is calm before we leave here. Some things still have to be done. There is one right now. Those people behind you It's gone." Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Xuanluo and said. "We can't let them come to make trouble. If Zhu Xuanqi finds out, it will be another loophole."

"Then we should kill their eloquence earlier." Zhu Xuanluo said. "But those people don't stay where they are. I don't know where they are. What should we do."

"Don't worry about this. I've thought about this a long time ago." Zhang Fan said here.smiled. "This matter has already been arranged."

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