The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1098 Absolute Strength

Since Zhang Fan said that this matter has already been arranged.That's absolutely it.on this kind of thing.Of course, Zhang Fan would not be the moment.Now that I have cooperated with Zhu Xuanluo.Then those people become a threat.Naturally, it needs to be removed earlier.

Although Zhang Fan didn't say what was arranged.But even if he doesn't say it.Zhu Xuanluo can roughly guess it.this kind of thing.Even if he didn't know Zhang Fan well.Even if it is done by someone else.He can also guess.After he and Zhang Fan came here before.Waited for a while.Wang Meng came over.After Wang Meng came, he didn't say anything.The few people brought over there by Zhou Zhong have already been captured.and.Also deliberately let go of a person.

then.When Zhu Xuanluo heard about this.Then I understood why Zhang Fan did this.Just don't give him a chance to turn back.Someone will go to tip off the news.It was confirmed that he betrayed those people.But now Zhang Fan said so.Zhu Xuanluo also understood.It seems that the person who was deliberately put back to tip off.It's not just that simple.I am afraid.Zhang Fan had expected that he might not know where those people were.Early on, someone was secretly sent to follow him.If so.Just wait until that person will go.I'm afraid Jin Yiwei's troops will kill them immediately.

Although Zhu Xuanluo felt that Zhang Fan was too cruel in this regard.It doesn't look like him at all.So gentle and quiet.but.Now for Zhu Xuanluo.The most important thing is to be able to resolve this matter swiftly and resolutely.And Zhang Fan's way of handling it.It happened to be what he needed the most right now.

"Don't worry." Zhang Fan naturally didn't know what Zhu Xuanluo was thinking.He saw Zhu Xuanluo like this.I thought he was worried about something.Can't help but speak. "Maybe tomorrow we'll hear that those people have disappeared."

Zhu Xuanluo listened to Zhang Fan's words.Involuntarily raised his head.He looked at Zhang Fan in surprise.Zhang Fan didn't care about Zhu Xuanluo's expression.It's just that he doesn't know.What he said was supposed to comfort Zhu Xuanluo.But it just explained the doubts in Zhu Xuanluo's mind.

"Although these people will soon be a thing of the past. However, even if I am curious..." Zhang Fan said suddenly. "I want to ask you. How did you get involved with these people in the first place? And how could they believe that you are the legitimate son of King Kang. You know. If you had that genealogy at that time, it would be able to prove that you But you didn't have the identity at that time. Only the pendant that outsiders don't know. If this is the case, why would these people do this thing with you. And. Waiting is three years. If it is an ordinary person I'm afraid I don't have the patience."

"This matter. If Mr. Zhang wants to know, it's nothing to say." Zhu Xuanluo said. "Speaking of this matter, it's really a coincidence. Remember what I said before. My martial arts. I learned it from Zhao Rong. Zhao Rong was lying in bed for four years before he could barely get up. But he didn't Time wasting. In the third year. That is, when I was six years old. He began to teach me how to practice Qi. And when I was eight years old, he started to teach me how to practice martial arts.

"At that time, I didn't know if he lied to me or something. He said that my talent was excellent. Even the poor formula he practiced was extraordinary. Now that I think about it, the martial arts he practiced I don't know exactly what happened. But one thing I can be sure of. Zhao Rong is indeed not a piece of material for martial arts. Otherwise, even if he wanted to protect two people and fight with five or six other people. Even if he couldn't win, it might not be possible. will be captured.

"But Qi training comes back to Qi training. Martial arts moves are different. Qi training is a thing. As long as there are formulas, the rest is left to the practitioner to comprehend. Besides. Qi training This kind of thing doesn't need to demonstrate anything.

"But the martial arts moves are different. The martial arts practiced by Zhao Rong. Now there is no move map. It's all on him. But at that time, he was short of arms and legs. Even if I show it to me, it's inconvenient. If there is an error in it, even if he pointed it out to me, but if I can't see what I should do, it won't work.

"The result. When I was 16 years old. When it comes to Qi training, I am no worse than Zhao Rong. But in terms of moves. Even if he sits still, he only fights with me with one hand. I Nor is it his opponent.

"And in that year. Zhao Rong died. Listen to what he said. It was when he was saving me back then. The root cause of the disease had already fallen. After listening to it for more than ten years, he finally couldn't stand it anymore. And he Before dying. Let me go to his teacher. Said they can help me.

"In the beginning, I didn't even know who taught him martial arts. And even if I think about it now, most of the moves he taught me are upright. There is no evil way. So at that time I was thinking. Maybe Zhao Rong is from some great sect. Because of something, he had to come to the palace as a guard.

"But when I found those people, it was not the case at all. In fact, it was also my fault that I was not deeply involved in the world at the time. I didn't think about it at all. Just think. The gang that can help me regain the throne. If there is really This kind of gang would definitely not be a good person. Moreover, the way Zhao Rong asked me to find those people was also to let me go to Chongqing. That is his hometown. Stay in Zhao’s Inn. And put a mark on the door of the inn When the time comes, someone will naturally come to me.

"It turned out that someone really came to me. It's just those people. Even if I went out alone for the first time. But I can tell at a glance. Those people are definitely not good people. As a result, I asked. This is the only way to know. These people are Zhao Rong's senior brother. And their master. In fact, a group of Jiangyang thieves. I heard that this group of people was wanted by people during the Zhengde period. The result is that they went to the end of the world. After that, they took a group of apprentices .Teach them martial arts. Let them continue to follow them. In this way, this can be regarded as a martial art. It's just a martial arts that specializes in doing evil.

"Actually. Listen to what they say. Since the Jiajing period, the court has stopped wanting them. But their nature is hard to change. They continue to be thieves. So that's it.

"And these people immediately agreed to help me after reading Zhao Rong's letter to them. It's funny that although I thought they were wrong at first, but after hearing that they were willing to help, I followed them. But How can I get it. They don't have any good intentions at all. But from Zhao Rong's letter, it can be seen that it is profitable. After all, if it succeeds, I will be the prince. And when that time comes, I will naturally cover up my relationship with them Of course, it needs money.

"And I didn't figure it out until now. Even Zhao Rong taught me martial arts. Let me be with these people. It's not for helping me. Although he is the same as me, he is also for revenge. But it's not for helping me Revenge. It's for himself. He wants me to avenge him. It seems that he is also wicked. In the end, he also had this kind of thought.

"But those people's thoughts. Although I figured it out later, I didn't reject them. I think. Anyway, it doesn't matter what they want. But first of all. That is to get rid of Zhu Xuanqi. As for what to do in the future. Then I can only talk about it when the time comes. Of course. I will not be afraid that they will go to Zhu Xuanqi Gaomi. Then I will exchange money. They are not stupid. I know that if that happens, I am afraid not only I will die, but they will not live long.

"And then. They made something happen to one of the inner court guards in the palace. He couldn't hold the post anymore. And just taking advantage of this opportunity, I went to the palace to apply for the job. Finally, with the name of another guard. At that time, that person also In the palace. His surname is also Zhao. He has a good relationship with Zhu Xuanqi. After I found out, I decided to use his identity to get close to Zhu Xuanqi. Zhu Xuanqi had no doubts about this. He immediately let me into the inner courtyard of the palace as a guard up.

"And what happened after that. You all know about it. Not long after I entered the palace, that person Xia Lingbo entered the palace. And I followed her. I used some tricks. Make her listen to me. Help me find out Where is the family tree.

"As for those people. I said before that they are sects. But in fact, they don't even count as sects. Although most of them are from the group of the previous generation. But now, they don't just take in some Orphans. Teach them martial arts. Even some people who were hunted down in the rivers and lakes. They are all taken in. Let them help with things.

"The two who were sent to the palace to steal things that night were added later. They were four people. And there are many people like this. Mr. Zhang. I don't know how many people you sent tonight In the past. But there are more than 30 people over there. And all of them have good skills. I don’t know if we can destroy them.”

"I see." Zhang Fan said. "Don't worry about this. That night. Although I did know in advance that some people would come to the palace at night. But I didn't know where they would go out. So I photographed 200 people and surrounded the entire palace. Get up. This is the person you ran into.

"And tonight. No less than two hundred people went there. Originally, these people came to 'help' you. Although you are only one person. But who knows how many of them will come back."

"200 people..." Zhu Xuanluo was speechless for a while.

That's the way things are done here.There is no certainty of winning.Never do it.And once you do it.Use it to great advantage.Just defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

"That's right." Zhu Xuanluo came back to his senses.Said. "Since it's cooperation. Then I can't do nothing like this. It has to be of some value. Actually. I have some news to tell you."

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