The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1103 Prepare to travel

It seems to be used to this kind of thing.

On the first day of the new year, although there are people coming and going, most of them are visiting from various households, but they are also sightseeing on the street.

Although Joanna is not very familiar with the process of celebrating the New Year here, she also understands that since it is the beginning of the New Year, many people are very free, which made her immediately think of Zhang Fan, no matter how Zhang Fan is on weekdays. Busy, even if it was yesterday, the night of the New Year's Eve was still very busy, but I should be able to rest today, and Joanna knew that Zhang Fan hadn't left the mansion today, and had been in the Shu Palace all the time.

In this way, although the Shu Palace is very lively today, there are a lot of people coming and going, but it is not because of Zhang Fan, these people are here to see Zhu Xuanqi, in this way, Zhang Fan should have nothing to do Yes, that's why Joanna thought about taking Zhang Fan on a trip together.

But when he found Zhang Fan, he found that Zhang Fan was not alone. Although Liang Chao was not there, Wang Meng was here. Moreover, even Zhao Zijie was there, so Joanna didn't have to ask. Seeing this situation, she knew that Zhang Fan had something else to do. In this case, Joanna already understood that Zhang Fan still had something to do today, and she still couldn't accompany her, so she didn't plan to do those things anymore. Useless, ready to turn around and leave.


Unexpectedly, just as Joanna was about to turn around and leave, Zhang Fan called her. She stopped curiously, looked at Zhang Fan and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Just right," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Just now I wanted someone to find you, but I didn't expect you to come first. Are you tired today? If not, why don't you go out with me?"

"Okay," Joanna didn't expect that Zhang Fan brought up this matter, and this was what she was talking about when she came here. Now that Zhang Fan has brought it up, she certainly has no reason to refuse.

"In this case, it's just right," Zhang Fan said, "Just now Zijie came here and told me that he was going out today, and asked if we would go, and I agreed, you go back and tidy up, we'll be there later. go out,"

"Well," she responded, nodded, and Joanna turned to leave. She still had a smile on her face when she turned, but she was obviously happier. Even if Zhang Fan couldn't see this, Joanna When she left, her footsteps were obviously lighter than before, which showed that she was indeed in a good mood just now.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan was naturally happy in his heart, but at the same time he was happy, he still felt guilty. Why, Zhang Fan always felt that Joanna was so neglected these few days, it was really not good. Well, even though Joanna had never told him about these things, Zhang Fan felt even more guilty in his heart. You know, Joanna came here alone, and he was her. The only one to rely on, but Zhang Fan was unable to accompany her because of his busy schedule.

Even now, he is going to take her out together to relax, but in fact, Zhang Fan still has a purpose for going out this time. Taking Joanna with him is just an incidental thing after all. I really feel a little guilty.

"My lord, it's ready over there,"

The sudden voice interrupted Zhang Fan's thinking and made him a little annoyed, but he calmed down quickly and looked to the side.

The person who said those words just now was Zhu Xuanluo. He naturally caught the instant anger in Zhang Fan's eyes, which made him a little confused for a while. He didn't know what he said that would offend Zhang Fan. If he is happy, but he doesn't care. Although he is currently at a disadvantage in the cooperation with Zhang Fan, it doesn't mean that he has to be afraid of Zhang Fan. You must know that Zhang Fan still has a greater affection for him. count on.

Of course, Zhu Xuanluo is a smart man, even if he knew this, he would not use this kind of thing to intentionally cause trouble.

"Are you sure?" Zhang Fan asked.

"There's nothing wrong," Zhu Xuanluo said, "Although it is said that most people in the palace don't believe in Buddhism, this Xia Lingbo, no matter whether she pretends to be or really is, will go to the university every New Year's Day. The Ci Temple burns incense and worships Buddha. I don’t know if the Miao people believe in Buddhism or not, but she has been in the palace for three years, and she will go there for the first two Chinese New Years. This time is no exception. I went to see it before. She is already packing up and getting ready to go out, and she knows that I want to monitor her, so when she saw me coming, she took the initiative to let me guard her to go out, although she didn't say that she was going to Daci Temple to offer incense, but I think there will be no mistakes, "

"Wang Meng, how are the preparations over there?" Zhang Fan stopped asking after hearing Zhu Xuanluo's words, turned to look at Wang Meng, and asked, "How is the place looking?"

"My lord, I have already found it," Wang Meng replied, "The Daci Temple is very big. Although it has been burned and rebuilt many times due to wars, it still occupies a large area. I heard that there are always many people during the festivals. , Liang Chao has already arranged over there, although the place is very secret, but after all, there are a lot of people today, so a few places have been arranged so that nothing will be exposed, "

"It's just right," Zhang Fan said, "Has the manpower been arranged?"

"It's already been arranged," Wang Meng replied, "It's the end of the day, and there are more tourists in Daci Temple at this time. It's absolutely safe to put people in this kind of place, and they won't be discovered."

"Your Excellency wants to put people in Daci Temple." Hearing the conversation between Zhang Fan and Wang Meng, Zhu Xuanluo couldn't help being surprised, and asked, "Why?"

"Actually, I was a little skeptical when I heard that Xia Lingbo would go to Daci Temple every Chinese New Year," Zhang Fan explained, "If she really believes in Buddhism, there might be better choices, such as the Stone Scripture Although it is indeed farther than Daci Temple and the road is not easy to walk, these are not problems, and if she really believes in Buddhism, she shouldn't go there just once a year.

"I asked you before, and I learned that there are no Buddha statues in her room. It is obvious that she is not a Buddhist. Moreover, if she is really the eyeliner of the Five Poison Sect in the palace, there is no such thing as a Buddha statue in her room." She doesn't believe in Buddhism, so no matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like a Buddhist, but why does she go to Buddhist temples every year to offer incense?"

"Could it be that..." Zhu Xuanluo is naturally a smart person, Zhang Fan's words already made him want to understand the reason.

"Yes, I'm afraid she goes to Daci Temple once a year just to meet someone," Zhang Fan replied, "Just imagine, Daci Temple is so big and there are so many tourists at this time of year, if she is with some stranger No matter what you say, it will never attract attention."

"However, it only happens once a year, which seems a bit wrong," Zhu Xuanluo asked.

"About this point, I have a guess," Zhang Fan said, "At the beginning, when I knew that the Five Poison Sect had sent eyeliner in the palace, I thought about it. Why did the Five Poison Sect do this? It's not for any conspiracy, but it's just that there is the most powerful vassal king by his side. It's not a strange thing to put an eyeliner beside him. If this is the case, there is no need for this eyeliner to report to them every three days What, and it is easy to expose yourself.

"I'm afraid they have already arranged it. If there is any important matter, then naturally the news will be sent back immediately, but if not, then don't contact. However, we still have to meet once a year to pass some things back. Or let her do something, this kind of thing is not uncommon, although there are not many of us in Jinyiwei, after all, if we send out eyeliner, it won't take so long, but it does happen, "

"So that's the case," Zhu Xuanluo nodded after hearing Zhang Fan's words, and said, "If this is the case, then this matter seems normal, that is to say, Mr. Zhang suspects that someone will talk to Xia Lingbo today joint, that's why the lord has deployed his men in Daci Temple early, and is ready to capture the street man when the time comes, but that's the case, "

"That's true," Zhang Fan said, "Also, I have a feeling that I might be familiar with this person."

Zhang Fan's words made Zhu Xuanluo confused for a while, but this time, he didn't ask any more questions. Some things can be asked, and some things are better not to be asked. He is well aware of this point.

"But then again," Zhang Fan continued, "At that time, it will be inconvenient for us to come forward. If Xia Lingbo yells, it will definitely not end well. I am afraid that Zhu Xuanqi will know about it in the end. So, when the time comes Xia Lingbo has to rely on you to get it here, do you have a plan?"

"Naturally," Zhu Xuanluo said, "although her family members accompanied her this time, it didn't hinder her. Now Xia Lingbo doesn't know that I suspect her, so even if she pretends, she still She will obey me, so I will bring her over when the time comes, and there will be no problem,"

"Hopefully nothing will go wrong with this matter,"

At this time, Xia Lingbo and his party had already come out, followed by Joanna, obviously the two met on the road, and when they got here and heard that Zhang Fan was going to Daci Temple, Joanna was even more happy, there were more people It was naturally lively, but it would not prevent Zhang Fan from being with her, which made the smile on Joanna's face even brighter.

But Zhang Fan said something to Xia Lingbo to disturb him. After all, it's not time to tear up his face, so this scene is still necessary. However, this scene can't last long.

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