The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1104 In Daci Temple

Daci Temple was first built in the Tang Dynasty. According to legend, in the first year of Tang Wude, the most famous Sanzang master Xuanzang also studied here. In the 15th year of Tianbao, Anlu Mountain captured Chang'an, and Xuanzong came to Chengdu for refuge. He saw The monks of Daci Temple gave porridge on the street, helped the homeless people due to the war, and prayed for the country. At that time, Xuanzong was deeply moved and personally wrote the plaque of "Dashengci Temple". After that, in the fifth year of Tang Huichang, Emperor Wuzong exterminated Buddhism, and Daci Temple became the only Buddhist temple in Chengdu at that time because of the plaque inscribed by Xuanzong, and also became the largest Buddhist temple in central Sichuan.

Moreover, because Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty and Emperor Xizong of Tang Dynasty visited Shu successively, many famous painters also gathered in Chengdu. Not only the wind of painting in Chengdu flourished, but also in Daci Temple, there were more than a thousand gestures, among which there were six well-known people. As many as 70 people.

Not only that, during the Tang and Song dynasties, Daci Temple was an important place for the exchange of Buddhism between China and foreign countries. In Silla (now Korea) and Japan, eminent monks came here successively to exchange Buddhism.

During the Tang and Song Dynasties, Daci Temple was at its peak. Its scale occupied a small half of the east city of Chengdu. This was definitely the most glorious time for a Buddhist temple. Because of this, it was the most famous tourist place in Chengdu at that time. , is here, and it is even more lively during temple fairs.

It's just that this Buddhist temple has been burned down by war several times. The most recent one was in the tenth year of Xuande. At this time, the Daci Temple has experienced several fires, and it has no longer returned to its heyday in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Yes, but it was once brilliant, so it is not inferior even now. Fortunately, the fire in the Xuande period was rescued in time. The most important main hall was saved and repaired. The prosperity has been restored. Although it is not as good as before, it is also prosperous for tourists.

Zhang Fan and his party walked here. Although the goal was very clear, they came here to offer incense, but there was a lot of people, and the surrounding scenery was also full of Buddha's fragrance, so they couldn't help but slow down.

Zhang Fan was walking a little to the side. After all, he was a man. Among the group of people, except for Xia Lingbo's father, most of the other men were guards, so these two people also said nothing. He spoke one sentence at a time, although Zhang Fan wanted to get something out of this person's mouth, but after two sentences, Zhang Fan gave up.

It's not that this person has a lot of scheming, or how good his acting skills are, it's that this person is a master who doesn't know what to ask. Moreover, Zhang Fan doesn't think he did it on purpose for that stupid performance. As if it was born like this, Zhang Fan had some doubts, whether he earned his huge family fortune by himself, or with the help of the Five Poison Sect.

Since he couldn't get any news from this person, Zhang Fan didn't insist any more, just thought it was to kill boredom, and the two talked while walking.

On the other hand, Joanna, who was walking with Xia Lingbo, had a lively and pleasant chat. Although the two were really different, not to mention their personalities, they were not even born in the same country. , but maybe because both of them are women, it can be said that the chat is quite speculative at this time.

Even so, Zhang Fan didn't expect anything. Originally, Joanna didn't know anything about what happened today, and Zhang Fan didn't intend to involve her in this matter anymore. More importantly, What happened today, even if Zhang Fan wanted to use Joanna, he couldn't use it anymore.

After what happened on the day of the new year, if Xia Lingbo is really not a member of the Five Poisons Sect, it would be useless to ask Joanna to do anything, and if Xia Lingbo is the eyeliner of the Five Poisons Sect, then after what happened that day, She was already on guard against Joanna, and it was useless to ask Joanna to do anything at this time.

Since it was useless no matter what, Zhang Fan would naturally not do those useless efforts. However, seeing the two of them chatting speculatively, to be honest, Zhang Fan always had some very weird thoughts in his heart.

Although the few people walked very slowly and the Daci Temple is huge, it didn't take long for the few people to arrive at the main hall. Afterwards, Xia Lingbo's family went in to pay homage, and Joanna, who was quite curious, followed After entering, Zhang Fan and others did not enter the hall. He also ordered Joanna to wait here after she came out. Joanna did not have any objections. In fact, Zhang Fan was able to accompany her today. She is already very happy to go out, so why would she care about these small, unreasonable things.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan followed Wang Meng and others to the place where Liang Chao had been waiting for a long time, and here, Zhu Xuanluo was still waiting at the gate of the main hall. He will have to bring Xia Lingbo there later.

The reason why Zhang Fan was able to leave here with peace of mind was because the arrangement had already been made. There are people coming and going here, but here, there have already been eyeliners planted by Jin Yiwei. These people only have two things to do. To monitor Zhu Xuanluo, to ensure that he can abide by the agreement with Zhang Fan, and bring Xia Lingbo over there. Second, to monitor the people here. If anyone comes into contact with Xia Lingbo, they will follow. After confirming, they will secretly Just grab it.

For this kind of thing, these people don't know how many times they have done it. Even if these people are temporarily transferred from Sichuan by Zhang Fan, they will not disappoint Zhang Fan's expectations. Moreover, these Jinyiwei in various places I don't have many opportunities to meet Zhang Fan. Now that I have this opportunity, I will naturally perform well. If I can take advantage of this action and get into Zhang Fan's eyes, then I will be on the rise in the future. Enjoy the glory.

Zhang Fan followed Wang Meng, and under the guidance of his subordinates in the crowd, came to a remote place. Liang Chao, dressed as an ordinary tourist, was waiting here. When he saw Zhang Fan coming, he hurried forward to say hello.

"The place is ready," Zhang Fan asked about it immediately after seeing Liang Chao.

"Ready, my lord," Liang Chao said, and brought Zhang Fan to a side room not far away, and said, "This is the place where the monks of Daci Temple live. It was the time when there were the most tourists, all the monks had gone out, and the brothers had checked the lowly position. There was no one here, and there was only one road here, and the brothers had already guarded both sides, and they would never allow anyone to come in. But if you meet someone who can't be stopped, you will report immediately, "

"En." After listening to Liang Chao's report, Zhang Fan also nodded.

Speaking of it, it is already a very strange thing to put the interrogation place in the monks' wing room, not to mention, what Zhang Fan and the others are going to question is a woman. Of course, these are naturally done in secret. What happened, if the people of Daci Temple knew about it, it would be a big mess, and Zhang Fan, even if he didn't believe in Buddhism, would not do anything disrespectful, and this time it happened for a reason. Nothing could go wrong for that to happen.

But just as Liang Chao said, today can be said to be the time when Daci Temple has the most visitors in a year. Even though there are many monks in Daci Temple, it is a bit tight to deal with so many tourists, so at this time , up to the presiding master of the temple, down to the little monk who just entered the temple, all have to go out to help. Naturally, no one will be here, and no one will come, even if there are tourists who enter this place by mistake, Relying on the Jin Yiwei guarding the door, those people can also be sent away.

"In that case, let's go in and wait first," Zhang Fan said, "Liang Chao, go tell the people outside, and if you notice any movement, keep an eye on me, especially those who have had contact with Xia Lingbo." Outsiders, don't let anyone go, arrest them all, and decide whether to let them go after asking, and you stay there, and if there is anything, come and inform me immediately, "

"I understand," Liang Chao replied and left.

And Wang Meng, who followed Zhang Fan into a wing room, asked, "Are you worried about something?"

"No, this matter looks very dangerous, and it's such a place, it's really a bit confusing, but in fact, it's very safe, even if it's discovered by the monks in the temple, it's easy to fool In the past," Zhang Fan said, "I let Liang Chao go, in fact, I wanted him to keep an eye on those people who had contact with Xia Lingbo,"

"Your Excellency also said before that the person who came here may be known," Wang Meng said, "Is it possible to say that if Your Excellency believes in that Zhu Xuanluo's words, this Xia Lingbo is really a member of the Five Poisons Sect."

"There is no evidence for this matter yet. You asked me to tell you for sure, but I can't say it," Zhang Fan said, "But I always have this feeling in my heart, and I always feel that we will know something today. matter,"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wang Meng just nodded and stopped asking. Although Zhang Fan said that all this was just his feeling; This kind of thing can't be decided just by what you think in your heart, but sometimes, this kind of feeling is very useful. Now that Zhang Fan said so, Wang Meng is willing to believe him. Anyway, what the hell, wait a while. We will see the outcome, but now there is no need to argue about anything.

This side is already ready, and Liang Chao is also secretly ordering Zhang Fan's words. Over there, in the main hall, Joanna is learning how to worship with Xia Lingbo. what will come,

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