The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1105 Action Begins

"Princess, what did you ask Bodhisattva for?" Joanna looked at Xia Lingbo and asked.

Maybe she doesn't believe in Buddhism.Not even Catholics.But the environment in which she grew up.Let her understand this kind of thing the West.People naturally go to church and ask for something.Although she doesn't understand what Buddhism preaches.I don't know what the god called "Bodhisattva" in front of me is in charge of.But she knew what Xia Lingbo was doing.

Although it feels strange that others will ask me what wish I made.After all, what Xia Lingbo worshiped was Guanyin.Then naturally there is only one kind.Ask for a child.But maybe it was because Joanna was a foreigner.She didn't show any bad emotions.Instead, he explained it to her.

"I am praying to the Bodhisattva. Let me give birth to a child early for the prince." Xia Lingbo said.

Hear what Xia Lingbo said.Joanna also understood.She suddenly remembered.This is not the first time she has seen this kind of thing.When in the capital.Isn't Zhaoxue and Yingyue just for this matter.Do you chatter all day long?The two of them also often went to temples all over the capital to pray to gods and worship Buddha for this matter.I heard that Yingyue didn't believe in Buddhism at first.But because of this matter.Instead, she converted her beliefs.

"I see." He nodded.Joanna said.

"Miss Joanna, won't you share the incense stick?" Xia Lingbo asked suddenly.

"Hmm." It seemed he was stopped by Xia Lingbo's words.Joanna didn't understand what was going on for a while.

But for Xia Lingbo.The reason why Joanna is like this.Also because she is just a foreigner.Not quite used to this kind of thing.I couldn't help but said: "Miss Joanna and Master Zhang. I have heard about it. Master Zhang is young and promising. He already has a beautiful wife and concubine at home. The children are not young. If Miss Joanna doesn't make some efforts. There will be some trouble in the future."

Such words.It's just too much.After all, in this public place.Discuss this kind of thing openly.It is really against the way of modesty.But now.The two of them were surrounded by people who worshiped Buddha in good faith.And almost all of them are women.This kind of dialogue can be regarded as the unanimous wish of these people.No one blamed them for anything.

"This..." But.Although others don't care.But Joanna blushed at Xia Lingbo's words.but.She did not escape.She likes Zhang Fan.She also knew that Zhang Fan liked her.She will not shy away from this feeling.nodded.Said. "Although I have this kind of thought in my heart. But I'm not worried."

"Oh." Listen to Joanna say so.Xia Lingbo was in a daze for a moment.But she immediately wanted to understand why.Some helplessly smiled.Said. "It seems that Ms. Joanna is really lucky. Not only did she find a young talent like Mrs. Zhang, but she can stay with her for a lifetime. Even Mrs. Zhang has other beauties by her side. They can't enjoy it alone. But they don't have those troubles. "

Although I have never experienced these things.Although Joanna doesn't know much about the backyard disputes of the big families.But this time.She immediately understood Xia Lingbo's meaning.laughed.Happiness is in the smile.Said: "Yes. The princess is right. Ruxue, Zhaoxue, Yingyue, and sister Linger. They are all good people."

Seeing Joanna's happy smile.Hear her say it again.This made Xia Lingbo a little distracted.And after that.The helplessness and bitterness on her face became even deeper.Sudden.She seemed to have made a decision.Said: "Miss Joanna. Although I was asking the Bodhisattva for a child just now. But there are also differences. I beg the Bodhisattva to allow me to give birth to a princess for the prince."

"Princess. What is that." Obviously.Joanna, who has only lived here for a short time, does not know what the word "princess" means.

"It's a daughter." Xia Lingbo explained. "I beg the Bodhisattva to let me give birth to a daughter for the prince."

original.Xia Lingbo thought that Joanna would be very confused after hearing what she said.But when she saw Joanna's expression became thoughtful.Xia Lingbo was a little surprised.After being surprised, she felt helpless: "It seems that I don't need to explain. Miss Joanna also understands why I think so."

nodded.Joanna said: "I... actually sister Linger. I think the same as the princess."

"I see..." Even Joanna didn't explain.Who is Sister Linger referring to?But Xia Lingbo could already guess what happened. "It seems that there seems to be no difference whether it is the palace or the government. I can only say that Mr. Zhang is really lucky." In the words.I didn't mean to blame.But it makes people involuntarily think about it.

"Princess misunderstood." Joanna immediately objected. "Fan he...he is not that kind of person. In fact, this is Sister Linger's own decision. It has nothing to do with Fan. Even. Anyone who wants Sister Linger to give birth to a boy. It's just... Let's talk now These are useless. Sister Linger’s wish has been fulfilled. She gave birth to a daughter for Fan. Sister Linger is already weak. According to Fan, she will not be pregnant again in the future.”

"But. Even so. Even if your sister Ling'er said so. Even Master Zhang thinks so. But your sister Ling'er really won't feel sorry." Xia Lingbo said here.He raised his head and looked at the Bodhisattva statue peacefully in front of him.The appearance of Purdue sentient beings.Said. "Although I said so. But I always feel unwilling in my heart."

All of a sudden.There are still people coming and going in the Buddhist hall.But the two of them felt that the surroundings were extremely quiet.

It took a while.Xia Lingbo suddenly laughed.Said: "Speaking of it. What are you doing here? Whether you will have a boy or a daughter in the future. It's up to us to decide. Everything is arranged by God."

And facing Xia Lingbo's words.Joanna didn't say anything.Or.She didn't know what to say at this time.I can only deal with it in silence.

"By the way. Others still want to visit. You can't occupy this place for too long. Otherwise, the Bodhisattva will be angry." Seeing Joanna's expression.Xia Lingbo immediately thought of a way to break the current silence. "Let's go out."

nodded.Still did not speak.Joanna and Xia Lingbo walked out of the hall together.

"Sorry." Just as the two walked out of the gate of the hall.A figure bumped into Joanna.It's a woman.

Joanna was still thinking about what Xia Lingbo told her just now.So didn't notice either.Hear the other person speak.She said quickly: "I'm sorry. I didn't pay attention."

"It's okay." The woman who spoke looked behind Joanna.Then he turned around and went.

only.This small episode is like an accident.But it was seen by the Jin Yiwei who Zhang Fan arranged around.Zhang Fan explained.Anyone who has come into contact with Xia Lingbo.All have to be caught and asked to understand.And just now.Although the two did not meet directly.But for these people in Jinyiwei.This reason is enough.secretly.The two walked towards the woman.


The two just came out.He just heard someone calling Xia Lingbo.

Xia Lingbo turned his head to look.It was Zhu Xuanluo.Joanna is behind her.Of course I didn't see it.But Zhu Xuanluo, who was in front of her, could see it clearly.The moment Xia Lingbo saw him.Her pupils shrank sharply.Obviously.She knew that Zhu Xuanluo would call him at this time.It will definitely not be an easy thing.

"Zijie. But what's the matter." Even if he understands.Zhu Xuanluo came to call himself at this time.It will definitely not be an easy thing.It wouldn't even be a good thing.But Xia Lingbo understood.She has no other choice.You have to agree to Zhu Xuanluo.

"Zhan Master Zhiguang sees me. I know that the princess is here today. I want to see the princess." Zhu Xuanluo said. "The master told me to take the princess there."

"I see." Although Xia Lingbo didn't know what happened in his heart.But roughly can already guess.It will definitely not be a good thing. "Master Zhiguang is an eminent monk. You invited me to go. Naturally, you can't refuse. Zijie will lead the way. Miss Joanna. Excuse me."

"It's okay. The princess will go if she has something to do. I'll take a look here." Joanna said with a smile.

here.Joanna was still thinking about what Xia Lingbo said to her earlier.But he has no time to appreciate the beautiful murals in front of him.And over there.Xia Lingbo followed Zhu Xuanluo through the crowd.Wherever you go.The number of tourists has gradually decreased.

But for Xia Lingbo.She knew that her hunch was not wrong at all.Zhu Xuanluo brought her here.Absolutely nothing good will happen.But unfortunately.Facing this circumstances.She can't do anything.

She can't run away now either.He couldn't even ask Zhu Xuanluo for clarification.she is afraid of...

Zhu Xuanluo naturally didn't know what Xia Lingbo was thinking.But it's not so much that I don't know.It might as well be that he doesn't care what Xia Lingbo thinks at all.He was not afraid that Xia Lingbo would do something suddenly.Just as he would propose this method to Zhang Fan.He had already figured this doesn't matter whether Xia Lingbo is a member of the Five Poisons Sect or not.It is impossible for her to make any resistance.

"What did you bring me here for?" Xia Lingbo saw Zhu Xuanluo stop.Can't help but ask. "Even if you have something to say, you don't need to come here to say it. This is where monks live. If someone sees it, wouldn't it be..."

"There is no one else here now." Zhu Xuanluo interrupted him.Said. "And. Called you here. It's not that I have something to tell you. It's someone else."

Hearing what Zhu Xuanluo said.Xia Lingbo showed a look of fear.

And Zhu Xuanluo who saw Xia Lingbo's appearance.There was a smile on his face.

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