The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1106 Provoking Discord

"There is someone else." Zhu Xuanluo said.Xia Lingbo couldn't react for a while.after all.Although Xia Lingbo already knew about it.Zhu Xuanluo does these things.There must be someone else behind it.It's impossible for him to be alone.But in the past three years.No matter how bad Zhu Xuanluo's attitude towards her is.The two met privately.There is never a third person.

but now.Zhu Xuanluo brought her here.Obviously, he wanted to say something that should not be announced to the public.But this time.Zhu Xuanluo actually said that he was not looking for her.But someone else.This naturally made Xia Lingbo overwhelmed for a while.

but.When Xia Lingbo came back to his senses.She immediately thought of a possibility: "Could it be possible. You're going to hand me over to those who ordered you." When Xia Lingbo said these words.The body is shaking.Obviously, she was very afraid of her guess.

Zhu Xuanluo didn't bother at all.He just looked at Xia Lingbo coldly.Now he really couldn't tell whether Xia Lingbo was really scared or pretended to be scared.but.If it is false.Then what she pretended to be really like that.At least.Zhu Xuanluo didn't see any flaws.

"No. Those people. You should have heard about them too." Zhu Xuanluo said. "This morning. There was also news from the palace. Could it be that your sister heard it?"

"This morning." I heard Zhu Xuanluo say this.Xia Lingbo was a little puzzled.But she remembered right away. "I remember this morning. I heard what Chuntao said. Last night. On the east wall of the palace. There was a group of people trying to misbehave the palace. But they were watched by the yamen for a long time. They were all arrested last night."

"That's right. This is the news that reached the palace early this morning." Zhu Xuanluo looked at Xia Lingbo.Said. "It's just that. That's not what happened. It wasn't the yamen that arrested people. It was Jin Yiwei who moved. Moreover, those people were arrested not long ago. A place outside the city was burned down. They died for a whole day 35 people. One is not too many. One is not too many. It was also the hand of Jin Yiwei. And after these 35 people died, the few who were arrested outside the palace also died in Jin Yiwei's yamen. That's what happened."

"You... what... what's going on." All of a sudden.Xia Lingbo was so shocked by Zhu Xuanluo's words that he didn't know what to say.But her mind turned quickly.Obviously, the two were still talking about the people behind Zhu Xuanluo just now.Now the topic has been changed to this place by Zhu Xuanluo.Xia Lingbo immediately figured it out. "It's hard to say. Those people outside the palace last night. And what you just said. The 35 people outside the city. It has nothing to do with you." Xia Lingbo's words were quite coherent.But the sound.Some trembling.

"Don't you already know it. I need to say it again." Zhu Xuanluo said. "Or you already know it. It's just that you can't believe it. No. In fact, you should be able to imagine it. I can do this kind of thing. But you are worrying about yourself. Worrying about whether I treat you It will be like this too. Once it is no longer useful, it will be killed."

"..." Xia Lingbo didn't speak again this time.He just bit his lower lip desperately.Blood dripped from lips stained red with lip blush.Until it flows to the white and delicate be able to distinguish.good.Xia Lingbo was afraid right now.It doesn't matter what her identity is.Encountered this kind of thing.As a woman.I will be scared no matter what.

"However. Now you can relax temporarily." Zhu Xuanluo said. "Since I brought you here. Since I told you that someone wants to see you, then you don't have to worry about your life now. But what will happen in the future. It's not up to me." Zhu Xuanluo said It's over.keep going.

"Who wants to see me?" Xia Lingbo didn't follow this time.Instead, he asked.

"You're not a stupid woman. You said so much just now. I don't believe you can't figure it out." This time.Zhu Xuanluo didn't even turn his head.Having said that, he continued on.

Sores on the lips.irritated nerves.Xia Lingbo didn't care.Looking at Zhu Xuanluo's back.The two hands on the skirt are clasped tightly.followed.

Follow Zhu Xuanluo to the wing room which is almost in the middle and stop.Zhu Xuanluo opened the door.He motioned for her to come in.

After looking at it, it is very bright.But it always made her feel that the room was extremely dark.Xia Lingbo only hesitated a little.Just walked in.

"The concubine is here. It's an honor for Zhang Fan." Seeing Xia Lingbo come in.Zhang Fan, who had been waiting for a long time, said.

"Sure enough. It's Mr. Zhang." Xia Lingbo saw Zhang Fan.But he wasn't surprised at all.Zhu Xuanluo had already told Xia Lingbo before.Those who were behind him before.He died completely overnight last night.And hands-on people.It was Jin Yiwei.The words have already been said for this sake.If Xia Lingbo still can't guess that the person who is looking for her today is Zhang Fan.Then she is really stupid.

"The princess already knows." Zhang Fan showed a somewhat surprised expression.Said. "It seems that Zijie has already told you." Zhu Xuanluo's identity.Xia Lingbo didn't know.And Zhang Fan didn't intend to let her know.lest there be any trouble.

"Master Zhang is a high official in Beijing. If the prince knows, I will meet with Master Zhang here. The prince will naturally not do anything to Master Zhang. But Master Zhang has ever thought of me." Xia Lingbo looked desperate. look like.Said.

"I don't think so." Zhang Fan still looked relaxed.Said. "And I think. The prince is not such a stingy person."

"You..." To Zhang Fan's words.Xia Lingbo was furious.Pointing at Zhang Fan.But I don't know what to say.

Zhang Fan's words.Really teasing words.If it is put in later generations.That was real sexual harassment.Not at all watery.Meeting someone else's woman in a hidden place like this.He also said he was not a stingy person.Let's talk about these.It is too contrary to the way of sages.

"Did the princess misunderstand?" Zhang Fan didn't panic.Said. "I did this. Doesn't it prove that the prince's eyes are as bright as a torch. The princess is so naturally beautiful. Even though I knew I couldn't, I still did such things. Doesn't it prove that the princess can really make people fascinated."

"Let's stop here for the smooth tongue." Xia Lingbo knew that he couldn't beat Zhang Fan.I stopped arguing with him. "Tell me. Get me here. What is it for?"

"Wangfei can recognize this gesture." Zhang Fan saw her like this.And no longer detours with her.I personally made the gesture that the Five Poisons taught to connect.

"Naturally." Xia Lingbo was straightforward this time.replied without hesitation. "Isn't this the gesture used by the Five Poisons to connect?"

Xia Lingbo's words.Everyone in the room was stunned.Originally they brought Xia Lingbo here.Just to figure it out.And Zhang Fan also planned to use this unexpected way to start the show.Even if he couldn't figure out Xia Lingbo's mind last time.But it's also worth a try.

only.None of them thought of it.This time Xia Lingbo would admit it so readily.Even Zhu Xuanluo, who was standing aside, was stunned.

"Good. Good." After Zhang Fan came back to his senses.said with a smile. "Since the princess has already admitted it, then we can talk about it next."

"Admit. I admit something." This time.Changing to Xia Lingbo, he put on an unknown appearance.

This made Zhang Fan and the others startled again.It's been a long time.Zhang Fan came back to his senses.Said: "Didn't the concubine admit it just now. Is she the eyeliner of the Five Poison Sect in the palace?"

"Master Zhang is joking." Xia Lingbo looked strange. "When did I say that I am a member of the Five Poisons?"

"How did the princess know the meaning of this gesture?" Zhang Fan was even more confused.

"That night. Didn't Zhao Zijie tell me?" Xia Lingbo took it for granted.Said. "It was the night of the New Year's Eve. Now that Mr. Zhang is hanging out with Zhao Zijie, I think Zhao Zijie has already told you about it. Let me tell you. He didn't tell you."

As soon as Xia Lingbo said these words.The people present were taken aback again.But Zhu Xuanluo was the first to react.He immediately walked towards Xia Lingbo.

What Xia Lingbo said just now.To put it bluntly, it was trying to provoke the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanluo.She doesn't know many things though.But there is one thing she understands.No matter why Zhang Fan and Zhu Xuanluo got together.But the time will definitely not be long.

even.Xia Lingbo guessed.It was only yesterday that Zhu Xuanluo and Zhang Fan wiped out those people behind him.And even Xia Lingbo.Also noticed the word catch all.In this way.She speculated about the partnership between the two.Definitely not for long.I'm afraid it's just such a two-day thing.

have to say.Xia Lingbo's guess was really accurate.

And Xia Lingbo who guessed this point.It came to mind immediately.Since there are not a few days left.Then even if the cooperation between the two has already begun.The relationship will not be too strong.possible.many things.Neither has confessed to the other.

The reason why Xia Lingbo said such a thing.That's it.this time.Even a small one.Nothing that matters at all.It will also cause a lot of conflicts between the two.

And she knows it too.Even if she said so.Zhu Xuanluo would never touch her.Or it can't move her.Since she is here today.Coupled with the gesture Zhang Fan made just now.Xia Lingbo knew that Zhang Fan would never let anything happen to her.

At this time.There was a knock on the door.Immediately afterwards.It was not opened.Liang Chao walked in.

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