The current Xia Lingbo.Not scared at all.

Speaking up.Somewhat strange.Obviously before.When Zhu Xuanluo brought her here again.She was also scared to death.I always feel that I will encounter some misfortune because of this.But wait until she walks into that room.After sitting down with Zhang Fan and started talking.She was not afraid at all.

Not how strong she is.It's just that she understands.The other party asked her to talk.Naturally, there are things that need her.whatever it is.At least it means that she is safe now.There will be no danger.Maybe it will be dangerous again tomorrow.But at least for now.She is safe.That being the case.She can let it go.

But at the end of the day.This is what she looks like now.In fact, it is just pretending.but.So to speak.Something's not quite right.After all, she was able to pretend like this.It is also because she is not very afraid in her heart.

But now.These are not the point.The point is.She already knew why Zhang Fan asked her for questioning today.Regardless of whether she is a member of the Five Poisons Sect or not.But there is a point.As long as Zhang Fan did not have strong evidence.Then nothing will happen to her.And the current situation also made her see it.Although Zhang Fan had considerable doubts about her.But he really didn't have any evidence.

If so.Xia Lingbo didn't have to be afraid of anything.

Just at this time. There was a knock on the door of "dong dong dong".This made Xia Lingbo a little strange.

There is no one here now.As said before.Today can be said to be the busiest day of the year at Daci Temple.There are many tourists in the temple.Up to the presiding abbot.Down to the young novice monks who just entered the temple, they all help outside.Naturally, there is no one here.

and.Even if someone came over by accident.She didn't believe that Zhang Fan chose such a place.But it won't take good care of it.It is absolutely impossible for someone to enter here so smoothly.

Moreover.If there is indeed a monk back.into his own room.I won't knock on the door either.

"Come in." Zhang Fan said.

next moment.The door opens.Walk in alone.Xia Lingbo saw the people who came in.Sure enough.The one who came was exactly what she had seen in the palace before.He is also Zhang Fan's subordinate.She remembered that this person was called Liang Chao.

"My lord." After Liang Chao came in.Salute to Zhang Fan. "I have something to say to my lord." Then he looked at Xia Lingbo.Obviously.It was not convenient to tell Zhang Fan about this matter in front of her.

This aroused a lot of curiosity in Xia Lingbo's heart.

Zhang Fan was not surprised either.He nodded to Liang Chao.The two walked to the other side of the wing to talk.This is the place where monks rest on weekdays.The room is very big.There are eighteen beds in full.Xia Lingbo was sitting on the side of the room.But Zhang Fan and Liang Chao came to the other side.Words here.What did the two say.If you lower your voice again.It was really inaudible over there.

"How should I say it? Has anyone been caught?" Zhang Fan's previous order to Liang Chao was to watch out for anyone who had contacted Xia Lingbo.Then secretly arrest all those people.Do some scouting.certainly.if it is like this.That Jin Yiwei was going to be very busy.After all, today's Daci Temple is full of people.And Xia Lingbo is here.Although the status is the princess.But there is no avoidance of anything.If so.The people she met on the road.I don't know how much I saw by chance.If you follow Zhang Fan's instructions.If all these people are arrested.It is estimated that few people who came to Daci Temple today can go home smoothly.

but.This is Zhang Fan's request.The people below understood what Zhang Fan meant.They're not the mad dogs of the idiots either.See who catches who.not to mention.These people have been Jinyiwei for so long.I don't know how many times similar things have been done.So there is still such a little vision.

They can tell the between the two.In the end is intentional or unintentional.certainly.This judgment is based on feeling.Naturally, it will not be incomparably accurate.There is definitely a place where there is an error.So this time.Only Zhang Fan's orders will be used.

That is.They were sure it was unintentional.will let it go.But if you are not sure whether it is unintentional or intentional.Then they will be more cautious.Execute the orders given by Zhang Fan.Arrest the person and ask about it.

And now.Since Liang Chao is here.Is not a description.He has caught someone.

"How's it going?" Zhang Fan was also very verbose.asked immediately.

"My lord, we have arrested 23 people in total," Zhang Fan said. "Three of them are children. I checked and let them go. These people should be fine. I have seen these people too. However, I met an acquaintance among them." Liang Chao whispered in Zhang Fan's ear Whisper.

"It's her." He heard the name Liang Chao said.Zhang Fan was a little surprised at first.But immediately.Surprise also turned into a look like it really was.Said. "Isn't this just right? In this way, we don't need to ask any more questions. This Xia Lingbo's identity has already been confirmed. Besides, the reason why we did this. Isn't it for the purpose of meeting her. "

"Then... Xiaozhi will bring her here now." Liang Chao asked.

Zhang Fan didn't answer right away.Instead, he thought about it.After thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with it.This is nodding.

After getting Zhang Fan's order.Liang Chao didn't talk too much.Turn around and open the door to leave.And Zhang Fan sat down in front of Xia Lingbo again.Looking at Xia Lingbo's confused expression.Zhang Fan smiled.

"What's the matter?" Although I didn't think there was anything dangerous.But Zhang Fan's smile.It made Xia Lingbo feel a little scared.It's the fear of the unknown.

"Princess, don't panic. It's nothing." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "It's just that my subordinates met an old friend in the temple. Now go and invite her to come over and have a good chat."

"Old friend." Xia Lingbo was even more confused about these two words.There are many things.Xia Lingbo didn't know about it.So now Zhang Fan said so.She didn't understand at all.Who is Zhang Fan's acquaintance?Xia Lingbo had no clue at all.not to mention.Zhang Fan's expression when he said these words to her.It was as if she knew him too.This made Xia Lingbo even more confused. "I have no idea what Master Zhang is going to say. What does Master Zhang's old friend have to do with me? However, since Master Zhang can let this old man come over, he must have something to do with this Five Poison Sect."

"Wait until people come. The princess will know if she can't see it." Zhang Fan didn't answer her.

See Zhang Fan like this.Xia Lingbo didn't ask any more questions.Sit there quietly.

Not long.There was another knock on the door.And this time.Zhang Fan didn't respond.But it's not necessary anymore.after.Someone opened the door.It was Liang Chao.I saw him walking in with one person.

"Your Excellency, Miss Yu'er is here." After Liang Chao came in.He clasped his fists to Zhang Fan and said.

That's right.It was Yuer who was caught by the people below.And when Liang Chao went over there to check on the captured people one by one.She dodged it anyway.but.In this case.How could it be possible to hide.When Liang Chao walked up to her.He recognized Yu'er immediately.

To say that Liang Chao didn't see Yu'er many times.But this did not prevent him from recognizing Yu'er.Actually.Because of Yu'er's special status.It was the matter of kidnapping Zhang Fan that time.Let Liang Chao remember these people of the Five Poisons Sect very deeply.It's hard to forget.

None of this matters today.important.After Liang Chao saw Yu'er.Don't mention how happy I am.Now when they are doing it.Let Yu'er appear.become particularly important.we can even say.act today.There are many things.All you need is to see Yu'er's face.Even without anyone speaking.You will be able to get the answer.After Liang Chao saw Yu'er.Naturally, I am very happy.

"We meet again." Zhang Fan saw Yu'er walking in.Although the mouth is talking.But his eyes never left Xia Lingbo.He was observing whether Xia Lingbo had any changes after meeting Yu'er.But this time.Zhang Fan was disappointed again.Xia Lingbo glanced at Yu'er.Nothing changed after that.No tension.Nor was there any suspicious activity.Only on the surface.He showed a puzzled look.

"Speaking of which, I don't know Miss's name yet." Zhang Fan continued. "It's not appropriate to call Miss Yu'er. I heard that only Hierarch Fang can call you that. If you don't want my mouth to be dirty, why don't you tell me your name?"

"Hmph." Facing Zhang Fan's extremely provocative words.Yu'er was unmoved at all.He snorted coldly.

"It seems that I am not comfortable with myself." Zhang Fan touched his nose.An embarrassing look.only.There was no embarrassment on his face.

"Why. Jin Yiwei is getting more and more lenient now." Yu'er is not forgiving at all.Open your mouth and say. "Even the people who came to burn incense. Are we going to arrest them and interrogate them?"

"This is a misunderstanding." Zhang Fan said. "I also came here to offer incense with the concubine today. It's just that it's rare to see acquaintances. Naturally, I want to invite them for a gathering.

"Also. Miss Yu'er and I have some things to discuss."

"I have nothing to say to you." Yu'er arrived now.Still ungrateful.

"Liang Chao, ask the guests to sit down first. This is the way of hospitality, isn't it?" Zhang Fan said suddenly.

Liang Chao heard the words.He pushed Yu'er to the chair in front of him and sat down.

"Ah." Yu'er whispered.

"There is an account. We have to do the math." Zhang Fan stared into Yu'er's eyes.Said.

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