"Settling the score. My little girl is alone. I have nothing to do with you, Mr. Zhang." Hearing Zhang Fan say this.Yu'er is happy.Come and clean it up.

"Only women and villains are difficult to raise. The teachings of the sages are not bad at all." Zhang Fan didn't care too much about Yu'er's attitude of not admitting it.said with a smile. "However. Sometimes there is nothing to do. It's not that you don't ask if you don't know how to teach. You have to speak nicely. If this is the case, Miss Yu'er has forgotten something. Then I can I have to remind you to remind me.

"Miss I don't know if you still remember. Ever since we parted ways in the capital, we met before this. Speaking of it, it was not long ago. It was when I just arrived in Chengdu. And it was Miss who came to look for me on her own initiative. Miss I don't know. Remember. Why did you come to me in the first place?"

"Hmph..." Yu'er snorted again.Facing Zhang Fan's words.She didn't respond.but.It is no longer needed.Her attitude said it all.anyway.How could Yuer forget this matter.After all, what they were talking about at the time.It can be said that it is a matter of survival of the Five Poisons Sect.And it's not been a few days.How could it be forgotten.

Seeing Yuer is still so awkward and refuses to admit it.Zhang Fan didn't show any irritation.The smile doesn't change.Said: "Since Miss Yu'er still can't remember. Then I will remind you again. At that time, Miss Yu'er came to me and said that the Five Poisons Sect had a problem. I needed my help. And correspondingly. The Five Poisons Sect Do me a favor too.

"Now, the Five Poison Sect is helping. I have already helped. You have also successfully overcome the difficulties. But. You should help. I haven't seen it yet. I don't know about this matter. Yu'er How is Miss going to explain to me?"

"Huh. So men. They are all small-bellied. There is no good thing." This time Yu'er spoke.Just words that come out.But it was not what the people present wanted to hear at all.She looked at Zhu Xuanluo.Said. "If I'm not mistaken. This person is the guard of the palace. Now that he is here, that is to say, Mr. Zhang's goal has been achieved. With him providing information to Mr. Zhang, it will not be worse than others. Since That's it. You still want to trouble me. Try to get back the scene. Isn't this a small belly and chicken intestines."

"Hmm. I heard what Miss Yu'er said. It's true." Zhang Fan seemed to be thinking about it.Open your mouth and say. "But now. It seems that the situation in front of me is in my favor. If that's the case, then I'll have a small belly. So what can I do. After all, this matter is a matter of face. I have to figure it out."

For Zhang Fan's speech that is similar to a rascal.No matter how angry Yu'er is.But there was nothing she could do.No matter how much she hates what Zhang Fan said.But she also had to admit it.What Zhang Fan said was not wrong at all.Now the situation is stronger than the people.That being the case.What does the other party want to do.She can only accompany him.

"Miss Yu'er doesn't speak. Then I'll take it as your acquiescence." The smiling expression remained unchanged. "I don't care whether you keep your word or not. But I think Miss Yu'er's attitude is better now. Although I am busy, I have already helped you. The Five Poison Sect has also passed the difficulty. But if I want to cure you But it's also very easy. You don't need to do it at all. It only needs a word. Those two people will help me deal with you.

"What. Miss Yu'er's complexion is not good. Are you uncomfortable? Or do you think of something. I just need to let the people below let out the wind. Say that your Five Poison Sect has mixed with our Jinyiwei. What do you think? Personally suspicious temperament. How will I deal with you. No. It is not enough to deal with you. They have some plans now. Naturally, they will not do it easily. But I doubt it. Your old leader. Will Fang Zhengan do anything? Surprise."

"You..." heard Zhang Fan's words.Yu'er gritted her teeth and looked at him.For a while, he couldn't say anything else.

"Don't look at me like that," Zhang Fan said. "If I really do this at that time, the reason is not on me. Fang Yueling will definitely hate me then. But when she knows what's going on. Do you think she will let you go? Maybe she really doesn't what to do to you. But..."

this time.Yu'er said nothing more.But her complexion became much paler than before.Zhang Fan's words.You are right.If.He really did.I'm afraid Fang Zhenqian will lose his life.In this way.The saddest one was naturally Fang Yueling.

and.If Fang Yueling knew that all of this was caused by her.Maybe it's because of the love we've had for so many years.Really wouldn't do anything to her.But in this way.the relationship between the two.It will never be the same again.this.This is what Yu'er is most afraid of.

And Zhang Fan.The reason for this.It was also because he could see Yu'er's unusual feelings for Fang Yueling.Although he doesn't know Yu'er's king.I don't know what role Fang Yueling played in Yu'er's life.But even if you don't know the details.Even if it is only a few times that they have seen the two of them.But even this few times.His observations from the two.It is already possible to see some things.

This is thanks to the knowledge of Zhang Fan's later generations.If you change the people of this era.I'm afraid even if you can see it.But I can't believe the relationship between the two.In other words, Yu'er actually had such feelings for Fang Yueling.But for Zhang Fan. The world after 500 years.Anything happens.He has long been familiar with it.Not to mention things like this kind of same-sex relationship.That's just too common.

Zhang Fan was sure of this point.That's what Yu'er said to Yu'er.And what Zhang Fan said.That's not wrong at all.Every word and every sentence hit Yu'er's heart.

That's right.For Yu'er.What will happen to Fang Zhenqian?To be honest she didn't care at all.The reason why she cares about Fang Zhenqian's life is comfort.In fact, it was because he was Fang Yueling's father.This is one thing that Yu'er can bring herself closer to Fang Yueling.

However.This is for Yu'er.Although only one piece.But change to Fang Yueling.This became her all.Maybe Yu'er is apart from this matter.You can also use other things to get close to Fang Yueling.But if on this matter.What did she do.Fang Yueling would never forgive her.

And now.Zhang Fan used this matter to force her.How could she calm down.

"I just don't understand what you are thinking." Zhang Fan continued to say to her. "Maybe. You have a big opinion on me. But I don't understand. Why do you want to do this. After all, even if you give me your eyeliner. It seems that there is nothing bad. But you just don't want to. Things get to this point You can only blame yourself."

"You...you..." Yu'er at this time.It has long since disappeared the indifference and indifference she had when she first came in.Looking at Zhang Fan.The voice trembled.Said. "Are you... are you really planning to do this?"

Today's Yu'er.Already lost his cool.at this time.As long as it is a person who is a little clearer in his heart.Can also understand.Zhang Fan said these words.It was just to scare her.The odds of actually doing that.It is very rare.But because Yu'er was too worried about the consequences.So she immediately took it seriously in her mind.It can only be said that if you care about it, you will be chaotic.

And at this time.Zhang Fan had been looking at Yu'er the whole time.However, he inadvertently glanced at Xia Lingbo who was at the side.Such a quick glance.But Zhang Fan discovered something unusual.

Although it is only for a moment.But Zhang Fan was sure.A worried expression appeared on Xia Lingbo's face just now.Even she hasn't looked at Yu'er until now.But this worried look.Zhang Fan could see it clearly.and.Zhang Fan immediately wanted to understand why she was worried.

Speaking up.This is really a bit strange.Although Zhang Fan was now sure that Xia Lingbo was what they were looking for.The eyeliner placed in the palace by the Five Poison Sect.But they have no real evidence.As long as Xia Lingbo refuses to admit it.They have no other choice.

And Xia Lingbo's detailed work.That's pretty conscientious.Even in Zhang Fan's opinion.She did better than Zhu Xuanluo.The person who could clearly prove her identity was interrogated right in front of her.But she was not at all messed up.There is no flaw at all.

But why at this juncture.She showed such a worried expression.It's because it's been too long.Is this why I can't hold on?wrong.Zhang Fan didn't think it was because of this.To know.She was able to stay in Shu Palace for three years.And there is Zhu Xuanluo who has been in contact with her for a long time.But it was a qualified spy who didn't find any problems at all beyond suspicion.How could there be any flaws due to a little pressure at this time.

"There must be some reason for this." Thinking about it.Zhang Fan's eyes flicked between Yu'er and Xia Lingbo.Although I still don't know what the reason is.But Zhang Fan was sure.It was definitely because of Yu'er.Only then did Xia Lingbo have such a flaw.

But.Exactly why.

"You're so mean." At this moment.Yu'er spoke. "The leader actually threatened me."

"That's not because of you and her..." Zhang Fan answered Yu'er as a matter of course.But that's half the story.But it stopped.

Just in such an instant.Zhang Fan suddenly understood what the reason was.

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