The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1110 Just scare you

Just start.Whether it's Zhu Xuanluo, Wang Meng, or Liang Chao.Or Yu'er herself.Everyone knew that Zhang Fan did this.He wouldn't really do anything to Yu'er at all.Most likely it was just to scare also didn't take Zhang Fan's actions seriously at all.

And in this way.If Yu'er thinks so too.Well from the beginning.Zhang Fan's idea has been seen through.In this way.Zhang Fan did this.It's just like doing useless work.After all, even Yu'er herself doesn't regard this matter as a threat.Then Zhang Fan did it.It's just useless.

"Really." Now.Facing Zhang Fan.Yu'er showed a very contemptuous expression.Said to Zhang Fan with a look of indifference. "Since our Master Zhang wants it, please do it. I'm a weak woman. Even if I want to resist, I can't do anything. It's better to obey Master Zhang."

"Oh. I didn't expect Miss Yu'er to let go." Zhang Fan didn't care about Yu'er's tone.said with a smile. "It's still the same for all the girls of the Miao family."

"Oh. Master Zhang really thinks so." Facing Zhang Fan's words.Not only is Yu'er not panicked at all.On the contrary, it looks like it is easy to handle.Nothing has changed.Even the expression on her face became more dramatic. "It's true to say that. The Miao girls are just like Master Zhang said. They are not restricted to these things. It's just that I don't know if Master Zhang has forgotten. That Li Yingyue is also a member of Master Zhang now. Yes. If I remember correctly, she is also a Miao family girl. Could it be that she is also like the other Miao family girls that Mr. Zhang said..."

It was obvious that Yu'er was provoking Zhang Fan.but.Even Yu'er used this method to provoke Zhang Fan.But facing Zhang Fan who had already made up his mind.This doesn't do much.Didn't see even that.Doesn't Zhang Fan still look at ease?

Zhang Fan's appearance.It made Yu'er feel a little uncomfortable.This seemed to indicate that Zhang Fan already had a way to deal with her.This makes Yu'er very relaxed even if she is acting.But I always feel a little nervous in my heart.She thought she could handle what Zhang Fan had to do.But suddenly.She felt again.Zhang Fan seemed to have ulterior motives.It seems that it will show her something.

Think here.Yu'er couldn't help but look at Zhang Fan again.But really can't find any problems.

Just when Yu'er was about to relax.It was by accident that Zhang Fan's eyes were looking to the other side unnaturally.This made Yu'er's nerves tense up.She understood that it was absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to do something for no reason.Since he did.There is absolutely a reason for that.But what the hell.

Think about these things.Yu'er's eyes followed Zhang Fan's and looked sideways unconsciously.But he saw Xia Lingbo sitting beside him.And see the expression on her face.Yu'er's expression also changed.She was beginning to understand something.What is Zhang Fan's idea?

even though.Yu'er is sure.It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to know about that matter.but.It was something she knew after all.And she knew it in her heart.If Zhang Fan really knew about this matter.Definitely going to be a breaking point.Let him catch the two of them.

This is what people often say. "Don't do bad things on weekdays. Don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night."It's just that you have to use it in reverse here.That's the thing.In fact, she was just guilty.Although she knew it in her heart.Also sure.It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to know about that matter.But she understood.Also guilty of this.After she saw Zhang Fan's appearance.I still can't help but think that way.I think Zhang Fan really found something.Such unnecessary guilt.Although Yu'er's face has not shown the slightest up to now.But she was already worried in her heart.

And Zhang Fan.But it confirmed his guess even more.Before.Although he made up his mind.But he is not [-]% sure.Although he has already captured Yu'er now.But there is not much time left for him.after all.Xia Lingbo's identity as the third princess will not change.So he couldn't keep her for too long.

If so.For Zhang Fan.The best way to do that is today.It is better to make a decision now.and.this matter.In fact, Zhang Fan's most important thing was to get back this face.But if there is still no result after a long time.Zhang Fan will eventually give up on this plan.After all, it is a matter of saving face.Now he has other important things to do.

so.After Zhang Fan discovered that possibility just now.Although it is not fully grasped.But he felt it was worth the gamble.That's how it came out.

And while doing this.Zhang Fan's main energy.But it was placed on Xia Lingbo's body.He also understood Yu'er.And how smart Yu'er is.Even if she may not be able to see Zhang Fan's plan for a while.But it is absolutely impossible to act according to the script that Zhang Fan expected.

But Xia Lingbo was different.Although Zhang Fan lived in the palace.The two were also in touch.But after all, not Lingbo didn't know much about Zhang Fan.She didn't know what kind of person Zhang Fan was.The so-called know people know the face but not the heart.Maybe Zhang Fan is really a beast in human skin.Maybe he would be able to do those despicable and indecent things if he really did.

all in all.Zhang Fan will be lucky.The bet was on Xia Lingbo.

And now.Zhang Fan has also noticed.After Yu'er saw Xia Lingbo's face change.The subtle change of meaning on the face.Although fleeting.But for Zhang Fan who has been paying attention to the two of them.He didn't let go of this fleeting the same time.It is also this change.Let Zhang Fan understand.I bet right.about that.

"I'm talking about Miss Yu'er. Things have come to this point now. Do I need to continue doing it?" Since now.Zhang Fan felt relieved.Sitting directly opposite Yu'er.Talk to her well. "Still. You really have to force me to do things that are worse than beasts. You have to think about it. Miss Yu'er should be clear too. I already understand. If you don't answer, then will it be Lose both. It's not worth it."

"What do you want to understand." But even at this time.Yu'er was still stubborn and refused to submit. "What kind of joke is Mr. Zhang talking about? I have no idea at all."

"Really." Zhang Fan said with a smile.But his eyes.But he was looking at Xia Lingbo who was at the side.

And Xia Lingbo didn't dare to look at Zhang Fan at all.but.At such a sensitive time.Even if Zhang Fan didn't go to see her.Xia Lingbo also felt it.There is a line of sight staring at her.

"If that's the case, Miss Yu'er, don't blame me for being ruthless." Seeing Yu'er, she still refused to give up.Zhang Fan had no choice but to say so. "But speaking of it, I really don't need to do it myself. Ms. Yu'er also knows about it. I am the commander of the Jinyiwei. I am in charge of many people. But no matter what the Jinyiwei is, I can't do it in the slightest." I don’t care about people or not. Now it’s a big Chinese New Year. The people under me can’t rest well. They still want to come here. Although they didn’t say it. But I understand it very well in my heart. I’m afraid they have already Already getting impatient.

"Although our Jinyiwei has strict discipline. Even if the people below feel impatient, they will not come to me to make noise. However, I have to take into account the feelings of the brothers. If not, if it continues like this, it will They may not be diligent when they come to work. At that time, they will cause me a little trouble here, and there will be a delay for me or something. It is fine on weekdays. If it delays my business, then it will ruin a big deal. "

"Master Zhang is telling me what these things are for now." Yu'er couldn't understand why Zhang Fan would say such things.But it is naturally impossible for her to break her face.I insisted on speaking like this. "How to discipline your own people. That's Mr. Zhang's own business. Of course, this kind of thing. The people below have to be more conscious. If not, no matter how Mr. Zhang disciplines, there is no way. Like the five of us The Immortal Sect doesn’t have these troubles. The people in the Sect are very well-behaved.” Although what Yu’er said clearly meant that Zhang Fan was incompetent.The people in Jinyiwei are also uneducated guys.But she seems to have forgotten.There are no good people among the Five Poisons.The people who almost insulted her back then.Aren't they the ones who taught themselves the Five Poisons?

"Miss Yu'er is right." Zhang Fan said to Yu'er.But without the slightest anger.Still smiling. "But there's nothing I can do about it. After all, it's the truth. These people below are indeed reckless men who only know how to use their hands. suffer.

"However. There are some things. They are not the only ones to rely on. As a Shangguan, I also have to give them some benefits. For example. At this time, find a woman to prey on them. I guess they won't be dissatisfied with me. " Zhang Fan said these words.His eyes kept looking back and forth on Yu'er's body.The meaning of what he just said is also self-evident.

And this time.Yu'er was already screaming inwardly.But he still pretended to be calm.She knew that Zhang Fan would not do this.But what she was worried about was not Zhang Fan.but...

"No. Don't touch sister Yu'er." Just at this juncture.Xia Lingbo on the side shouted out.

And Xia Lingbo shouted.The smile on Zhang Fan's face grew even wider.

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