The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1111 Debunking the Identity

Xia Lingbo's roar made everyone present change their expressions.

As the initiator of this matter, Zhang Fan naturally hopes to see this happen. Besides, Zhang Fan also understands that it is himself who caused this matter, so Zhang Fan now looks happy. At the same time, there is a certain expression of taking it for granted. In his opinion, this matter should be like this.

The expressions on the faces of Wang Meng, Liang Chao, and Zhu Xuanluo are a little different. Although they have the same idea as Zhang Fan, they all hope to achieve the present goal, so that Xia Lingbo or Yu'er will show flaws, and even Yu simply told the truth, but at the same time they were happy, there were some inexplicable expressions on their faces. They couldn't figure out what was going on at all, why Zhang Fan went to tease Yu'er, Xia Lingbo said She simply admitted the relationship between her and Yu'er.

And Yu'er, she couldn't figure out what Zhang Fan was doing before, but later, she guessed a possibility, but even so, she didn't think so, she didn't think Zhang Fan would know about that The matter, and now, as soon as Xia Lingbo said this, Yu'er knew that things were bad. She suddenly thought about one thing clearly, regardless of whether Zhang Fan knew about it or not, but what he did before, It has made this result very obvious, but it's ridiculous that she still thinks there will be no problem.

However, Yu'er always had a question in her mind to ask Zhang Fan...

"Look, it's so good, I finally admit it," Zhang Fan looked at Yu'er and Xia Lingbo with a smile, and said, "It's so good a long time ago, firstly, I don't need to expend so much effort, and secondly, it doesn't take two You have suffered a lot, now that the conversation has been made, then we can talk about the next thing, "

Xia Lingbo knew that she had done something wrong, but she didn't feel that she had made a big mistake. In her opinion, if she didn't do this wrong, then she would make a big mistake that she would regret for the rest of her life. So now, Although he had already admitted his identity, Xia Lingbo was not willing to give in right away, and still sat there without opening his mouth.

On the other hand, Yu'er looked at Zhang Fan suspiciously, and asked, "How did you know?" Such an inexplicable sentence made everyone present, except Zhang Fan, unable to understand. Even Xia Lingbo, It was also because of the previous incident that he was in a trance, and didn't care why Yu'er asked such a question.

"Well..." Zhang Fan smiled when he heard Yu'er's question, and said, "If I say that I saw it by myself just now, I don't know if Miss Yu'er believes it or not. Miss Yu'er think about it, if I had known about this earlier, when Miss Yu'er was brought in by my subordinates just now, I should have done this instead of waiting until now, no?"

"How is it possible?" Obviously, Yu'er didn't believe what Zhang Fan said, or she didn't want to believe it.

"You really can't help but believe it," Zhang Fan said, "There are some things that other people may not think of even if they see them, but I am a little different. There are many things that I dare to think about."

Zhang Fan's words made Yu'er silent. Although Zhang Fan never gave Yu'er an explanation for what Zhang Fan said, but the matter has reached this point, it doesn't matter anymore.

Earlier, when Zhang Fan was talking to Yu'er, he accidentally saw a trace of worry on Xia Lingbo's face. Although it was only a fleeting trace, Zhang Fan was sure that he had indeed seen it.

In this way, Zhang Fan thought of a possibility, and this possibility was actually told by Yu'er.

The relationship between Xia Lingbo and Yu'er is very likely to be like the relationship between Yu'er and Fang Yueling. This is what Zhang Fan thought of. Although he doesn't know what happened between Yu'er and Fang Yueling, But he can think of some, no matter what the story between the two of them is, Zhang Fan understands that Yu'er has great expectations for Fang Yueling.

Of course, Zhang Fan didn't know whether Fang Yueling had reciprocated Yu'er's longing, but it didn't matter.

And Xia Lingbo's situation is somewhat similar to Yu'er's. Xia Lingbo also has longing for Yu'er, and it doesn't matter whether Yu'er repays Xia Lingbo's longing. For Zhang Fan, he only needs to know that Xia Lingbo is very happy. It is enough to care about Yu'er.

Therefore, before Zhang Fan started to "molest" Yu'er, it was actually for Xia Lingbo to see that the person she cared about was about to be in danger. After that, Zhang Fan weighed the pros and cons for them and let Xia Lingbo Knowing which way would hurt Yu'er the least, and after that, Xia Lingbo made the best decision for her.

Although all of this is just Zhang Fan's guess, but Zhang Fan really did not guess wrong, the thing is indeed like this, Xia Lingbo's experience is actually similar to that of Yu'er, the only difference is that she is younger than Yu'er at that time. Er is much younger, but it is precisely because of this reason that after Xia Lingbo was rescued by Yu'er, she quickly developed a sense of trust in her. After all, for children, especially Xia Lingbo For this kind of child who has been abused since childhood, even a little care will make her very affectionate to those who care about her.

And as time slowly passed, Xia Lingbo's feelings for Yu'er gradually changed from the way her parents did, and this was also the key to her finally revealing her flaws.

As for how Zhang Fan knew this, in fact, Zhang Fan really didn't know. The reason why Zhang Fan would do this, as I said before, was just his guess. However, Zhang Fan didn't have any superpowers. Even if it is a guess, it is impossible to know what is going on here.

What supported Zhang Fan's guess was actually Xia Lingbo's worried expression just now.

Xia Lingbo was able to lurk in the palace for three years, and there was a person like Zhu Xuanluo by his side. After observing her for three years, he only had doubts, but there was no evidence to prove that there was something wrong with her. From this, it can be seen that Xia Lingbo was Really talented in this regard.

Since this is the case, then Xia Lingbo should know that as a detailed operation, he must absolutely abide by the regulations, that is, no matter what the situation is, the most important thing is to protect his identity from being known by others, even if it is like now, others have already Suspicion is on your head, and you have even been pulled in front of you to question, but as long as the other party has no solid evidence, then you must persevere, and you must not be exposed.

This kind of thing is not because Zhang Fan is in charge of Jinyiwei and is familiar with these things in this industry. In fact, this principle is not only for Jinyiwei, but for anyone in any place in the world. This is the reason.

Xia Lingbo is naturally no exception, and whether it is the situation of the previous three years or her performance here just now, it has already shown that she is quite outstanding. When Yu'er was brought in before, although she had secretly Screaming, but there is no expression on the surface, and it can be seen from this point.

However, when she saw Zhang Fan threatening Yu'er, she actually showed a worried expression on her face. This kind of thing should never have happened.

Zhang Fan understood this, so when he saw Xia Lingbo like this, he immediately thought of a possibility. The reason for this must be because Xia Lingbo was very worried about something, and what Zhang Fan did just now, He knew it best, so Zhang Fan thought of this possibility.

It's not wrong to think about it this way, just think about it, apart from Yu'er being the person Xia Lingbo cares about, what else can make such a capable spy show his flaws.

Therefore, Zhang Fan immediately did this, and what he did was very simple. He was doing what Xia Lingbo was worried about, and what Xia Lingbo was worried about was naturally Yu'er's safety.

Regarding this point, it can be said that Zhang Fan did a very good job. Perhaps, Yu'er, who is more familiar with Zhang Fan, may be a little panicked by Zhang Fan's incomprehensible actions at first, but as long as she After a while, she could figure out that what Zhang Fan did was just to scare her, and it was impossible to do anything else.

However, Yu'er knew that Zhang Fan wouldn't do it, but Xia Lingbo didn't know Zhang Fan well, she didn't know what kind of person Zhang Fan was, maybe he was bluffing, or maybe he really had that kind of plan, but, Xia Lingbo didn't dare to take any risks. First, Yu'er was indeed very beautiful, and it was normal for a man to have that kind of thought about her; second, Xia Lingbo was very worried about Yu'er.

Therefore, when Zhang Fan did this, Xia Lingbo would rather expose his identity than prevent Yu'er from being humiliated.

This time, Zhang Fan guessed right.

"But then again," Zhang Fan saw that the two of them were silent, and said, "Since the matter has come to this point, and the princess has truly admitted that she is the secret agent of the Five Poison Sect in the palace, then it is still the case. If you keep silent, isn't it unnecessary?"

The two raised their heads to look, Yu'er was staring at Zhang Fan, there was not only hatred in her eyes, but also something else, and after Xia Lingbo revealed her identity, she became undecided. She looked at Zhang Fan and then at Yu'er, not knowing what to do next.

"That's right, Ling Bo is our eyeliner in the palace," Yu'er finally admitted, "But even if you, Mr. Zhang, know about it, so what can you do?"

"I really can't do anything to you, not to mention I didn't think that way," Zhang Fan said, "As for exposing your identity, there are naturally things to do."

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