The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1112 Serious Consequences

"There is something to do," Yu'er repeated after hearing Zhang Fan's words, but the question she repeated was tinged with contempt, "What's the matter, isn't it just to save face?" "Yu'er mercilessly exposed Zhang Fan's meaning.

His own thoughts were exposed by the other party, and not only was he despised by the other party, even Zhang Fan knew that the reason he was looking for was really not very good on the table, but at this time Zhang Fan did not show any The embarrassment or embarrassment expression is true. After all, Zhang Fan occupies a completely dominant position in the current situation. He doesn't need to care about any provocations from Yu'er. In other words, Yu'er's repeated provocations just show that Now that she really doesn't have the strength to resist now, she can only ask for cheap with words.

After Yu'er finished speaking, she saw that Zhang Fan was not angry at all, and that the smile she hated at herself had not changed. Yu'er knew that she was completely controlled by Zhang Fan, and even A little bit of resistance, and even lost the chance to get cheap, which made Yu'er feel very bad, but she has no other way, and now she can only let herself be slaughtered.

"However, it sounds like saving face, but in fact, that's not the case," Zhang Fan said, "I'm afraid you came to me that day, although it was true that Fang Yueling had no choice but wanted my help, and I guess Well, Fang Yueling will definitely not think that I am so easy to deal with, she must have mentioned it to you, if there is anything I need, you'd better agree to come down and help, it's considered repaying my favor.

"It's not wrong to think about it this way. After all, even if Fang Yueling might not like to cooperate with me, she will definitely not hate it. After all, I promised her to help her find her father, and I have some clues now, so she absolutely Don't ask me for help regardless of my ideas.

"However, the current situation is that you didn't help at all. I thought about it later and felt that this matter is not the case at all. I have already asked for your help. If Fang Yueling knew, she would definitely not object After all, her father is naturally more important than an eyeliner, so no matter what, if Fang Yueling knows my request, it is absolutely impossible for her to refuse.

"However, since I didn't help now, I'm afraid the reason is that Fang Yueling didn't even know that I wanted your help. In my opinion, it's obvious that you didn't say that I wanted to help. I guess you would tell her, I think I did you a favor in the past, and don't want anything in return, isn't that the case.

"Perhaps Fang Yueling will be a little strange to your words. After all, no matter how you look at it, I'm not the kind of person who is easy to talk to. However, I think she believes in you very much. In addition, you have done a lot of things for her in the past, so even Doubt, she didn't bother to ask any more, that's how she looks like now, "

Facing Zhang Fan's words, Yu'er fell silent and didn't say a word, but at this juncture, if she didn't speak, it was tantamount to admitting Zhang Fan's words, but in fact, what Zhang Fan said was nothing at all. Wrong, that's the way it is.

At the beginning, Yu'er went back after looking for Zhang Fan and getting his answer that he promised to help. After returning to the Five Poison Sect, Yu'er immediately met with Fang Yueling and told about this matter, but she kept it a secret. Fang Yueling's request regarding Zhang Fan.

However, Fang Yueling was not so easy to deal with. She was concerned about this matter, so she naturally asked what Zhang Fan wanted them to do.

But Yu'er said that Zhang Fan had no request. Her answer made Fang Yueling feel very strange. Although Fang Yueling had met Zhang Fan and felt that he was not the kind of person who took advantage of the fire, Zhang Fan was after all a member of the court and still in charge of the government. With Jin Yiwei, it is impossible to do such a loss-making business.

But Yu'er also had plans. She said that Zhang Fan had nothing to do now, and there was no place where he could use the Five Poison Sect, so she didn't ask them to help.

Although Yu'er said so, Fang Yueling believed it, but Fang Yueling still felt that there was something wrong in her heart. Even though Zhang Fan had nothing to do now and didn't need the Five Poisons, he didn't regard this time's help as a favor Letting them owe it is really a very strange thing, but Fang Yueling said this to Yu'er, so even though Fang Yueling had huge doubts in her heart, Fang Yueling didn't ask any more questions, so this matter The matter is considered to be over with Fang Yueling.

This is the case with Yu'er, Zhang Fan has already made a request, and this request is not difficult to deal with, no matter whether it is for the Five Poison Sect or Yu'er, there is no loss, but even if it is twisted Take your temper, in short, Yu'er just doesn't help Zhang Fan, maybe it sounds a little wrong, but Yu'er is like this, she hates Zhang Fan very much.

"It is true that you have concealed from her that I want your help. This will indeed cause me a lot of trouble, but these troubles are not beyond my ability to solve. You already know the situation here, and I think , After I have solved it now, it will be better than the situation with your help, but I don’t know if you have thought about it,” Zhang Fan continued, seeing Yu’er’s silent appearance, “If I didn’t If you remember correctly, you should like Fang Yueling very much, and in my opinion, this kind of liking can be expressed clearly by more than just these two words.

"Don't worry, listen to me before I finish speaking. Since you like Fang Yueling so much, you shouldn't hurt her. But what you're doing now, in my opinion, is out-and-out Harm Fang Yueling.

"Why, don't show such an expression of disbelief, maybe you don't understand it yourself, but I'm telling you today, you really hurt Fang Yueling by doing this.

"If you still don't believe me, then I'll tell you in detail. If you don't think about it, if you don't tell Fang Yueling and don't help me, maybe I'm at a disadvantage for a while, but I don't know how to get back this face. Now I know that it will become like this, you made it all by yourself, but if I don't know, wouldn't I blame Fang Yueling for the crime? Fang Yueling's head, you can imagine What consequences will there be? The Five Poison Sect will definitely not have a good time, and Fang Yueling herself will definitely not have a good time. Even his father may not be able to come back alive.

"Do you think that I am very narrow-minded, and I have to pull so many people into the water just for such a small matter, but these things are actually done like this. After all, things like face are still very important. Come to think of it, if you encounter such This kind of thing, I am afraid it is no different from me, and I will do the same, "

Zhang Fan's words made Yu'er completely silent. In her previous silence, there was still a lot of unwillingness in her eyes. Obviously, although she was speechless, it was also because of the constraints of the environment she was in now.

But now, Yu'er's silence, even the unwillingness in her eyes has disappeared, and her complexion has turned pale, obviously thinking of something terrible.

However, what Yu'er thought of was not what Zhang Fan just mentioned, but what Zhang Fan said did remind her of something. To be honest, Yu'er has nothing to do with the Five Poison Sect. Special feelings, when she was desperate, it was Fang's father and daughter who rescued her. Although the place where she settled down was the Five Poison Sect, Fang Yueling didn't have a good impression of that place.

So, how about the Five Poisons Church? To be honest, Fang Yueling really doesn't have any special feelings. Even if the Five Poisons Church is really ruined, she will not feel any pity, and she will not let her do it because of her. feel guilty.

As for Fang Zhenqian, if something happened to him, or even died, if this is the case, Yu'er might feel a little sad, but that's all. At the beginning, it was Fang Zhengan who saved her, but said Speaking of which, the reason why Fang Zhenqian made the move was because his daughter Fang Yueling begged him. Although Yu'er was indeed grateful to Fang Zhenqian, Fang Zhenqian didn't care about her.

And what worries Yu'er the most is naturally Fang Yueling. After all, after she entered the Five Poison Sect, Fang Yueling was the one who gave her the most care. Relying on Fang Yueling's consolation, this is what made her get through it. Moreover, she was able to escape with Fang Yueling's help when she was in the most crisis. This made Yu'er have a lot of special feelings for Fang Yueling.

But speaking of it, what really worries Yu'er is not that Fang Yueling will encounter any troubles. In fact, Yu'er has thought in her heart that if Fang Yueling encounters any troubles, maybe the Five Poison Sect no longer exists, and maybe Fang Zhenqian In this way, she lost her life. In this way, Fang Yueling will become helpless. Then, this is also an opportunity for Yu'er to get closer to Fang Yueling.

Perhaps, Yu'er thought so, that's why she concealed Zhang Fan's affairs.

However, what Zhang Fan said now made her think of something. If all these things happened, Fang Yueling would definitely know that all these things happened because of her. If so, how could Fang Yueling Will give her a good look again.

Seeing Yu'er's appearance, Zhang Fan knew that his words had worked. Although he didn't know what Yu'er was thinking, but these were irrelevant, as long as Yu'er was afraid of it. The goal has been achieved, and the rest is not important.

"It seems that you have already figured it out," Zhang Fan said, "But now, there is still room for turning around this matter."

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