The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1113 One more item

Hearing Zhang Fan say that this matter can still be remedied, Yu'er immediately raised her head to look at Zhang Fan, waiting for his answer. In her eyes, the previous worry disappeared and turned into a Desperately wanting to know.

"I know what you're thinking," Zhang Fan looked at Yu'er, smiled, and said, "Although I said there is a way to remedy it, this matter is not so easy,"

"You..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Yu'er hesitated, and asked, "What do you really want, tell me, maybe now, there is something I can do for you," Yu'er Although she hesitated a bit when she asked, what she said was very clear. Obviously, although she still didn't know what Zhang Fan meant by being able to remedy, she still understood roughly.

Naturally, there is only one way to remedy this matter. She, or the Five Poison Sect, must work for Zhang Fan, and the price she will pay will probably be much higher than before. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a remedy. Although Yu'er didn't know exactly what Zhang Fan was going to do, she still understood the truth.

"Hehe, don't be in a hurry," Zhang Fan said, "The reason why I say it's difficult is not to punish you on purpose, to make you do things that you can't do at all, that will only cause trouble for myself. , can’t help me at all. The trouble I mentioned just now actually means that I don’t have anything that needs you now. Ling made it clear, you Five Poisons sect owes me a huge favor, after all, you have disrespected Jin Yiwei, I don't care how you tell Fang Yueling, but you have to let her know."

"This..." Zhang Fan's words made Yu'er hesitate a bit. Throughout the ages, the so-called most difficult thing to repay is the debt of favor. Sometimes, it is obviously just a small favor, because it was impossible to repay at that time. , so I owe a debt of favor, but as time goes on, the possible repayment price is far more than the other party helping me, and it may even cost my life.

But now, Zhang Fan's words made the Five Poisons Sect owe him a huge favor. At that time, they don't know what Zhang Fan wants them to do, and what price they have to pay Even if Yu'er doesn't know it now, she also understands that the price will definitely not be small.

"Do you still need to think about it?" Zhang Fan said, "Now, you have only one way to go. If this is the case, you have no bargaining power. You can only do as I say, or do you really want to I don't want to make amends anymore,"

"Okay." Gritting her teeth, Yu'er agreed to Zhang Fan's proposal, "After I go back, I will make it clear to Miss that the Five Poison Sect owes Jin Yiwei a huge favor. If you have any requests in the future If that is the case, the Five Poisons Sect will go through fire and water without hesitation,"

Yu'er said these words happily, but they are not convincing. After all, she is just someone close to Fang Yueling, not the leader of the Five Poison Sect. Even though Yu'er is in the Five Poison Sect , but she is not considered a member of the Five Poisons Sect, so what she said can be regarded as something she said casually in order to get rid of the embarrassment in front of her.

However, Zhang Fan didn't care too much about it. Seeing that Yu'er had agreed to his words, he let it go.

"Since you've said that, it's easy for us to talk about the next thing," Zhang Fan said, looking at Xia Lingbo who was sitting on the side.

It was just such a non-threatening look, but Xia Lingbo still shuddered when Zhang Fan looked at him.

"Didn't you say that we owe you a favor, why are you doing something now?" Yu'er was also concerned about Xia Lingbo, seeing Zhang Fan's unfriendly eyes, she immediately said.

"Human favors belong to human favors, but this matter is also what you owe me, and I have to get it back," Zhang Fan said, "Besides, I can use your place now,"

Regarding Zhang Fan's words, Yu'er gritted her teeth, and she finally understood. Zhang Fan made it clear that he was putting them together. Zhang Fan first mentioned that they should owe him a favor. After Yu'er had already nodded in agreement, Zhang Fan Fan Cai said that there was still something for them to do.

Is it to take advantage? It is true. If Zhang Fan asks them to help first, and then asks them to owe favors, Yu'er will definitely not agree. And the distorted wish in her heart made her look like this. However, if Zhang Fan asked them to help first, even if it was a small favor, it would not be enough to offset the trouble Zhang Fan encountered this time. , that can be regarded as their repayment of what they owed.

However, Zhang Fan is now asking them to owe favors first, and then ask them to help. Maybe Yu'er can argue that she has already promised to owe favors, and if she wants them to help, wouldn't it be a cancellation? But now, Zhang Fan asked her to agree to owe favors first, and then asked her to help. It can be said that he asked them to repay some of what they owed before.

In fact, this is nothing to Yu'er at all. After all, although she agreed to Zhang Fan, she wanted to tell Fang Yueling that the Five Poison Sect owed Jin Yiwei a favor, but she herself was not sure whether Fang Yueling would agree to this kind of thing. Although Fang Yueling did have a lot of affection for Yu'er, Fang Yueling might not agree to this matter. After all, Fang Yueling also had more concerns about her father and the Five Poison Sect.

But now, she helped Zhang Fan to do this, no matter what she should do.

The only displeased thing was that this made Yu'er feel a little displeased that she had been put together by Zhang Fan, but now, she had no other choice but to agree with Zhang Fan.

"Okay, I promise you too." After thinking for a while, Yu'er decided to agree to Zhang Fan, and said, "What do you need me to help with? Didn't you tell me before? What about you now, we But it can't help you, and it will cause you trouble, is it possible, are you deliberately trying to embarrass us, "

"Those things are indeed beyond what you can do," Zhang Fan said, "However, there are some things that you can do now, don't worry, this matter does not require the presence of the Five Poison Sect, in fact, as long as one person can Enough is enough," Zhang Fan said up to this point, and looked at Xia Lingbo who was sitting on the side, obviously, no matter what the matter was, Xia Lingbo must be used.

Xia Lingbo's body trembled again when Zhang Fan saw it like this. She and Yu'er didn't know what Zhang Fan was going to say, but they both felt that it wouldn't be a good thing.

"Don't worry so much," Zhang Fan saw their nervousness, and said, "This matter is not too troublesome. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a matter of little effort. It is about the affairs of the Shu Palace."

When they heard that Zhang Fan said it was about the Shu Palace, they both heaved a sigh of relief. The current situation is just like what I said before. Although Yu'er didn't help Zhang Fan, but now he has cooperated with Zhu Xuanluo It meant that Zhang Fan had already mastered enough power, and the rest, even if they couldn't do it, what Xia Lingbo needed to do would not be too difficult.

In this way, it seems that Zhang Fan didn't intend to embarrass them on purpose, and for Yu'er, in this way, the matter was not so unacceptable.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Yu'er looked at Xia Lingbo, then stared at Zhang Fan, and asked, "If it's too difficult for Lingbo to do, I won't agree."

"You still tell me these things now," Zhang Fan said, looking at Yu'er in a contemptuous tone, "now, you don't have the right to pick and choose, and you have to do what I tell you to do. ,"

"No." Who knows, even in such an unfavorable situation, Yu'er still rejected Zhang Fan's words in one breath, "I have already agreed before, and the favor has already been owed, and now I will help you with anything, but it will be too late." I did something wrong, but Ling Bo is not at fault, you can ask her to help, but she must not involve herself in it, absolutely must not let the people in the Shu Palace know her identity, "

"Sister, don't be like this," Xia Lingbo finally couldn't help it at this time, and said, "It doesn't matter what I do, as long as my sister doesn't have any troubles." It turned out that Xia Lingbo really cared about Yu'er. At this time, she is not worried about her own safety, but is concerned about Yu'er.

"No, it can't be like this," Yu'er looked at Xia Lingbo, with determination in her eyes without concealing, "Lingbo, have you forgotten the past, now, you finally have a good home, even if you always want to give You work hard in the teaching, but the teaching and the palace are not too involved, even if something happens in the future, it will not be a big deal, I can't ruin the rest of your life here just because of this, "

Xia Lingbo heard Yu'er's words, tears welled up in his eyes, and he wanted to refuse: "But..."

"Lingbo, you don't need to say any more," Yu'er interrupted Xia Lingbo, looked at Zhang Fan again, and said, "That's all for this matter. If you want our help, you have to tell us what it is first." If the matter is too difficult, no, if it will expose Ling Bo's identity, then no, if you have any grievances at that time, feel free to send them to me, but I will never promise you, "

"Hehe, have you become different now?" Zhang Fan said with a smile, "But don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who insists on driving people to death. This matter is not troublesome. And it’s very easy to do, too.”

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