The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1117 Complete preparation

this day.Zhang Fan and Joanna had a great time.Speaking up.The two actually did nothing.It's just walking around the streets and alleys of Chengdu.There is no expense.At most, it is just some worthless small items.

But even so.Joanna was still very happy.Maybe for Joanna.After all, she has experienced so many things.After a miserable experience.Let her understand a truth.a lot of things.It doesn't really matter.a lot of things.It's even more like a passing cloud.something.Seems longer enough.But actually.But it is fleeting.Say no and be Joanna now.Be able to grasp what is in front of you.It was what she hoped for the most.

And in Joanna's view.Everything in front of her eyes.It was Zhang Fan.good.For Joanna today.Zhang Fan was everything to her.other things.All are placed in the second place.

So today.Zhang Fan was able to go shopping with Joanna like this.Seemingly mundane.Nothing else is mixed in either.but.This is what Joanna hoped for.

certainly.These things.Zhang Fan didn't know.In other words, he doesn't know much about these things.but.This does not prevent Zhang Fan from knowing that Joanna likes this feeling very much.Perhaps Zhang Fan really didn't know many things about this Chengdu mansion.Maybe he didn't care about these things either.But when he saw Joanna explaining for himself.The joyful look on his face.Zhang Fan was also satisfied.

sometimes.Zhang Fan will deliberately pick some, although he doesn't know.But ask Joanna about things that can be understood at a glance as common sense.In this way.Joanna would not have noticed Zhang Fan's deliberate behavior.And more importantly.Joanna for this matter.Already enjoying it.Although clearly know.Introduce these things to Zhang Fan.It doesn't really make sense.But she took it as a way to help Zhang Fan.Even if only in useless places.

Zhang Fan didn't understand Joanna's mood.Perhaps it can be said that women's minds are difficult to understand.But he really didn't understand.But if Zhang Fan knows.I'm afraid it will be very worrying.and.Joanna's thoughts.Not right.For Zhang Fan.She is not useless.Whether as his woman.Or on the other hand.But that thing.Now is not the time.

The two had a great time.Until the lights are on.When it was almost Xu time.This is going back.But it wasn't a disrespect.After all today.There are many things in Shu Palace.From early morning till night.There are constant visits.Even Zhu Xuanqi is a prince.But this kind of entertainment is also necessary.You can't play your Zhang Fan and the two returned to the palace.It's not even time to eat yet.

After returning to the palace.Joanna was the same as ever.He didn't bother Zhang Fan.Only this time.what she showed.But it's different from before.There is no such an atmosphere of resentment in it.It was very peaceful.No.It's not right to say calm.In that calm.But still with a dash of joy.Obviously.Joanna is very happy today.

And Zhang Fan saw Joanna's appearance.My mood has also improved.

but.I'm in a good mood.But you can't stop doing things just because you're in a good little vacancy that was so hard to squeeze out has been used that.Already relaxed.It also made Joanna happy.Then it's time to think about it.

now.It has already opened up the topic with Yu'er and Xia Lingbo.If so.This matter is basically settled.The rest.All he had to do was steal the genealogy.

Zhang Fan thought about this matter.It won't be too difficult.After all that night.Those two people were able to easily enter the palace to steal.Although it was said that Zhu Xuanluo had tipped them off before.But now.Zhang Fan and the others are not bad in this regard.and.The reason why those two people missed that night.Not because they were in a hurry.Want to get something right away.In the end, Zhang Fan and the others discovered the flaw.Plus that night.But Wang Meng was to spot those two.It is really their misfortune.

But now it is different.After all now.The people who want to do this are Zhang Fan and the others.And Wang Meng is Zhang Fan's most capable helper.I'm afraid it's not impossible for him to do it himself.Plus this time.Not only Zhu Xuanluo's assistance.Xia Lingbo, the princess, will also help to hold back Zhu Xuanluo who is now suspicious.If so.Almost can say.Although Zhang Fan's action has not yet started.But it's already half the battle.

Maybe for others.Nothing is [-] percent.Even well-planned things.When it comes.All sorts of accidents always happen.This put the original plan on hold.It might even be a threat to himself in turn.

But this kind of thing is for Jin Yiwei.But it is not a problem.Whether it is the court.Or Jin Yiwei.When actually doing anything.All require stability.That is.With more than [-]% chance of success.will do it.And [-]% of the birth.That's called luck.

This may sound unbelievable.After all, since it is doing things.Then there must be two possibilities of success or failure.If everything has to meet this standard before it can be done.Wouldn't that be nothing.Can't do anything?

Of course not.If things are really so easy to handle.There is not so much trouble in the world.And Jin Yiwei.There is no need for such a large preparation.Why do Jin Yiwei have so many people.Only five thousand were submitted.But actually.More than 2.These [-] people.It is the condition that contributes to the [-]% success.

That is.There is a [-]% chance of success.At least nearly [-]%.It is accumulated by manpower.Although it sounds.Doing so is really a bit too strenuous.But that's how it actually is.otherwise.Why do you support so many people?Can't spend money?

therefore.Now Zhang Fan is trying to find a way.How can we increase the chances of success in this matter.

And now.These conditions in front of me are put together.What I just said has been more than half successful.It is already a very conservative estimate.

Xia Lingbo's help.It is already certain.Maybe Zhu Xuanluo still doesn't believe it.But Zhang Fan was convinced of this.after all.Xia Lingbo has Yu'er restricting her.obviously.She was very obedient to Yu'er's orders.And this thing.It is also related to Yu'er's safety.It's impossible for her not to care.

Zhu Xuanluo's side.As early as Zhang Fan got rid of those people today.He has no other choice.Can only cooperate with Zhang Fan.There is no other way out.Even if they cooperate with Zhang Fan.What he faces is not going to be good either.But Zhu Xuanluo can only choose this way.Forced by the situation.That's all he can do.Even if what is waiting in front of him is a road with no destination.

If so.Coupled with the help of highly skilled people such as Wang Meng and Liang Chao.In fact, Zhang Fan's goal this time.It is already [-]% sure.

And what's left.It's just luck.not sure.In fact, there is only Zhu Xuanqi.Although now with Xia Lingbo's help.It is not difficult to grasp Zhu Xuanqi's movements.But this kind of thing.In the final analysis, it all depends on Zhu Xuanqi's own actions.Just in case.Zhu Xuanqi improvised that night.Go back to your room and check it out.Then it will be revealed.

and.Another point.Originally Zhang Fan's plan was.To steal this genealogy.It can't make Zhu Xuanqi suspicious.So the original plan was.After stealing this genealogy.Immediately copy a copy and put it back to the original place.

but now.This thing has changed again.Change is Zhu Xuanluo's problem.Been very suspicious lately.I often go to my room to check.This caused troubles to Zhang Fan's plan.

Although it is said that Zhu Xuanqi will not go during the day.But I have to go once at night.And originally.Zhang Fan planned to spend more than a day imitating the family tree.That is.Now there is only half a day left.

night.Let Xia Lingbo hold Zhu Xuanqi back.Or simply add an insurance or something.Then let Wang Meng rush to steal the genealogy.after.Immediately take that genealogy back to the yamen and find someone to copy it.It is estimated that the imitation will be able to come out in the afternoon of the next day.

And after that.That's the most important point.Put things back.

To know.Zhu Xuanqi would go to his room to check every night.That is.Time to put things back.It should be before night.before night.That is, it is daytime.

During the day, I want to sneak into the palace.And also to the backyard of the palace.Put something in it.This is really difficult.

perhaps.Because of Zhu Xuanluo.There will be no guards in the backyard.But there are already many problems.The most obvious one is.that time.The backyard of the palace.Not just guards.And ordinary people.For example, Zhu Xuanqi himself.There are already a group of people such as the princess and maids living in the backyard.

If it is discovered by these people.At that time, Zhu Xuanqi will be worried again.Originally, he might have been suspicious.But for him.There is definitely more than one important thing.He also won't check them one by one.In case so.If Zhu Xuanqi really looked at all the important items.It turns out that the genealogy is fake.Then the trouble will be big.

This.This is exactly the problem that Zhang Fan needs to solve now.

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