The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1118 Let You Do It

How should we solve this problem.Zhang Fan thought about this matter for a long time.until after dinner.Still haven't figured out what to do.This made him look absent-minded all night.Even the people next to him could see that something was wrong.

but.No one came to ask anything.After all, Zhang Fan's identity is there.For Jin Yiwei.The royal family is also within the scope of their supervision.Even Zhu Xuanqi, the prince himself.He also wouldn't ask too much about Jin Yiwei's affairs.Not to mention the offshoots of these royal families.They will never make trouble for themselves.

but.These are for Zhang Fan.It doesn't matter.He doesn't care what these people think at all.What do you think of him.Now he needs to come up with a way to deal with this matter immediately.but.The more I think about it.The more I can't think of it.This made Zhang Fan feel very uncomfortable.

Just when Zhang Fan couldn't think of any solution.At this time, a figure moved past Zhang Fan's sight.Suddenly, a light lit up in Zhang Fan's heart.A solution flashed through Zhang Fan's mind.stand up.Walked towards that figure.that person.It was Zhu Xuanluo.

"Master Zhang. What's the matter with me?" Zhu Xuanluo saw that it was Zhang Fan.Ask first.

"Is it convenient for Zijie now? I want to tell you something." Zhang Fan put on a normal look.He looked at the figure of a maid who was walking away from him.Said to Zhu Xuanluo.

"Naturally no problem. Master Zhang, please come this way." Zhu Xuanluo immediately heard that Zhang Fan had something to tell him.So I agreed immediately.He took Zhang Fan to a nearby place where no one was around.At this time, there is no need to find a room where there is no one to talk.In that case, it will attract attention.Now though there are people everywhere.But mostly talking and drinking.Even maids and the like.Also won't notice here.

"What the hell is going on." After making sure no one was around.Zhu Xuanluo immediately asked questions.Although the two are now cooperating.But it was only less than a day.Even Zhu Xuanluo has no other way to go.But this does not mean that he fully agrees with Zhang Fan.At the very least, they will not completely obey Zhang Fan's orders.Naturally, he would not risk his own life.

And now.Zhang Fan came to look for him.Even if he understood that there must be something important.But this time.It was the busiest time in the palace.Even if he is confident.The place I was looking for.It will never be discovered.But he still hated Zhang Fan for coming to him at this time.It made him feel very inappropriate.

"I've been thinking about that matter. I always think it's better to solve it sooner." Zhang Fan can naturally see Zhu Xuanluo's displeasure.But Zhang Fan naturally didn't care about his feelings.said selfishly. "However. I thought about it when I got back. Things seem to be a bit troublesome."

"Trouble. What trouble can there be?" Zhu Xuanluo heard Zhang Fan say this.Can't help but feel a little puzzled. "The place to put things. Zhu Xuanqi didn't change it. The things are still there. And now we have Xia Lingbo's help. It's not a problem to hold him back. Even if she can't hold it back, she will inform us. Yes. Coupled with Wang Qianhu's skill, it shouldn't be a problem if he wants to steal that genealogy book silently."

"I thought so too at first. We can say that we have achieved half the success of this matter." Zhang Fan immediately expressed his concerns.

"This is indeed a problem." After listening to Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Xuanluo thought about it.Said. "In this case, you can only put things back in his room before it gets dark the next day. However, sneaking into the palace during the day. Whether it's putting things or stealing things, it's not a good way. During the day Whether it is the front yard or the back yard, there are people coming and going. The other two princesses are not counted. But the other maids are very troublesome. There are a total of 53 maids in the back yard. They can enter and leave the area at will. People from the local area. There are nearly 20 of them. If they see something and then spread it to Zhu Xuanqi’s ears, wouldn’t it make him even more suspicious.”

"I think so too." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "So. Let Wang Meng sneak in and put the things back. I don't think this is a good way. Even if Wang Meng is very skilled, you won't bother. But if someone sees it, it will be troublesome. This kind of thing I am most afraid of this kind of event. Who can guarantee that it will be smooth when the time comes. But this matter, we must do everything tightly. We must not let anyone in the palace have any doubts. "

"Master Zhang already has something to do." Zhu Xuanluo didn't say much.Since Zhang Fan came to him to discuss this matter at this time.Thinking about it, I already had an idea.That being the case.Why are you still kidding me.Just ask directly.

"Well. Just now. I did think of a way." Zhang Fan said here.Looking at Zhu Xuanluo with a smile.

Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Xuanluo's smile.Very gentle.Also very this time.this place.when discussing such things.Being looked at by Zhang Fan like this.Zhu Xuanluo always feels hairy in his heart.what else.There is definitely some conspiracy here.

but.Zhu Xuanluo is not stupid either.Just for a while.He already wanted to understand what Zhang Fan meant.immediately.His face also became a little strange.Looking at Zhang Fan.said with some hesitation. "Master Zhang doesn't want me to do this, does he?"

"Hmm. Sure enough, I was not mistaken. You are indeed very smart." Such an unnutritious boast.Zhang Fan continued to look at Zhu Xuanluo with a smile.

" can I do it." Zhu Xuanluo's first reaction was to quit. "If someone bumps into me, it will reach Zhu Xuanqi's ears. Not only Master Zhang, your plan will suffer. Even I will be in trouble. Master Zhang can't ignore my safety. If I remember correctly .What Mr. Zhang wants to do can’t do without me.”

"Of course I can't do without you. But I didn't tell you to take risks." Zhang Fan still kept smiling.Said. "Aren't you the guard in the backyard of the palace. In this palace, there is no place you can go."

"This...Master Zhang means..." Zhu Xuanluo heard what Zhang Fan said.It can be regarded as understanding what Zhang Fan meant.

"Yes." Nodded.Zhang Fan said. "I didn't ask you to change into black clothes either. Sneak in here to store things. Since you are, you can go anywhere in the palace. Then why bother. At that time. I will make a good fake I'll bring the goods to you. Can't you just put it back?

"At that time. I will hold Zhu Xuanqi back. In this way, even if you are seen by the servants in the palace. Even if the other two concubines see you. You just need to find a reason to prevaricate. No one will doubt it. your.

"And. Even if Zhu Xuanluo becomes suspicious of you at that time. Don't be afraid. Anyway, it's already the first day of the new year. At most the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. We will leave for Beijing. When the time comes, you will naturally follow me We went back together. In this way, even if Zhu Xuanqi finds out that you lied to him and took his things, he won't be able to trouble you anymore."

"It's true that he won't be able to trouble me at that time. But in the future." Zhu Xuanluo said with a wry smile. "Perhaps Mr. Zhang doesn't know. But I know it clearly. Zhu Xuanqi is a man who will take revenge for his flaws. If someone offends him, let alone ten years. Even if it is twenty years, he will definitely take revenge. of."

"Then there is no need to be afraid of him. At that time, the court will be in front of you. He will definitely not be able to touch you." Zhang Fan said.

"But. The imperial court can keep me for a while. It can't keep me forever." Zhu Xuanluo asked curiously.

"Who says it can't be done?" Zhang Fan said. "This matter. Although it depends on how Queen Mother Li decides when it comes to it. But I have seen it almost. I am afraid. Zhu Xuanqi will not be in danger of life. But his life will definitely be difficult. And you. Also It has become the queen mother's best tool to restrain him. When the time comes, the queen mother will definitely hide you. Once Zhu Xuanqi has another heart, then it will be the time for him to lose his head. It is also the time for you to ascend the throne."

Zhang Fan's words.Make Zhu Xuanluo silent.indeed.It was exactly as Zhang Fan said.If it is said that Queen Mother Li does not intend to take Zhu Xuanqi's life.Then he became an excellent tool to restrict Zhu Xuanqi.At the same time, it will definitely be hidden by Queen Mother Li.

but.Zhu Xuanluo is not concerned about these.Instead she cared about herself.If so.means.The rest of his life.If Zhu Xuanqi doesn't do anything rebellious.He was going to live his whole life in anonymity.this life.Although he will definitely not treat him badly.but.Is this really what he wants?

"But even so. I'm afraid this matter will be difficult to handle." Zhu Xuanluo temporarily put down thinking about this matter.Said to Zhang Fan. "Although I am a guard in the backyard of the palace, I can indeed go to many places in the palace. But not all places. It is like the residences of several princesses. Naturally, I cannot go. And his room. It is also in the Next to it. I patrol on weekdays. I will also go there. But it’s all outside. You can’t go in.

"At that time. If I break in without order. If I am seen, there will be trouble."

"Hmm. This matter is indeed troublesome." Zhang Fan stroked his chin and thought for a while.Said. "I'll figure it out. You don't have to worry about it. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you when the time comes. And Zhu Xuanqi will never suspect you."

"In that case. All right." Zhu Xuanluo had no choice.can only agree.Even in this matter.He also has no choice. "when."

"No hurry." Zhang Fan said. "We have to wait until these offshoots of the King of Shu's lineage leave."

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