The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1119 Slight Progress

Speaking up.Zhang Fan's plan had already been finalized.By the time.It was up to Zhu Xuanluo to put the imitated genealogy book back to its original place.The reason for this consideration.All because of Zhu Xuanluo's convenience here.He is the guard of the inner courtyard of the palace.It is true that they have more convenient conditions than Zhang Fan and the others to complete this work.Even those places are not accessible to ordinary guards.But with Zhu Xuanluo's current status in the palace.And his attitude that Zhu Xuanqi values ​​​​on weekdays.Even bump into someone by chance.You can also find any reason to prevaricate.will not be a problem.The only thing is.Just don't meet Zhu Xuanqi himself.But this.Zhang Fan was not worried either.On that day, he would naturally hold Zhu Xuanqi back.

but.Then again.In fact, Zhang Fan will hand over this matter to Zhu Xuanluo.It is a very strange thing.As said before.Although the two are now cooperating.But until now.In fact, less than a day.Zhu Xuanluo didn't trust Zhang Fan.But isn't it the other way around.Zhang Fan might not trust Zhu Xuanluo so much.

Since neither side trusts the other so much.And this matter is very important to Zhang Fan.Then leave this matter to Zhu Xuanluo.Wouldn't it be even more strange?

Zhang Fan naturally had his own considerations.first.The reason why he dared to do this.One main reason.It is Zhu Xuanluo's convenience in this matter.He may not be as skilled as Wang Meng.But there are many things.It can't be solved just by having an orgasm.For example, what to do in this palace.Many times.You don't need those things to hide your eyes and ears.Instead, it depends on the original conditions.And Zhu Xuanluo is more in line with this.

And that's it.Loyalty question.Although the two of them worked together for less than a day.It is too early to talk about Zhu Xuanluo's thoughts now.But many things.There is not only one answer.In many cases.vary with time and circumstances.Answers can also vary.

Zhu Xuanluo is now at such a point.Not so much his loyalty or not.Rather, he has no other choice now.He could only follow Zhang Fan's orders.This is the consequence of being forced by the situation.It is precisely because of this.Only then can Zhang Fan rest assured that he can leave this matter to him.

certainly.There are other reasons for this.Zhang Fan asked Zhu Xuanluo to discuss this matter today.His tone was really strange.No.It can't be said to be strange.After all, the provocative meaning in it was revealed without any concealment.

The reason why Zhang Fan would do this.He also understood the restlessness in Zhu Xuanluo's heart.And his wavering will.And let him do it.He also used such a joking tone to order him.In fact, I want him to figure out one thing.Zhang Fan and the others really need you, Zhu Xuanluo, to complete the task.But that doesn't mean you can play big.You, Zhu Xuanluo, have nowhere to go now.There was only one choice also have to give me a little peace of mind.Just be good at listening.

Warn Zhu Xuanluo.This is another meaning of Zhang Fan.Let him settle down a bit.Under the current situation.Stop thinking about things that are simply impossible.

Anyway.This matter is settled.As long as there are no surprises.Then things will work according to the script written now.certainly.Accidents do happen though.But Zhang Fan didn't think there would be anything inappropriate this time.It should be able to complete smoothly.

Almost ready for this thing.Zhang Fan plans to rest today.Time of day today.Done a lot of things.Since midnight last night.Zhang Fan wants to instigate against Zhu Xuanluo.And stay busy until late.And this morning I had to get up.I have to be busy entertaining and I don't know these things at all.An offshoot of the royal family who will not deal with it in the future.Later, when Xia Lingbo had to be dealt with.And finally.Also think about exactly how to get that family tree.And ** some Zhu Xuanluo.

Although halfway.The quiet world of two with Joanna.It really made him relax.But in general.Zhang Fan is very tired today.

When the night is dark.Zhang Fan didn't plan to do anything else.Getting ready for an early rest.only.His idea.I'm afraid it's going to be ruined again.

Just when Zhang Fan was about to fall asleep.There was another knock on the door.Zhang Fan knew.Today is probably going to be another long night.

open the door.It was Liang Chao who came in.And saw Liang Chao.Zhang Fan understood.It's not just that I can't sleep tonight.I'm afraid something big is about to happen.

"Let's talk. What happened." After Liang Chao entered the room.Zhang Fan didn't play tricks either.asked directly.

"My lord, there are two things. It's all about those two people." Liang Chao naturally understood what Zhang Fan meant.Not too wordy.Open your mouth and say. "One is that the adults asked the brothers to scout the movement of the two people in Yongning Mansion. Now there is news about this matter. It happened this afternoon. People from various tribes over there have already assembled. There are 2 people Thousands of horses."

"What." Hearing the news.Zhang Fan immediately became nervous. "Have you notified General Liu? How is the situation over there now?"

"The humble official follows the orders of the adults. Once there is something over there, he will immediately notify General Liu. Then he will inform the adults. General Liu's side. Brother Wang, he went immediately after receiving the news. The humble official also came to see the adults immediately. Already." Liang Chao said.

"Hmm. I think General Liu has been waiting for this news for a long time." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Over there in Yongning Mansion. General Liu mobilized all the [-] troops in Sichuan over there. Divided into so many teams. Moving back and forth. Used to confuse the enemy. Now that there are already assembled troops there, it shows that General Liu's method works. Yes. Those two didn't suspect anything."

"Is there any news about those two people?" Zhang Fan asked.

"Those two people didn't show up," Liang Chao said. "I heard that they are still staying at the original place. I just don't know where."

"How do you know so clearly?" Zhang Fan immediately recognized the problem. "The news this time. How did it come about?"

"It's the news from the brothers that your lord sent to those two people." Liang Chao said. "I heard that the news reached us before the people over there started to assemble. It's just that the matter is of great importance at this time. The brothers below dare not report it easily. They even waited for it. Seeing that there are people over there There is a movement. This is the one who rushed back to report immediately. The news is now confirmed."

"It seems that they can't bear it anymore." Zhang Fan sighed.Said. "If not. At this juncture, those two people will relax their guarding of the people around them. It seems that they are also very lax over there."

"This matter is also viewed in the same way by humble officials," Liang Chao said. "The two people over there are greedy for profit. They only think about themselves. How can they take care of so many things. I think the group of people under them is just a rabble. Only at this time will they relax their vigilance. But this is also thanks to them. This is the opportunity for our people to take advantage of it.”

"You're right. But things can't be looked at completely like this." Zhang Fan reminded. "You know. Even if they are a rabble, there are still more than 2 people. If there is a commotion, it will definitely not be small. It is best to suppress it as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, my lord. Although the brothers below look down on those people. But this matter was explained by the adults. The below attach great importance to it. They will not underestimate the enemy."

"En. That's good." Zhang Fan nodded.continue to ask. "You just said there were two things. What is the other thing?"

"One more thing. It's also about that Fang Yueling." Liang Chao replied. "According to the news from the newspaper. Fang Zhengan's news has been inquired."

"Oh." I heard from Liang Chao that there was news about Fang Yueling.Zhang Fan was slightly surprised. "That's good. Either they can't be found out, or both of them can be found out together." Although Zhang Fan's words didn't make it clear.But the implication is that.Two messages came at the same time.Does it make people feel a little strange.

Naturally, Liang Chao could hear what Zhang Fan meant.And he was not surprised that Zhang Fan would have such thoughts.Although it is two things that don't seem to have much connection.But the more such things.connected together.It will make people feel more strange.

"My lord, I feel that there should be no problem with this." Herbal Tea said. "The news that came today is very clear. The reason why our people are free can pass the news. It is also because those two people have moved and relaxed. Although they did not say what the news about Fang Zhenqian is. How did I get it. But I want to come here. It is also because of this matter. It made those two people relax after being busy. Only in this way can our people get the news."

"Well. If you think about it that way, it's not bad." Zhang Fan nodded.It was accepted by Liang Chao's explanation. "The news found out. Where is Fang Zhenqian?"

"I heard that they were also hidden near Yongning Mansion by those two people." Liang Chao said. "Where is it? I don't know yet. I only know that it is near Yongning Mansion. As for those two people. Although our people said where they are now, they said that even if we go, we may not be able to catch them. Listen Let’s talk about those two people. The more we get to this juncture, the more cautious we become. Even if they don’t know their plan has been known to us. But they are still very careful. They have to change places every day. Yes there are Two or three times a day."

"I see." Zhang Fan said. "It seems that the way to catch those two people will have to wait until the two armies confront each other. But what Fang Zhen did, I need to tell Fang Yueling. After all, I agreed to her."

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