The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1120 Between 3 years

Ever since Zhang Fan exposed his identity and was forced to help, Xia Lingbo's mood has been very low. Even at night, Zhu Xuanqi, who was in the same bed, could tell it. But I have to say that Zhu Xuanqi was really right. Xia Lingbo loved her very much and cared very much. He could see that she had something on her mind and comforted her for a long time.

Xia Lingbo also had no other choice, he couldn't tell the matter, he could only talk about his worry about giving birth to Zhu Xuanqi's son, this is good, if Zhu Xuanqi doesn't listen, his love and sympathy for Xia Lingbo will be three points higher after hearing it , Coaxed her for a long time, in the end, Xia Lingbo pretended to be happy, and that was the end. But in fact, how could Xia Lingbo calm down in his heart.

So, when Xia Lingbo woke up in the morning of the second day of junior high school, Xia Lingbo's spirit was not very good. Zhu Xuanqi woke up early and had something to do. After Xia Lingbo woke up, he sat on the bed alone for a long time, not knowing what to think. What.

Speaking of which, the second day of the new year, traditionally, should be the time to go back to her natal home. At this time, the daughter who goes out will bring her husband back to her natal home to pay New Year's greetings, and it seems like a family with three wives and four concubines , basically the male head of the family will go to the mother's house with the main wife. After all, China has been monogamous and polygamy since ancient times, so there is nothing to say.

However, this is different for Zhu Xuanqi. He is a prince after all, and his status is extremely noble. Even if his princess is the daughter of a first-rank official in the dynasty, Zhu Xuanqi is much higher than his father-in-law. Well, in this way, there is no reason for the prince to visit him.

Therefore, for the Shu Palace, the second day of the Lunar New Year is really a special day. It is not Zhu Xuanqi who goes out with his wife, but his father-in-law and his family who come to visit the Palace. However, in this Shu Palace, it is a very normal thing.

Xia Lingbo knew that her elder sister's family must be here today. Speaking of which, her "parents" are now living in the palace, although those "parents" are just the Five Poison Sect looking for someone to pretend, It's here to show her off, but even so, whenever she thinks of these things, she is indeed a little unhappy in her heart.

Perhaps for Xia Lingbo, her feelings are really weird. She loves Yu'er, and it was Yu'er who gave her hope when she was most desperate. Therefore, even though Yu'er is also a woman, Xia Lingbo still loves Yu'er. in love with her.

But at the beginning, when she was asked to come to the Shu Palace to make eyeliner and heard that she was going to be Zhu Xuanqi's woman, Xia Lingbo was awkward for a long time. Although she didn't dare to be disobedient to the methods of the Five Poison Sect, but her appearance, But it also made the people of the Five Poisons Sect see that at that time, if she was useless or unable to stabilize, she would probably be silenced. After all, no one needs a tool that is useless but can cause bad things .

And it was at that time that Yu'er came to persuade her. Yu'er actually understood very well that Xia Lingbo was the person she had found back in the first place, and now she was asked to go to the Shu Palace to find out the news, in case something happened Useful news, this credit has to be credited to her, Yu'er.

For Yu'er's idea, Xia Lingbo knew very well in her heart. She knew that Yu'er was using herself and her favor for Yu'er, but she couldn't refuse Yu'er's request. However, Yu'er really cared about her, especially, that time, what Yu'er said to her was that she was afraid that she would be poisoned if she didn't agree with the arrangement in the church, and even Yu'er would be implicated.

Needless to say about other things, as long as there are these two, Xia Lingbo can take action, even if the fire pit in front of her is really a fire pit, she will jump into it without hesitation, for Yu'er.

Therefore, after that, under the opportunity secretly created by the Five Poison Sect, she tried her best to get close to Zhu Xuanqi, and finally made him like her. However, when facing Zhu Xuanqi, although Xia Lingbo had always been extremely obedient, her The resistance to Zhu Xuanqi in her heart is still relatively large. Even every night, she is very happy about Zhu Xuanqi's request, but in fact, she feels disgusting in her heart.

And later, after she was controlled by Zhu Xuanluo, although the poison was released early in the morning, in order not to reveal her identity, she could only compromise and pretend to be controlled by Zhu Xuanluo. This matter made Xia Lingbo feel even more lonely. Although she always had Yu'er supporting her in her heart, since she came to the Shu Palace, the contact between the two has been unable to see each other, even for a year. To be able to meet once.

But at this time, Xia Lingbo needed someone who could support her and give her courage. When she was at her emptiest, it was also the easiest way to break into her inner world. This person was Zhu Xuanqi.

It seems that Zhu Xuanqi has really fallen in love with Xia Lingbo. Perhaps it was her beautiful appearance that prompted Zhu Xuanqi to value Xia Lingbo at the beginning, but after getting along with her, Zhu Xuanqi really fell in love with her. Why is it so? It makes sense It's very simple. After all, Xia Lingbo's purpose of coming here is not pure, so she can be said to be obedient to Zhu Xuanqi in every possible way. From Zhu Xuanqi's point of view, although Xia Lingbo is also a daughter of a wealthy family, she does not have that kind of spoiled atmosphere, and He is understanding, he doesn't need to speak out at all for Zhu Xuanqi's many requests, Xia Lingbo can understand with just a look, or even an unobtrusive expression.

Of course, Xia Lingbo was able to do this because she came here for another purpose after all, and one of her tasks was to gain Zhu Xuanqi's trust in her, so, under her meticulous observation, It can be seen that these are really not a problem.

However, for Zhu Xuanqi, how could such a woman be unlikable? It's not that he has never seen a woman before, he has two concubines, but those two women are of good background, both are from the official family Even if their status is not as high as that of a prince like him, they were very pampered before they became his women, and even after they entered the palace, they might be able to behave in a low-browed and pleasing way in front of Zhu Xuanqi Yes, he is obedient and submissive, but he can't change the disposition that he has cultivated since he was a child. Zhu Xuanqi also has eyes and ears in the palace, so he naturally knows these things.

But Xia Lingbo is different. She doesn't have those annoying young lady's temper. She is equally obedient, but compared to the other two, Xia Lingbo knows how to read colors and understand his thoughts. When he is happy, Xia Lingbo She will try her best to cater to him, and when he is troubled, Xia Lingbo will never ask too many questions, and will only comfort him with actions. This kind of woman cannot be unloved.

Therefore, Zhu Xuanqi's feelings for Xia Lingbo started from the very beginning. He was only attracted by her beauty. Two years ago, he really fell in love with Xia Lingbo. After that, two years later, Xia Lingbo There has always been no change, which makes Zhu Xuanqi love her more, especially when compared with his other two women, comparing the news he has received, Xia Lingbo is the same on the outside, while the other two are the same on the outside and the same on the inside. It's set.

As for Xia Lingbo, she is actually the same to Zhu Xuanqi. In the beginning, she approached Zhu Xuanqi with ulterior motives and other purposes. Empty and lonely.

At this moment, the only one who cares about her most is Zhu Xuanqi. Perhaps, it is precisely because Zhu Xuanqi knows nothing that he cares about her so much, but Zhu Xuanqi never goes back to ask about these things. , he would not ask why Xia Lingbo was in a bad mood, nor would he ask what was bothering her, he would just comfort her when she needed it most.

It was precisely because of this that Xia Lingbo's heart gradually accepted Zhu Xuanqi's love. Just think, three years is enough for one person to completely accept another person.

It was probably two years after entering the mansion. One day, Xia Lingbo suddenly discovered that she was no longer the hypocrisy and obedience to Zhu Xuanqi in the past. She was no longer just pretending to be gentle when dealing with him, but She acted from the heart and made it naturally.

For this sudden discovery, Xia Lingbo was not astonished like the others, but calmly thought about it. However, the so-called thinking didn't take long at all, and Xia Lingbo figured it out After all, she has seen all of Zhu Xuanqi's treatment of her in the past two years. Now that she has such thoughts, it is not surprising at all.

Therefore, Zhu Xuanqi also discovered that Xia Lingbo had changed suddenly a year ago, a small change, but Zhu Xuanqi could still see it, and from that time on, Xia Lingbo's laughter in front of him became more and more serious. It was a bit natural, even in the intercourse, Zhu Xuanqi could notice obvious changes.

Even though he was in the palace every day and had no contact with anyone, but there was such a change, logically speaking, people should be surprised.

And Zhu Xuanqi was also surprised, but he didn't go to the bottom of it. He didn't care what the reason was, he just wanted the result.

The current Xia Lingbo was in such a situation, and the reason why she agreed to Zhang Fan's request was not only to protect Yu'er, but also to protect her position in Zhu Xuanqi's heart.

However, today, it seems that there are endless troubles, and she can't rule them out.

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