The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1121 Toxic Side Effects

"Yezi. Why is it so lively in the early morning. Has anyone come to the palace?" Sitting in front of the dressing table.Xia Lingbo was asking his maid to comb his hair.Listen to the voices coming from outside.Some asked their maid absent-mindedly.

"Could it be that the concubine forgot. Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year. Master Zhou and his family came over early in the morning. The prince is talking to him." Xia Lingbo's maid was brushing her hair.side said. "But it's so lively outside. It's not all because of Mr. Zhou's family. I heard that General Liu Xian also came over early in the morning."

"General Liu..." He heard his maid mention Liu Xian's name.Xia Lingbo couldn't help thinking. "Isn't he cleaning up the remnants of those Bo people? Those who celebrated the New Year didn't come to pay New Year's greetings to the prince. Why did they come only in the second year of junior high school. Could it be that something happened?" About Liu Xian.Xia Lingbo naturally knew something.Especially after she and Zhang Fan made their identities clear.And the news she got from the Five Poison Sect.She naturally knew about Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.And now Liu Xian is in the palace.Zhang Fan is here again.Does it mean something will happen.

"I don't know about Ye Zi. It's not a place where the maid can go..."

Later words.Xia Lingbo didn't listen any more.She's thinking about it now.What is going on with this matter.

"By the way, princess." At this moment.The maid behind her spoke again. "Miss Joanna came to look for the princess just now. She said she wanted to talk to the princess."

"Oh." Hearing the news.Joanna was taken aback for a moment.asked immediately. "Can she say something?"

"No." said the maid who was pulling Xia Lingbo's hair into a bun. "Looks like this one is too busy. I heard that Mrs. Zhang is very busy recently. I don't have much time to accompany her. I guess I want to talk to someone to relieve my boredom."

He ignored the maid's words.Xia Lingbo naturally had his own thoughts in his heart.That's right.Joanna did look for her a few times.say something.Go shopping or something.But those are mostly in the afternoon.Or simply mentioned it when Fuchu met by chance.But like today.Get someone to talk to her early in the morning.Today is the first time.This had to make Xia Lingbo think something in his heart.

Although Xia Lingbo also understood.Joanna herself will not be involved in those things.But this does not mean that Joanna's looking for her has no other purpose at this point.From the day of the last New Year's Eve.When Joanna made that gesture to her.Xia Lingbo also understood.

Speaking of that time.It really made Xia Lingbo jump.After all, all of a sudden.A person next to me.In front of other people in the palace, she would only use the secret code when she made the joint of the Five Poison Sect.How could Xia Lingbo's heart be peaceful.Fortunately, it was because of Zhu Xuanluo.Let her be cautious for the past three years.This is the ability to force calm.No flaws were revealed.

but.Although Xia Lingbo understood.Joanna probably had no other purpose in approaching her.After all, in this palace.Joanna was among the group of people who came from the capital this time.The only female guest.And in the palace.It can be compared with her.From the point of view of identity.There are only three princesses.Plus two others.Most of the eyes are above the top.With a cold face all day long.Joanna would be close to her.It's a very natural thing.

but.That doesn't mean Joanna really doesn't have any purpose.It might sound like a contradiction.But that's how it is.For Joanna herself.Want to get close to Xia Lingbo.There is no purpose.Just because of the time she was here.It's really boring.But if Zhang Fan has something to ask her to do.Well Joanna is close to her purpose.It is not so simple.

for this.Xia Lingbo naturally understood it.She is a woman.She herself is deeply in love.She naturally understands very well.She could see Joanna's love for Zhang Fan.Not bad compared to myself.So she was sure too.If there is anything Zhang Fan needs Joanna to do.So no matter how unwilling Joanna is in her heart.But she will definitely go too.Not to mention.Zhang Fan would not let her do anything dangerous.For Joanna.As long as it can help Zhang Fan.Even the smallest things.She will do very well.

but.Although I thought of these.But what the hell is going on about Joanna coming to her.Xia Lingbo didn't know.But I don't know if I don't know.She also has some clues.After all today.Liu Xian actually came.Obviously something has happened over there.And Zhang Fan, the leader of Jinyiwei.There's no reason not to know in advance.What's more, he was also involved in that matter.And early this morning.Joanna came to her again.He said he wanted to talk to her about something.Once these things are practiced.Naturally, you can figure it out right away.

But what is it.We have to hear what Joanna said before we can say it.

Xia Lingbo had already dressed up.He said to the maid behind him, "Go and ask Miss Joanna to come over."

"But princess, you haven't eaten breakfast yet. Do you want to invite me after you have eaten?" Xia Lingbo was so anxious to see Joanna.The maid named Ye Zi felt a little strange.

"No. I got up late today. Keeping people waiting will really embarrass the palace." Xia Lingbo said.

"Yes. Concubine. The servant girl is going right away." The maid was about to turn around and leave.Suddenly said to Joanna again. "By the way, princess. That medicine. Do you want to continue using it?"

I heard my maid talking about this topic.Xia Lingbo was taken aback for a moment.Then his face turned red.Said: "Naturally. You have people ready."

"Yes." Ye Zi replied.There was also a strange smile on his face.Then turn around and leave.

Xia Lingbo was left alone.Something was on my mind again.The medicine just mentioned.Actually nothing.There are no expensive medicinal materials.It's not a remote recipe either.It's just a common health remedy.If it is true, it is of some other use.There is only one kind.It just increases the chances of a woman getting pregnant.

Speaking up.This is also a strange thing.After all, Xia Lingbo has been in the palace for three years.Moreover, he was favored by Zhu Xuanqi.But after three years.Not only did Zhu Xuanqi not give birth to a boy and a half girl.Her stomach didn't even move.

This made the other two princesses jealous of her being favored by Zhu Xuanqi.It also gradually turned into ridicule.after all.In the royal palace this struggle for power.It can even be said that it is a place where mothers are more expensive than children.You cannot give birth to sons.Really have no right to compete for favor.No matter how you get the prince's favor.But in the end it was still nothing.

But Xia Lingbo understood in his heart.This is not the case.Now that Zhu Xuanqi already has heirs.That means there is nothing wrong with his body.And the problem lies with Xia Lingbo.But Xia Lingbo himself understood.There is nothing wrong with myself.The reason is all because of the Five Poisons Sect.

well known.The Five Poisons Sect is famous for playing with, antidote.There are countless things.And the efficacy of those things.It is also strange.

Like Xia Lingbo.At the time of teaching.Naturally, he also took the "Five Immortals Honeydew".The purpose is to let her be manipulated obediently.but.Because of Yu'er.Before coming to the palace. The poison of "Five Immortals Honeydew" has been cured.certainly.Some of this was because Fang Yueling didn't think that Xia Lingbo would betray the Five Poison Sect.Or rather.Xia Lingbo had no reason to betray him.

But the point is not here.The point is.This "Five Immortals Honeydew" really has many side effects.Even after solving it.For men.As long as you can get one antidote every year.That's enough.and.The man who took the "Five Immortals Honeydew".As long as the toxic effect does not occur.It's really no different from usual.Even an experienced doctor can make a diagnosis.Absolutely can't see any faults.

But women are different.And the biggest difference.It is manifested after detoxification.Before detoxification.Women are no different from ordinary people.But once detoxified.There is a little difference.A woman who has just detoxified.Unable to first.Even the Five Poisons Sect couldn't figure out why.But later.It was Fang Zhenqian's grandfather who discovered the reason.The reason is not in "Five Immortals Honeydew".But on the antidote.

It is necessary to remove the "five immortals honeydew".It needs to be taken together with two antidotes that can suppress its poisonous effect for a year.And in the formula of the antidote.There is a thing.But it can make a woman unable to conceive.Although the dosage is very small.If you only take one, it will have no effect at all.But take both together.This effect came out.

And this side effect.But there is no way to cure it immediately.There are only two ways to solve it.Or it is to quietly board for five years.It'll be fine once it wears off.either.It is to take some health-care medicines with relatively mild medicinal properties.certainly.It would be better if there are ingredients that can urge women to conceive.But even so.It also takes about three years of hard work.

now.Xia Lingbo has probably reached this time.I don't think it will take long.She will also be able to conceive Zhu Xuanqi's flesh and blood.for this.She was also very happy in her heart.Think about it.The face is ruddy.Also showed a happy smile.

Just at this time.Footsteps came.It was her maid Ye Zi who brought Joanna over.

Xia Lingbo put away the smile on his face.Put on another smile.Waiting for what Joanna was going to say to her.

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