The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1123 Some Changes

In fact, Zhang Fan and Liu Xian only need to discuss this matter. There is no need to get Zhu Xuanqi in the car, but both of them understand very well. Zhu Xuanqi must know about this matter. After all, he It's the prince, and his fief is here in Sichuan.

At that time, the rebellious army gathered by those two people will start to move. Even if Liu Xian and Zhang Fan have already deployed, they can stop them in Yongning and defeat their army before the two men invade Sichuan. , and even captured those two people alive, but if they hear the news here and the palace is in chaos, it will be different.

Needless to say Zhu Xuanqi himself, but he is a prince after all, and he can't just consider his own problems. At that time, if he wants to run away for some reason, the whole Sichuan will be in chaos. After all, he His identity is there, he is the leader here, and his every move definitely serves as an example.

If this kind of thing really happens, the whole of Sichuan is bound to be in chaos. At that time, no matter how well Zhang Fan and Liu Xian plan, they may not be able to win. How could it be possible to fight calmly? Even if the commander-in-chief can be extremely calm, he still needs to rely on the terracotta warriors below. If the people below are in chaos, there is no possibility of victory in this battle.

Therefore, the two of them had to tell Zhu Xuanqi about this matter. The purpose was to inform Zhu Xuanqi in advance. Speaking of which, they were not afraid that Zhu Xuanqi would panic. In fact, this was not what they were most worried about. Maybe they There are all kinds of thoughts, but in some places, there is an exceptionally unified opinion.

This can be regarded as a fine tradition of the Ming Dynasty. Being a descendant of the Zhu family is really extraordinary. In history, even in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the emperor would still run away when it was bleak, but the ruler of the Ming Dynasty , In this aspect, they are really very upright, and no one escapes.

Of course, things between people are not so easy to explain. Maybe Zhu Xuanqi is softer, but at the very least, through the observation of Liu Xian and Zhang Fan, it is true. Did not see this.

However, just because Zhu Xuanqi won't back down doesn't mean that others won't. After all, he is not the emperor, and his responsibilities don't include the whole world, only this small land of Shu. Moreover, he doesn't really mean that he's just a loner. He still has people to worry about, that's why Zhang Fan and Liu Xian are worried, they are afraid that Zhu Xuanqi will not be shaken because of himself, but because of others, so, Just tell him first, so that he doesn't worry too much.

However, when the two of them saw Zhu Xuanqi's calm expression after learning the news, and the appearance that he knew exactly what the two of you were here for, the two of them also understood in their hearts. It seems that This matter is something they worry about, especially for Zhang Fan, no matter what kind of things Zhu Xuanqi has done, or what kind of despicable means he used to sit on the throne, there is one thing that has not changed , that is, what flows in his bones is the blood of the Zhu family.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but think in his heart: "It seems that I originally wanted to ask Xia Lingbo to help, let her stabilize him, and let him not panic, but now it seems that there is no need for this. However, this may also be an opportunity..."

"But now that we've finished talking..." Zhu Xuanqi didn't bother to ask the two of them what they were thinking, and continued to ask, "Since General Liu and Master Zhang have come to this king to talk, do you want to come to the meeting place where the two of them gathered?" It won’t be long before the men and horses will rebel, right?”

"That's true," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "I already knew that the two had plans to rebel, but at that time I was suffering from no evidence, unable to convince the court, and couldn't do anything. After Sichuan, I heard the news that the two men had assembled 2 horses, but this news alone still could not make the court pay attention to it. The reason is that the 2 people were in Yongning. If the people gathered by the various tribes near the mansion report it now, the court will not take it seriously. After all, the Bo people were just exterminated some time ago, and now the various tribes here are also very nervous. If there is any movement from the court , the situation in Sichuan may become unstable.

"But last night, I already got definite news. It was the news from Weichen's subordinates. There is absolutely no mistake. Those two people, in the past few days, have already planned to rebel."

"It seems that this rumor is not wrong at all." After hearing Zhang Fan's words, Zhu Xuanqi thought for a while, nodded and said, "I heard that Zhang Yong and Wang Xin are extremely cowardly, but now It seems that this is really the case. If Mr. Zhang hadn't noticed it a long time ago, if Master Zhang hadn't noticed it, I'm afraid this matter would be troublesome. I didn't hear any news about it before.

"However, if you look at it this way, in other words, you can't just say that these two people are timid, and it's not an exaggeration to say that they are cautious. After all, rebellion is not a trivial matter, and it takes so long to prepare It seems that these two people are timid, but their minds are meticulous enough. From this point of view, these two people are not so easy to deal with. General Liu, please be more careful better,"

Zhu Xuanqi's words surprised the two of them. Originally, they thought that even Zhu Xuanqi would not be too nervous about this matter, but that's all, especially after he knew that someone was going to treat him When the fiefdom is attacked, it is either worried or contemptuous, and there are only these two situations.

But now, what Zhu Xuanqi said gave them another understanding. He didn't blindly belittle the other party, even if the other party planned to harm him, he didn't do that. Yes, Zhu Xuanqi praised the other party. Of course, it was not the kind of unreasonable praise, but well-founded.

Indeed, as Zhu Xuanqi said, Zhang Yong and Wang Xin, in some respects, can be said to be extremely cowardly, just like Zhang Fan wanted to arrest them, but every time Every time I was afraid that they would hear the wind and disappear, causing Zhang Fan a lot of trouble.

But if Zhu Xuanqi's statement is replaced, it can also make sense, and it is not unreasonable at all, it is very correct. Those two people, it is said that they are timid as mice, it is better to say that they are very cautious. What they did Everything in my life is based on one thing, that is to prevent myself from being caught, and to be able to complete my plan.

If you think about it this way, everything will be fine, and if you think about it this way, there is another advantage, that is, it will not underestimate the enemy here. If you only consider the opponent's timidity, no matter what you say, there will always be more or less Or at least have a contemptuous attitude towards them.

But if you consider the cautiousness of the two people, it will be different, and your mind will naturally come up with an idea, that is, those two people are very difficult to deal with, and you need to work hard to deal with them them.

And for this kind of thing, no matter how cautious you are, it is not an exaggeration.

And after having this kind of thought, both Liu Xian and Zhang Fan had different thoughts in their hearts.

What Liu Xian thinks about this matter is not important, what is important is that Zhang Fan has a different idea.

The first is his attitude towards this matter. To be honest, Zhang Fan’s attitude towards this matter before was really contemptuous. Deep down, Zhang Fan didn't think there was anything wrong, and he still looked down on these two people.

But Zhu Xuanqi's words made Zhang Fan understand that the matter might not be like this. If he just blindly underestimated these two people, it might not be so smooth in the end, but this is not to blame. Zhang Fan, after all, Zhang Fan now has a lot of advantages. There are people he arranged beside those two people. On the side of the Five Poison Sect, Zhang Fan also asked them to provide him with information. Of course, these are not the only advantages. , Zhang Fan still has one more move, and now he has already walked out in secret.

All these conditions came together, and Zhang Fan couldn't help but look down on these people.

However, now that Zhang Fan thinks about it, he understands that no matter what, if he starts to despise it, it will inevitably lead to bad things in the end.

Zhu Xuanqi's words just reminded Zhang Fan that it is the most correct way to let him put aside this kind of thinking. It is the most urgent thing to be able to concentrate on this matter and solve this not too troublesome matter perfectly.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Xuanqi differently, and Zhang Fan even said to Zhu Xuanqi very solemnly: "Thank you, my lord, for your teaching."

"Master Zhang, what are you doing?" Zhu Xuanqi was a little overwhelmed by Zhang Fan. He didn't know why Zhang Fan suddenly wanted to do this.

And Zhang Fan didn't answer Zhu Xuanqi, just smiled, which made Zhu Xuanqi even more confused.

However, Zhu Xuanqi didn't understand that it was his business, but for Zhang Fan, he had another idea in his mind, which was about Zhu Xuanqi.

Originally, the purpose of Zhang Fan's coming here was to deal with Zhu Xuanqi, but today's incident changed Zhang Fan's mind a bit. Perhaps, this incident brought about a big change in the whole plan.

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