The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1124 Arriving on the same day

The news hasn't gotten out yet.Although it is said that people who live in Yongning.Already noticed something.But as ordinary people.They didn't see what it meant.In their eyes.That is discovery.Various tribes scattered around Yongning Mansion.It's just a matter of gathering the tribe's men and horses.But what exactly to do.I'm afraid they can't think of it either.No.Not so much unexpected.It would be better to say that they are ordinary people.I don't even think about it that way.

certainly.It's impossible to overturn a boat of people with one pole like this.There are naturally smart people.There are naturally not a few people who can see what will happen immediately.There are local government officials.There are also those people of insight among the people who have seen it.But this kind of thing.As long as the government did not speak.No matter what the people below say.No one will believe it.

And as a government official.Those old fritters who have been officials for so many years don't understand this truth.As long as someone among them tells the news.Whether it's a formal statement or not.There's bound to be chaos down here.Then they will be in trouble.

so.As soon as this matter comes out.The local government did not move at all.Many people even found various reasons.leave the local area.Speaking up.If it is normal.This method is useless.As long as these people move.The people will definitely mess up.But now it is different.After all, it's New Year's Eve.Even if these officials and lords suddenly left several.It won't make people feel strange.

But for Zhang Fan and the others.They are also now indifferent.Whether it is Zhu Xuanqi.Still Liu Xian.Or Zhang Fan.any of the three of them.Everyone has the right to publish this news to let the people below know.And let the local people go to take refuge as soon as possible.But none of them did either.The reason is very simple.They all understood very well.Once the news is revealed.The local people will inevitably become confused.under chaos.Fear of casualties.It's not much worse than what the army fought over at that time.

All three of them understood this in their hearts.So it was not done at all.

all in all.That's the way it is.Now even know what will happen then.But now nothing can be done.Speaking up.All of this is not all because of Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.If not to catch them.Or just kill them all.There is no need to be so troublesome.One can imagine.Whether it is Zhang Fan or Liu Xian.The hatred for those two people increased a little more.Now both of them have begun to figure out how to deal with them when they are caught.

And today Liu Xian will come here.Apart from coming over to remind Zhu Xuanqi.Let him not panic when the time comes.more important things.It was Liu Xian who wanted to discuss this matter with Zhang Fan again.Although said before.The two of them have already prepared the things to be prepared.And Liu Xian received the news yesterday.It will be arranged immediately.but.After all, this matter is of great importance.You can't be too prepared.

But speaking of it.The two discussed it.It's really the past.If you encounter such a thing.It's not just the imperial court that's worried.There will be many people discussing the solution together.but now.But there are only two of them.It really makes them feel very strange.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang." Liu Xian suddenly thought of something.Can't help asking Zhang Fan. "This matter. I don't know if Mr. Zhang has notified the court."

"Naturally." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "As soon as I received the news last night, I wrote the memorial immediately. I asked my subordinates to send it back to the capital overnight. However, this place is too far away from the capital. I am afraid that when the news is sent, the people in the court will still There is no negotiation. The war here is over."

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.Liu Xian also nodded.He's not one to play by the rules.Especially his fighting temper.I also understand that opportunities are fleeting.So once there is a chance.He will never let it go.he asked.Mainly to let you know.No matter how self-assertive this side is.The imperial court also had to make a notification.Otherwise, there will definitely be troubles later.

But what he said to Zhang Fan.It is also agreed.Although it is said that Sichuan is a bit too far from the capital.But if you send eight hundred miles to rush back overnight to deliver the letter.It really won't take long.Three or four days at most.You can rush to the capital.

but.This time thing.But it was decided.This time the battle.It is absolutely impossible to last for a long time.This is a quick battle.Probably a day at most.Troops will start to march over there.And wait.Liu Xian was about to rush over.Sit on the front line.certainly.News about Liu Xian's past.It is also kept secret.The purpose is to keep those two from knowing.

This time the battle.Quick fix.In Liu Xian's view.Even if the opponent dispatched as many as 2 horses.But isn't their purpose to completely defeat these 2 people?Conditions did not allow Liu Xian to do so.It's not because Liu Xianbing has few major generals.Anyway.Liu Xian's 5 people are not vegetarians.Plus he was already prepared.It is not difficult to wipe out these people.The main reason is that these 2 people cannot be killed.

There is no problem in killing one thousand, two thousand, or five thousand.But if more than [-] people were killed.The problem is big.If you kill them all.I'm afraid that time will come.It's even more chaotic here than it is now.

original.From the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present.This Southwest problem has always existed.There has been no solution.The problem is that so many tribes live here.It is really a mixed bag.It's hard to make sense of.For the imperial court.They not only have to deal with the problems between the Han Chinese and these tribes.Even these tribes themselves have many problems.Sometimes the intervention and mediation of the court is also required.

The matter of the Bo people is still easy to talk about.Even Liu Xian wiped out tens of thousands of Bo people.But the Bo people have been rampant here for so many years.Whether they are Han Chinese or other tribes.All hate them.all in all.Liu Xian destroyed the Bo people.Whether it is for the Han people or for other ethnic groups.All a good thing.

But these 2 people are different.Although they were provoked by Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.But after all, they are also ethnic minorities living here.And they're not all there.There are also some people of the same clan living in Sichuan and Yunnan.

Killing thousands is easy to explain.After all, they really rebelled.But if Liu Xian killed these 2 people.Not just the tribes with which they are related.Even people of other races.There will also be great hostility towards the imperial court.I'm afraid this is the land of the Southwest.It's going to be an eventful place from now Xian couldn't do that.

therefore.This time the battle.To put it bluntly, there is only one theme.Capture the thief first and capture the king first.Preferably before the armies start to fight.Just catch those two people.Or simply kill it.

about this point.Zhang Fan had already made preparations.He has already sent many people to Yongning.Together with the people he had placed beside those two people long ago.

But there is one thing.Liu Xian has always been unable to figure it out.From Liu Xian's point of view.Those two people were killed a day earlier.Get this thing over with one day earlier.But Zhang Fan's primary goal.But they captured those two people alive.

about this issue.Zhang Fan didn't say anything.Liu Xian didn't ask either.From Liu Xian's point of view.I'm afraid Zhang Fan is following the orders of someone above.That's why.But even so.Liu Xian was still very uncomfortable with this matter.After all, things have come to this stage.The people above don't care about the life and death of the common people.Still want to do something.Liu Xian couldn't understand this kind of practice.

But for Zhang Fan.How could he not understand this himself?only.Since he had already agreed to Fang Yueling.Things have to be done.It's not that he's afraid of the Five Poisons Sect.But he is afraid of trouble.If Fang Zhenqian could be rescued before.That is of course the best.Zhang Fan will immediately order to get rid of those two people.

But if you can't save Fang Zhenqian.Zhang Fan will still wait.

certainly.This does not mean that Zhang Fan will wait so stupidly.If it is said that it is very difficult to get out of Fang Zhenqian.And before that.Those two have already caused a lot of damage.Zhang Fan would also mercilessly kill those two people in advance.After all, compared to Fang Zhenqian.Or the tens of millions of people below are more important.

By the time.Even Fang Zhenqian lost his life because of this.Even if Fang Yueling wanted to trouble him because of this.He will also meet him face to face.

but.This is also the last resort.And now.The rescue of Fang Zhenqian has already begun.Zhang Fan followed the news.Someone was sent over.Check the places where the two people stayed in Yongning Mansion one by one.See if you can find Fang Zhenqian's whereabouts.

After discussing with Zhang Fan.Liu Xian was not procrastinating at all.Immediately set off secretly.Went to Yongning.

And Zhang Fan.But she was waiting for Fang Yueling's arrival.Although it was planned before.But this kind of trouble.Nobody wants it.If you can talk to Fang Yueling in advance.That is of course the best.

only.That afternoon.Zhang Fan met Fang Yueling.

This is really a strange thing.One must know that Zhang Fan asked Joanna to notify Xia Lingbo of this matter in the morning.Let her pass the news back to the Five Poison Sect.How could it be that day.Fang Yueling is here.

But when Zhang Fan heard the news.It only took a little while to understand.And laughed.all of these.Zhang Fan knew what was going on.and.This is also extremely beneficial to him.After all it means.I have buried chess pieces for many years.It has also started to work.

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