When Fang Yueling said this, Zhang Fan immediately knew what she was going to say. It was nothing more than the matter about Yu'er. The way of doing it really made Yu'er feel a little bit helpless.

It doesn't matter if it's someone else, and it's understandable to do so, but Yu'er is a woman after all, and it's really not appropriate to be so fussy about a woman, but even so, Zhang Fan is in front of Fang Yueling. , and she didn't feel wrong at all. With Yu'er's temperament, I'm afraid she would never tell Fang Yueling about this matter. She would never let Fang Yueling have a bad impression of herself. In other words, Even if Yu'er told Fang Yueling about the matter, so what, in the current situation, her Five Poison Sect is about to lose its protection, and she has come to rely on herself. Even if she wants to seek justice for Yu'er, it is absolutely impossible for her It's difficult at this time.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Fan is not afraid of anything now, but to put it bluntly, Zhang Fan is completely shameless, relying on his own hand to hold the bargaining chip, he doesn't take Fang Yueling seriously at all, but no matter what All in all, it is one thing, Zhang Fan has an absolute advantage over the current Fang Yueling.

"Although Yu'er was in charge of that matter alone, I was the one who sent her to see Mrs. Zhang, so I am responsible for this matter," Fang Yueling said, "Of course, Yu'er is also at fault for this matter. Well, when I asked her to come, I already told her that our Five Poison Sect asked you for help on this matter, so if Mr. Zhang has any request, as long as the Five Poison Sect can do it , we should do our best to help each other, but we didn't expect that after Yu'er came back, she would lie to me. When I said it, I was wondering why Mr. Zhang didn't ask for it at all, but in the end I still didn't ask. caused things to be like this,"

Fang Yueling's words sounded like an explanation, explaining that all this was just a misunderstanding and how this misunderstanding was caused, but to Zhang Fan, her words made him feel that something was wrong no matter how he heard it. There was always a feeling that although Fang Yueling was indeed apologizing, she was unknowingly belittling Zhang Fan, or Jin Yiwei as a whole, into a snobbish person with no disadvantages.

"Oh, Master Fang is serious." The uneasiness in his heart caused Zhang Fan to say such an ambiguous answer, "It's because I paid too much attention to this matter, which frightened Miss Yu'er." , It's really a sin, but please don't be offended by the leader Fang. After all, some time ago, the matter of the Shu Palace made me very anxious. When I was upset, I don't think there are so many things. My temper is indeed grumpy. A little bit, please forgive Master Fang, "

"Master Zhang doesn't need to say much, let's just let this matter go like this," Fang Yueling no longer wanted to discuss this issue any more, "This matter can be regarded as my Five Poison Sect owes Master Zhang a favor. Sir, if you need anything, just say a word, and I, the Five Poisons Sect, will do my best to help, but it’s not working now, this kind of desolate appearance, I don’t think Master Zhang will need much, "Although the words are so, but In Fang Yueling's words, there was no sense of self-pity.

"In this case, it would be best," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Even if those things are over, now, let's tell Master Fang about your father."

"My father," Fang Yueling showed a puzzled expression upon hearing what Zhang Fan said.

"Why, Master Fang doesn't know yet," Zhang Fan said, but looked at Liang Chao.

"My lord, I haven't heard from the leader of the other party," Liang Chao said, "I thought that Xia Lingbo had already spread the news, and the leader of Fang already knew about it."

"Master Zhang, what's the matter?" Fang Yueling didn't worry about anything else now. After all, the matter was related to her father, she didn't care about other things. "My father, what's the matter? Personally, because I brought people here, those two people..." The so-called concern is chaotic, because she is very worried about her father, and when she heard Zhang Fan's news about her father, she immediately went to a bad place thought about it.

"No, no, Master Fang, don't misunderstand, it's not like that," Zhang Fan didn't see Fang Yueling many times, but no matter what time, Fang Yueling showed a cold and tenacious look But now, Fang Yueling's flustered and weak appearance really made Zhang Fan a little flustered, and hurriedly said, "Your father is very well, and there is nothing wrong now. , I just got the news that I already know where he is, "

"Really?" Fang Yueling couldn't believe Zhang Fan's words. It wasn't that she was questioning Zhang Fan's words. Many efforts were made to rescue him, but after so many years, she had made no progress at all. Now, Zhang Fan told her so suddenly that her father had disappeared, which made Fang Yueling, not so much happy, for a while. It would be better to say that some are unacceptable.

"Don't get excited," Zhang Fan said, looking at her appearance, he naturally understood what she was thinking, "Although I know it, but now it's just a general direction. If you ask others I really don't know where it is, but I already know the general place."

"Where is it?" After Zhang Fan said this, Fang Yueling calmed down, but this calmness was only relatively speaking. For Fang Yueling now, she was still a lot more excited than usual.

"It should be at the Yongning Mansion." Zhang Fan didn't have any sloppy eyes this time, and he didn't hide anything. Since Fang Yueling wanted to know, he told him truthfully, "This is the news from my subordinates. At the beginning, those two people took Yongning Mansion as their territory, and after taking your father away, they put him there, but I don't know exactly where it is, Yongning Mansion is not small, and the surrounding It is also very big, and those two people often stay in different places. Now I only know that your father must be in the place where the two of them used to stay, but I don’t know where it is. Fortunately, the two people are now I also know the places I have been to, and I just need to send someone to check them one by one, and I will understand."

"Since Mr. Zhang already knows the general direction, why didn't he send someone to rescue him?" Fang Yueling asked, not because she blamed Zhang Fan so much, but because she cared too much about her father His safety was at stake, so he asked without thinking too much for a while.

"Master Fang, I know you are very worried about your father." Zhang Fan didn't mean to blame him. After all, he knew that Fang Yueling was a very sensible person. He didn't think too much about it, and explained, "This news came to me last night. It was almost midnight at that time, and there was really no way to inform the leader. The news that came at the same time, and the two News of individuals gathering troops and horses to prepare for rebellion.

"In this way, even if I have an agreement with Master Fang, I must first take into account the war. Otherwise, Master Fang feels that I will give up Yongning Mansion, and even tens of millions of people in Sichuan. Don't care about it, but just rescue your father? What's more, your father is temporarily safe now, and you are not unaware of the current situation in Yongning. If you rush to find someone here, if the news leaks , not only failed to save your father, but harmed him, "

If it were a different person, I am afraid that Zhang Fan would not talk to him like this and explain it so clearly, but Fang Yueling is different. Her rationality allows her to listen carefully to others at any time, and she can also think seriously. If it was someone else, I'm afraid he would have started talking to himself at this time, and he would not be able to listen to others' words at all.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Fan's words, Fang Yueling was not like other people who could not listen to others' words at all and only cared about her own affairs. Now Fang Yueling has completely calmed down.

What Zhang Fan said is not wrong at all, no matter what he is, he is still a member of the court, even if he has reached something with her, the most important thing for Zhang Fan is to think about the court, just as Zhang Fan said just now As I said, compared to the tens of millions of people in Yongning Mansion and Sichuan Province who are now on the brink of crisis, the life of her father Fang Zhengan alone is really nothing, and even because of this, Fang Zhenqian would lose his life. As far as Zhang Fan was concerned, it was absolutely impossible for him to save him just because of the agreement with Fang Yueling.

Although it was very realistic, although it made her feel uncomfortable, facts are facts, and even though Fang Yueling was very worried, after listening to Zhang Fan's words, even though the worries in her heart were still there, she didn't say anything else.

This time, on the contrary, Zhang Fan felt that something was wrong. If it was changed to the kind, knowing that his affairs could not be done and starting to make noises, to be honest, Zhang Fan would feel annoyed, but he would also give up and would not do it for it. It's an exception, but now that Fang Yueling is like this and doesn't speak, it makes Zhang Fan feel that something is wrong.

"How about this?" Zhang Fan regretted it, and he actually said, "Although I can't save your father now, I can secretly send people to sneak around the Yongning Mansion and investigate first to see where your father is locked up." If there is a chance, I will save people, how?"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang," Fang Yueling couldn't say anything else about Zhang Fan's plan, so she nodded in agreement.

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